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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides secure and resizable computing capacity in the AWS Cloud. Using Amazon EC2 eliminates the need to invest in hardware up front, so you can develop and deploy applications faster. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to provision a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you've defined. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with EC2 instances. EBS volumes are highly available and reliable storage volumes that can be attached to any running instance and used like a hard drive.

To learn more, see the following resources:

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for Ec2Client and Ec2.


Filter structure is a bit verbose to set up, and since it is used in many places filter! macro provides an ergononic way of creating it. filter! expects its arguments to be ToString. The first argument is the name field of the Filter, while the rest of them (if any) become the values.


Contains the parameters for accepting the quote.

The result of the exchange and whether it was successful.

Describes an account attribute.

Describes a value of an account attribute.

Describes a running instance in a Spot Fleet.

An entry for a prefix list.

Describes an Elastic IP address, or a carrier IP address.

The attributes associated with an Elastic IP address.

Contains the output of AllocateHosts.

Describes a principal.

Describes an potential intermediate component of a feasible path.

Describes a network access control (ACL) rule.

Describes a path component.

Describes a load balancer listener.

Describes a load balancer target.

Describes a header. Reflects any changes made by a component as traffic passes through. The fields of an inbound header are null except for the first component of a path.

Describes a route table route.

Describes a security group rule.

Contains the parameters for AssignPrivateIpAddresses.

Describes the private IP addresses assigned to a network interface.

Information about the associated IAM roles.

Describes a target network that is associated with a Client VPN endpoint. A target network is a subnet in a VPC.

Describes the state of a target network association.

Describes integration options for Amazon Athena.

Contains the parameters for AttachNetworkInterface.

Contains the output of AttachNetworkInterface.

Contains the parameters for AttachVpnGateway.

Contains the output of AttachVpnGateway.

Describes a value for a resource attribute that is a Boolean value.

Describes a value for a resource attribute that is a String.

Information about an authorization rule.

Describes Availability Zones, Local Zones, and Wavelength Zones.

Describes a message about an Availability Zone, Local Zone, or Wavelength Zone.

The capacity information for instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host.

Describes a block device mapping.

Contains the parameters for BundleInstance.

Contains the output of BundleInstance.

Describes a bundle task.

Describes an error for BundleInstance.

Information about an address range that is provisioned for use with your Amazon Web Services resources through bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP).

Contains the parameters for CancelBundleTask.

Contains the output of CancelBundleTask.

Contains the parameters for CancelReservedInstancesListing.

Contains the output of CancelReservedInstancesListing.

Describes a Spot Fleet error.

Describes a Spot Fleet request that was not successfully canceled.

Contains the parameters for CancelSpotFleetRequests.

Contains the output of CancelSpotFleetRequests.

Describes a Spot Fleet request that was successfully canceled.

Contains the parameters for CancelSpotInstanceRequests.

Contains the output of CancelSpotInstanceRequests.

Describes a request to cancel a Spot Instance.

Describes a Capacity Reservation.

Describes a resource group to which a Capacity Reservation has been added.

Describes the strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.

This strategy can only be used if the EC2 Fleet is of type instant.

For more information about Capacity Reservations, see On-Demand Capacity Reservations in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. For examples of using Capacity Reservations in an EC2 Fleet, see EC2 Fleet example configurations in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Describes the strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.

This strategy can only be used if the EC2 Fleet is of type instant.

For more information about Capacity Reservations, see On-Demand Capacity Reservations in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. For examples of using Capacity Reservations in an EC2 Fleet, see EC2 Fleet example configurations in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Describes an instance's Capacity Reservation targeting option. You can specify only one parameter at a time. If you specify CapacityReservationPreference and CapacityReservationTarget, the request fails.

Use the CapacityReservationPreference parameter to configure the instance to run as an On-Demand Instance or to run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone). Use the CapacityReservationTarget parameter to explicitly target a specific Capacity Reservation or a Capacity Reservation group.

Describes the instance's Capacity Reservation targeting preferences. The action returns the capacityReservationPreference response element if the instance is configured to run in On-Demand capacity, or if it is configured in run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone). The action returns the capacityReservationTarget response element if the instance explicily targets a specific Capacity Reservation or Capacity Reservation group.

Describes a target Capacity Reservation or Capacity Reservation group.

Describes a target Capacity Reservation or Capacity Reservation group.

Describes a carrier gateway.

Information about the client certificate used for authentication.

Information about the client certificate to be used for authentication.

Provides authorization for Amazon to bring a specific IP address range to a specific account using bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP). For more information, see Configuring your BYOIP address range in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.

Describes an IPv4 CIDR block.

Describes the ClassicLink DNS support status of a VPC.

Describes a linked EC2-Classic instance.

Describes a Classic Load Balancer.

Describes the Classic Load Balancers to attach to a Spot Fleet. Spot Fleet registers the running Spot Instances with these Classic Load Balancers.

Describes the state of a client certificate revocation list.

The options for managing connection authorization for new client connections.

The options for managing connection authorization for new client connections.

Describes the client-specific data.

Describes the authentication methods used by a Client VPN endpoint. For more information, see Authentication in the AWS Client VPN Administrator Guide.

Describes the authentication method to be used by a Client VPN endpoint. For more information, see Authentication in the AWS Client VPN Administrator Guide.

Describes the state of an authorization rule.

Describes a client connection.

Describes the status of a client connection.

Describes a Client VPN endpoint.

Describes the status of the Client VPN endpoint attribute.

Describes the state of a Client VPN endpoint.

Information about a Client VPN endpoint route.

Describes the state of a Client VPN endpoint route.

Describes address usage for a customer-owned address pool.

Describes a customer-owned address pool.

Describes the client connection logging options for the Client VPN endpoint.

Information about the client connection logging options for a Client VPN endpoint.

Describes a connection notification for a VPC endpoint or VPC endpoint service.

Describes a conversion task.

Contains the parameters for CopyImage.

Contains the output of CopyImage.

The CPU options for the instance.

The CPU options for the instance. Both the core count and threads per core must be specified in the request.

Contains the parameters for CreateCustomerGateway.

Contains the output of CreateCustomerGateway.

Describes the instances that were launched by the fleet.

Contains the parameters for CreateNetworkInterfacePermission.

Contains the output of CreateNetworkInterfacePermission.

Contains the parameters for CreateNetworkInterface.

Contains the output of CreateNetworkInterface.

