[][src]Type Definition rustenginelib::square::Square

type Square = usize;

Square type represents a square of a chess board as an unsigned int

Trait Implementations

impl SquareTrait for Square[src]

SquareTrait adds methods to a Square

fn from_uci(uci: String) -> (Square, bool)[src]

creates Square from uci

fn rank(self) -> Rank[src]

returns the rank of the square

fn file(self) -> File[src]

returns the file of the square

fn uci(self) -> String[src]

returns the UCI representation of the square

fn bitboard(self) -> Bitboard[src]

returns an otherwise empty bitboard with the bit for this square set

fn add_delta(self, delta: &Delta) -> (Square, bool)[src]

adds a delta to a square and returns the resulting square together with a bool indicating whether adding was a success

fn add_delta_occup(self, delta: &Delta, occup: Bitboard) -> (Square, bool)[src]

same as add_delta, but also fails if the resulting square is occupied