[][src]Trait pushrod::widget::widget::Widget

pub trait Widget {
    fn get_config(&mut self) -> &RefCell<HashMap<ConfigKey, WidgetConfig>>;
fn mouse_entered(&mut self, widget_id: i32);
fn mouse_exited(&mut self, widget_id: i32);
fn mouse_scrolled(&mut self, widget_id: i32, point: Point); fn set_config(&mut self, key: u8, value: WidgetConfig) { ... }
fn invalidate(&mut self) { ... }
fn clear_invalidate(&mut self) { ... }
fn is_invalidated(&mut self) -> bool { ... }
fn set_origin(&mut self, point: Point) { ... }
fn get_origin(&mut self) -> Point { ... }
fn set_size(&mut self, size: Size) { ... }
fn get_size(&mut self) -> Size { ... }
fn set_color(&mut self, color: Color) { ... }
fn get_color(&mut self) -> Color { ... }
fn draw(&mut self, context: Context, graphics: &mut GlGraphics) { ... } }

Implementable trait that is used by every Widget. These are the public methods, and a function may override them.

You must implement the following methods:

  • get_config
  • mouse_entered
  • mouse_exited
  • mouse_scrolled

You should override draw, but you are not required to.

If you want a blank base widget, refer to the BaseWidget, which will create a base widget that paints the contents of its bounds with whatever color has been specified with set_color.

Required methods

fn get_config(&mut self) -> &RefCell<HashMap<ConfigKey, WidgetConfig>>

Retrieves the configuration HashMap that stores the configuration list of settings for this widget.

To implement this, the following code could be used in your object's structure:

struct MyWidget {
  config: RefCell<HashMap<ConfigKey, WidgetConfig>>

impl MyWidget {
  fn new() -> Self {
    Self {
      config: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),

And in the overridden function for get_config in your implementation, use:

struct MyWidget {
  config: RefCell<HashMap<u8, WidgetConfig>>

impl Widget for MyWidget {

  fn get_config(&mut self) -> &RefCell<HashMap<u8, WidgetConfig>> {

 fn mouse_entered(&mut self, widget_id: i32) {}
 fn mouse_exited(&mut self, widget_id: i32) {}
 fn mouse_scrolled(&mut self, widget_id: i32, point: Point) {}

This uses a RefCell, since configurations require a mutable reference to the HashMap that stores the configs.

fn mouse_entered(&mut self, widget_id: i32)

Called when a mouse enters the bounds of the widget. Includes the widget ID.

fn mouse_exited(&mut self, widget_id: i32)

Called when a mouse exits the bounds of the widget. Includes the widget ID.

fn mouse_scrolled(&mut self, widget_id: i32, point: Point)

Called when a scroll event is called within the bounds of the widget. Includes the widget ID.

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Provided methods

fn set_config(&mut self, key: u8, value: WidgetConfig)

Sets a configuration object by its key.

fn invalidate(&mut self)

Indicates that a widget needs to be redrawn/refreshed.

fn clear_invalidate(&mut self)

Clears the invalidation flag.

fn is_invalidated(&mut self) -> bool

Checks to see whether or not the widget needs to be redrawn/refreshed.

fn set_origin(&mut self, point: Point)

Sets the Point of origin for this widget. Invalidates the widget afterward.

fn get_origin(&mut self) -> Point

Retrieves the Point of origin for this object. Defaults to origin (0, 0) if not set.

fn set_size(&mut self, size: Size)

Sets the Size for this widget. Invalidates the widget afterward.

fn get_size(&mut self) -> Size

Retrieves the Size bounds for this widget. Defaults to size (0, 0) if not set.

fn set_color(&mut self, color: Color)

Sets the color for this widget. Invalidates the widget afterward.

fn get_color(&mut self) -> Color

Retrieves the color of this widget. Defaults to white color [1.0; 4] if not set.

fn draw(&mut self, context: Context, graphics: &mut GlGraphics)

Draws the contents of the widget, provided a piston2d Context and GlGraphics object.

It is highly recommended that you call clear_invalidate() after the draw completes, otherwise, this will continue to be redrawn continuously (unless this is the desired behavior.)

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impl Widget for BoxWidget[src]

Implementation of the BoxWidget object with the Widget traits implemented. This implementation is similar to the BaseWidget, but incorporates a drawable box inside the widget. Base widget is the BaseWidget.

This is basically just a box with a fill color. Use this to draw other things like buttons, text widgets, and so on, if you need anything with a drawable border.

Example usage:

   let mut box_widget = BoxWidget::new();

   box_widget.set_origin(Point { x: 100, y: 100 });
   box_widget.set_size(pushrod::core::point::Size { w: 200, h: 200 });
   box_widget.set_color([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]);
   box_widget.set_border_color([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);

fn set_origin(&mut self, point: Point)[src]

Sets the Point of origin for this widget and the base widget. Invalidates the widget afterward.

fn set_size(&mut self, size: Size)[src]

Sets the Size for this widget and the base widget. Invalidates the widget afterward.

fn set_color(&mut self, color: Color)[src]

Sets the color for this widget. Invalidates the widget afterward.

fn get_color(&mut self) -> Color[src]

Retrieves the color of this widget. Defaults to white color [1.0; 4] if not set.

fn draw(&mut self, context: Context, graphics: &mut GlGraphics)[src]

Draws the contents of the widget in this order:

  • Base widget first
  • Box graphic for the specified width

fn set_config(&mut self, key: u8, value: WidgetConfig)[src]

fn invalidate(&mut self)[src]

fn clear_invalidate(&mut self)[src]

fn is_invalidated(&mut self) -> bool[src]

fn get_origin(&mut self) -> Point[src]

fn get_size(&mut self) -> Size[src]

impl Widget for BaseWidget[src]

Implementation of the BaseWidget object with the Widget traits implemented. This function only implements get_config, and samples of mouse_entered, mouse_exited, and mouse_scrolled, which currently trigger messages to the screen.

Example usage:

   let mut base_widget = BaseWidget::new();

   base_widget.set_origin(Point { x: 100, y: 100 });
   base_widget.set_size(pushrod::core::point::Size { w: 200, h: 200 });
   base_widget.set_color([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]);

   // Widgets must be boxed, as they are trait objects.
   let widget_id = pushrod_window.add_widget(Box::new(base_widget));

   eprintln!("Added widget: ID={}", widget_id);

   let mut base_widget_2 = BaseWidget::new();

   base_widget_2.set_origin(Point { x: 125, y: 125 });
   base_widget_2.set_size(pushrod::core::poiNt::Size { w: 100, h: 100 });
   base_widget_2.set_color([0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0]);

   // Add the second widget to the top level base widget.
   let widget_id_2 = pushrod_window.add_widget_to_parent(Box::new(base_widget_2, widget_id);

fn set_config(&mut self, key: u8, value: WidgetConfig)[src]

fn invalidate(&mut self)[src]

fn clear_invalidate(&mut self)[src]

fn is_invalidated(&mut self) -> bool[src]

fn set_origin(&mut self, point: Point)[src]

fn get_origin(&mut self) -> Point[src]

fn set_size(&mut self, size: Size)[src]

fn get_size(&mut self) -> Size[src]

fn set_color(&mut self, color: Color)[src]

fn get_color(&mut self) -> Color[src]

fn draw(&mut self, context: Context, graphics: &mut GlGraphics)[src]

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