Trait rsfs::GenFS [] [src]

pub trait GenFS: Send + Sync {
    type DirBuilder: DirBuilder;
    type DirEntry: DirEntry;
    type File: File;
    type Metadata: Metadata;
    type OpenOptions: OpenOptions;
    type Permissions: Permissions;
    type ReadDir: Iterator<Item = Result<Self::DirEntry>> + Debug;
    fn canonicalize<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<PathBuf>;
    fn copy<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(
        from: P,
        to: Q
    ) -> Result<u64>; fn create_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()>; fn create_dir_all<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()>; fn hard_link<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(
        src: P,
        dst: Q
    ) -> Result<()>; fn metadata<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<Self::Metadata>; fn read_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<Self::ReadDir>; fn read_link<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<PathBuf>; fn remove_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()>; fn remove_dir_all<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()>; fn remove_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()>; fn rename<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(
        from: P,
        to: Q
    ) -> Result<()>; fn set_permissions<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        path: P,
        perm: Self::Permissions
    ) -> Result<()>; fn symlink_metadata<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        path: P
    ) -> Result<Self::Metadata>; fn new_openopts(&self) -> Self::OpenOptions; fn new_dirbuilder(&self) -> Self::DirBuilder; fn open_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<Self::File>; fn create_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<Self::File>; }

The single filesystem underpinning all filesystem operations.

This trait intends to be a near drop in replacement for most uses of std::fs. As with std::fs, all methods in this trait are cross-platform. Extra platform specific functionality can be found in the extension traits of rsfs::$platform_ext.


The normal, disk backed filesystem:

use rsfs::*;

let fs = rsfs::disk::FS;

An in-memory filesystem with Unix extensions:

use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::unix_ext::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;

let fs = FS::with_mode(0o300);

Associated Types

The DirBuilder type in the same module implementing this trait.

The DirEntry type in the same module implementing this trait.

The File type in the same module implementing this trait.

The Metadata type in the same module implementing this trait.

The OpenOptions type in the same module implementing this trait.

The Permissions type in the same module implementing this trait.

The ReadDir type in the same module implementing this trait.

Required Methods

Returns the canonical form of a path with all intermediate components normalized and symbolic links resolved.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path does not exist
  • A component inpath` is not a directory


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let path = fs.canonicalize("../a/../foo.txt")?;

Copies the contents of one file to another. This function will also copy the permission bits of the original file to the destination file.

Note that this function will overwrite the contents of to and, if from and to are the same file, the file will likely be truncated by this function.

On success, the total number of bytes copied is returned.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • from is not a file
  • from does not exist
  • User lacks permissions to access from or write to


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

fs.copy("foo.txt", "bar.txt")?; // Copy foo.txt to bar.txt

Creates a new, empty directory at the provided path.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path exists
  • User lacks permissions to create a directory at path


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();


Recursively creates a directory and all its parent components if they are missing.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • User lacks permissions to create any directories in path


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();


Creates a new hard link on the filesystem.

The dst path will be a link pointing to the src path.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • The src path is not a file or does not exist.


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

fs.hard_link("a.txt", "b.txt")?; // Hard link a.txt to b.txt

Returns metadata information of the file or directory at path.

This function will traverse symbolic links to query a directory or file.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • User lacks permissions to call metadata on path
  • path does not exist


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let attr = fs.metadata("/some/file/path.txt")?;
// inspect attr...

Returns an iterator over entries within a directory.

The iterator yields instances of io::Result::DirEntry. New errors may be encountered after the iterator is initially constructed.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path does not exist
  • path is not a directory
  • User lacks permissions to read the directory at path


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

for entry in fs.read_dir("/")? {
    println!("{:?}", entry?.path());

Reads a symbolic link, returning the entry the link points to.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path does not exist
  • path is not a symbolic link


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let path = fs.read_link("foo")?;

Removes an existing, empty directory.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path is not a directory
  • User lacks permissions to remove the directory at path
  • The directory is not empty


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();


Removes a directory at path after removing all of its contents.


See remove_dir and remove_file.


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();


Removes a file from the filesystem.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path is a directory
  • User lacks permissions to remove the file at path


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();


Renames a file or directory at from to to, replacing to if it exists.

Platform-specific behavior

Behavior differs between Unix and Windows. On Unix, if from is a directory, to must also be an (empty) directory. If from is not a directory, to must not be a directory. On Windows, from can be anything, but to must not be a directory.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • from does not exist
  • User lacks permissions to rename from
  • from and to are on separate filesystems


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

fs.rename("a.txt", "b.txt")?;

Changes the permissions of a file or directory.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • path does not exist
  • User lacks permissions to changes the attributes of the entry at path


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::unix_ext::*;
use rsfs::mem::{FS, Permissions};
let fs = FS::new();

fs.set_permissions("foo.pem", Permissions::from_mode(0o400))?;

Query the metadata about a file without following symlinks.


While there may be more error cases, this function will error in the following cases:

  • User lacks permissions to call symlink_metadata on path
  • path does not exist


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let attr = fs.symlink_metadata("/some/file/path.txt")?;
// inspect attr...

Returns a new OpenOptions for a file for this filesytem.

This method replaces std::fs::OpenOptions::new(), which now needs to be a part of this trait to ensure any new file belongs to the GenFS that created the OpenOptions.


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let mut options = fs.new_openopts();
let file ="foo.txt")?;

Returns a new DirBuilder for a directory for this filesystem.

This method replaces std::fs::DirBuilder::new(), which now needs to be a part of this trait to ensure any new directory belongs to the GenFS that created the DirBuilder.


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let mut builder = fs.new_dirbuilder();

Opens a file in read-only mode.

This method replaces std::fs::File::open(), which now needs to be a part of this trait to ensure that the opened file belongs to the calling GenFS.

See OpenOptions::open for more details.


This function will return an error if path does not exist. Other errors may be returned according to OpenOptions::open.


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let mut file = fs.open_file("foo.txt")?;

Opens a file in write-only mode.

This method replaces std::fs::File::create(), which now needs to be a part of this trait to ensure that the created file belongs to the calling GenFS.

This function will create a file if it does not exist and truncate it if it does.

See OpenOptions::create for more details.


use rsfs::*;
use rsfs::mem::FS;
let fs = FS::new();

let mut file = fs.create_file("foo.txt")?;
