[][src]Trait rweb::openapi::Entity

pub trait Entity {
    fn describe() -> Schema;

    fn describe_components() -> Components { ... }

This can be derived by #[derive(Schema)].


It implements Entity for the struct or enum. Note that it's recommended to use derive(Schema) even when you are not using openapi, as it is noop when cargo feature openapi is disabled.

Overriding description

use rweb::*;

/// private documentation, for example
#[derive(Debug, Default, Schema)]
#[schema(description = "This is output!!")]
pub struct Output {
    /// By default, doc comments become description
    data: String,
    /// Another private info like implementation detail.
    #[schema(description = "field")]
    field_example: String,


use rweb::*;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

// This item is stored at #/components/schema/Item
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
#[schema(component = "Item")]
struct ComponentTestReq {
    data: String,

Example value

#[schema(example = $path)] is supported. If $path is a literal, it's automatically converted into json value. Otherwise, you should provide an expression to get example value.

use rweb::*;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

// This item is stored at #/components/schema/Item
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
struct ExampleTest {
    #[schema(example = "10")]
    data: usize,
    #[schema(example = "\"Example for string values must be escaped like this\"")]
    s: String,
    #[schema(example = "complex_example()")]
    complex: String,

fn complex_example() -> serde_json::Value {
    serde_json::Value::String(String::from("this is example!"))

Required methods

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Provided methods

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Entity for ()[src]

fn describe() -> Schema[src]

Returns empty schema

impl Entity for u8[src]

impl Entity for u16[src]

impl Entity for u32[src]

impl Entity for u64[src]

impl Entity for u128[src]

impl Entity for usize[src]

impl Entity for i8[src]

impl Entity for i16[src]

impl Entity for i32[src]

impl Entity for i64[src]

impl Entity for i128[src]

impl Entity for isize[src]

impl Entity for f32[src]

impl Entity for f64[src]

impl Entity for bool[src]

impl Entity for char[src]

impl Entity for str[src]

impl<T: ?Sized> Entity for Box<T> where
    T: Entity

impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Entity for &'a T where
    T: Entity

impl<T: Entity> Entity for Vec<T>[src]

impl<T: Entity> Entity for [T][src]

impl<T> Entity for Option<T> where
    T: Entity

impl Entity for String[src]

impl<T, E> Entity for Result<T, E> where
    T: Entity,
    E: Entity

impl<V> Entity for BTreeSet<V> where
    V: Entity

impl<V, S> Entity for HashSet<V, S> where
    V: Entity

impl<V> Entity for LinkedList<V> where
    V: Entity

impl<V> Entity for VecDeque<V> where
    V: Entity

impl Entity for Infallible[src]

impl Entity for Value[src]

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impl Entity for Error[src]

impl Entity for Rejection[src]

impl Entity for dyn Reply[src]

impl<T> Entity for Form<T> where
    T: Entity

impl<T> Entity for Json<T> where
    T: Entity

impl<T> Entity for Query<T> where
    T: Entity

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