Trait rustc_data_structures::sync::ParallelIterator1.0.0[][src]

pub trait ParallelIterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { ... }
fn count(self) -> usize { ... }
fn last(self) -> Option<Self::Item> { ... }
fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> { ... }
fn step_by(self, step: usize) -> StepBy<Self> { ... }
fn chain<U>(self, other: U) -> Chain<Self, <U as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>
        U: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Item>
, { ... }
fn zip<U>(self, other: U) -> Zip<Self, <U as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>
        U: IntoIterator
, { ... }
fn map<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F>
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> B
, { ... }
fn for_each<F>(self, f: F)
        F: FnMut(Self::Item)
, { ... }
fn filter<P>(self, predicate: P) -> Filter<Self, P>
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn filter_map<B, F>(self, f: F) -> FilterMap<Self, F>
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Option<B>
, { ... }
fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<Self> { ... }
fn peekable(self) -> Peekable<Self> { ... }
fn skip_while<P>(self, predicate: P) -> SkipWhile<Self, P>
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn take_while<P>(self, predicate: P) -> TakeWhile<Self, P>
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn skip(self, n: usize) -> Skip<Self> { ... }
fn take(self, n: usize) -> Take<Self> { ... }
fn scan<St, B, F>(self, initial_state: St, f: F) -> Scan<Self, St, F>
        F: FnMut(&mut St, Self::Item) -> Option<B>
, { ... }
fn flat_map<U, F>(self, f: F) -> FlatMap<Self, U, F>
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> U,
        U: IntoIterator
, { ... }
fn flatten(self) -> Flatten<Self>
        Self::Item: IntoIterator
, { ... }
fn fuse(self) -> Fuse<Self> { ... }
fn inspect<F>(self, f: F) -> Inspect<Self, F>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item)
, { ... }
fn by_ref(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
fn collect<B>(self) -> B
        B: FromIterator<Self::Item>
, { ... }
fn partition<B, F>(self, f: F) -> (B, B)
        B: Default + Extend<Self::Item>,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn try_fold<B, F, R>(&mut self, init: B, f: F) -> R
        F: FnMut(B, Self::Item) -> R,
        R: Try<Ok = B>
, { ... }
fn try_for_each<F, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> R,
        R: Try<Ok = ()>
, { ... }
fn fold<B, F>(self, init: B, f: F) -> B
        F: FnMut(B, Self::Item) -> B
, { ... }
fn all<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> bool
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn any<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> bool
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn find<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<Self::Item>
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn find_map<B, F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Option<B>
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Option<B>
, { ... }
fn position<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<usize>
        P: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn rposition<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<usize>
        P: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool,
        Self: ExactSizeIterator + DoubleEndedIterator
, { ... }
fn max(self) -> Option<Self::Item>
        Self::Item: Ord
, { ... }
fn min(self) -> Option<Self::Item>
        Self::Item: Ord
, { ... }
fn max_by_key<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Option<Self::Item>
        B: Ord,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> B
, { ... }
fn max_by<F>(self, compare: F) -> Option<Self::Item>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item, &Self::Item) -> Ordering
, { ... }
fn min_by_key<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Option<Self::Item>
        B: Ord,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> B
, { ... }
fn min_by<F>(self, compare: F) -> Option<Self::Item>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item, &Self::Item) -> Ordering
, { ... }
fn rev(self) -> Rev<Self>
        Self: DoubleEndedIterator
, { ... }
fn unzip<A, B, FromA, FromB>(self) -> (FromA, FromB)
        FromA: Default + Extend<A>,
        FromB: Default + Extend<B>,
        Self: Iterator<Item = (A, B)>
, { ... }
fn cloned<'a, T>(self) -> Cloned<Self>
        Self: Iterator<Item = &'a T>,
        T: 'a + Clone
, { ... }
fn cycle(self) -> Cycle<Self>
        Self: Clone
, { ... }
fn sum<S>(self) -> S
        S: Sum<Self::Item>
, { ... }
fn product<P>(self) -> P
        P: Product<Self::Item>
, { ... }
fn cmp<I>(self, other: I) -> Ordering
        I: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Item>,
        Self::Item: Ord
, { ... }
fn partial_cmp<I>(self, other: I) -> Option<Ordering>
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialOrd<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... }
fn eq<I>(self, other: I) -> bool
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialEq<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... }
fn ne<I>(self, other: I) -> bool
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialEq<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... }
fn lt<I>(self, other: I) -> bool
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialOrd<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... }
fn le<I>(self, other: I) -> bool
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialOrd<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... }
fn gt<I>(self, other: I) -> bool
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialOrd<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... }
fn ge<I>(self, other: I) -> bool
        I: IntoIterator,
        Self::Item: PartialOrd<<I as IntoIterator>::Item>
, { ... } }

An interface for dealing with iterators.

This is the main iterator trait. For more about the concept of iterators generally, please see the module-level documentation. In particular, you may want to know how to implement Iterator.

Associated Types

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Required Methods

Advances the iterator and returns the next value.

Returns None when iteration is finished. Individual iterator implementations may choose to resume iteration, and so calling next() again may or may not eventually start returning Some(Item) again at some point.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter();

// A call to next() returns the next value...

// ... and then None once it's over.

// More calls may or may not return None. Here, they always will.

Provided Methods

Returns the bounds on the remaining length of the iterator.

Specifically, size_hint() returns a tuple where the first element is the lower bound, and the second element is the upper bound.

The second half of the tuple that is returned is an Option<usize>. A None here means that either there is no known upper bound, or the upper bound is larger than usize.