Contains the parameters for CreateReservedInstancesListing.

Contains the output of CreateReservedInstancesListing.

Contains the parameters for CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription.

Contains the output of CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription.

The options for a Connect attachment.

The options for the transit gateway multicast domain.

Describes the options for a VPC attachment.

Describes the user or group to be added or removed from the list of create volume permissions for a volume.

Describes modifications to the list of create volume permissions for a volume.

Contains the parameters for CreateVpcEndpoint.

Contains the output of CreateVpcEndpoint.

Contains the parameters for CreateVpnConnection.

Contains the output of CreateVpnConnection.

Contains the parameters for CreateVpnConnectionRoute.

Contains the parameters for CreateVpnGateway.

Contains the output of CreateVpnGateway.

Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a T2, T3, or T3a instance.

The credit option for CPU usage of a T2, T3, or T3a instance.

Describes a customer gateway.

Contains the parameters for DeleteCustomerGateway.

Describes an EC2 Fleet error.

Describes an EC2 Fleet that was not successfully deleted.

Describes an EC2 Fleet that was successfully deleted.

Describes a launch template version that could not be deleted.

Describes a launch template version that was successfully deleted.

Contains the parameters for DeleteNetworkInterfacePermission.

Contains the output for DeleteNetworkInterfacePermission.

Contains the parameters for DeleteNetworkInterface.

Contains the parameters for DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription.

Contains the parameters for DeleteVpcEndpoints.

Contains the output of DeleteVpcEndpoints.

Contains the parameters for DeleteVpnConnection.

Contains the parameters for DeleteVpnConnectionRoute.

Contains the parameters for DeleteVpnGateway.

Contains the parameters for DeregisterImage.

Information about the tag keys to deregister for the current Region. You can either specify individual tag keys or deregister all tag keys in the current Region. You must specify either IncludeAllTagsOfInstance or InstanceTagKeys in the request

Contains the parameters for DescribeCustomerGateways.

Contains the output of DescribeCustomerGateways.

Describes fast snapshot restores for a snapshot.

Describes the instances that could not be launched by the fleet.

Describes the instances that were launched by the fleet.

Contains the parameters for DescribeImageAttribute.

Contains the parameters for DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute.

Contains the output of DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute.

Contains the parameters for DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissions.

Contains the output for DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissions.

Contains the parameters for DescribeNetworkInterfaces.

Contains the output of DescribeNetworkInterfaces.

Contains the parameters for DescribeReservedInstancesListings.

Contains the output of DescribeReservedInstancesListings.

Contains the parameters for DescribeReservedInstancesModifications.

Contains the output of DescribeReservedInstancesModifications.

Contains the parameters for DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings.

Contains the output of DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings.

Contains the parameters for DescribeReservedInstances.

Contains the output for DescribeReservedInstances.

Contains the output of DescribeRouteTables.

Contains the parameters for DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailability.

Contains the output of DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailability.

Contains the parameters for DescribeScheduledInstances.

Contains the output of DescribeScheduledInstances.

Contains the parameters for DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription.

Contains the output of DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription.

Contains the parameters for DescribeSpotFleetInstances.

Contains the output of DescribeSpotFleetInstances.

Contains the parameters for DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory.

Contains the output of DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory.

Contains the parameters for DescribeSpotFleetRequests.

Contains the output of DescribeSpotFleetRequests.

Contains the parameters for DescribeSpotInstanceRequests.

Contains the output of DescribeSpotInstanceRequests.

Contains the parameters for DescribeSpotPriceHistory.

Contains the output of DescribeSpotPriceHistory.

Contains the parameters for DescribeVpcEndpointServices.

Contains the output of DescribeVpcEndpointServices.

Contains the parameters for DescribeVpcEndpoints.

Contains the output of DescribeVpcEndpoints.

Contains the parameters for DescribeVpnConnections.

Contains the output of DescribeVpnConnections.

Contains the parameters for DescribeVpnGateways.

Contains the output of DescribeVpnGateways.

Contains the parameters for DetachNetworkInterface.

Contains the parameters for DetachVpnGateway.

Describes a DHCP configuration option.

Describes a set of DHCP options.

Describes an Active Directory.

Describes the Active Directory to be used for client authentication.

Contains information about the errors that occurred when disabling fast snapshot restores.

Describes an error that occurred when disabling fast snapshot restores.

Contains information about an error that occurred when disabling fast snapshot restores.

Describes fast snapshot restores that were successfully disabled.

Contains the parameters for DisableVgwRoutePropagation.

Describes a disk image.

Describes a disk image.

Describes a disk image.

Describes a disk image volume.

Describes the disk.

Describes a DNS entry.

Information about the DNS server to be used.

Describes the instances that could not be launched by the fleet.

Describes the error for a Reserved Instance whose queued purchase could not be deleted.

Describes a block device for an EBS volume.

Describes the Amazon EBS features supported by the instance type.

Describes a parameter used to set up an EBS volume in a block device mapping.

Describes information used to set up an EBS volume specified in a block device mapping.

Describes the optimized EBS performance for supported instance types.

A client for the Amazon EC2 API.

Describes the Elastic Fabric Adapters for the instance type.

Describes an egress-only internet gateway.

Describes the association between an instance and an Elastic Graphics accelerator.

Describes the status of an Elastic Graphics accelerator.

A specification for an Elastic Graphics accelerator.

Describes an elastic GPU.

Describes an Elastic Graphics accelerator.

Describes an elastic inference accelerator.

Describes the association between an instance and an elastic inference accelerator.

Contains information about the errors that occurred when enabling fast snapshot restores.

Describes an error that occurred when enabling fast snapshot restores.

Contains information about an error that occurred when enabling fast snapshot restores.

Describes fast snapshot restores that were successfully enabled.

Contains the parameters for EnableVgwRoutePropagation.

Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves.

Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. For more information, see What is AWS Nitro Enclaves? in the AWS Nitro Enclaves User Guide.

Describes an EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet event.

Describes an explanation code for an unreachable path. For more information, see Reachability Analyzer explanation codes.

Describes an export image task.

Describes an export instance task.

Describes the destination for an export image task.

Describes the destination for an export image task.

Describes the format and location for the export task.

Describes an export instance task.

Describes a Reserved Instance whose queued purchase was not deleted.

Describes the IAM SAML identity providers used for federated authentication.

The IAM SAML identity provider used for federated authentication.

