Crate rustdb[][src]

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ToDo List:

Test cookies.

Make sys.Function a system table. Index sys.Schema.

Implement DROP INDEX, ALTER TABLE, fully implement CREATE INDEX.

Sort out error handling for PARSEINT etc.

Work on improving/testing SQL code, browse schema, float I/O.


builtin exposes an interface that allows extra SQL builtin functions to be defined.

max exposes a maximal interface, including internal details.

Database with SQL-like language. Example program:

use rustdb::{pstore::SharedPagedData, stg::SimpleFileStorage, web::WebQuery, Database, init::INITSQL};
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::sync::Arc;
   let sfs = Box::new(SimpleFileStorage::new(
   let spd = Arc::new(SharedPagedData::new(sfs));
   let wstg = spd.open_write();
   let db = Database::new(wstg, INITSQL);
   let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
   for tcps in listener.incoming() {
       let mut tcps = tcps.unwrap();
       let mut wq = WebQuery::new(&tcps); // Reads the http request from the TCP stream into wq.
       let sql = "EXEC web.Main()";
       db.run_timed(&sql, &mut wq); // Executes SQL, http response, SQL output, (status,headers,content) is accumulated in wq.
       wq.write(&mut tcps); // Write the http response to the TCP stream.; // Saves database changes to disk.

General Design of Database

SortedFile stores fixed size Records in a tree of Pages. SortedFile is used to implement:

(1) Variable length values ( which are split into fragments - see bytes module - although up to 15 bytes can be stored directly. ).

(2) Database Table storage. Each record has a 64-bit Id.

(3) Index storage ( an index record refers back to the main table ).

Pages have a maximum size, and are stored in CompactFile, which stores logical pages in smaller regions of backing storage.

When a page becomes too big, it is split into two pages.

Each page is implemented as a binary tree ( so there is a tree of trees ).


General Query.

Initial SQL

Page storage.

Backing storage for database.

WebQuery struct with http support.


Database with SQL-like interface.


Input/Output message. Query and response.

Type Definitions

