[][src]Trait runestick::ReflectValueType

pub trait ReflectValueType: Sized {
    type Owned;
    fn value_type() -> ValueType;
fn value_type_info() -> ValueTypeInfo; }

Trait for converting types into values.

Associated Types

type Owned

The internal, owned type used for this value.

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Required methods

fn value_type() -> ValueType

Convert into a value type.

fn value_type_info() -> ValueTypeInfo

Access diagnostical information on the value type.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl ReflectValueType for ParseFloatError[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a ParseFloatError[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut ParseFloatError[src]

impl ReflectValueType for ParseIntError[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a ParseIntError[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut ParseIntError[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Rev<Iter>[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a Rev<Iter>[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut Rev<Iter>[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Rev<Iter>[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a Rev<Iter>[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut Rev<Iter>[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ [u8][src]

impl<T> ReflectValueType for HashMap<String, T>[src]

impl<T> ReflectValueType for Option<T>[src]

impl<T, '_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Option<T>[src]

impl ReflectValueType for ()[src]

impl ReflectValueType for u8[src]

impl ReflectValueType for bool[src]

impl ReflectValueType for char[src]

impl ReflectValueType for i64[src]

impl ReflectValueType for f64[src]

impl ReflectValueType for f32[src]

impl ReflectValueType for u32[src]

impl ReflectValueType for u64[src]

impl ReflectValueType for u128[src]

impl ReflectValueType for usize[src]

impl ReflectValueType for i8[src]

impl ReflectValueType for i32[src]

impl ReflectValueType for i128[src]

impl ReflectValueType for isize[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Error[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a Error[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut Error[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Error[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a Error[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut Error[src]

impl<T, E> ReflectValueType for Result<T, E>[src]

impl<T, E, '_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Result<T, E>[src]

impl ReflectValueType for String[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ String[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut String[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ str[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut str[src]

impl<H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A> ReflectValueType for (H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A)[src]

type Owned = (H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A)

impl<G, F, E, D, C, B, A> ReflectValueType for (G, F, E, D, C, B, A)[src]

type Owned = (G, F, E, D, C, B, A)

impl<F, E, D, C, B, A> ReflectValueType for (F, E, D, C, B, A)[src]

impl<E, D, C, B, A> ReflectValueType for (E, D, C, B, A)[src]

impl<D, C, B, A> ReflectValueType for (D, C, B, A)[src]

impl<C, B, A> ReflectValueType for (C, B, A)[src]

impl<B, A> ReflectValueType for (B, A)[src]

impl<A> ReflectValueType for (A,)[src]

impl<T> ReflectValueType for Vec<T>[src]

impl<T, '_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Vec<T>[src]

impl<T, '_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Vec<T>[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ [Value][src]

impl ReflectValueType for Error[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a Error[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut Error[src]

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impl ReflectValueType for GeneratorState[src]

impl ReflectValueType for runestick::modules::object::Iter[src]

impl ReflectValueType for runestick::modules::vec::Iter[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Bytes[src]

impl ReflectValueType for FnPtr[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Future[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Generator[src]

impl ReflectValueType for OwnedRef<FnPtr>[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Shared<FnPtr>[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Stream[src]

impl ReflectValueType for Tuple[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ GeneratorState[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Bytes[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ FnPtr[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Future[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Generator[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Stream[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Tuple[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut GeneratorState[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Bytes[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Future[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Generator[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Stream[src]

impl<'_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Tuple[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a runestick::modules::object::Iter[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a runestick::modules::vec::Iter[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut runestick::modules::object::Iter[src]

impl<'a> ReflectValueType for &'a mut runestick::modules::vec::Iter[src]

impl<T> ReflectValueType for VecTuple<T>[src]

impl<T> ReflectValueType for Object<T>[src]

impl<T, '_> ReflectValueType for &'_ Object<T>[src]

impl<T, '_> ReflectValueType for &'_ mut Object<T>[src]

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