Implementation notes

It is not enforced that an iterator implementation yields the declared number of elements. A buggy iterator may yield less than the lower bound or more than the upper bound of elements.

size_hint() is primarily intended to be used for optimizations such as reserving space for the elements of the iterator, but must not be trusted to e.g. omit bounds checks in unsafe code. An incorrect implementation of size_hint() should not lead to memory safety violations.

That said, the implementation should provide a correct estimation, because otherwise it would be a violation of the trait's protocol.

The default implementation returns (0, None) which is correct for any iterator.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let iter = a.iter();

assert_eq!((3, Some(3)), iter.size_hint());

A more complex example:

// The even numbers from zero to ten.
let iter = (0..10).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);

// We might iterate from zero to ten times. Knowing that it's five
// exactly wouldn't be possible without executing filter().
assert_eq!((0, Some(10)), iter.size_hint());

// Let's add five more numbers with chain()
let iter = (0..10).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0).chain(15..20);

// now both bounds are increased by five
assert_eq!((5, Some(15)), iter.size_hint());

Returning None for an upper bound:

// an infinite iterator has no upper bound
// and the maximum possible lower bound
let iter = 0..;

assert_eq!((usize::max_value(), None), iter.size_hint());

Consumes the iterator, counting the number of iterations and returning it.

This method will evaluate the iterator until its next returns None. Once None is encountered, count() returns the number of times it called next.

Overflow Behavior

The method does no guarding against overflows, so counting elements of an iterator with more than usize::MAX elements either produces the wrong result or panics. If debug assertions are enabled, a panic is guaranteed.


This function might panic if the iterator has more than usize::MAX elements.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(a.iter().count(), 3);

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
assert_eq!(a.iter().count(), 5);

Consumes the iterator, returning the last element.

This method will evaluate the iterator until it returns None. While doing so, it keeps track of the current element. After None is returned, last() will then return the last element it saw.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(a.iter().last(), Some(&3));

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
assert_eq!(a.iter().last(), Some(&5));

Returns the nth element of the iterator.

Like most indexing operations, the count starts from zero, so nth(0) returns the first value, nth(1) the second, and so on.

Note that all preceding elements, as well as the returned element, will be consumed from the iterator. That means that the preceding elements will be discarded, and also that calling nth(0) multiple times on the same iterator will return different elements.

nth() will return None if n is greater than or equal to the length of the iterator.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(a.iter().nth(1), Some(&2));

Calling nth() multiple times doesn't rewind the iterator:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter();

assert_eq!(iter.nth(1), Some(&2));
assert_eq!(iter.nth(1), None);

Returning None if there are less than n + 1 elements:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(a.iter().nth(10), None);
Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Creates an iterator starting at the same point, but stepping by the given amount at each iteration.

Note that it will always return the first element of the iterator, regardless of the step given.


The method will panic if the given step is 0.


Basic usage:

let a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let mut iter = a.into_iter().step_by(2);

assert_eq!(, Some(&0));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&4));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Takes two iterators and creates a new iterator over both in sequence.

chain() will return a new iterator which will first iterate over values from the first iterator and then over values from the second iterator.

In other words, it links two iterators together, in a chain. 🔗


Basic usage:

let a1 = [1, 2, 3];
let a2 = [4, 5, 6];

let mut iter = a1.iter().chain(a2.iter());

assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&4));
assert_eq!(, Some(&5));
assert_eq!(, Some(&6));
assert_eq!(, None);

Since the argument to chain() uses IntoIterator, we can pass anything that can be converted into an Iterator, not just an Iterator itself. For example, slices (&[T]) implement IntoIterator, and so can be passed to chain() directly:

let s1 = &[1, 2, 3];
let s2 = &[4, 5, 6];

let mut iter = s1.iter().chain(s2);

assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&4));
assert_eq!(, Some(&5));
assert_eq!(, Some(&6));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Zip<A, B>

'Zips up' two iterators into a single iterator of pairs.

zip() returns a new iterator that will iterate over two other iterators, returning a tuple where the first element comes from the first iterator, and the second element comes from the second iterator.

In other words, it zips two iterators together, into a single one.

If either iterator returns None, next will return None.


Basic usage:

let a1 = [1, 2, 3];
let a2 = [4, 5, 6];

let mut iter = a1.iter().zip(a2.iter());

assert_eq!(, Some((&1, &4)));
assert_eq!(, Some((&2, &5)));
assert_eq!(, Some((&3, &6)));
assert_eq!(, None);

Since the argument to zip() uses IntoIterator, we can pass anything that can be converted into an Iterator, not just an Iterator itself. For example, slices (&[T]) implement IntoIterator, and so can be passed to zip() directly:

let s1 = &[1, 2, 3];
let s2 = &[4, 5, 6];

let mut iter = s1.iter().zip(s2);

assert_eq!(, Some((&1, &4)));
assert_eq!(, Some((&2, &5)));
assert_eq!(, Some((&3, &6)));
assert_eq!(, None);

zip() is often used to zip an infinite iterator to a finite one. This works because the finite iterator will eventually return None, ending the zipper. Zipping with (0..) can look a lot like enumerate:

let enumerate: Vec<_> = "foo".chars().enumerate().collect();

let zipper: Vec<_> = (0..).zip("foo".chars()).collect();

assert_eq!((0, 'f'), enumerate[0]);
assert_eq!((0, 'f'), zipper[0]);

assert_eq!((1, 'o'), enumerate[1]);
assert_eq!((1, 'o'), zipper[1]);

assert_eq!((2, 'o'), enumerate[2]);
assert_eq!((2, 'o'), zipper[2]);
Important traits for Map<I, F>

Takes a closure and creates an iterator which calls that closure on each element.

map() transforms one iterator into another, by means of its argument: something that implements FnMut. It produces a new iterator which calls this closure on each element of the original iterator.

