Trait rug::integer::IntegerExt64

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pub trait IntegerExt64: Sealed {
Show 56 methods // Required methods fn to_f32_exp64(&self) -> (f32, u64); fn to_f64_exp64(&self) -> (f64, u64); fn is_divisible_u64(&self, divisor: u64) -> bool; fn is_divisible_2pow_64(&self, b: u64) -> bool; fn is_congruent_u64(&self, c: u64, divisor: u64) -> bool; fn is_congruent_2pow_64(&self, c: &Self, b: u64) -> bool; fn significant_bits_64(&self) -> u64; fn signed_bits_64(&self) -> u64; fn count_ones_64(&self) -> Option<u64>; fn count_zeros_64(&self) -> Option<u64>; fn find_zero_64(&self, start: u64) -> Option<u64>; fn find_one_64(&self, start: u64) -> Option<u64>; fn set_bit_64(&mut self, index: u64, val: bool) -> &mut Self; fn get_bit_64(&self, index: u64) -> bool; fn toggle_bit_64(&mut self, index: u64) -> &mut Self; fn hamming_dist_64(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<u64>; fn keep_bits_64(self, n: u64) -> Self; fn keep_bits_64_mut(&mut self, n: u64); fn keep_bits_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> KeepBitsIncomplete<'_>; fn keep_signed_bits_64(self, n: u64) -> Self; fn keep_signed_bits_64_mut(&mut self, n: u64); fn keep_signed_bits_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> KeepSignedBitsIncomplete<'_>; fn mod_u64(&self, modulo: u64) -> u64; fn div_exact_u64(self, divisor: u64) -> Self; fn div_exact_u64_mut(&mut self, divisor: u64); fn div_exact_u64_ref(&self, divisor: u64) -> DivExactUIncomplete<'_>; fn u64_pow_u64(base: u64, exponent: u64) -> UPowUIncomplete; fn i64_pow_u64(base: i64, exponent: u64) -> IPowUIncomplete; fn root_64(self, n: u64) -> Self; fn root_64_mut(&mut self, n: u64); fn root_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> RootIncomplete<'_>; fn root_rem_64(self, remainder: Self, n: u64) -> (Self, Self); fn root_rem_64_mut(&mut self, remainder: &mut Self, n: u64); fn root_rem_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> RootRemIncomplete<'_>; fn gcd_u64(self, other: u64) -> Self; fn gcd_u64_mut(&mut self, other: u64); fn gcd_u64_ref(&self, other: u64) -> GcdUIncomplete<'_>; fn lcm_u64(self, other: u64) -> Self; fn lcm_u64_mut(&mut self, other: u64); fn lcm_u64_ref(&self, other: u64) -> LcmUIncomplete<'_>; fn remove_factor_64(self, factor: &Self) -> (Self, u64); fn remove_factor_64_mut(&mut self, factor: &Self) -> u64; fn remove_factor_64_ref<'a>( &'a self, factor: &'a Self ) -> RemoveFactorIncomplete<'a>; fn factorial_64(n: u64) -> FactorialIncomplete; fn factorial_2_64(n: u64) -> Factorial2Incomplete; fn factorial_m_64(n: u64, m: u64) -> FactorialMIncomplete; fn primorial_64(n: u64) -> PrimorialIncomplete; fn binomial_64(self, k: u64) -> Self; fn binomial_64_mut(&mut self, k: u64); fn binomial_64_ref(&self, k: u64) -> BinomialIncomplete<'_>; fn binomial_u64(n: u64, k: u64) -> BinomialUIncomplete; fn fibonacci_64(n: u64) -> FibonacciIncomplete; fn fibonacci_2_64(n: u64) -> Fibonacci2Incomplete; fn lucas_64(n: u64) -> LucasIncomplete; fn lucas_2_64(n: u64) -> Lucas2Incomplete; fn random_bits_64( bits: u64, rng: &mut dyn MutRandState ) -> RandomBitsIncomplete<'_>;
Expand description

Integer extension trait with 64-bit alternatives of some methods.

Various Integer methods use 32-bit values for things like bit count or exponents. On 64-bit platforms except Windows, alternatives of these methods using 64-bit values are supported. This trait is only implemented on 64-bit platforms except Windows.

This trait is sealed and is only implemented for Integer.

Required Methods§


fn to_f32_exp64(&self) -> (f32, u64)

Converts to an f32 and an exponent, rounding towards zero.

The returned f32 is in the range 0.5 ≤ x < 1. If the value is zero, (0.0, 0) is returned.

