Struct roctogen::endpoints::apps::Apps[][src]

pub struct Apps<'api> { /* fields omitted */ }


impl<'api> Apps<'api>[src]

pub async fn add_repo_to_installation_async(
    installation_id: i32,
    repository_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsAddRepoToInstallationError>

Add a repository to an app installation

Add a single repository to an installation. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.

You must use a personal access token (which you can create via the command line or Basic Authentication) to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for add_repo_to_installation

pub fn add_repo_to_installation(
    installation_id: i32,
    repository_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsAddRepoToInstallationError>

Add a repository to an app installation

Add a single repository to an installation. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.

You must use a personal access token (which you can create via the command line or Basic Authentication) to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for add_repo_to_installation

pub async fn check_authorization_async(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<GetAppsCheckAuthorizationResponse200, AppsCheckAuthorizationError>

Check an authorization

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth applications can use a special API method for checking OAuth token validity without exceeding the normal rate limits for failed login attempts. Authentication works differently with this particular endpoint. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for check_authorization

pub fn check_authorization(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<GetAppsCheckAuthorizationResponse200, AppsCheckAuthorizationError>

Check an authorization

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth applications can use a special API method for checking OAuth token validity without exceeding the normal rate limits for failed login attempts. Authentication works differently with this particular endpoint. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for check_authorization

pub async fn check_token_async(
    client_id: &str,
    body: PostAppsCheckToken
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsCheckTokenError>

Check a token

OAuth applications can use a special API method for checking OAuth token validity without exceeding the normal rate limits for failed login attempts. Authentication works differently with this particular endpoint. You must use Basic Authentication to use this endpoint, where the username is the OAuth application client_id and the password is its client_secret. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for check_token

pub fn check_token(
    client_id: &str,
    body: PostAppsCheckToken
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsCheckTokenError>

Check a token

OAuth applications can use a special API method for checking OAuth token validity without exceeding the normal rate limits for failed login attempts. Authentication works differently with this particular endpoint. You must use Basic Authentication to use this endpoint, where the username is the OAuth application client_id and the password is its client_secret. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for check_token

pub async fn create_content_attachment_async(
    content_reference_id: i32,
    body: PostAppsCreateContentAttachment
) -> Result<ContentReferenceAttachment, AppsCreateContentAttachmentError>

Create a content attachment

Creates an attachment under a content reference URL in the body or comment of an issue or pull request. Use the id of the content reference from the content_reference event to create an attachment.

The app must create a content attachment within six hours of the content reference URL being posted. See “Using content attachments” for details about content attachments.

You must use an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for create_content_attachment

The create_content_attachment_async endpoint is enabled with the corsair cargo feature.

pub fn create_content_attachment(
    content_reference_id: i32,
    body: PostAppsCreateContentAttachment
) -> Result<ContentReferenceAttachment, AppsCreateContentAttachmentError>

Create a content attachment

Creates an attachment under a content reference URL in the body or comment of an issue or pull request. Use the id of the content reference from the content_reference event to create an attachment.

The app must create a content attachment within six hours of the content reference URL being posted. See “Using content attachments” for details about content attachments.

You must use an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for create_content_attachment

The create_content_attachment endpoint is enabled with the corsair cargo feature.

pub async fn create_from_manifest_async(
    code: &str,
    body: HashMap<String, Value>
) -> Result<PostAppsCreateFromManifestResponse201, AppsCreateFromManifestError>

Create a GitHub App from a manifest

Use this endpoint to complete the handshake necessary when implementing the GitHub App Manifest flow. When you create a GitHub App with the manifest flow, you receive a temporary code used to retrieve the GitHub App’s id, pem (private key), and webhook_secret.

GitHub API docs for create_from_manifest

pub fn create_from_manifest(
    code: &str,
    body: HashMap<String, Value>
) -> Result<PostAppsCreateFromManifestResponse201, AppsCreateFromManifestError>

Create a GitHub App from a manifest

Use this endpoint to complete the handshake necessary when implementing the GitHub App Manifest flow. When you create a GitHub App with the manifest flow, you receive a temporary code used to retrieve the GitHub App’s id, pem (private key), and webhook_secret.