If you are good at thinking in types, you can think of map() like this: If you have an iterator that gives you elements of some type A, and you want an iterator of some other type B, you can use map(), passing a closure that takes an A and returns a B.

map() is conceptually similar to a for loop. However, as map() is lazy, it is best used when you're already working with other iterators. If you're doing some sort of looping for a side effect, it's considered more idiomatic to use for than map().


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().map(|x| 2 * x);

assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, Some(6));
assert_eq!(, None);

If you're doing some sort of side effect, prefer for to map():

// don't do this:
(0..5).map(|x| println!("{}", x));

// it won't even execute, as it is lazy. Rust will warn you about this.

// Instead, use for:
for x in 0..5 {
    println!("{}", x);

Calls a closure on each element of an iterator.

This is equivalent to using a for loop on the iterator, although break and continue are not possible from a closure. It's generally more idiomatic to use a for loop, but for_each may be more legible when processing items at the end of longer iterator chains. In some cases for_each may also be faster than a loop, because it will use internal iteration on adaptors like Chain.


Basic usage:

use std::sync::mpsc::channel;

let (tx, rx) = channel();
(0..5).map(|x| x * 2 + 1)
      .for_each(move |x| tx.send(x).unwrap());

let v: Vec<_> =  rx.iter().collect();
assert_eq!(v, vec![1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);

For such a small example, a for loop may be cleaner, but for_each might be preferable to keep a functional style with longer iterators:

(0..5).flat_map(|x| x * 100 .. x * 110)
      .filter(|&(i, x)| (i + x) % 3 == 0)
      .for_each(|(i, x)| println!("{}:{}", i, x));
Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Creates an iterator which uses a closure to determine if an element should be yielded.

The closure must return true or false. filter() creates an iterator which calls this closure on each element. If the closure returns true, then the element is returned. If the closure returns false, it will try again, and call the closure on the next element, seeing if it passes the test.


Basic usage:

let a = [0i32, 1, 2];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().filter(|x| x.is_positive());

assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, None);

Because the closure passed to filter() takes a reference, and many iterators iterate over references, this leads to a possibly confusing situation, where the type of the closure is a double reference:

let a = [0, 1, 2];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().filter(|x| **x > 1); // need two *s!

assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, None);

It's common to instead use destructuring on the argument to strip away one:

let a = [0, 1, 2];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().filter(|&x| *x > 1); // both & and *

assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, None);

or both:

let a = [0, 1, 2];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().filter(|&&x| x > 1); // two &s

assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, None);

of these layers.

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Creates an iterator that both filters and maps.

The closure must return an Option<T>. filter_map creates an iterator which calls this closure on each element. If the closure returns Some(element), then that element is returned. If the closure returns None, it will try again, and call the closure on the next element, seeing if it will return Some.

Why filter_map and not just filter and map? The key is in this part:

If the closure returns Some(element), then that element is returned.

In other words, it removes the Option<T> layer automatically. If your mapping is already returning an Option<T> and you want to skip over Nones, then filter_map is much, much nicer to use.


Basic usage:

let a = ["1", "lol", "3", "NaN", "5"];

let mut iter = a.iter().filter_map(|s| s.parse().ok());

assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, None);

Here's the same example, but with filter and map:

let a = ["1", "lol", "3", "NaN", "5"];
let mut iter = a.iter().map(|s| s.parse()).filter(|s| s.is_ok()).map(|s| s.unwrap());
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Creates an iterator which gives the current iteration count as well as the next value.

The iterator returned yields pairs (i, val), where i is the current index of iteration and val is the value returned by the iterator.

enumerate() keeps its count as a usize. If you want to count by a different sized integer, the zip function provides similar functionality.

Overflow Behavior

The method does no guarding against overflows, so enumerating more than usize::MAX elements either produces the wrong result or panics. If debug assertions are enabled, a panic is guaranteed.


The returned iterator might panic if the to-be-returned index would overflow a usize.


let a = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

let mut iter = a.iter().enumerate();

assert_eq!(, Some((0, &'a')));
assert_eq!(, Some((1, &'b')));
assert_eq!(, Some((2, &'c')));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Peekable<I>

Creates an iterator which can use peek to look at the next element of the iterator without consuming it.

Adds a peek method to an iterator. See its documentation for more information.

Note that the underlying iterator is still advanced when peek is called for the first time: In order to retrieve the next element, next is called on the underlying iterator, hence any side effects (i.e. anything other than fetching the next value) of the next method will occur.


Basic usage:

let xs = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = xs.iter().peekable();

// peek() lets us see into the future
assert_eq!(iter.peek(), Some(&&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));

assert_eq!(, Some(&2));

// we can peek() multiple times, the iterator won't advance
assert_eq!(iter.peek(), Some(&&3));
assert_eq!(iter.peek(), Some(&&3));

assert_eq!(, Some(&3));

// after the iterator is finished, so is peek()
assert_eq!(iter.peek(), None);
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Creates an iterator that skips elements based on a predicate.

skip_while() takes a closure as an argument. It will call this closure on each element of the iterator, and ignore elements until it returns false.

After false is returned, skip_while()'s job is over, and the rest of the elements are yielded.


Basic usage:

let a = [-1i32, 0, 1];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().skip_while(|x| x.is_negative());

assert_eq!(, Some(&0));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, None);

Because the closure passed to skip_while() takes a reference, and many iterators iterate over references, this leads to a possibly confusing situation, where the type of the closure is a double reference:

let a = [-1, 0, 1];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().skip_while(|x| **x < 0); // need two *s!

assert_eq!(, Some(&0));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, None);

Stopping after an initial false:

let a = [-1, 0, 1, -2];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().skip_while(|x| **x < 0);

assert_eq!(, Some(&0));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));

// while this would have been false, since we already got a false,
// skip_while() isn't used any more
assert_eq!(, Some(&-2));

assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Creates an iterator that yields elements based on a predicate.

take_while() takes a closure as an argument. It will call this closure on each element of the iterator, and yield elements while it returns true.