This method is similar to to_f32_exp but returns the exponent as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let zero = Integer::new();
let (d0, exp0) = zero.to_f32_exp64();
assert_eq!((d0, exp0), (0.0, 0));
let fifteen = Integer::from(15);
let (d15, exp15) = fifteen.to_f32_exp64();
assert_eq!((d15, exp15), (15.0 / 16.0, 4));

fn to_f64_exp64(&self) -> (f64, u64)

Converts to an f64 and an exponent, rounding towards zero.

The returned f64 is in the range 0.5 ≤ x < 1. If the value is zero, (0.0, 0) is returned.

This method is similar to to_f64_exp but returns the exponent as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let zero = Integer::new();
let (d0, exp0) = zero.to_f64_exp64();
assert_eq!((d0, exp0), (0.0, 0));
let fifteen = Integer::from(15);
let (d15, exp15) = fifteen.to_f64_exp64();
assert_eq!((d15, exp15), (15.0 / 16.0, 4));

fn is_divisible_u64(&self, divisor: u64) -> bool

Returns true if the number is divisible by divisor. Unlike other division functions, divisor can be zero.

This method is similar to is_divisible_u but takes the divisor as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(230);

fn is_divisible_2pow_64(&self, b: u64) -> bool

Returns true if the number is divisible by 2b.

This method is similar to is_divisible_2pow but takes b as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(15 << 17);

fn is_congruent_u64(&self, c: u64, divisor: u64) -> bool

Returns true if the number is congruent to c mod divisor, that is, if there exists a q such that self = c + q × divisor. Unlike other division functions, divisor can be zero.

This method is similar to is_congruent_u but takes c and the divisor as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let n = Integer::from(105);
assert!(n.is_congruent_u64(3335, 10));
assert!(!n.is_congruent_u64(107, 10));
// n is congruent to itself if divisor is 0
assert!(n.is_congruent_u64(105, 0));

fn is_congruent_2pow_64(&self, c: &Self, b: u64) -> bool

Returns true if the number is congruent to c mod 2b, that is, if there exists a q such that self = c + q × 2b.

This method is similar to is_congruent_2pow but takes b as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let n = Integer::from(13 << 17 | 21);
assert!(n.is_congruent_2pow_64(&Integer::from(7 << 17 | 21), 17));
assert!(!n.is_congruent_2pow_64(&Integer::from(13 << 17 | 22), 17));

fn significant_bits_64(&self) -> u64

Returns the number of bits required to represent the absolute value.

This method is similar to significant_bits but returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;

assert_eq!(Integer::from(0).significant_bits_64(), 0);  //    “”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(1).significant_bits_64(), 1);  //   “1”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(4).significant_bits_64(), 3);  // “100”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(7).significant_bits_64(), 3);  // “111”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-1).significant_bits_64(), 1); //   “1”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-4).significant_bits_64(), 3); // “100”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-7).significant_bits_64(), 3); // “111”

fn signed_bits_64(&self) -> u64

Returns the number of bits required to represent the value using a two’s-complement representation.

For non-negative numbers, this method returns one more than the significant_bits_64 method, since an extra zero is needed before the most significant bit.

This method is similar to signed_bits but returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;

assert_eq!(Integer::from(-5).signed_bits_64(), 4); // “1011”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-4).signed_bits_64(), 3); //  “100”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-3).signed_bits_64(), 3); //  “101”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-2).signed_bits_64(), 2); //   “10”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-1).signed_bits_64(), 1); //    “1”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(0).signed_bits_64(), 1);  //    “0”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(1).signed_bits_64(), 2);  //   “01”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(2).signed_bits_64(), 3);  //  “010”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(3).signed_bits_64(), 3);  //  “011”
assert_eq!(Integer::from(4).signed_bits_64(), 4);  // “0100”

fn count_ones_64(&self) -> Option<u64>

Returns the number of one bits if the value ≥ 0.

This method is similar to count_ones but returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
assert_eq!(Integer::from(0).count_ones_64(), Some(0));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(15).count_ones_64(), Some(4));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-1).count_ones_64(), None);

fn count_zeros_64(&self) -> Option<u64>

Returns the number of zero bits if the value < 0.

