Enum sbp::Sbp[][src]

pub enum Sbp {
Show 203 variants MsgPrintDep(MsgPrintDep), MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep(MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep), MsgTrackingStateDepB(MsgTrackingStateDepB), MsgAcqResultDepB(MsgAcqResultDepB), MsgAcqResultDepA(MsgAcqResultDepA), MsgTrackingStateDepA(MsgTrackingStateDepA), MsgThreadState(MsgThreadState), MsgUartStateDepa(MsgUartStateDepa), MsgIarState(MsgIarState), MsgEphemerisDepA(MsgEphemerisDepA), MsgMaskSatelliteDep(MsgMaskSatelliteDep), MsgTrackingIqDepA(MsgTrackingIqDepA), MsgUartState(MsgUartState), MsgAcqSvProfileDep(MsgAcqSvProfileDep), MsgAcqResultDepC(MsgAcqResultDepC), MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA(MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA), MsgResetFilters(MsgResetFilters), MsgInitBaseDep(MsgInitBaseDep), MsgMaskSatellite(MsgMaskSatellite), MsgTrackingIqDepB(MsgTrackingIqDepB), MsgTrackingIq(MsgTrackingIq), MsgAcqSvProfile(MsgAcqSvProfile), MsgAcqResult(MsgAcqResult), MsgTrackingState(MsgTrackingState), MsgObsDepB(MsgObsDepB), MsgBasePosLlh(MsgBasePosLlh), MsgObsDepA(MsgObsDepA), MsgEphemerisDepB(MsgEphemerisDepB), MsgEphemerisDepC(MsgEphemerisDepC), MsgBasePosEcef(MsgBasePosEcef), MsgObsDepC(MsgObsDepC), MsgObs(MsgObs), MsgSpecanDep(MsgSpecanDep), MsgSpecan(MsgSpecan), MsgMeasurementState(MsgMeasurementState), MsgSetTime(MsgSetTime), MsgAlmanac(MsgAlmanac), MsgAlmanacGpsDep(MsgAlmanacGpsDep), MsgAlmanacGloDep(MsgAlmanacGloDep), MsgAlmanacGps(MsgAlmanacGps), MsgAlmanacGlo(MsgAlmanacGlo), MsgGloBiases(MsgGloBiases), MsgEphemerisDepD(MsgEphemerisDepD), MsgEphemerisGpsDepE(MsgEphemerisGpsDepE), MsgEphemerisSbasDepA(MsgEphemerisSbasDepA), MsgEphemerisGloDepA(MsgEphemerisGloDepA), MsgEphemerisSbasDepB(MsgEphemerisSbasDepB), MsgEphemerisGloDepB(MsgEphemerisGloDepB), MsgEphemerisGpsDepF(MsgEphemerisGpsDepF), MsgEphemerisGloDepC(MsgEphemerisGloDepC), MsgEphemerisGloDepD(MsgEphemerisGloDepD), MsgEphemerisBds(MsgEphemerisBds), MsgEphemerisGps(MsgEphemerisGps), MsgEphemerisGlo(MsgEphemerisGlo), MsgEphemerisSbas(MsgEphemerisSbas), MsgEphemerisGal(MsgEphemerisGal), MsgEphemerisQzss(MsgEphemerisQzss), MsgIono(MsgIono), MsgSvConfigurationGpsDep(MsgSvConfigurationGpsDep), MsgGroupDelayDepA(MsgGroupDelayDepA), MsgGroupDelayDepB(MsgGroupDelayDepB), MsgGroupDelay(MsgGroupDelay), MsgEphemerisGalDepA(MsgEphemerisGalDepA), MsgGnssCapb(MsgGnssCapb), MsgSvAzEl(MsgSvAzEl), MsgSettingsWrite(MsgSettingsWrite), MsgSettingsSave(MsgSettingsSave), MsgSettingsReadByIndexReq(MsgSettingsReadByIndexReq), MsgFileioReadResp(MsgFileioReadResp), MsgSettingsReadReq(MsgSettingsReadReq), MsgSettingsReadResp(MsgSettingsReadResp), MsgSettingsReadByIndexDone(MsgSettingsReadByIndexDone), MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp(MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp), MsgFileioReadReq(MsgFileioReadReq), MsgFileioReadDirReq(MsgFileioReadDirReq), MsgFileioReadDirResp(MsgFileioReadDirResp), MsgFileioWriteResp(MsgFileioWriteResp), MsgFileioRemove(MsgFileioRemove), MsgFileioWriteReq(MsgFileioWriteReq), MsgSettingsRegister(MsgSettingsRegister), MsgSettingsWriteResp(MsgSettingsWriteResp), MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA(MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA), MsgBootloaderJumpToApp(MsgBootloaderJumpToApp), MsgResetDep(MsgResetDep), MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq(MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq), MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp(MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp), MsgDeviceMonitor(MsgDeviceMonitor), MsgReset(MsgReset), MsgCommandReq(MsgCommandReq), MsgCommandResp(MsgCommandResp), MsgNetworkStateReq(MsgNetworkStateReq), MsgNetworkStateResp(MsgNetworkStateResp), MsgCommandOutput(MsgCommandOutput), MsgNetworkBandwidthUsage(MsgNetworkBandwidthUsage), MsgCellModemStatus(MsgCellModemStatus