A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results from a describe operation. Filters can be used to match a set of resources by specific criteria, such as tags, attributes, or IDs.

Describes an EC2 Fleet.

Describes a launch template and overrides.

Describes a launch template and overrides.

Describes overrides for a launch template.

Describes overrides for a launch template.

Describes the Amazon EC2 launch template and the launch template version that can be used by a Spot Fleet request to configure Amazon EC2 instances. For information about launch templates, see Launching an instance from a launch template in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

Describes the Amazon EC2 launch template and the launch template version that can be used by an EC2 Fleet to configure Amazon EC2 instances. For information about launch templates, see Launching an instance from a launch template in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

The strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted.

The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted. For more information, see Capacity rebalancing in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted.

The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted.

Describes a flow log.

Describes the FPGA accelerator for the instance type.

Describes the memory for the FPGA accelerator for the instance type.

Describes an Amazon FPGA image (AFI).

Describes an Amazon FPGA image (AFI) attribute.

Describes the state of the bitstream generation process for an Amazon FPGA image (AFI).

Describes the FPGAs for the instance type.

Contains the parameters for GetReservedInstanceExchangeQuote.

Contains the output of GetReservedInstancesExchangeQuote.

Describes the GPU accelerators for the instance type.

Describes the memory available to the GPU accelerator.

Describes the GPU accelerators for the instance type.

Describes a security group.

Indicates whether your instance is configured for hibernation. This parameter is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites. For more information, see Hibernate your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Indicates whether your instance is configured for hibernation. This parameter is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites. For more information, see Hibernate your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Describes an event in the history of the Spot Fleet request.

Describes an event in the history of an EC2 Fleet.

Describes the properties of the Dedicated Host.

Describes an instance running on a Dedicated Host.

Details about the Dedicated Host Reservation offering.

Describes the properties of a Dedicated Host.

Details about the Dedicated Host Reservation and associated Dedicated Hosts.

The internet key exchange (IKE) version permitted for the VPN tunnel.

The IKE version that is permitted for the VPN tunnel.

Describes an IAM instance profile.

Describes an association between an IAM instance profile and an instance.

Describes an IAM instance profile.

Describes the ICMP type and code.

Describes the ID format for a resource.

Describes an image.

Describes an image attribute.

Describes the disk container object for an import image task.

The request information of license configurations.

The response information for license configurations.

Describes an import image task.

Describes the launch specification for VM import.

Describes an import instance task.

Describes an import volume task.

Describes an import snapshot task.

Describes an import volume task.

Describes the Inference accelerators for the instance type.

Describes the Inference accelerators for the instance type.

Describes an instance.

Describes an instance attribute.

Describes a block device mapping.

Describes a block device mapping entry.

Information about the number of instances that can be launched onto the Dedicated Host.

Describes a Reserved Instance listing state.

Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance instance.

Describes the credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance instance.

Describes an instance to export.

Describes the default credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance instance family.

Describes an IPv6 address.

Describes an IPv6 address.

Describes the market (purchasing) option for the instances.

The metadata options for the instance.

The metadata options for the instance.

Describes the monitoring of an instance.

Describes a network interface.

Describes association information for an Elastic IP address (IPv4).

Describes a network interface attachment.

Describes a network interface.

Describes a private IPv4 address.

The instance details to specify which volumes should be snapshotted.

Describes the current state of an instance.

Describes an instance state change.

Describes the status of an instance.

Describes the instance status.

Describes a scheduled event for an instance.

Describes the status of an instance.

Describes the disks that are available for the instance type.

Describes the registered tag keys for the current Region.

Describes the instance type.

The instance types offered.

Information about the Capacity Reservation usage.

Describes service integrations with VPC Flow logs.

Describes an internet gateway.

Describes the attachment of a VPC to an internet gateway or an egress-only internet gateway.

Describes a set of permissions for a security group rule.

Describes an IPv4 range.

Describes an IPv6 CIDR block association.

Describes an IPv6 CIDR block.

Describes an IPv6 address pool.

[EC2-VPC only] Describes an IPv6 range.

Describes a key pair.

Describes a key pair.

The last error that occurred for a VPC endpoint.

Describes a launch permission.

Describes a launch permission modification.

Describes the launch specification for an instance.

Describes a launch template.

Describes a launch template and overrides.

Describes a block device mapping.

Describes a block device mapping.

Describes an instance's Capacity Reservation targeting option. You can specify only one option at a time. Use the CapacityReservationPreference parameter to configure the instance to run in On-Demand capacity or to run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone). Use the CapacityReservationTarget parameter to explicitly target a specific Capacity Reservation or a Capacity Reservation group.

Information about the Capacity Reservation targeting option.

Describes a launch template and overrides.

The CPU options for the instance.

The CPU options for the instance. Both the core count and threads per core must be specified in the request.

Describes a block device for an EBS volume.

The parameters for a block device for an EBS volume.

Describes an elastic inference accelerator.

Describes an elastic inference accelerator.

Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves.

Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. For more information, see What is AWS Nitro Enclaves? in the AWS Nitro Enclaves User Guide.

Indicates whether an instance is configured for hibernation.

Indicates whether the instance is configured for hibernation. This parameter is valid only if the instance meets the hibernation prerequisites.

Describes an IAM instance profile.

The market (purchasing) option for the instances.

The market (purchasing) option for the instances.

The metadata options for the instance. For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.

The metadata options for the instance. For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.

The parameters for a network interface.

Describes a license configuration.

Describes a license configuration.

Describes overrides for a launch template.

Describes the placement of an instance.

Describes the placement of an instance.

The launch template to use. You must specify either the launch template ID or launch template name in the request, but not both.

The options for Spot Instances.

The options for Spot Instances.

The tag specification for the launch template.

The tags specification for the launch template.

Describes a launch template version.

Describes the monitoring for the instance.

Describes the monitoring for the instance.

Describes a license configuration.

Describes a license configuration.

Describes the Classic Load Balancers and target groups to attach to a Spot Fleet request.

Describes a load permission.

Describes modifications to the load permissions of an Amazon FPGA image (AFI).

Describes a load permission.

Describes a local gateway.

Describes a route for a local gateway route table.

Describes a local gateway route table.

Describes an association between a local gateway route table and a virtual interface group.

Describes an association between a local gateway route table and a VPC.

Describes a local gateway virtual interface.

Describes a local gateway virtual interface group.

Describes a managed prefix list.