This method is similar to count_zeros but returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
assert_eq!(Integer::from(0).count_zeros_64(), None);
assert_eq!(Integer::from(1).count_zeros_64(), None);
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-1).count_zeros_64(), Some(0));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-2).count_zeros_64(), Some(1));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-7).count_zeros_64(), Some(2));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-8).count_zeros_64(), Some(3));

fn find_zero_64(&self, start: u64) -> Option<u64>

Returns the location of the first zero, starting at start. If the bit at location start is zero, returns start.

This method is similar to find_zero but takes start as u64 and returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
// -2 is ...11111110
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-2).find_zero_64(0), Some(0));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-2).find_zero_64(1), None);
// 15 is ...00001111
assert_eq!(Integer::from(15).find_zero_64(0), Some(4));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(15).find_zero_64(20), Some(20));

fn find_one_64(&self, start: u64) -> Option<u64>

Returns the location of the first one, starting at start. If the bit at location start is one, returns start.

This method is similar to find_one but takes start as u64 and returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
// 1 is ...00000001
assert_eq!(Integer::from(1).find_one_64(0), Some(0));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(1).find_one_64(1), None);
// -16 is ...11110000
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-16).find_one_64(0), Some(4));
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-16).find_one_64(20), Some(20));

fn set_bit_64(&mut self, index: u64, val: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets the bit at location index to 1 if val is true or 0 if val is false.

This method is similar to set_bit but takes index as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};
let mut i = Integer::from(-1);
assert_eq!(*i.set_bit_64(0, false), -2);
assert_eq!(*i.set_bit_64(11, true), 0x8ff);

fn get_bit_64(&self, index: u64) -> bool

Returns true if the bit at location index is 1 or false if the bit is 0.

This method is similar to get_bit but takes index as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(0b100101);
let neg = Integer::from(-1);

fn toggle_bit_64(&mut self, index: u64) -> &mut Self

Toggles the bit at location index.

This method is similar to toggle_bit but takes index as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(0b100101);
assert_eq!(i, 0b101);

fn hamming_dist_64(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<u64>

Retuns the Hamming distance if the two numbers have the same sign.

The Hamming distance is the number of different bits.

This method is similar to hamming_dist but returns a u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(-1);
assert_eq!(Integer::from(0).hamming_dist_64(&i), None);
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-1).hamming_dist_64(&i), Some(0));
// -1 is ...11111111 and -13 is ...11110011
assert_eq!(Integer::from(-13).hamming_dist_64(&i), Some(2));

fn keep_bits_64(self, n: u64) -> Self

Keeps the n least significant bits only, producing a result that is greater or equal to 0.

This method is similar to keep_bits but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(-1);
let keep_8 = i.keep_bits_64(8);
assert_eq!(keep_8, 0xff);

fn keep_bits_64_mut(&mut self, n: u64)

Keeps the n least significant bits only, producing a result that is greater or equal to 0.

This method is similar to keep_bits_mut but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(-1);
assert_eq!(i, 0xff);

fn keep_bits_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> KeepBitsIncomplete<'_>

Keeps the n least significant bits only, producing a result that is greater or equal to 0.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to keep_bits_ref but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(-1);
let r = i.keep_bits_64_ref(8);
let eight_bits = Integer::from(r);
assert_eq!(eight_bits, 0xff);

fn keep_signed_bits_64(self, n: u64) -> Self

Keeps the n least significant bits only, producing a negative result if the nth least significant bit is one.

This method is similar to keep_signed_bits but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(-1);
let i_keep_8 = i.keep_signed_bits_64(8);
assert_eq!(i_keep_8, -1);
let j = Integer::from(15 << 8 | 15);
let j_keep_8 = j.keep_signed_bits_64(8);
assert_eq!(j_keep_8, 15);

fn keep_signed_bits_64_mut(&mut self, n: u64)

Keeps the n least significant bits only, producing a negative result if the nth least significant bit is one.

This method is similar to keep_signed_bits_mut but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(-1);
assert_eq!(i, -1);
let mut j = Integer::from(15 << 8 | 15);
assert_eq!(j, 15);

fn keep_signed_bits_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> KeepSignedBitsIncomplete<'_>

Keeps the n least significant bits only, producing a negative result if the nth least significant bit is one.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to keep_signed_bits_ref but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(-1);
let r = i.keep_signed_bits_64_ref(8);
let eight_bits = Integer::from(r);
assert_eq!(eight_bits, -1);

fn mod_u64(&self, modulo: u64) -> u64

Returns the modulo, or the remainder of Euclidean division by a u64.

The result is always zero or positive.

This method is similar to mod_u but takes modulo as u64 and returns a u64.