), MsgFrontEndGain(MsgFrontEndGain), MsgCwResults(MsgCwResults), MsgCwStart(MsgCwStart), MsgNapDeviceDnaResp(MsgNapDeviceDnaResp), MsgNapDeviceDnaReq(MsgNapDeviceDnaReq), MsgFlashDone(MsgFlashDone), MsgFlashReadResp(MsgFlashReadResp), MsgFlashErase(MsgFlashErase), MsgStmFlashLockSector(MsgStmFlashLockSector), MsgStmFlashUnlockSector(MsgStmFlashUnlockSector), MsgStmUniqueIdResp(MsgStmUniqueIdResp), MsgFlashProgram(MsgFlashProgram), MsgFlashReadReq(MsgFlashReadReq), MsgStmUniqueIdReq(MsgStmUniqueIdReq), MsgM25FlashWriteStatus(MsgM25FlashWriteStatus), MsgGpsTimeDepA(MsgGpsTimeDepA), MsgExtEvent(MsgExtEvent), MsgGpsTime(MsgGpsTime), MsgUtcTime(MsgUtcTime), MsgGpsTimeGnss(MsgGpsTimeGnss), MsgUtcTimeGnss(MsgUtcTimeGnss), MsgSettingsRegisterResp(MsgSettingsRegisterResp), MsgPosEcefDepA(MsgPosEcefDepA), MsgPosLlhDepA(MsgPosLlhDepA), MsgBaselineEcefDepA(MsgBaselineEcefDepA), MsgBaselineNedDepA(MsgBaselineNedDepA), MsgVelEcefDepA(MsgVelEcefDepA), MsgVelNedDepA(MsgVelNedDepA), MsgDopsDepA(MsgDopsDepA), MsgBaselineHeadingDepA(MsgBaselineHeadingDepA), MsgDops(MsgDops), MsgPosEcef(MsgPosEcef), MsgPosLlh(MsgPosLlh), MsgBaselineEcef(MsgBaselineEcef), MsgBaselineNed(MsgBaselineNed), MsgVelEcef(MsgVelEcef), MsgVelNed(MsgVelNed), MsgBaselineHeading(MsgBaselineHeading), MsgAgeCorrections(MsgAgeCorrections), MsgPosLlhCov(MsgPosLlhCov), MsgVelNedCov(MsgVelNedCov), MsgVelBody(MsgVelBody), MsgPosEcefCov(MsgPosEcefCov), MsgVelEcefCov(MsgVelEcefCov), MsgProtectionLevelDepA(MsgProtectionLevelDepA), MsgProtectionLevel(MsgProtectionLevel), MsgPosLlhAcc(MsgPosLlhAcc), MsgOrientQuat(MsgOrientQuat), MsgOrientEuler(MsgOrientEuler), MsgAngularRate(MsgAngularRate), MsgPosEcefGnss(MsgPosEcefGnss), MsgPosLlhGnss(MsgPosLlhGnss), MsgVelEcefGnss(MsgVelEcefGnss), MsgVelNedGnss(MsgVelNedGnss), MsgPosLlhCovGnss(MsgPosLlhCovGnss), MsgVelNedCovGnss(MsgVelNedCovGnss), MsgPosEcefCovGnss(MsgPosEcefCovGnss), MsgVelEcefCovGnss(MsgVelEcefCovGnss), MsgNdbEvent(MsgNdbEvent), MsgLog(MsgLog), MsgFwd(MsgFwd), MsgSsrOrbitClockDepA(MsgSsrOrbitClockDepA), MsgSsrOrbitClock(MsgSsrOrbitClock), MsgSsrCodeBiases(MsgSsrCodeBiases), MsgSsrPhaseBiases(MsgSsrPhaseBiases), MsgSsrStecCorrectionDepA(MsgSsrStecCorrectionDepA), MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionNoStdDepA(MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionNoStdDepA), MsgSsrGridDefinitionDepA(MsgSsrGridDefinitionDepA), MsgSsrTileDefinition(MsgSsrTileDefinition), MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionDepA(MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionDepA), MsgSsrStecCorrection(MsgSsrStecCorrection), MsgSsrGriddedCorrection(MsgSsrGriddedCorrection), MsgSsrSatelliteApc(MsgSsrSatelliteApc), MsgOsr(MsgOsr), MsgUserData(MsgUserData), MsgImuRaw(MsgImuRaw), MsgImuAux(MsgImuAux), MsgMagRaw(MsgMagRaw), MsgOdometry(MsgOdometry), MsgWheeltick(MsgWheeltick), MsgFileioConfigReq(MsgFileioConfigReq), MsgFileioConfigResp(MsgFileioConfigResp), MsgSbasRaw(MsgSbasRaw), MsgLinuxCpuStateDepA(MsgLinuxCpuStateDepA), MsgLinuxMemStateDepA(MsgLinuxMemStateDepA), MsgLinuxSysStateDepA(MsgLinuxSysStateDepA), MsgLinuxProcessSocketCounts(MsgLinuxProcessSocketCounts), MsgLinuxProcessSocketQueues(MsgLinuxProcessSocketQueues), MsgLinuxSocketUsage(MsgLinuxSocketUsage), MsgLinuxProcessFdCount(MsgLinuxProcessFdCount), MsgLinuxProcessFdSummary(MsgLinuxProcessFdSummary), MsgLinuxCpuState(MsgLinuxCpuState), MsgLinuxMemState(MsgLinuxMemState), MsgLinuxSysState(MsgLinuxSysState), MsgStartup(MsgStartup), MsgDgnssStatus(MsgDgnssStatus), MsgInsStatus(MsgInsStatus), MsgCsacTelemetry(MsgCsacTelemetry), MsgCsacTelemetryLabels(MsgCsacTelemetryLabels), MsgInsUpdates(MsgInsUpdates), MsgGnssTimeOffset(MsgGnssTimeOffset), MsgPpsTime(MsgPpsTime), MsgGroupMeta(MsgGroupMeta), MsgSolnMeta(MsgSolnMeta), MsgSolnMetaDepA(MsgSolnMetaDepA), MsgStatusReport(MsgStatusReport), MsgHeartbeat(MsgHeartbeat), Unknown(Unknown),
Expand description

