Crate rust_fel

Expand description

A Rust Front-End Library.


Relies on rustwasm.

Very lightweight and does not support much of the HTML Standard. More work needs to be done to truly make this a viable option for creating client side front-ends with rustwasm.


  • State Management
  • JSX -like syntax
  • DOM construction from a Virtual DOM.


use crate::main_component::Main;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
extern crate rust_fel;

// invoked when the wasm module is instantiated
pub fn main() -> Result<(), JsValue> {
    let main = Main::create();
    let app = rust_fel::App::new(main);



A rust_fel struct component implements rust_fel::Component

use crate::action::Action;
use crate::handle;
use crate::main_child::{ChildProps, MainChild};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct MainState {
    count: i32,

pub enum Actions {

#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Main {
    child: handle::Handle<MainChild>,
    id: String,
    state: MainState,
    props: String,

impl Main {
    pub fn create() -> handle::Handle<Self> {
        let main = Main {
            id: "main".to_owned(),
            state: MainState {
                count: 0,
            child: MainChild::create(),

impl rust_fel::Component for handle::Handle<Main> {
    type Properties = String;
    type Message = Actions;
    type State = MainState;

    fn add_props(&mut self, props: Self::Properties) {
        self.0.borrow_mut().props = props;

    fn reduce_state(&mut self, message: Actions) {
        match message {
            Actions::Counter(Action::Increment) => self.0.borrow_mut().state.count += 100,
            Actions::Counter(Action::Decrement) => self.0.borrow_mut().state.count -= 100,

        rust_fel::re_render(self.render(), Some(self.0.borrow().id.clone()));

    fn render(&self) -> rust_fel::Element {
        let mut clone_for_props_closure = self.clone();
        let mut clone_for_inc = self.clone();
        let mut borrow = self.0.borrow_mut();
        let state = borrow.state.clone();
        let props_closure = Rc::new(RefCell::new(move || {

        let child_props = ChildProps {
            counter_props: state.count.to_string(),
            closure: Some(props_closure),


        let main_text = rust_fel::html(format!(
            "<span | data-cy=main-text| >Main {}</span>",

        let inc_button = rust_fel::Element::new(
            rust_fel::Props {
                text: Some("Increment".to_owned()),
                on_click: Some(Box::new(move || {
                data_cy: Some("increment-main".to_owned()),
                children: Some(vec![inc_button_text]),

        let main_el = rust_fel::Element::new(
            rust_fel::Props {
                class_name: Some("main-el".to_owned()),
                children: Some(vec![main_text, inc_button, input_wrapper]),

        let child_wrapper = rust_fel::Element::new(
            rust_fel::Props {
                class_name: Some("child-wrapper".to_owned()),
                children: Some(vec![borrow.child.render()]),

            rust_fel::Props {
                id: Some(,
                class_name: Some("main".to_owned()),
                children: Some(vec![main_el, child_wrapper]),

A rust_fel functional component with rust_fel::html

pub fn theme_switcher(on_click: rust_fel::ClosureProp, title: String) -> rust_fel::Element {
    let text = rust_fel::html(format!(
        "<span |class=theme-switcher-text|>{}</span>",

    let theme_button = rust_fel::Element::new(
        rust_fel::Props {
            on_click: Some(on_click),
            type_attr: Some("button".to_owned()),
            class_name: Some("theme-switcher-button".to_owned()),
            children: Some(vec![text]),
            data_cy: Some(title),

        rust_fel::Props {
            children: Some(vec![theme_button]),




  • Components are the basic building blocks of the UI. Each Component chooses how to display itself using received props and self-managed state. Inspired by Yew’s Component


  • Create a Virtual Dom of rust_fel::Element from a string of HTML.
  • Used when a rust_fel struct component updates it’s state and wants to propagate the changes to it’s children.
    After first mount this function will update the Virtual DOM and then the real DOM.
    It works by

Type Aliases§