Describes the memory for the instance type.

Contains the parameters for ModifyImageAttribute.

Contains the parameters for ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute.

Contains the parameters for ModifyReservedInstances.

Contains the output of ModifyReservedInstances.

Contains the parameters for ModifySpotFleetRequest.

Contains the output of ModifySpotFleetRequest.

The transit gateway options.

Describes the options for a VPC attachment.

Contains the parameters for ModifyVpcEndpoint.

The AWS Site-to-Site VPN tunnel options to modify.

Describes the monitoring of an instance.

Describes the status of a moving Elastic IP address.

Describes a NAT gateway.

Describes the IP addresses and network interface associated with a NAT gateway.

Describes a network ACL.

Describes an association between a network ACL and a subnet.

Describes an entry in a network ACL.

Describes the network card support of the instance type.

Describes the networking features of the instance type.

Describes a network insights analysis.

Describes a path.

Describes a network interface.

Describes association information for an Elastic IP address (IPv4 only), or a Carrier IP address (for a network interface which resides in a subnet in a Wavelength Zone).

Describes a network interface attachment.

Describes an attachment change.

Describes an IPv6 address associated with a network interface.

Describes a permission for a network interface.

Describes the state of a network interface permission.

Describes the private IPv4 address of a network interface.

Describes the configuration of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet.

Describes the configuration of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet.

Describes a path component.

Describes the data that identifies an Amazon FPGA image (AFI) on the PCI bus.

The status of the transit gateway peering attachment.

Describes the VPC peering connection options.

The VPC peering connection options.

Information about the transit gateway in the peering attachment.

The Diffie-Hellmann group number for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

Specifies a Diffie-Hellman group number for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

The encryption algorithm for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

Specifies the encryption algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

The integrity algorithm for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

Specifies the integrity algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 1 IKE negotiations.

The Diffie-Hellmann group number for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Specifies a Diffie-Hellman group number for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

The encryption algorithm for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Specifies the encryption algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

The integrity algorithm for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Specifies the integrity algorithm for the VPN tunnel for phase 2 IKE negotiations.

Describes the placement of an instance.

Describes a placement group.

Describes the placement group support of the instance type.

Describes the placement of an instance.

Describes a CIDR block for an address pool.

Describes a range of ports.

Describes prefixes for Amazon Web Services services.

Describes the resource with which a prefix list is associated.

Describes a prefix list entry.

Describes a prefix list ID.

Describes the price for a Reserved Instance.

Describes the price for a Reserved Instance.

Describes a Reserved Instance offering.

PrincipalIdFormat description

Information about the Private DNS name for interface endpoints.

Information about the private DNS name for the service endpoint. For more information about these parameters, see VPC Endpoint Service Private DNS Name Verification in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

Describes a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface.

Describes the processor used by the instance type.

Describes a product code.

Describes a virtual private gateway propagating route.

Reserved. If you need to sustain traffic greater than the documented limits, contact us through the Support Center.

The status of an updated pointer (PTR) record for an Elastic IP address.

Describes an IPv4 address pool.

Describes an address range of an IPv4 address pool.

Describes the result of the purchase.

Describes a request to purchase Scheduled Instances.

Contains the parameters for PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering.

Contains the output of PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering.

Contains the parameters for PurchaseScheduledInstances.

Contains the output of PurchaseScheduledInstances.

Describes a recurring charge.

Describes a Region.

Contains the parameters for RegisterImage.

Contains the output of RegisterImage.

Information about the tag keys to register for the current Region. You can either specify individual tag keys or register all tag keys in the current Region. You must specify either IncludeAllTagsOfInstance or InstanceTagKeys in the request

An entry for a prefix list.

Information about a root volume replacement task.

The information to include in the launch template.

Contains the parameters for RequestSpotFleet.

Contains the output of RequestSpotFleet.

Contains the parameters for RequestSpotInstances.

Contains the output of RequestSpotInstances.

Describes the launch specification for an instance.

Describes a launch request for one or more instances, and includes owner, requester, and security group information that applies to all instances in the launch request.

The cost associated with the Reserved Instance.

Describes the limit price of a Reserved Instance offering.

The total value of the Convertible Reserved Instance.

Describes a Reserved Instance.

Describes the configuration settings for the modified Reserved Instances.

Describes the ID of a Reserved Instance.

Describes a Reserved Instance listing.

Describes a Reserved Instance modification.

Describes the modification request/s.

Describes a Reserved Instance offering.

Contains the parameters for ResetImageAttribute.

Contains the parameters for ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute.

Describes the error that's returned when you cannot delete a launch template version.

The information for a launch template.

Describes a route in a route table.

Describes a route table.

Describes an association between a route table and a subnet or gateway.

Describes the state of an association between a route table and a subnet or gateway.

Describes the monitoring of an instance.

Contains the parameters for RunScheduledInstances.

Contains the output of RunScheduledInstances.

The tags to apply to the AMI object that will be stored in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Categorizing your storage using tags in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

Describes the storage parameters for S3 and S3 buckets for an instance store-backed AMI.

Describes a Scheduled Instance.

Describes a schedule that is available for your Scheduled Instances.

Describes the recurring schedule for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes the recurring schedule for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes a block device mapping for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes an EBS volume for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes an IAM instance profile for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes an IPv6 address.

Describes the launch specification for a Scheduled Instance.

If you are launching the Scheduled Instance in EC2-VPC, you must specify the ID of the subnet. You can specify the subnet using either SubnetId or NetworkInterface.

Describes whether monitoring is enabled for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes a network interface for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes the placement for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes a private IPv4 address for a Scheduled Instance.

Describes a security group

Describes a security group.

Describes a VPC with a security group that references your security group.

Describes a service configuration for a VPC endpoint service.

Describes a VPC endpoint service.

Describes the type of service for a VPC endpoint.

Describes the time period for a Scheduled Instance to start its first schedule. The time period must span less than one day.

Describes the time period for a Scheduled Instance to start its first schedule.

Describes a snapshot.

Describes the snapshot created from the imported disk.

The disk container object for the import snapshot request.

Information about a snapshot.

Details about the import snapshot task.

The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted. For more information, see Capacity rebalancing in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

Describes the data feed for a Spot Instance.

Describes the launch specification for one or more Spot Instances. If you include On-Demand capacity in your fleet request or want to specify an EFA network device, you can't use SpotFleetLaunchSpecification; you must use LaunchTemplateConfig.