Represents any SBP message.

Variants (Non-exhaustive)

This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.


Tuple Fields of MsgPrintDep

0: MsgPrintDep


Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep

0: MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep


Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingStateDepB

0: MsgTrackingStateDepB


Tuple Fields of MsgAcqResultDepB

0: MsgAcqResultDepB


Tuple Fields of MsgAcqResultDepA

0: MsgAcqResultDepA


Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingStateDepA

0: MsgTrackingStateDepA

State of an RTOS thread

Tuple Fields of MsgThreadState

0: MsgThreadState


Tuple Fields of MsgUartStateDepa

0: MsgUartStateDepa

State of the Integer Ambiguity Resolution (IAR) process

Tuple Fields of MsgIarState

0: MsgIarState


Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisDepA

0: MsgEphemerisDepA


Tuple Fields of MsgMaskSatelliteDep

0: MsgMaskSatelliteDep


Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingIqDepA

0: MsgTrackingIqDepA

State of the UART channels

Tuple Fields of MsgUartState

0: MsgUartState


Tuple Fields of MsgAcqSvProfileDep

0: MsgAcqSvProfileDep


Tuple Fields of MsgAcqResultDepC

0: MsgAcqResultDepC

Detailed signal tracking channel states. DEPRECATED

Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA

0: MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA

Reset IAR filters (host => Piksi)