After false is returned, take_while()'s job is over, and the rest of the elements are ignored.


Basic usage:

let a = [-1i32, 0, 1];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().take_while(|x| x.is_negative());

assert_eq!(, Some(&-1));
assert_eq!(, None);

Because the closure passed to take_while() takes a reference, and many iterators iterate over references, this leads to a possibly confusing situation, where the type of the closure is a double reference:

let a = [-1, 0, 1];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().take_while(|x| **x < 0); // need two *s!

assert_eq!(, Some(&-1));
assert_eq!(, None);

Stopping after an initial false:

let a = [-1, 0, 1, -2];

let mut iter = a.into_iter().take_while(|x| **x < 0);

assert_eq!(, Some(&-1));

// We have more elements that are less than zero, but since we already
// got a false, take_while() isn't used any more
assert_eq!(, None);

Because take_while() needs to look at the value in order to see if it should be included or not, consuming iterators will see that it is removed:

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let mut iter = a.into_iter();

let result: Vec<i32> = iter.by_ref()
                           .take_while(|n| **n != 3)

assert_eq!(result, &[1, 2]);

let result: Vec<i32> = iter.cloned().collect();

assert_eq!(result, &[4]);

The 3 is no longer there, because it was consumed in order to see if the iteration should stop, but wasn't placed back into the iterator or some similar thing.

Important traits for Skip<I>

Creates an iterator that skips the first n elements.

After they have been consumed, the rest of the elements are yielded.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter().skip(2);

assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Take<I>

Creates an iterator that yields its first n elements.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter().take(2);

assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, None);

take() is often used with an infinite iterator, to make it finite:

let mut iter = (0..).take(3);

assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

An iterator adaptor similar to fold that holds internal state and produces a new iterator.

scan() takes two arguments: an initial value which seeds the internal state, and a closure with two arguments, the first being a mutable reference to the internal state and the second an iterator element. The closure can assign to the internal state to share state between iterations.

On iteration, the closure will be applied to each element of the iterator and the return value from the closure, an Option, is yielded by the iterator.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter().scan(1, |state, &x| {
    // each iteration, we'll multiply the state by the element
    *state = *state * x;

    // then, we'll yield the negation of the state

assert_eq!(, Some(-1));
assert_eq!(, Some(-2));
assert_eq!(, Some(-6));
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Creates an iterator that works like map, but flattens nested structure.

The map adapter is very useful, but only when the closure argument produces values. If it produces an iterator instead, there's an extra layer of indirection. flat_map() will remove this extra layer on its own.

You can think of flat_map(f) as the semantic equivalent of mapping, and then flattening as in map(f).flatten().

Another way of thinking about flat_map(): map's closure returns one item for each element, and flat_map()'s closure returns an iterator for each element.


Basic usage:

let words = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"];

// chars() returns an iterator
let merged: String = words.iter()
                          .flat_map(|s| s.chars())
assert_eq!(merged, "alphabetagamma");
Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Creates an iterator that flattens nested structure.

This is useful when you have an iterator of iterators or an iterator of things that can be turned into iterators and you want to remove one level of indirection.


Basic usage:


let data = vec![vec![1, 2, 3, 4], vec![5, 6]];
let flattened = data.into_iter().flatten().collect::<Vec<u8>>();
assert_eq!(flattened, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

Mapping and then flattening:


let words = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"];

// chars() returns an iterator
let merged: String = words.iter()
                          .map(|s| s.chars())
assert_eq!(merged, "alphabetagamma");

You can also rewrite this in terms of flat_map(), which is preferable in this case since it conveys intent more clearly:

let words = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"];

// chars() returns an iterator
let merged: String = words.iter()
                          .flat_map(|s| s.chars())
assert_eq!(merged, "alphabetagamma");

Flattening once only removes one level of nesting:


let d3 = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]];

let d2 = d3.iter().flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(d2, [&[1, 2], &[3, 4], &[5, 6], &[7, 8]]);

let d1 = d3.iter().flatten().flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(d1, [&1, &2, &3, &4, &5, &6, &7, &8]);

Here we see that flatten() does not perform a "deep" flatten. Instead, only one level of nesting is removed. That is, if you flatten() a three-dimensional array the result will be two-dimensional and not one-dimensional. To get a one-dimensional structure, you have to flatten() again.

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Creates an iterator which ends after the first None.

After an iterator returns None, future calls may or may not yield Some(T) again. fuse() adapts an iterator, ensuring that after a None is given, it will always return None forever.


Basic usage:

// an iterator which alternates between Some and None
struct Alternate {
    state: i32,

impl Iterator for Alternate {
    type Item = i32;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
        let val = self.state;
        self.state = self.state + 1;

        // if it's even, Some(i32), else None
        if val % 2 == 0 {
        } else {

let mut iter = Alternate { state: 0 };

// we can see our iterator going back and forth
assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, None);

// however, once we fuse it...
let mut iter = iter.fuse();

assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, None);

// it will always return None after the first time.
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, None);
Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Do something with each element of an iterator, passing the value on.

When using iterators, you'll often chain several of them together. While working on such code, you might want to check out what's happening at various parts in the pipeline. To do that, insert a call to inspect().