Panics if modulo is zero.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let pos = Integer::from(23);
assert_eq!(pos.mod_u64(1), 0);
assert_eq!(pos.mod_u64(10), 3);
assert_eq!(pos.mod_u64(100), 23);
let neg = Integer::from(-23);
assert_eq!(neg.mod_u64(1), 0);
assert_eq!(neg.mod_u64(10), 7);
assert_eq!(neg.mod_u64(100), 77);

fn div_exact_u64(self, divisor: u64) -> Self

Performs an exact division.

This is much faster than normal division, but produces correct results only when the division is exact.

This method is similar to div_exact_u but takes the divisor as u64.


Panics if divisor is zero.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(12345 * 54321);
let q = i.div_exact_u64(12345);
assert_eq!(q, 54321);

fn div_exact_u64_mut(&mut self, divisor: u64)

Performs an exact division.

This is much faster than normal division, but produces correct results only when the division is exact.

This method is similar to div_exact_u_mut but takes the divisor as u64.


Panics if divisor is zero.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(12345 * 54321);
assert_eq!(i, 54321);

fn div_exact_u64_ref(&self, divisor: u64) -> DivExactUIncomplete<'_>

Performs an exact division.

This is much faster than normal division, but produces correct results only when the division is exact.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to div_exact_u_ref but takes the divisor as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(12345 * 54321);
let r = i.div_exact_u64_ref(12345);
assert_eq!(Integer::from(r), 54321);

fn u64_pow_u64(base: u64, exponent: u64) -> UPowUIncomplete

Raises base to the power of exponent.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to u_pow_u but takes base and exponent as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
assert_eq!(Integer::u64_pow_u64(13, 12).complete(), 13_u64.pow(12));

fn i64_pow_u64(base: i64, exponent: u64) -> IPowUIncomplete

Raises base to the power of exponent.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to i_pow_u but takes base as i64 and exponent as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};
let mut ans = Integer::new();
ans.assign(Integer::i64_pow_u64(-13, 13));
assert_eq!(ans, (-13_i64).pow(13));
ans.assign(Integer::i64_pow_u64(13, 13));
assert_eq!(ans, (13_i64).pow(13));

fn root_64(self, n: u64) -> Self

Computes the nth root and truncates the result.

This method is similar to root but takes n as u64.


Panics if n is zero or if n is even and the value is negative.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(1004);
let root = i.root_64(3);
assert_eq!(root, 10);

fn root_64_mut(&mut self, n: u64)

Computes the nth root and truncates the result.

This method is similar to root_mut but takes n as u64.


Panics if n is zero or if n is even and the value is negative.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(1004);
assert_eq!(i, 10);

fn root_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> RootIncomplete<'_>

Computes the nth root and truncates the result.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to root_ref but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(1004);
assert_eq!(Integer::from(i.root_64_ref(3)), 10);

fn root_rem_64(self, remainder: Self, n: u64) -> (Self, Self)

Computes the nth root and returns the truncated root and the remainder.

The remainder is the original number minus the truncated root raised to the power of n.

The initial value of remainder is ignored.

This method is similar to root_rem but takes n as u64.


Panics if n is zero or if n is even and the value is negative.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(1004);
let (root, rem) = i.root_rem_64(Integer::new(), 3);
assert_eq!(root, 10);
assert_eq!(rem, 4);

fn root_rem_64_mut(&mut self, remainder: &mut Self, n: u64)

Computes the nth root and returns the truncated root and the remainder.

The remainder is the original number minus the truncated root raised to the power of n.

The initial value of remainder is ignored.

This method is similar to root_rem_mut but takes n as u64.


Panics if n is zero or if n is even and the value is negative.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(1004);
let mut rem = Integer::new();
i.root_rem_64_mut(&mut rem, 3);
assert_eq!(i, 10);
assert_eq!(rem, 4);

fn root_rem_64_ref(&self, n: u64) -> RootRemIncomplete<'_>

Computes the nth root and returns the truncated root and the remainder.

The remainder is the original number minus the truncated root raised to the power of n.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to root_rem_ref but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Assign, Complete, Integer};
let i = Integer::from(1004);
let mut root = Integer::new();
let mut rem = Integer::new();
// 1004 = 10^3 + 5
(&mut root, &mut rem).assign(i.root_rem_64_ref(3));
assert_eq!(root, 10);
assert_eq!(rem, 4);
// 1004 = 3^6 + 275
let (other_root, other_rem) = i.root_rem_64_ref(6).complete();
assert_eq!(other_root, 3);
assert_eq!(other_rem, 275);

fn gcd_u64(self, other: u64) -> Self

Finds the greatest common divisor.