Describes whether monitoring is enabled.

Describes a Spot Fleet request.

Describes the configuration of a Spot Fleet request.

The tags for a Spot Fleet resource.

Describes a Spot Instance request.

Describes a Spot Instance state change.

Describes the status of a Spot Instance request.

The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted.

The options for Spot Instances.

Describes the configuration of Spot Instances in an EC2 Fleet.

Describes the configuration of Spot Instances in an EC2 Fleet request.

Describes Spot Instance placement.

Describes the maximum price per hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance.

Describes a stale rule in a security group.

Describes a stale security group (a security group that contains stale rules).

Describes a state change.

Describes the storage location for an instance store-backed AMI.

Describes a storage location in Amazon S3.

The information about the AMI store task, including the progress of the task.

Describes a subnet.

Describes the subnet association with the transit gateway multicast domain.

Describes the state of a CIDR block.

Describes an IPv6 CIDR block associated with a subnet.

Describes the burstable performance instance whose credit option for CPU usage was successfully modified.

Describes a Reserved Instance whose queued purchase was successfully deleted.

Describes a tag.

Describes a tag.

The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created.

The number of units to request. You can choose to set the target capacity in terms of instances or a performance characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If the request type is maintain, you can specify a target capacity of 0 and add capacity later.

You can use the On-Demand Instance MaxTotalPrice parameter, the Spot Instance MaxTotalPrice, or both to ensure that your fleet cost does not exceed your budget. If you set a maximum price per hour for the On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances in your request, EC2 Fleet will launch instances until it reaches the maximum amount that you're willing to pay. When the maximum amount you're willing to pay is reached, the fleet stops launching instances even if it hasn’t met the target capacity. The MaxTotalPrice parameters are located in OnDemandOptions and SpotOptions.

The number of units to request. You can choose to set the target capacity as the number of instances. Or you can set the target capacity to a performance characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If the request type is maintain, you can specify a target capacity of 0 and add capacity later.

You can use the On-Demand Instance MaxTotalPrice parameter, the Spot Instance MaxTotalPrice parameter, or both parameters to ensure that your fleet cost does not exceed your budget. If you set a maximum price per hour for the On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances in your request, EC2 Fleet will launch instances until it reaches the maximum amount that you're willing to pay. When the maximum amount you're willing to pay is reached, the fleet stops launching instances even if it hasn’t met the target capacity. The MaxTotalPrice parameters are located in OnDemandOptionsRequest and SpotOptionsRequest.

Information about the Convertible Reserved Instance offering.

Details about the target configuration.

Describes a load balancer target group.

Describes the target groups to attach to a Spot Fleet. Spot Fleet registers the running Spot Instances with these target groups.

Describes a target network associated with a Client VPN endpoint.

The total value of the new Convertible Reserved Instances.

Information about a terminated Client VPN endpoint client connection.

Describes the Traffic Mirror filter.

Describes the Traffic Mirror rule.

Describes the Traffic Mirror port range.

Information about the Traffic Mirror filter rule port range.

Describes a Traffic Mirror session.

Describes a Traffic Mirror target.

Describes a transit gateway.

Describes an association between a resource attachment and a transit gateway route table.

Describes an attachment between a resource and a transit gateway.

Describes an association.

The BGP configuration information.

Describes a propagation route table.

Describes a transit gateway Connect attachment.

Describes the Connect attachment options.

Describes a transit gateway Connect peer.

Describes the Connect peer details.

The BGP options for the Connect attachment.

Describes the deregistered transit gateway multicast group members.

Describes the deregistered transit gateway multicast group sources.

Describes the transit gateway multicast domain.

Describes the resources associated with the transit gateway multicast domain.

Describes the multicast domain associations.

Describes the options for a transit gateway multicast domain.

Describes the transit gateway multicast group resources.

Describes the registered transit gateway multicast group members.

Describes the members registered with the transit gateway multicast group.

Describes the options for a transit gateway.

Describes the transit gateway peering attachment.

Describes a transit gateway prefix list attachment.

Describes a prefix list reference.

Describes route propagation.

Describes the options for a transit gateway.

Describes a route for a transit gateway route table.

Describes a route attachment.

Describes a transit gateway route table.

Describes an association between a route table and a resource attachment.

Describes a route table propagation.

Describes a VPC attachment.

Describes the VPC attachment options.

Information about an association between a branch network interface with a trunk network interface.

The VPN tunnel options.

Contains the parameters for UnassignPrivateIpAddresses.

Describes the burstable performance instance whose credit option for CPU usage was not modified.

Information about the error for the burstable performance instance whose credit option for CPU usage was not modified.

Information about items that were not successfully processed in a batch call.

Information about the error that occurred. For more information about errors, see Error Codes.

Describes the Amazon S3 bucket for the disk image.

Describes the Amazon S3 bucket for the disk image.

Describes the user data for an instance.

Describes a security group and AWS account ID pair.

Describes the vCPU configurations for the instance type.

The error code and error message that is returned for a parameter or parameter combination that is not valid when a new launch template or new version of a launch template is created.

The error codes and error messages that are returned for the parameters or parameter combinations that are not valid when a new launch template or new version of a launch template is created.

Describes telemetry for a VPN tunnel.

Describes a volume.

Describes volume attachment details.

Describes an EBS volume.

Describes the modification status of an EBS volume.

If the volume has never been modified, some element values will be null.

Describes a volume status operation code.

Information about the instances to which the volume is attached.

Describes a volume status.

Describes a volume status event.

Describes the status of a volume.

Describes the volume status.

Describes a VPC.

Describes an attachment between a virtual private gateway and a VPC.

Describes an IPv4 CIDR block associated with a VPC.

Describes the state of a CIDR block.

Describes whether a VPC is enabled for ClassicLink.

Describes a VPC endpoint.

Describes a VPC endpoint connection to a service.

Describes an IPv6 CIDR block associated with a VPC.

Describes a VPC peering connection.

Describes the VPC peering connection options.

Describes the status of a VPC peering connection.

Describes a VPC in a VPC peering connection.

Describes a VPN connection.

Describes VPN connection options.

Describes VPN connection options.

Describes a virtual private gateway.

Describes a static route for a VPN connection.

The tunnel options for a single VPN tunnel.