GitHub API docs for create_from_manifest

pub async fn create_installation_access_token_async(
    installation_id: i32,
    body: PostAppsCreateInstallationAccessToken
) -> Result<InstallationToken, AppsCreateInstallationAccessTokenError>

Create an installation access token for an app

Creates an installation access token that enables a GitHub App to make authenticated API requests for the app’s installation on an organization or individual account. Installation tokens expire one hour from the time you create them. Using an expired token produces a status code of 401 - Unauthorized, and requires creating a new installation token. By default the installation token has access to all repositories that the installation can access. To restrict the access to specific repositories, you can provide the repository_ids when creating the token. When you omit repository_ids, the response does not contain the repositories key.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for create_installation_access_token

pub fn create_installation_access_token(
    installation_id: i32,
    body: PostAppsCreateInstallationAccessToken
) -> Result<InstallationToken, AppsCreateInstallationAccessTokenError>

Create an installation access token for an app

Creates an installation access token that enables a GitHub App to make authenticated API requests for the app’s installation on an organization or individual account. Installation tokens expire one hour from the time you create them. Using an expired token produces a status code of 401 - Unauthorized, and requires creating a new installation token. By default the installation token has access to all repositories that the installation can access. To restrict the access to specific repositories, you can provide the repository_ids when creating the token. When you omit repository_ids, the response does not contain the repositories key.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for create_installation_access_token

pub async fn delete_authorization_async(
    client_id: &str,
    body: DeleteAppsDeleteAuthorization
) -> Result<(), AppsDeleteAuthorizationError>

Delete an app authorization

OAuth application owners can revoke a grant for their OAuth application and a specific user. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. You must also provide a valid OAuth access_token as an input parameter and the grant for the token’s owner will be deleted. Deleting an OAuth application’s grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for the user. Once deleted, the application will have no access to the user’s account and will no longer be listed on the application authorizations settings screen within GitHub.

GitHub API docs for delete_authorization

pub fn delete_authorization(
    client_id: &str,
    body: DeleteAppsDeleteAuthorization
) -> Result<(), AppsDeleteAuthorizationError>

Delete an app authorization

OAuth application owners can revoke a grant for their OAuth application and a specific user. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. You must also provide a valid OAuth access_token as an input parameter and the grant for the token’s owner will be deleted. Deleting an OAuth application’s grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for the user. Once deleted, the application will have no access to the user’s account and will no longer be listed on the application authorizations settings screen within GitHub.

GitHub API docs for delete_authorization

pub async fn delete_installation_async(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsDeleteInstallationError>

Delete an installation for the authenticated app

Uninstalls a GitHub App on a user, organization, or business account. If you prefer to temporarily suspend an app’s access to your account’s resources, then we recommend the “Suspend an app installation” endpoint.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for delete_installation

pub fn delete_installation(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsDeleteInstallationError>

Delete an installation for the authenticated app

Uninstalls a GitHub App on a user, organization, or business account. If you prefer to temporarily suspend an app’s access to your account’s resources, then we recommend the “Suspend an app installation” endpoint.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for delete_installation

pub async fn delete_token_async(
    client_id: &str,
    body: DeleteAppsDeleteToken
) -> Result<(), AppsDeleteTokenError>

Delete an app token

OAuth application owners can revoke a single token for an OAuth application. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password.

GitHub API docs for delete_token

pub fn delete_token(
    client_id: &str,
    body: DeleteAppsDeleteToken
) -> Result<(), AppsDeleteTokenError>

Delete an app token

OAuth application owners can revoke a single token for an OAuth application. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password.

