
pub use include::pins::*;
pub use gpio::*;
pub use gpio::GpioBias::*;
pub use gpio::GpioSpeed::*;
pub use analog::adc_resolution;
pub use analog::analog_read;
pub use time::pwm_write;
pub use time::delay;
pub use time::start_time;
pub use time::millis;


Contains everything that is related to the analog IO functionality.

This module contains everything that is related to the digital IO functionality.

This module contains everything that is used for I2C communication.

Contains all pinmaps for pinmode and init functions and error enums.

This module contains everything that is related to timer based functions.

This module contains everything that is used for UART communication.


Prints to the print RTT channel. Works just like the standard print.

Prints to the print RTT channel, with a newline. Works just like the standard println.

Initializes RTT with a single up channel and sets it as the print channel for the printing macros.


Nested Vector Interrupt Controller

All the peripherals

A fixed capacity String

A fixed capacity Vec


Enumeration of all the interrupts.

Enumeration of all the interrupts.

Attribute Macros