The result is always positive except when both inputs are zero.

This method is similar to gcd_u but takes other as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::new();
// gcd of 0, 0 is 0
let gcd1 = i.gcd_u64(0);
assert_eq!(gcd1, 0);
// gcd of 0, 10 is 10
let gcd2 = gcd1.gcd_u64(10);
assert_eq!(gcd2, 10);
// gcd of 10, 25 is 5
let gcd3 = gcd2.gcd_u64(25);
assert_eq!(gcd3, 5);

fn gcd_u64_mut(&mut self, other: u64)

Finds the greatest common divisor.

The result is always positive except when both inputs are zero.

This method is similar to gcd_u_mut but takes other as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::new();
// gcd of 0, 0 is 0
assert_eq!(i, 0);
// gcd of 0, 10 is 10
assert_eq!(i, 10);
// gcd of 10, 25 is 5
assert_eq!(i, 5);

fn gcd_u64_ref(&self, other: u64) -> GcdUIncomplete<'_>

Finds the greatest common divisor.

The result is always positive except when both inputs are zero.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

The implementation of From<Src> for Option<u64> is useful to obtain the result as a u64 if it fits. If other > 0 , the result always fits. If the result does not fit, it is equal to the absolute value of self.

This method is similar to gcd_u_ref but takes other as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(100);
let r = i.gcd_u64_ref(125);
// gcd of 100, 125 is 25
assert_eq!(Integer::from(r), 25);
let r = i.gcd_u64_ref(125);
assert_eq!(Option::<u64>::from(r), Some(25));

fn lcm_u64(self, other: u64) -> Self

Finds the least common multiple.

The result is always positive except when one or both inputs are zero.

This method is similar to lcm_u but takes other as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(10);
// lcm of 10, 25 is 50
let lcm1 = i.lcm_u64(25);
assert_eq!(lcm1, 50);
// lcm of 50, 0 is 0
let lcm2 = lcm1.lcm_u64(0);
assert_eq!(lcm2, 0);

fn lcm_u64_mut(&mut self, other: u64)

Finds the least common multiple.

The result is always positive except when one or both inputs are zero.

This method is similar to lcm_u_mut but takes other as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(10);
// lcm of 10, 25 is 50
assert_eq!(i, 50);
// lcm of 50, 0 is 0
assert_eq!(i, 0);

fn lcm_u64_ref(&self, other: u64) -> LcmUIncomplete<'_>

Finds the least common multiple.

The result is always positive except when one or both inputs are zero.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to lcm_u_ref but takes other as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let i = Integer::from(100);
let r = i.lcm_u64_ref(125);
// lcm of 100, 125 is 500
assert_eq!(Integer::from(r), 500);

fn remove_factor_64(self, factor: &Self) -> (Self, u64)

Removes all occurrences of factor, and returns the number of occurrences removed.

This method is similar to remove_factor but returns the number of occurrences removed as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(Integer::u_pow_u(13, 50));
i *= 1000;
let (remove, count) = i.remove_factor_64(&Integer::from(13));
assert_eq!(remove, 1000);
assert_eq!(count, 50);

fn remove_factor_64_mut(&mut self, factor: &Self) -> u64

Removes all occurrences of factor, and returns the number of occurrences removed.

This method is similar to remove_factor_mut but returns the number of occurrences removed as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
let mut i = Integer::from(Integer::u_pow_u(13, 50));
i *= 1000;
let count = i.remove_factor_64_mut(&Integer::from(13));
assert_eq!(i, 1000);
assert_eq!(count, 50);

fn remove_factor_64_ref<'a>( &'a self, factor: &'a Self ) -> RemoveFactorIncomplete<'a>

Removes all occurrences of factor, and counts the number of occurrences removed.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to remove_factor_ref but returns the number of occurrences removed as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};
let mut i = Integer::from(Integer::u_pow_u(13, 50));
i *= 1000;
let factor = Integer::from(13);
let r = i.remove_factor_64_ref(&factor);
let (mut j, mut count) = (Integer::new(), 0);
(&mut j, &mut count).assign(r);
assert_eq!(count, 50);
assert_eq!(j, 1000);

fn factorial_64(n: u64) -> FactorialIncomplete

Computes the factorial of n.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to factorial but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
// 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
assert_eq!(Integer::factorial_64(10).complete(), 3628800);

