Crate rune

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An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.


If you want to help out, there should be a number of optimization tasks available in Future Optimizations. Or have a look at Open Issues.

Create an issue about the optimization you want to work on and communicate that you are working on it.

Highlights of Rune

Rune scripts

You can run Rune programs with the bundled CLI:

cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/hello_world.rn

If you want to see detailed diagnostics of your program while it’s running, you can use:

cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/hello_world.rn --dump-unit --trace --dump-vm

See --help for more information.

Running scripts from Rust

You can find more examples in the examples folder.

The following is a complete example, including rich diagnostics using termcolor. It can be made much simpler if this is not needed.

use rune::{Context, Diagnostics, FromValue, Source, Sources, Vm};
use rune::termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream};
use std::sync::Arc;

async fn main() -> rune::Result<()> {
    let context = Context::with_default_modules()?;
    let runtime = Arc::new(context.runtime());

    let mut sources = Sources::new();
        pub fn add(a, b) {
            a + b

    let mut diagnostics = Diagnostics::new();

    let result = rune::prepare(&mut sources)
        .with_diagnostics(&mut diagnostics)

    if !diagnostics.is_empty() {
        let mut writer = StandardStream::stderr(ColorChoice::Always);
        diagnostics.emit(&mut writer, &sources)?;

    let unit = result?;
    let mut vm = Vm::new(runtime, Arc::new(unit));

    let output =["add"], (10i64, 20i64))?;
    let output = i64::from_value(output)?;

    println!("{}", output);


pub use ::codespan_reporting::term::termcolor;


Abstract syntax trees for the Rune language.

The Rune compiler.

Diagnostics module for Rune.

The macro system of Rune.

Public packages that can be used to provide functionality to virtual machines.

Parsing utilities for Rune.

Lazy query system, used to compile and build items on demand and keep track of what’s being used and not.

Runtime module for Rune.


Types for dealing with workspaces of rune code.


Helper macro to reference a specific token kind, or short sequence of kinds.

Helper macro to reference a specific token.

Helper macro to define a collection of sources populatedc with the given entries.

A macro that can be used to construct a Span that can be pattern matched over.


High level helper for setting up a build of Rune sources into a Unit.

Error raised when we failed to load sources.

Context used for the Rune language.

Structure to collect compilation diagnostics.

The primitive hash that among other things is used to reference items, types, and native functions.

A descriptor for an instance function.

A Module that is a collection of native functions and types.

Options that can be provided to the compiler.

Helper to register a parameterized function.

A single source file.

The identifier of a source file.

A collection of source files, and a queue of things to compile.

Instructions from a single source file.

A stack which references variables indirectly from a slab.


An error raised when building the context.

An instance function name.

An entry on the stack.


A trait which can be stored inside of an AnyObj.

Trait for converting types from the dynamic Value container.

Trait used to determine what can be used as an instance function name.

Trait to handle the installation of auxilliary functions for a type installed into a module.

Helper conversion into a function hash.

Trait for converting types into the dynamic Value container.


Entry point to building Sources of Rune.

Type Definitions

Boxed error type, which is an alias of anyhow::Error.

Exported result type for convenience using anyhow::Error as the default error type.

Derive Macros

Macro to mark a value as external, which will implement all the appropriate traits.

Derive macro for the FromValue trait for converting types from the dynamic Value container.

Derive macro for the FromValue trait for converting types into the dynamic Value container.