Tuple Fields of MsgResetFilters

0: MsgResetFilters


Tuple Fields of MsgInitBaseDep

0: MsgInitBaseDep

Mask a satellite from use in Piksi subsystems

Tuple Fields of MsgMaskSatellite

0: MsgMaskSatellite

Tracking channel correlations

Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingIqDepB

0: MsgTrackingIqDepB

Tracking channel correlations

Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingIq

0: MsgTrackingIq

Acquisition perfomance measurement and debug

Tuple Fields of MsgAcqSvProfile

0: MsgAcqSvProfile

Satellite acquisition result

Tuple Fields of MsgAcqResult

0: MsgAcqResult

Signal tracking channel states

Tuple Fields of MsgTrackingState

0: MsgTrackingState


Tuple Fields of MsgObsDepB

0: MsgObsDepB

Base station position

Tuple Fields of MsgBasePosLlh

0: MsgBasePosLlh


Tuple Fields of MsgObsDepA

0: MsgObsDepA


Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisDepB

0: MsgEphemerisDepB

Satellite broadcast ephemeris

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisDepC

0: MsgEphemerisDepC

Base station position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgBasePosEcef

0: MsgBasePosEcef


Tuple Fields of MsgObsDepC

0: MsgObsDepC

GPS satellite observations

Tuple Fields of MsgObs

0: MsgObs


Tuple Fields of MsgSpecanDep

0: MsgSpecanDep

Spectrum analyzer

Tuple Fields of MsgSpecan

0: MsgSpecan

Measurement Engine signal tracking channel states

Tuple Fields of MsgMeasurementState

0: MsgMeasurementState

Send GPS time from host (host => Piksi)

Tuple Fields of MsgSetTime

0: MsgSetTime

Legacy message to load satellite almanac (host => Piksi)

Tuple Fields of MsgAlmanac

0: MsgAlmanac

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS

Tuple Fields of MsgAlmanacGpsDep

0: MsgAlmanacGpsDep

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO

Tuple Fields of MsgAlmanacGloDep

0: MsgAlmanacGloDep

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS

Tuple Fields of MsgAlmanacGps

0: MsgAlmanacGps

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO

Tuple Fields of MsgAlmanacGlo

0: MsgAlmanacGlo

GLONASS L1/L2 Code-Phase biases

Tuple Fields of MsgGloBiases

0: MsgGloBiases

Satellite broadcast ephemeris

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisDepD

0: MsgEphemerisDepD

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGpsDepE

0: MsgEphemerisGpsDepE

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for SBAS

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisSbasDepA

0: MsgEphemerisSbasDepA

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGloDepA

0: MsgEphemerisGloDepA


Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisSbasDepB

0: MsgEphemerisSbasDepB

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGloDepB

0: MsgEphemerisGloDepB


Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGpsDepF

0: MsgEphemerisGpsDepF

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGloDepC

0: MsgEphemerisGloDepC


Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGloDepD

0: MsgEphemerisGloDepD

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for BDS

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisBds

0: MsgEphemerisBds

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGps

0: MsgEphemerisGps

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGlo

0: MsgEphemerisGlo

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for SBAS

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisSbas

0: MsgEphemerisSbas

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for Galileo

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGal

0: MsgEphemerisGal

Satellite broadcast ephemeris for QZSS

Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisQzss

0: MsgEphemerisQzss

Iono corrections

Tuple Fields of MsgIono

0: MsgIono

L2C capability mask

Tuple Fields of MsgSvConfigurationGpsDep

0: MsgSvConfigurationGpsDep

Group Delay

Tuple Fields of MsgGroupDelayDepA

0: MsgGroupDelayDepA

Group Delay

Tuple Fields of MsgGroupDelayDepB

0: MsgGroupDelayDepB

Group Delay

Tuple Fields of MsgGroupDelay

0: MsgGroupDelay


Tuple Fields of MsgEphemerisGalDepA

0: MsgEphemerisGalDepA

GNSS capabilities

Tuple Fields of MsgGnssCapb

0: MsgGnssCapb

Satellite azimuths and elevations

Tuple Fields of MsgSvAzEl

0: MsgSvAzEl

Write device configuration settings (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsWrite

0: MsgSettingsWrite

Save settings to flash (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsSave

0: MsgSettingsSave

Read setting by direct index (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsReadByIndexReq

0: MsgSettingsReadByIndexReq

File read from the file system (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioReadResp

0: MsgFileioReadResp

Read device configuration settings (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsReadReq

0: MsgSettingsReadReq

Read device configuration settings (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsReadResp

0: MsgSettingsReadResp

Finished reading settings (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsReadByIndexDone

0: MsgSettingsReadByIndexDone

Read setting by direct index (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp

0: MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp

Read file from the file system (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioReadReq

0: MsgFileioReadReq

List files in a directory (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioReadDirReq

0: MsgFileioReadDirReq

Files listed in a directory (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioReadDirResp

0: MsgFileioReadDirResp

File written to (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioWriteResp

0: MsgFileioWriteResp

Delete a file from the file system (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioRemove

0: MsgFileioRemove

Write to file (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioWriteReq

0: MsgFileioWriteReq

Register setting and default value (device => host)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsRegister

0: MsgSettingsRegister

Acknowledgement with status of MSG_SETTINGS_WRITE

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsWriteResp

0: MsgSettingsWriteResp


Tuple Fields of MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA

0: MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA

Bootloader jump to application (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgBootloaderJumpToApp

0: MsgBootloaderJumpToApp

Reset the device (host => Piksi)

Tuple Fields of MsgResetDep

0: MsgResetDep

Bootloading handshake request (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq

0: MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq

Bootloading handshake response (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp

0: MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp

Device temperature and voltage levels

Tuple Fields of MsgDeviceMonitor

0: MsgDeviceMonitor

Reset the device (host => Piksi)

Tuple Fields of MsgReset

0: MsgReset

Execute a command (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgCommandReq

0: MsgCommandReq

Exit code from executed command (device => host)

Tuple Fields of MsgCommandResp

0: MsgCommandResp

Request state of Piksi network interfaces

Tuple Fields of MsgNetworkStateReq

0: MsgNetworkStateReq

State of network interface

Tuple Fields of MsgNetworkStateResp

0: MsgNetworkStateResp

Command output

Tuple Fields of MsgCommandOutput

0: MsgCommandOutput

Bandwidth usage reporting message

Tuple Fields of MsgNetworkBandwidthUsage

0: MsgNetworkBandwidthUsage

Cell modem information update message

Tuple Fields of MsgCellModemStatus

0: MsgCellModemStatus

RF AGC status

Tuple Fields of MsgFrontEndGain

0: MsgFrontEndGain

Legacy message for CW interference channel (Piksi => host)

Tuple Fields of MsgCwResults

0: MsgCwResults

Legacy message for CW interference channel (host => Piksi)

Tuple Fields of MsgCwStart

0: MsgCwStart

Read FPGA device ID over UART response (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgNapDeviceDnaResp

0: MsgNapDeviceDnaResp

Read FPGA device ID over UART request (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgNapDeviceDnaReq

0: MsgNapDeviceDnaReq

Flash response message (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFlashDone

0: MsgFlashDone

Read STM or M25 flash address response (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFlashReadResp

0: MsgFlashReadResp

Erase sector of device flash memory (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFlashErase

0: MsgFlashErase

Lock sector of STM flash memory (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgStmFlashLockSector

0: MsgStmFlashLockSector

Unlock sector of STM flash memory (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgStmFlashUnlockSector

0: MsgStmFlashUnlockSector

Read device’s hard-coded unique ID response (host <= device)

Tuple Fields of MsgStmUniqueIdResp

0: MsgStmUniqueIdResp

Program flash addresses

Tuple Fields of MsgFlashProgram

0: MsgFlashProgram

Read STM or M25 flash address request (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgFlashReadReq

0: MsgFlashReadReq

Read device’s hard-coded unique ID request (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgStmUniqueIdReq

0: MsgStmUniqueIdReq

Write M25 flash status register (host => device)

Tuple Fields of MsgM25FlashWriteStatus

0: MsgM25FlashWriteStatus

GPS Time (v1.0)

Tuple Fields of MsgGpsTimeDepA

0: MsgGpsTimeDepA

Reports timestamped external pin event

Tuple Fields of MsgExtEvent

0: MsgExtEvent

GPS Time

Tuple Fields of MsgGpsTime

0: MsgGpsTime

UTC Time

Tuple Fields of MsgUtcTime

0: MsgUtcTime

GPS Time

Tuple Fields of MsgGpsTimeGnss

0: MsgGpsTimeGnss

UTC Time

Tuple Fields of MsgUtcTimeGnss

0: MsgUtcTimeGnss

Register setting and default value (device <= host)