It's more common for inspect() to be used as a debugging tool than to exist in your final code, but applications may find it useful in certain situations when errors need to be logged before being discarded.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 4, 2, 3];

// this iterator sequence is complex.
let sum = a.iter()
    .filter(|x| x % 2 == 0)
    .fold(0, |sum, i| sum + i);

println!("{}", sum);

// let's add some inspect() calls to investigate what's happening
let sum = a.iter()
    .inspect(|x| println!("about to filter: {}", x))
    .filter(|x| x % 2 == 0)
    .inspect(|x| println!("made it through filter: {}", x))
    .fold(0, |sum, i| sum + i);

println!("{}", sum);

This will print:

about to filter: 1
about to filter: 4
made it through filter: 4
about to filter: 2
made it through filter: 2
about to filter: 3

Logging errors before discarding them:

let lines = ["1", "2", "a"];

let sum: i32 = lines
    .map(|line| line.parse::<i32>())
    .inspect(|num| {
        if let Err(ref e) = *num {
            println!("Parsing error: {}", e);

println!("Sum: {}", sum);

This will print:

Parsing error: invalid digit found in string
Sum: 3
Important traits for &'a mut R

Borrows an iterator, rather than consuming it.

This is useful to allow applying iterator adaptors while still retaining ownership of the original iterator.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let iter = a.into_iter();

let sum: i32 = iter.take(5).fold(0, |acc, i| acc + i );

assert_eq!(sum, 6);

// if we try to use iter again, it won't work. The following line
// gives "error: use of moved value: `iter`
// assert_eq!(, None);

// let's try that again
let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.into_iter();

// instead, we add in a .by_ref()
let sum: i32 = iter.by_ref().take(2).fold(0, |acc, i| acc + i );

assert_eq!(sum, 3);

// now this is just fine:
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, None);

Transforms an iterator into a collection.

collect() can take anything iterable, and turn it into a relevant collection. This is one of the more powerful methods in the standard library, used in a variety of contexts.

The most basic pattern in which collect() is used is to turn one collection into another. You take a collection, call iter on it, do a bunch of transformations, and then collect() at the end.

One of the keys to collect()'s power is that many things you might not think of as 'collections' actually are. For example, a String is a collection of chars. And a collection of Result<T, E> can be thought of as single Result<Collection<T>, E>. See the examples below for more.

Because collect() is so general, it can cause problems with type inference. As such, collect() is one of the few times you'll see the syntax affectionately known as the 'turbofish': ::<>. This helps the inference algorithm understand specifically which collection you're trying to collect into.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let doubled: Vec<i32> = a.iter()
                         .map(|&x| x * 2)

assert_eq!(vec![2, 4, 6], doubled);

Note that we needed the : Vec<i32> on the left-hand side. This is because we could collect into, for example, a VecDeque<T> instead:

use std::collections::VecDeque;

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let doubled: VecDeque<i32> = a.iter().map(|&x| x * 2).collect();

assert_eq!(2, doubled[0]);
assert_eq!(4, doubled[1]);
assert_eq!(6, doubled[2]);

Using the 'turbofish' instead of annotating doubled:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let doubled = a.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<i32>>();

assert_eq!(vec![2, 4, 6], doubled);

Because collect() only cares about what you're collecting into, you can still use a partial type hint, _, with the turbofish:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let doubled = a.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<_>>();

assert_eq!(vec![2, 4, 6], doubled);

Using collect() to make a String:

let chars = ['g', 'd', 'k', 'k', 'n'];

let hello: String = chars.iter()
    .map(|&x| x as u8)
    .map(|x| (x + 1) as char)

assert_eq!("hello", hello);

If you have a list of Result<T, E>s, you can use collect() to see if any of them failed:

let results = [Ok(1), Err("nope"), Ok(3), Err("bad")];

let result: Result<Vec<_>, &str> = results.iter().cloned().collect();

// gives us the first error
assert_eq!(Err("nope"), result);

let results = [Ok(1), Ok(3)];

let result: Result<Vec<_>, &str> = results.iter().cloned().collect();

// gives us the list of answers
assert_eq!(Ok(vec![1, 3]), result);

Consumes an iterator, creating two collections from it.

The predicate passed to partition() can return true, or false. partition() returns a pair, all of the elements for which it returned true, and all of the elements for which it returned false.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let (even, odd): (Vec<i32>, Vec<i32>) = a
    .partition(|&n| n % 2 == 0);

assert_eq!(even, vec![2]);
assert_eq!(odd, vec![1, 3]);

An iterator method that applies a function as long as it returns successfully, producing a single, final value.

try_fold() takes two arguments: an initial value, and a closure with two arguments: an 'accumulator', and an element. The closure either returns successfully, with the value that the accumulator should have for the next iteration, or it returns failure, with an error value that is propagated back to the caller immediately (short-circuiting).

The initial value is the value the accumulator will have on the first call. If applying the closure succeeded against every element of the iterator, try_fold() returns the final accumulator as success.

Folding is useful whenever you have a collection of something, and want to produce a single value from it.

Note to Implementors

Most of the other (forward) methods have default implementations in terms of this one, so try to implement this explicitly if it can do something better than the default for loop implementation.

In particular, try to have this call try_fold() on the internal parts from which this iterator is composed. If multiple calls are needed, the ? operator may be convenient for chaining the accumulator value along, but beware any invariants that need to be upheld before those early returns. This is a &mut self method, so iteration needs to be resumable after hitting an error here.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

// the checked sum of all of the elements of the array
let sum = a.iter().try_fold(0i8, |acc, &x| acc.checked_add(x));

assert_eq!(sum, Some(6));


let a = [10, 20, 30, 100, 40, 50];
let mut it = a.iter();

// This sum overflows when adding the 100 element
let sum = it.try_fold(0i8, |acc, &x| acc.checked_add(x));
assert_eq!(sum, None);

// Because it short-circuited, the remaining elements are still
// available through the iterator.
assert_eq!(it.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(, Some(&40));

An iterator method that applies a fallible function to each item in the iterator, stopping at the first error and returning that error.