fn factorial_2_64(n: u64) -> Factorial2Incomplete

Computes the double factorial of n.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to factorial_2 but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
// 10 × 8 × 6 × 4 × 2
assert_eq!(Integer::factorial_2_64(10).complete(), 3840);

fn factorial_m_64(n: u64, m: u64) -> FactorialMIncomplete

Computes the m-multi factorial of n.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to factorial_m but takes n and m as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
// 10 × 7 × 4 × 1
assert_eq!(Integer::factorial_m_64(10, 3).complete(), 280);

fn primorial_64(n: u64) -> PrimorialIncomplete

Computes the primorial of n.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to primorial but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
// 7 × 5 × 3 × 2
assert_eq!(Integer::primorial_64(10).complete(), 210);

fn binomial_64(self, k: u64) -> Self

Computes the binomial coefficient over k.

This method is similar to binomial but takes k as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
// 7 choose 2 is 21
let i = Integer::from(7);
let bin = i.binomial_64(2);
assert_eq!(bin, 21);

fn binomial_64_mut(&mut self, k: u64)

Computes the binomial coefficient over k.

This method is similar to binomial_mut but takes k as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
// 7 choose 2 is 21
let mut i = Integer::from(7);
assert_eq!(i, 21);

fn binomial_64_ref(&self, k: u64) -> BinomialIncomplete<'_>

Computes the binomial coefficient over k.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to binomial_ref but takes k as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
// 7 choose 2 is 21
let i = Integer::from(7);
assert_eq!(i.binomial_64_ref(2).complete(), 21);

fn binomial_u64(n: u64, k: u64) -> BinomialUIncomplete

Computes the binomial coefficient n over k.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to binomial_u but takes n and k as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::Integer;
// 7 choose 2 is 21
let b = Integer::binomial_u64(7, 2);
let i = Integer::from(b);
assert_eq!(i, 21);

fn fibonacci_64(n: u64) -> FibonacciIncomplete

Computes the Fibonacci number.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This function is meant for an isolated number. If a sequence of Fibonacci numbers is required, the first two values of the sequence should be computed with the fibonacci_2_64 method, then iterations should be used.

This method is similar to fibonacci but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
assert_eq!(Integer::fibonacci_64(12).complete(), 144);

fn fibonacci_2_64(n: u64) -> Fibonacci2Incomplete

Computes a Fibonacci number, and the previous Fibonacci number.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This function is meant to calculate isolated numbers. If a sequence of Fibonacci numbers is required, the first two values of the sequence should be computed with this function, then iterations should be used.

This method is similar to fibonacci_2 but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};
let f = Integer::fibonacci_2_64(12);
let mut pair = <(Integer, Integer)>::from(f);
assert_eq!(pair.0, 144);
assert_eq!(pair.1, 89);
// Fibonacci number F[-1] is 1
assert_eq!(pair.0, 0);
assert_eq!(pair.1, 1);

fn lucas_64(n: u64) -> LucasIncomplete

Computes the Lucas number.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This function is meant for an isolated number. If a sequence of Lucas numbers is required, the first two values of the sequence should be computed with the lucas_2_64 method, then iterations should be used.

This method is similar to lucas but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Complete, Integer};
assert_eq!(Integer::lucas_64(12).complete(), 322);

fn lucas_2_64(n: u64) -> Lucas2Incomplete

Computes a Lucas number, and the previous Lucas number.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This function is meant to calculate isolated numbers. If a sequence of Lucas numbers is required, the first two values of the sequence should be computed with this function, then iterations should be used.

This method is similar to lucas_2 but takes n as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};
let l = Integer::lucas_2_64(12);
let mut pair = <(Integer, Integer)>::from(l);
assert_eq!(pair.0, 322);
assert_eq!(pair.1, 199);
assert_eq!(pair.0, 2);
assert_eq!(pair.1, -1);

fn random_bits_64( bits: u64, rng: &mut dyn MutRandState ) -> RandomBitsIncomplete<'_>

Generates a random number with a specified maximum number of bits.

The following are implemented with the returned incomplete-computation value as Src:

This method is similar to random_bits but takes bits as u64.

use rug::integer::IntegerExt64;
use rug::rand::RandState;
use rug::{Assign, Integer};
let mut rand = RandState::new();
let mut i = Integer::from(Integer::random_bits(0, &mut rand));
assert_eq!(i, 0);
i.assign(Integer::random_bits_64(80, &mut rand));
assert!(i.significant_bits() <= 80);