Tuple Fields of MsgSettingsRegisterResp

0: MsgSettingsRegisterResp

Single-point position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgPosEcefDepA

0: MsgPosEcefDepA

Geodetic Position

Tuple Fields of MsgPosLlhDepA

0: MsgPosLlhDepA

Baseline Position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgBaselineEcefDepA

0: MsgBaselineEcefDepA

Baseline in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgBaselineNedDepA

0: MsgBaselineNedDepA

Velocity in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgVelEcefDepA

0: MsgVelEcefDepA

Velocity in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgVelNedDepA

0: MsgVelNedDepA

Dilution of Precision

Tuple Fields of MsgDopsDepA

0: MsgDopsDepA

Heading relative to True North

Tuple Fields of MsgBaselineHeadingDepA

0: MsgBaselineHeadingDepA

Dilution of Precision

Tuple Fields of MsgDops

0: MsgDops

Single-point position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgPosEcef

0: MsgPosEcef

Geodetic Position

Tuple Fields of MsgPosLlh

0: MsgPosLlh

Baseline Position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgBaselineEcef

0: MsgBaselineEcef

Baseline in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgBaselineNed

0: MsgBaselineNed

Velocity in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgVelEcef

0: MsgVelEcef

Velocity in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgVelNed

0: MsgVelNed

Heading relative to True North

Tuple Fields of MsgBaselineHeading

0: MsgBaselineHeading

Age of corrections

Tuple Fields of MsgAgeCorrections

0: MsgAgeCorrections

Geodetic Position

Tuple Fields of MsgPosLlhCov

0: MsgPosLlhCov

Velocity in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgVelNedCov

0: MsgVelNedCov

Velocity in User Frame

Tuple Fields of MsgVelBody

0: MsgVelBody

Single-point position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgPosEcefCov

0: MsgPosEcefCov

Velocity in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgVelEcefCov

0: MsgVelEcefCov

Computed Position and Protection Level

Tuple Fields of MsgProtectionLevelDepA

0: MsgProtectionLevelDepA

Computed state and Protection Levels

Tuple Fields of MsgProtectionLevel

0: MsgProtectionLevel

Geodetic Position and Accuracy

Tuple Fields of MsgPosLlhAcc

0: MsgPosLlhAcc

Quaternion 4 component vector

Tuple Fields of MsgOrientQuat

0: MsgOrientQuat

Euler angles

Tuple Fields of MsgOrientEuler

0: MsgOrientEuler

Vehicle Body Frame instantaneous angular rates

Tuple Fields of MsgAngularRate

0: MsgAngularRate

GNSS-only Position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgPosEcefGnss

0: MsgPosEcefGnss

GNSS-only Geodetic Position

Tuple Fields of MsgPosLlhGnss

0: MsgPosLlhGnss

GNSS-only Velocity in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgVelEcefGnss

0: MsgVelEcefGnss

GNSS-only Velocity in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgVelNedGnss

0: MsgVelNedGnss

GNSS-only Geodetic Position

Tuple Fields of MsgPosLlhCovGnss

0: MsgPosLlhCovGnss

GNSS-only Velocity in NED

Tuple Fields of MsgVelNedCovGnss

0: MsgVelNedCovGnss

GNSS-only Position in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgPosEcefCovGnss

0: MsgPosEcefCovGnss

GNSS-only Velocity in ECEF

Tuple Fields of MsgVelEcefCovGnss

0: MsgVelEcefCovGnss

Navigation DataBase Event

Tuple Fields of MsgNdbEvent

0: MsgNdbEvent

Plaintext logging messages with levels

Tuple Fields of MsgLog

0: MsgLog

Wrapper for FWD a separate stream of information over SBP

Tuple Fields of MsgFwd

0: MsgFwd


Tuple Fields of MsgSsrOrbitClockDepA

0: MsgSsrOrbitClockDepA

Precise orbit and clock correction

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrOrbitClock

0: MsgSsrOrbitClock

Precise code biases correction

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrCodeBiases

0: MsgSsrCodeBiases

Precise phase biases correction

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrPhaseBiases

0: MsgSsrPhaseBiases


Tuple Fields of MsgSsrStecCorrectionDepA

0: MsgSsrStecCorrectionDepA


Tuple Fields of MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionNoStdDepA

0: MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionNoStdDepA


Tuple Fields of MsgSsrGridDefinitionDepA

0: MsgSsrGridDefinitionDepA

Definition of a SSR atmospheric correction tile.