This can also be thought of as the fallible form of for_each() or as the stateless version of try_fold().


use std::fs::rename;
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use std::path::Path;

let data = ["no_tea.txt", "stale_bread.json", "torrential_rain.png"];

let res = data.iter().try_for_each(|x| writeln!(stdout(), "{}", x));

let mut it = data.iter().cloned();
let res = it.try_for_each(|x| rename(x, Path::new(x).with_extension("old")));
// It short-circuited, so the remaining items are still in the iterator:
assert_eq!(, Some("stale_bread.json"));

An iterator method that applies a function, producing a single, final value.

fold() takes two arguments: an initial value, and a closure with two arguments: an 'accumulator', and an element. The closure returns the value that the accumulator should have for the next iteration.

The initial value is the value the accumulator will have on the first call.

After applying this closure to every element of the iterator, fold() returns the accumulator.

This operation is sometimes called 'reduce' or 'inject'.

Folding is useful whenever you have a collection of something, and want to produce a single value from it.

Note: fold(), and similar methods that traverse the entire iterator, may not terminate for infinite iterators, even on traits for which a result is determinable in finite time.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

// the sum of all of the elements of the array
let sum = a.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x);

assert_eq!(sum, 6);

Let's walk through each step of the iteration here:

element acc x result
1 0 1 1
2 1 2 3
3 3 3 6

And so, our final result, 6.

It's common for people who haven't used iterators a lot to use a for loop with a list of things to build up a result. Those can be turned into fold()s:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let mut result = 0;

// for loop:
for i in &numbers {
    result = result + i;

// fold:
let result2 = numbers.iter().fold(0, |acc, &x| acc + x);

// they're the same
assert_eq!(result, result2);

Tests if every element of the iterator matches a predicate.

all() takes a closure that returns true or false. It applies this closure to each element of the iterator, and if they all return true, then so does all(). If any of them return false, it returns false.

all() is short-circuiting; in other words, it will stop processing as soon as it finds a false, given that no matter what else happens, the result will also be false.

An empty iterator returns true.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

assert!(a.iter().all(|&x| x > 0));

assert!(!a.iter().all(|&x| x > 2));

Stopping at the first false:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter();

assert!(!iter.all(|&x| x != 2));

// we can still use `iter`, as there are more elements.
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));

Tests if any element of the iterator matches a predicate.

any() takes a closure that returns true or false. It applies this closure to each element of the iterator, and if any of them return true, then so does any(). If they all return false, it returns false.

any() is short-circuiting; in other words, it will stop processing as soon as it finds a true, given that no matter what else happens, the result will also be true.

An empty iterator returns false.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

assert!(a.iter().any(|&x| x > 0));

assert!(!a.iter().any(|&x| x > 5));

Stopping at the first true:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter();

assert!(iter.any(|&x| x != 2));

// we can still use `iter`, as there are more elements.
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));

Searches for an element of an iterator that satisfies a predicate.

find() takes a closure that returns true or false. It applies this closure to each element of the iterator, and if any of them return true, then find() returns Some(element). If they all return false, it returns None.

find() is short-circuiting; in other words, it will stop processing as soon as the closure returns true.

Because find() takes a reference, and many iterators iterate over references, this leads to a possibly confusing situation where the argument is a double reference. You can see this effect in the examples below, with &&x.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(a.iter().find(|&&x| x == 2), Some(&2));

assert_eq!(a.iter().find(|&&x| x == 5), None);

Stopping at the first true:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter();

assert_eq!(iter.find(|&&x| x == 2), Some(&2));

// we can still use `iter`, as there are more elements.
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Applies function to the elements of iterator and returns the first non-none result.

iter.find_map(f) is equivalent to iter.filter_map(f).next().


let a = ["lol", "NaN", "2", "5"];

let mut first_number = a.iter().find_map(|s| s.parse().ok());

assert_eq!(first_number, Some(2));

Searches for an element in an iterator, returning its index.

position() takes a closure that returns true or false. It applies this closure to each element of the iterator, and if one of them returns true, then position() returns Some(index). If all of them return false, it returns None.

position() is short-circuiting; in other words, it will stop processing as soon as it finds a true.

Overflow Behavior

The method does no guarding against overflows, so if there are more than usize::MAX non-matching elements, it either produces the wrong result or panics. If debug assertions are enabled, a panic is guaranteed.


This function might panic if the iterator has more than usize::MAX non-matching elements.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(a.iter().position(|&x| x == 2), Some(1));

assert_eq!(a.iter().position(|&x| x == 5), None);

Stopping at the first true:

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

let mut iter = a.iter();

assert_eq!(iter.position(|&x| x >= 2), Some(1));

// we can still use `iter`, as there are more elements.
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));

// The returned index depends on iterator state
assert_eq!(iter.position(|&x| x == 4), Some(0));

Searches for an element in an iterator from the right, returning its index.

rposition() takes a closure that returns true or false. It applies this closure to each element of the iterator, starting from the end, and if one of them returns true, then rposition() returns Some(index). If all of them return false, it returns None.

rposition() is short-circuiting; in other words, it will stop processing as soon as it finds a true.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(a.iter().rposition(|&x| x == 3), Some(2));

assert_eq!(a.iter().rposition(|&x| x == 5), None);

Stopping at the first true:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter();

assert_eq!(iter.rposition(|&x| x == 2), Some(1));

// we can still use `iter`, as there are more elements.
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));

Returns the maximum element of an iterator.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the iterator is empty, None is returned.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let b: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();

assert_eq!(a.iter().max(), Some(&3));
assert_eq!(b.iter().max(), None);

Returns the minimum element of an iterator.

