Type Alias rp2040_pac::i2c0::ic_con::MASTER_MODE_W

source ·
pub type MASTER_MODE_W<'a, REG> = BitWriter<'a, REG, MASTER_MODE_A>;
Expand description

Field MASTER_MODE writer - This bit controls whether the DW_apb_i2c master is enabled.

NOTE: Software should ensure that if this bit is written with ‘1’ then bit 6 should also be written with a ‘1’.

Aliased Type§

struct MASTER_MODE_W<'a, REG> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a, REG> MASTER_MODE_W<'a, REG>
where REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,


pub fn disabled(self) -> &'a mut W<REG>

Master mode is disabled


pub fn enabled(self) -> &'a mut W<REG>

Master mode is enabled