[][src]Trait rust_blas::vector::ops::Axpy

pub trait Axpy: Sized {
    fn axpy<V: ?Sized + Vector<Self>, W: ?Sized + Vector<Self>>(
        alpha: &Self,
        x: &V,
        y: &mut W
fn axpy_mat(alpha: &Self, x: &dyn Matrix<Self>, y: &mut dyn Matrix<Self>); }

Computes a * x + y and stores the result in y.

Required methods

fn axpy<V: ?Sized + Vector<Self>, W: ?Sized + Vector<Self>>(
    alpha: &Self,
    x: &V,
    y: &mut W

fn axpy_mat(alpha: &Self, x: &dyn Matrix<Self>, y: &mut dyn Matrix<Self>)

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Axpy for f32[src]

impl Axpy for f64[src]

impl Axpy for Complex32[src]

impl Axpy for Complex64[src]

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