If several elements are equally minimum, the first element is returned. If the iterator is empty, None is returned.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let b: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();

assert_eq!(a.iter().min(), Some(&1));
assert_eq!(b.iter().min(), None);

Returns the element that gives the maximum value from the specified function.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the iterator is empty, None is returned.


let a = [-3_i32, 0, 1, 5, -10];
assert_eq!(*a.iter().max_by_key(|x| x.abs()).unwrap(), -10);

Returns the element that gives the maximum value with respect to the specified comparison function.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the iterator is empty, None is returned.


let a = [-3_i32, 0, 1, 5, -10];
assert_eq!(*a.iter().max_by(|x, y| x.cmp(y)).unwrap(), 5);

Returns the element that gives the minimum value from the specified function.

If several elements are equally minimum, the first element is returned. If the iterator is empty, None is returned.


let a = [-3_i32, 0, 1, 5, -10];
assert_eq!(*a.iter().min_by_key(|x| x.abs()).unwrap(), 0);

Returns the element that gives the minimum value with respect to the specified comparison function.

If several elements are equally minimum, the first element is returned. If the iterator is empty, None is returned.


let a = [-3_i32, 0, 1, 5, -10];
assert_eq!(*a.iter().min_by(|x, y| x.cmp(y)).unwrap(), -10);
Important traits for Rev<I>

Reverses an iterator's direction.

Usually, iterators iterate from left to right. After using rev(), an iterator will instead iterate from right to left.

This is only possible if the iterator has an end, so rev() only works on DoubleEndedIterators.


let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut iter = a.iter().rev();

assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));

assert_eq!(, None);

Converts an iterator of pairs into a pair of containers.

unzip() consumes an entire iterator of pairs, producing two collections: one from the left elements of the pairs, and one from the right elements.

This function is, in some sense, the opposite of zip.


Basic usage:

let a = [(1, 2), (3, 4)];

let (left, right): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = a.iter().cloned().unzip();

assert_eq!(left, [1, 3]);
assert_eq!(right, [2, 4]);
Important traits for Cloned<I>

Creates an iterator which clones all of its elements.

This is useful when you have an iterator over &T, but you need an iterator over T.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let v_cloned: Vec<_> = a.iter().cloned().collect();

// cloned is the same as .map(|&x| x), for integers
let v_map: Vec<_> = a.iter().map(|&x| x).collect();

assert_eq!(v_cloned, vec![1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(v_map, vec![1, 2, 3]);
Important traits for Cycle<I>

Repeats an iterator endlessly.

Instead of stopping at None, the iterator will instead start again, from the beginning. After iterating again, it will start at the beginning again. And again. And again. Forever.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

let mut it = a.iter().cycle();

assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&3));
assert_eq!(, Some(&1));

Sums the elements of an iterator.

Takes each element, adds them together, and returns the result.

An empty iterator returns the zero value of the type.


When calling sum() and a primitive integer type is being returned, this method will panic if the computation overflows and debug assertions are enabled.


Basic usage:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let sum: i32 = a.iter().sum();

assert_eq!(sum, 6);

Iterates over the entire iterator, multiplying all the elements

An empty iterator returns the one value of the type.


When calling product() and a primitive integer type is being returned, method will panic if the computation overflows and debug assertions are enabled.


fn factorial(n: u32) -> u32 {
    (1..).take_while(|&i| i <= n).product()
assert_eq!(factorial(0), 1);
assert_eq!(factorial(1), 1);
assert_eq!(factorial(5), 120);

Lexicographically compares the elements of this Iterator with those of another.

Lexicographically compares the elements of this Iterator with those of another.

Determines if the elements of this Iterator are equal to those of another.

Determines if the elements of this Iterator are unequal to those of another.

Determines if the elements of this Iterator are lexicographically less than those of another.

Determines if the elements of this Iterator are lexicographically less or equal to those of another.

Determines if the elements of this Iterator are lexicographically greater than those of another.

Determines if the elements of this Iterator are lexicographically greater than or equal to those of another.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<'a, T, S> Iterator for SymmetricDifference<'a, T, S> where
    S: BuildHasher,
    T: Eq + Hash

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for IterMut<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for TryIter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Incoming<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<B> Iterator for Split<B> where
    B: BufRead

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<B> Iterator for Lines<B> where
    B: BufRead

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Components<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for ArgsOs

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for VarsOs

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Drain<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<K, V> Iterator for IntoIter<K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, S> Iterator for Intersection<'a, T, S> where
    S: BuildHasher,
    T: Eq + Hash

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for ReadDir

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<R> Iterator for Chars<R> where
    R: Read

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K> Iterator for Iter<'a, K>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for Vars

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Values<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, S> Iterator for Union<'a, T, S> where
    S: BuildHasher,
    T: Eq + Hash

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K> Iterator for Drain<'a, K>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<K> Iterator for IntoIter<K>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Iter<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for SplitPaths<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Keys<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Ancestors<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<R> Iterator for Bytes<R> where
    R: Read

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Incoming<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for ValuesMut<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, S> Iterator for Difference<'a, T, S> where
    S: BuildHasher,
    T: Eq + Hash

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for Args

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for SplitNMut<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for Repeat<A> where
    A: Clone

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for SplitTerminator<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for ChunksMut<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for SplitN<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for SplitMut<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Chunks<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Fuse<I> where
    I: FusedIterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Fuse<I> where
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Peekable<I> where
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for Range<A> where
    A: Step

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for StepBy<I> where
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I, U, F> Iterator for FlatMap<I, U, F> where
    F: FnMut(<I as Iterator>::Item) -> U,
    I: Iterator,
    U: IntoIterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Windows<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A, B> Iterator for Zip<A, B> where
    A: Iterator,
    B: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Cycle<I> where
    I: Clone + Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<B, I, St, F> Iterator for Scan<I, St, F> where
    F: FnMut(&mut St, <I as Iterator>::Item) -> Option<B>,
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for RangeInclusive<A> where
    A: Step

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A, F> Iterator for RepeatWith<F> where
    F: FnMut() -> A, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for EncodeUtf16<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Enumerate<I> where
    I: Iterator

Overflow Behavior

The method does no guarding against overflows, so enumerating more than usize::MAX elements either produces the wrong result or panics. If debug assertions are enabled, a panic is guaranteed.