Errors returned by AcceptReservedInstancesExchangeQuote

Errors returned by AcceptTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociations

Errors returned by AcceptTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment

Errors returned by AcceptTransitGatewayVpcAttachment

Errors returned by AcceptVpcEndpointConnections

Errors returned by AcceptVpcPeeringConnection

Errors returned by AdvertiseByoipCidr

Errors returned by AllocateAddress

Errors returned by AllocateHosts

Errors returned by ApplySecurityGroupsToClientVpnTargetNetwork

Errors returned by AssignIpv6Addresses

Errors returned by AssignPrivateIpAddresses

Errors returned by AssociateAddress

Errors returned by AssociateClientVpnTargetNetwork

Errors returned by AssociateDhcpOptions

Errors returned by AssociateEnclaveCertificateIamRole

Errors returned by AssociateIamInstanceProfile

Errors returned by AssociateRouteTable

Errors returned by AssociateSubnetCidrBlock

Errors returned by AssociateTransitGatewayMulticastDomain

Errors returned by AssociateTransitGatewayRouteTable

Errors returned by AssociateTrunkInterface

Errors returned by AssociateVpcCidrBlock

Errors returned by AttachClassicLinkVpc

Errors returned by AttachInternetGateway

Errors returned by AttachNetworkInterface

Errors returned by AttachVolume

Errors returned by AttachVpnGateway

Errors returned by AuthorizeClientVpnIngress

Errors returned by AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress

Errors returned by AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress

Errors returned by BundleInstance

Errors returned by CancelBundleTask

Errors returned by CancelCapacityReservation

Errors returned by CancelConversionTask

Errors returned by CancelExportTask

Errors returned by CancelImportTask

Errors returned by CancelReservedInstancesListing

Errors returned by CancelSpotInstanceRequests

Errors returned by ConfirmProductInstance

Errors returned by CopyFpgaImage

Errors returned by CopyImage

Errors returned by CopySnapshot

Errors returned by CreateCapacityReservation

Errors returned by CreateCarrierGateway

Errors returned by CreateClientVpnEndpoint

Errors returned by CreateClientVpnRoute

Errors returned by CreateCustomerGateway

Errors returned by CreateDefaultSubnet

Errors returned by CreateDefaultVpc

Errors returned by CreateDhcpOptions

Errors returned by CreateEgressOnlyInternetGateway

Errors returned by CreateFleet

Errors returned by CreateFlowLogs

Errors returned by CreateFpgaImage

Errors returned by CreateImage

Errors returned by CreateInstanceExportTask

Errors returned by CreateInternetGateway

Errors returned by CreateKeyPair

Errors returned by CreateLaunchTemplate

Errors returned by CreateLaunchTemplateVersion

Errors returned by CreateLocalGatewayRoute

Errors returned by CreateLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation

Errors returned by CreateManagedPrefixList

Errors returned by CreateNatGateway

Errors returned by CreateNetworkAclEntry

Errors returned by CreateNetworkAcl

Errors returned by CreateNetworkInsightsPath

Errors returned by CreateNetworkInterface

Errors returned by CreateNetworkInterfacePermission

Errors returned by CreatePlacementGroup

Errors returned by CreateReplaceRootVolumeTask

Errors returned by CreateReservedInstancesListing

Errors returned by CreateRestoreImageTask

Errors returned by CreateRoute

Errors returned by CreateRouteTable

Errors returned by CreateSecurityGroup

Errors returned by CreateSnapshot

Errors returned by CreateSnapshots

Errors returned by CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription

Errors returned by CreateStoreImageTask

Errors returned by CreateSubnet

Errors returned by CreateTags

Errors returned by CreateTrafficMirrorFilter

Errors returned by CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRule

Errors returned by CreateTrafficMirrorSession

Errors returned by CreateTrafficMirrorTarget

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayConnect

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayConnectPeer

Errors returned by CreateTransitGateway

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayMulticastDomain

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayPrefixListReference

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayRoute

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayRouteTable

Errors returned by CreateTransitGatewayVpcAttachment

Errors returned by CreateVolume

Errors returned by CreateVpcEndpointConnectionNotification

Errors returned by CreateVpcEndpoint

Errors returned by CreateVpcEndpointServiceConfiguration

Errors returned by CreateVpc

Errors returned by CreateVpcPeeringConnection

Errors returned by CreateVpnConnection

Errors returned by CreateVpnConnectionRoute

Errors returned by CreateVpnGateway

Errors returned by DeleteCarrierGateway

Errors returned by DeleteClientVpnEndpoint

Errors returned by DeleteClientVpnRoute

Errors returned by DeleteCustomerGateway

Errors returned by DeleteDhcpOptions

Errors returned by DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGateway

Errors returned by DeleteFleets

Errors returned by DeleteFlowLogs

Errors returned by DeleteFpgaImage

Errors returned by DeleteInternetGateway

Errors returned by DeleteKeyPair

Errors returned by DeleteLaunchTemplate

Errors returned by DeleteLaunchTemplateVersions

Errors returned by DeleteLocalGatewayRoute

Errors returned by DeleteLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation

Errors returned by DeleteManagedPrefixList

Errors returned by DeleteNatGateway

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkAclEntry

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkAcl

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkInsightsAnalysis

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkInsightsPath

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkInterface

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkInterfacePermission

Errors returned by DeletePlacementGroup

Errors returned by DeleteQueuedReservedInstances

Errors returned by DeleteRoute

Errors returned by DeleteRouteTable

Errors returned by DeleteSecurityGroup

Errors returned by DeleteSnapshot

Errors returned by DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription

Errors returned by DeleteSubnet

Errors returned by DeleteTags

Errors returned by DeleteTrafficMirrorFilter

Errors returned by DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRule

Errors returned by DeleteTrafficMirrorSession

Errors returned by DeleteTrafficMirrorTarget

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayConnect

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayConnectPeer

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGateway

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayMulticastDomain

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayPrefixListReference

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayRoute

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayRouteTable

Errors returned by DeleteTransitGatewayVpcAttachment

Errors returned by DeleteVolume

Errors returned by DeleteVpcEndpointConnectionNotifications

Errors returned by DeleteVpcEndpointServiceConfigurations

Errors returned by DeleteVpcEndpoints

Errors returned by DeleteVpc

Errors returned by DeleteVpcPeeringConnection

Errors returned by DeleteVpnConnection

Errors returned by DeleteVpnConnectionRoute

Errors returned by DeleteVpnGateway

Errors returned by DeprovisionByoipCidr

Errors returned by DeregisterImage

Errors returned by DeregisterInstanceEventNotificationAttributes

Errors returned by DeregisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMembers

Errors returned by DeregisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSources

Errors returned by DescribeAccountAttributes

Errors returned by DescribeAddressesAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeAddresses

Errors returned by DescribeAggregateIdFormat

Errors returned by DescribeAvailabilityZones

Errors returned by DescribeBundleTasks

Errors returned by DescribeByoipCidrs

Errors returned by DescribeCapacityReservations

Errors returned by DescribeCarrierGateways

Errors returned by DescribeClassicLinkInstances

Errors returned by DescribeClientVpnAuthorizationRules

Errors returned by DescribeClientVpnConnections

Errors returned by DescribeClientVpnEndpoints

Errors returned by DescribeClientVpnRoutes

Errors returned by DescribeClientVpnTargetNetworks

Errors returned by DescribeCoipPools

Errors returned by DescribeConversionTasks

Errors returned by DescribeCustomerGateways

Errors returned by DescribeDhcpOptions

Errors returned by DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGateways

Errors returned by DescribeElasticGpus

Errors returned by DescribeExportImageTasks

Errors returned by DescribeExportTasks

Errors returned by DescribeFastSnapshotRestores

Errors returned by DescribeFleetHistory

Errors returned by DescribeFleetInstances

Errors returned by DescribeFleets

Errors returned by DescribeFlowLogs

Errors returned by DescribeFpgaImageAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeFpgaImages

Errors returned by DescribeHostReservationOfferings

Errors returned by DescribeHostReservations

Errors returned by DescribeHosts

Errors returned by DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociations

Errors returned by DescribeIdFormat

Errors returned by DescribeIdentityIdFormat

Errors returned by DescribeImageAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeImages

Errors returned by DescribeImportImageTasks

Errors returned by DescribeImportSnapshotTasks

Errors returned by DescribeInstanceAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications

Errors returned by DescribeInstanceEventNotificationAttributes

Errors returned by DescribeInstanceStatus

Errors returned by DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings

Errors returned by DescribeInstanceTypes

Errors returned by DescribeInstances

Errors returned by DescribeInternetGateways

Errors returned by DescribeIpv6Pools

Errors returned by DescribeKeyPairs

Errors returned by DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions

Errors returned by DescribeLaunchTemplates

Errors returned by DescribeLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociations

Errors returned by DescribeLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociations

Errors returned by DescribeLocalGatewayRouteTables

Errors returned by DescribeLocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroups

Errors returned by DescribeLocalGatewayVirtualInterfaces

Errors returned by DescribeLocalGateways

Errors returned by DescribeManagedPrefixLists

Errors returned by DescribeMovingAddresses

Errors returned by DescribeNatGateways

Errors returned by DescribeNetworkAcls

Errors returned by DescribeNetworkInsightsAnalyses

Errors returned by DescribeNetworkInsightsPaths

Errors returned by DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissions

Errors returned by DescribeNetworkInterfaces

Errors returned by DescribePlacementGroups

Errors returned by DescribePrefixLists

Errors returned by DescribePrincipalIdFormat

Errors returned by DescribePublicIpv4Pools

Errors returned by DescribeRegions

Errors returned by DescribeReplaceRootVolumeTasks

Errors returned by DescribeReservedInstances

Errors returned by DescribeReservedInstancesListings

Errors returned by DescribeReservedInstancesModifications

Errors returned by DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings

Errors returned by DescribeRouteTables

Errors returned by DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailability

Errors returned by DescribeScheduledInstances

Errors returned by DescribeSecurityGroupReferences

Errors returned by DescribeSecurityGroups

Errors returned by DescribeSnapshotAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeSnapshots

Errors returned by DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription

Errors returned by DescribeSpotFleetInstances

Errors returned by DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory

Errors returned by DescribeSpotFleetRequests

Errors returned by DescribeSpotInstanceRequests

Errors returned by DescribeSpotPriceHistory

Errors returned by DescribeStaleSecurityGroups

Errors returned by DescribeStoreImageTasks

Errors returned by DescribeSubnets

Errors returned by DescribeTags

Errors returned by DescribeTrafficMirrorFilters

Errors returned by DescribeTrafficMirrorSessions

Errors returned by DescribeTrafficMirrorTargets

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayAttachments

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayConnectPeers

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayConnects

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayMulticastDomains

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayPeeringAttachments

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayRouteTables

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGatewayVpcAttachments

Errors returned by DescribeTransitGateways

Errors returned by DescribeTrunkInterfaceAssociations

Errors returned by DescribeVolumeAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeVolumeStatus

Errors returned by DescribeVolumes

Errors returned by DescribeVolumesModifications

Errors returned by DescribeVpcAttribute

Errors returned by DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport

Errors returned by DescribeVpcClassicLink

Errors returned by DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionNotifications

Errors returned by DescribeVpcEndpointConnections

Errors returned by DescribeVpcEndpointServiceConfigurations

Errors returned by DescribeVpcEndpointServicePermissions

Errors returned by DescribeVpcEndpointServices

Errors returned by DescribeVpcEndpoints

Errors returned by DescribeVpcPeeringConnections

Errors returned by DescribeVpcs

Errors returned by DescribeVpnConnections

Errors returned by DescribeVpnGateways

Errors returned by DetachClassicLinkVpc

Errors returned by DetachInternetGateway

Errors returned by DetachNetworkInterface

Errors returned by DetachVolume

Errors returned by DetachVpnGateway

Errors returned by DisableEbsEncryptionByDefault

Errors returned by DisableFastSnapshotRestores

Errors returned by DisableImageDeprecation

Errors returned by DisableSerialConsoleAccess

Errors returned by DisableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation

Errors returned by DisableVgwRoutePropagation

Errors returned by DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport

Errors returned by DisableVpcClassicLink

Errors returned by DisassociateAddress

Errors returned by DisassociateClientVpnTargetNetwork

Errors returned by DisassociateEnclaveCertificateIamRole

Errors returned by DisassociateIamInstanceProfile

Errors returned by DisassociateRouteTable

Errors returned by DisassociateSubnetCidrBlock

Errors returned by DisassociateTransitGatewayMulticastDomain

Errors returned by DisassociateTransitGatewayRouteTable

Errors returned by DisassociateTrunkInterface

Errors returned by DisassociateVpcCidrBlock

Errors returned by CancelSpotFleetRequests

Errors returned by EnableEbsEncryptionByDefault

Errors returned by EnableFastSnapshotRestores

Errors returned by EnableImageDeprecation

Errors returned by EnableSerialConsoleAccess

Errors returned by EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation

Errors returned by EnableVgwRoutePropagation

Errors returned by EnableVolumeIO

Errors returned by EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport

Errors returned by EnableVpcClassicLink

Errors returned by ExportClientVpnClientCertificateRevocationList

Errors returned by ExportClientVpnClientConfiguration

Errors returned by ExportImage

Errors returned by ExportTransitGatewayRoutes

Errors returned by GetAssociatedEnclaveCertificateIamRoles

Errors returned by GetAssociatedIpv6PoolCidrs

Errors returned by GetCapacityReservationUsage

Errors returned by GetCoipPoolUsage

Errors returned by GetConsoleOutput

Errors returned by GetConsoleScreenshot

Errors returned by GetDefaultCreditSpecification

Errors returned by GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId

Errors returned by GetEbsEncryptionByDefault

Errors returned by GetFlowLogsIntegrationTemplate

Errors returned by GetGroupsForCapacityReservation

Errors returned by GetHostReservationPurchasePreview

Errors returned by GetLaunchTemplateData

Errors returned by GetManagedPrefixListAssociations

Errors returned by GetManagedPrefixListEntries

Errors returned by GetPasswordData

Errors returned by GetReservedInstancesExchangeQuote

Errors returned by GetSerialConsoleAccessStatus

Errors returned by GetTransitGatewayAttachmentPropagations

Errors returned by GetTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociations

Errors returned by GetTransitGatewayPrefixListReferences

Errors returned by GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociations

Errors returned by GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagations

Errors returned by ImportClientVpnClientCertificateRevocationList

Errors returned by ImportImage

Errors returned by ImportInstance

Errors returned by ImportKeyPair

Errors returned by ImportSnapshot

Errors returned by ImportVolume

Errors returned by ModifyAddressAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyAvailabilityZoneGroup

Errors returned by ModifyCapacityReservation

Errors returned by ModifyClientVpnEndpoint

Errors returned by ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification

Errors returned by ModifyEbsDefaultKmsKeyId

Errors returned by ModifyFleet

Errors returned by ModifyFpgaImageAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyHosts

Errors returned by ModifyIdFormat

Errors returned by ModifyIdentityIdFormat

Errors returned by ModifyImageAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyInstanceAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyInstanceCapacityReservationAttributes

Errors returned by ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification

Errors returned by ModifyInstanceEventStartTime

Errors returned by ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions

Errors returned by ModifyInstancePlacement

Errors returned by ModifyLaunchTemplate

Errors returned by ModifyManagedPrefixList

Errors returned by ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyReservedInstances

Errors returned by ModifySnapshotAttribute

Errors returned by ModifySpotFleetRequest

Errors returned by ModifySubnetAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyTrafficMirrorFilterNetworkServices

Errors returned by ModifyTrafficMirrorFilterRule

Errors returned by ModifyTrafficMirrorSession

Errors returned by ModifyTransitGateway

Errors returned by ModifyTransitGatewayPrefixListReference

Errors returned by ModifyTransitGatewayVpcAttachment

Errors returned by ModifyVolumeAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyVolume

Errors returned by ModifyVpcAttribute

Errors returned by ModifyVpcEndpointConnectionNotification

Errors returned by ModifyVpcEndpoint

Errors returned by ModifyVpcEndpointServiceConfiguration

Errors returned by ModifyVpcEndpointServicePermissions

Errors returned by ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptions

Errors returned by ModifyVpcTenancy

Errors returned by ModifyVpnConnection

Errors returned by ModifyVpnConnectionOptions

Errors returned by ModifyVpnTunnelCertificate

Errors returned by ModifyVpnTunnelOptions

Errors returned by MonitorInstances

Errors returned by MoveAddressToVpc

Errors returned by ProvisionByoipCidr

Errors returned by PurchaseHostReservation

Errors returned by PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering

Errors returned by PurchaseScheduledInstances

Errors returned by RebootInstances

Errors returned by RegisterImage

Errors returned by RegisterInstanceEventNotificationAttributes

Errors returned by RegisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMembers

Errors returned by RegisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSources

Errors returned by RejectTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociations

Errors returned by RejectTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment

Errors returned by RejectTransitGatewayVpcAttachment

Errors returned by RejectVpcEndpointConnections

Errors returned by RejectVpcPeeringConnection

Errors returned by ReleaseAddress

Errors returned by ReleaseHosts

Errors returned by ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation

Errors returned by ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation

Errors returned by ReplaceNetworkAclEntry

Errors returned by ReplaceRoute

Errors returned by ReplaceRouteTableAssociation

Errors returned by ReplaceTransitGatewayRoute

Errors returned by ReportInstanceStatus

Errors returned by RequestSpotFleet

Errors returned by RequestSpotInstances

Errors returned by ResetAddressAttribute

Errors returned by ResetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId

Errors returned by ResetFpgaImageAttribute

Errors returned by ResetImageAttribute

Errors returned by ResetInstanceAttribute

Errors returned by ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute

Errors returned by ResetSnapshotAttribute

Errors returned by RestoreAddressToClassic

Errors returned by RestoreManagedPrefixListVersion

Errors returned by RevokeClientVpnIngress

Errors returned by RevokeSecurityGroupEgress

Errors returned by RevokeSecurityGroupIngress

Errors returned by RunInstances

Errors returned by RunScheduledInstances

Errors returned by SearchLocalGatewayRoutes

Errors returned by SearchTransitGatewayMulticastGroups

Errors returned by SearchTransitGatewayRoutes

Errors returned by SendDiagnosticInterrupt

Errors returned by StartInstances

Errors returned by StartNetworkInsightsAnalysis

Errors returned by StartVpcEndpointServicePrivateDnsVerification

Errors returned by StopInstances

Errors returned by TerminateClientVpnConnections

Errors returned by TerminateInstances

Errors returned by UnassignIpv6Addresses

Errors returned by UnassignPrivateIpAddresses

Errors returned by UnmonitorInstances

Errors returned by UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsEgress

Errors returned by UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsIngress

Errors returned by WithdrawByoipCidr


Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon EC2 API. Amazon EC2 clients implement this trait.