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrTileDefinition

0: MsgSsrTileDefinition


Tuple Fields of MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionDepA

0: MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionDepA

STEC correction polynomial coefficients

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrStecCorrection

0: MsgSsrStecCorrection

Gridded troposphere and STEC correction residuals

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrGriddedCorrection

0: MsgSsrGriddedCorrection

Satellite antenna phase center corrections

Tuple Fields of MsgSsrSatelliteApc

0: MsgSsrSatelliteApc

OSR corrections

Tuple Fields of MsgOsr

0: MsgOsr

User data

Tuple Fields of MsgUserData

0: MsgUserData

Raw IMU data

Tuple Fields of MsgImuRaw

0: MsgImuRaw

Auxiliary IMU data

Tuple Fields of MsgImuAux

0: MsgImuAux

Raw magnetometer data

Tuple Fields of MsgMagRaw

0: MsgMagRaw

Vehicle forward (x-axis) velocity

Tuple Fields of MsgOdometry

0: MsgOdometry

Accumulated wheeltick count message

Tuple Fields of MsgWheeltick

0: MsgWheeltick

Request advice on the optimal configuration for FileIO

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioConfigReq

0: MsgFileioConfigReq

Response with advice on the optimal configuration for FileIO.

Tuple Fields of MsgFileioConfigResp

0: MsgFileioConfigResp

Raw SBAS data

Tuple Fields of MsgSbasRaw

0: MsgSbasRaw

List CPU state on the system. DEPRECATED

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxCpuStateDepA

0: MsgLinuxCpuStateDepA

List memory state on the system. DEPRECATED

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxMemStateDepA

0: MsgLinuxMemStateDepA

CPU, Memory and Process Starts/Stops. DEPRECATED

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxSysStateDepA

0: MsgLinuxSysStateDepA

A list of processes with high socket counts

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxProcessSocketCounts

0: MsgLinuxProcessSocketCounts

A list of processes with deep socket queues

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxProcessSocketQueues

0: MsgLinuxProcessSocketQueues

Summary of socket usage across the system

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxSocketUsage

0: MsgLinuxSocketUsage

Summary of processes with large amounts of open file descriptors

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxProcessFdCount

0: MsgLinuxProcessFdCount

Summary of open file descriptors on the system

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxProcessFdSummary

0: MsgLinuxProcessFdSummary

List CPU state on the system

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxCpuState

0: MsgLinuxCpuState

List memory state on the system

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxMemState

0: MsgLinuxMemState

CPU, Memory and Process Starts/Stops

Tuple Fields of MsgLinuxSysState

0: MsgLinuxSysState

System start-up message

Tuple Fields of MsgStartup

0: MsgStartup

Status of received corrections

Tuple Fields of MsgDgnssStatus

0: MsgDgnssStatus

Inertial Navigation System status message

Tuple Fields of MsgInsStatus

0: MsgInsStatus

Experimental telemetry message

Tuple Fields of MsgCsacTelemetry

0: MsgCsacTelemetry

Experimental telemetry message labels

Tuple Fields of MsgCsacTelemetryLabels

0: MsgCsacTelemetryLabels

Inertial Navigation System update status message

Tuple Fields of MsgInsUpdates

0: MsgInsUpdates

Offset of the local time with respect to GNSS time

Tuple Fields of MsgGnssTimeOffset

0: MsgGnssTimeOffset

Local time at detection of PPS pulse

Tuple Fields of MsgPpsTime

0: MsgPpsTime

Solution Group Metadata

Tuple Fields of MsgGroupMeta

0: MsgGroupMeta

Solution Sensors Metadata

Tuple Fields of MsgSolnMeta

0: MsgSolnMeta


Tuple Fields of MsgSolnMetaDepA

0: MsgSolnMetaDepA

Status report message

Tuple Fields of MsgStatusReport

0: MsgStatusReport

System heartbeat message

Tuple Fields of MsgHeartbeat

0: MsgHeartbeat

Unknown message type

Tuple Fields of Unknown

0: Unknown

Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Performs the conversion.

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Get the message type.

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Set the sender id.

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Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

recently added

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.