Might panic if the index of the element overflows a usize.

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, A> Iterator for IterMut<'a, A>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A, B> Iterator for Chain<A, B> where
    A: Iterator,
    B: Iterator<Item = <A as Iterator>::Item>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<B, I, F> Iterator for FilterMap<I, F> where
    F: FnMut(<I as Iterator>::Item) -> Option<B>,
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for RSplitN<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>,
    <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for RSplitNMut<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for RangeFrom<A> where
    A: Step

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for ToUppercase

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I, P> Iterator for SkipWhile<I, P> where
    I: Iterator,
    P: FnMut(&<I as Iterator>::Item) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Skip<I> where
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for RMatchIndices<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>,
    <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Lines<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Chars<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, A> Iterator for Iter<'a, A>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for ExactChunks<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for EscapeDefault

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Bytes<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for ToLowercase

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Utf8LossyChunksIter<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for IntoIter<A>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for SplitWhitespace<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for EscapeDefault

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for RSplit<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>,
    <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for RSplitTerminator<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>,
    <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for MatchIndices<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for DecodeUtf8<I> where
    I: Iterator<Item = u8>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Take<I> where
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<B, I, F> Iterator for Map<I, F> where
    F: FnMut(<I as Iterator>::Item) -> B,
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for DecodeUtf16<I> where
    I: Iterator<Item = u16>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for Matches<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I, F> Iterator for Inspect<I, F> where
    F: FnMut(&<I as Iterator>::Item),
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for EscapeDebug

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl Iterator for EscapeUnicode

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for Once<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for RMatches<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>,
    <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for CharIndices<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I, P> Iterator for Filter<I, P> where
    I: Iterator,
    P: FnMut(&<I as Iterator>::Item) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, P> Iterator for Split<'a, P> where
    P: Pattern<'a>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I, P> Iterator for TakeWhile<I, P> where
    I: Iterator,
    P: FnMut(&<I as Iterator>::Item) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for SplitN<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for Empty<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for RSplitN<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for RSplitMut<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for LinesAny<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, I, T> Iterator for Cloned<I> where
    I: Iterator<Item = &'a T>,
    T: 'a + Clone

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for RSplit<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, I> Iterator for &'a mut I where
    I: Iterator + ?Sized

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I, U> Iterator for Flatten<I> where
    I: Iterator,
    U: Iterator,
    <I as Iterator>::Item: IntoIterator,
    <<I as Iterator>::Item as IntoIterator>::IntoIter == U,
    <<I as Iterator>::Item as IntoIterator>::Item == <U as Iterator>::Item

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, P> Iterator for Split<'a, T, P> where
    P: FnMut(&T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for ExactChunksMut<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Rev<I> where
    I: DoubleEndedIterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> where
    T: 'a, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Difference<'a, T> where
    T: Ord

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, F> Iterator for DrainFilter<'a, T, F> where
    F: FnMut(&mut T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for SymmetricDifference<'a, T> where
    T: Ord

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<I> Iterator for Box<I> where
    I: Iterator + ?Sized

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Values<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Intersection<'a, T> where
    T: Ord

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, I> Iterator for Splice<'a, I> where
    I: Iterator

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a> Iterator for Drain<'a>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for ValuesMut<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Iter<'a, K, V> where
    K: 'a,
    V: 'a, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, F> Iterator for DrainFilter<'a, T, F> where
    F: FnMut(&mut T) -> bool

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> where
    T: 'a, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<K, V> Iterator for IntoIter<K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Range<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Range<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for Keys<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Union<'a, T> where
    T: Ord

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for IterMut<'a, K, V> where
    K: 'a,
    V: 'a, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for RangeMut<'a, K, V>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T>

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<T> Iterator for Parser<T> where
    T: Iterator<Item = char>, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T, R> Iterator for Generator<'a, T, R> where
    R: Rng,
    T: Rand

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, R> Iterator for AsciiGenerator<'a, R> where
    R: Rng

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for IntoIter<A> where
    A: Array, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> where
    T: 'a, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<A> Iterator for IntoIter<A> where
    A: Array

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<'a, A> Iterator for Drain<'a, A> where
    A: Array,
    <A as Array>::Item: 'a, 

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>

impl<L, R> Iterator for Either<L, R> where
    L: Iterator,
    R: Iterator<Item = <L as Iterator>::Item>, 

Either<L, R> is an iterator if both L and R are iterators.

Important traits for StepBy<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_step_by)

unstable replacement of Range::step_by

Important traits for Chain<A, B>

Important traits for Zip<A, B>

Important traits for Map<I, F>

Important traits for Filter<I, P>

Important traits for FilterMap<I, F>

Important traits for Enumerate<I>

Important traits for Peekable<I>

Important traits for SkipWhile<I, P>

Important traits for TakeWhile<I, P>

Important traits for Skip<I>

Important traits for Take<I>

Important traits for Scan<I, St, F>

Important traits for FlatMap<I, U, F>

Important traits for Flatten<I>

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_flatten)

Important traits for Fuse<I>

Important traits for Inspect<I, F>

Important traits for &'a mut R

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (iterator_find_map)

unstable new API

Important traits for Rev<I>

Important traits for Cloned<I>

Important traits for Cycle<I>