GitHub API docs for delete_token

pub async fn get_authenticated_async(
) -> Result<Integration, AppsGetAuthenticatedError>

Get the authenticated app

Returns the GitHub App associated with the authentication credentials used. To see how many app installations are associated with this GitHub App, see the installations_count in the response. For more details about your app’s installations, see the “List installations for the authenticated app” endpoint.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_authenticated

pub fn get_authenticated(
) -> Result<Integration, AppsGetAuthenticatedError>

Get the authenticated app

Returns the GitHub App associated with the authentication credentials used. To see how many app installations are associated with this GitHub App, see the installations_count in the response. For more details about your app’s installations, see the “List installations for the authenticated app” endpoint.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_authenticated

pub async fn get_by_slug_async(
    app_slug: &str
) -> Result<Integration, AppsGetBySlugError>

Get an app

Note: The :app_slug is just the URL-friendly name of your GitHub App. You can find this on the settings page for your GitHub App (e.g.,

If the GitHub App you specify is public, you can access this endpoint without authenticating. If the GitHub App you specify is private, you must authenticate with a personal access token or an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_by_slug

pub fn get_by_slug(
    app_slug: &str
) -> Result<Integration, AppsGetBySlugError>

Get an app

Note: The :app_slug is just the URL-friendly name of your GitHub App. You can find this on the settings page for your GitHub App (e.g.,

If the GitHub App you specify is public, you can access this endpoint without authenticating. If the GitHub App you specify is private, you must authenticate with a personal access token or an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_by_slug

pub async fn get_installation_async(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetInstallationError>

Get an installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find an installation’s information using the installation id. The installation’s account type (target_type) will be either an organization or a user account, depending which account the repository belongs to.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_installation

pub fn get_installation(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetInstallationError>

Get an installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find an installation’s information using the installation id. The installation’s account type (target_type) will be either an organization or a user account, depending which account the repository belongs to.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_installation

pub async fn get_org_installation_async(
    org: &str
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetOrgInstallationError>

Get an organization installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the organization’s installation information.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_org_installation

pub fn get_org_installation(
    org: &str
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetOrgInstallationError>

Get an organization installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the organization’s installation information.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_org_installation

pub async fn get_repo_installation_async(
    owner: &str,
    repo: &str
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetRepoInstallationError>

Get a repository installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the repository’s installation information. The installation’s account type will be either an organization or a user account, depending which account the repository belongs to.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_repo_installation

pub fn get_repo_installation(
    owner: &str,
    repo: &str
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetRepoInstallationError>

Get a repository installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the repository’s installation information. The installation’s account type will be either an organization or a user account, depending which account the repository belongs to.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_repo_installation

pub async fn get_subscription_plan_for_account_async(
    account_id: i32
) -> Result<MarketplacePurchase, AppsGetSubscriptionPlanForAccountError>

Get a subscription plan for an account

Shows whether the user or organization account actively subscribes to a plan listed by the authenticated GitHub App. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_subscription_plan_for_account

pub fn get_subscription_plan_for_account(
    account_id: i32
) -> Result<MarketplacePurchase, AppsGetSubscriptionPlanForAccountError>

Get a subscription plan for an account

Shows whether the user or organization account actively subscribes to a plan listed by the authenticated GitHub App. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_subscription_plan_for_account

pub async fn get_subscription_plan_for_account_stubbed_async(
    account_id: i32
) -> Result<MarketplacePurchase, AppsGetSubscriptionPlanForAccountStubbedError>

Get a subscription plan for an account (stubbed)

Shows whether the user or organization account actively subscribes to a plan listed by the authenticated GitHub App. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_subscription_plan_for_account_stubbed

pub fn get_subscription_plan_for_account_stubbed(
    account_id: i32
) -> Result<MarketplacePurchase, AppsGetSubscriptionPlanForAccountStubbedError>

Get a subscription plan for an account (stubbed)

Shows whether the user or organization account actively subscribes to a plan listed by the authenticated GitHub App. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_subscription_plan_for_account_stubbed

pub async fn get_user_installation_async(
    username: &str
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetUserInstallationError>

Get a user installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the user’s installation information.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_user_installation

pub fn get_user_installation(
    username: &str
) -> Result<Installation, AppsGetUserInstallationError>

Get a user installation for the authenticated app

Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the user’s installation information.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_user_installation

pub async fn get_webhook_config_for_app_async(
) -> Result<WebhookConfig, AppsGetWebhookConfigForAppError>

Get a webhook configuration for an app

Returns the webhook configuration for a GitHub App. For more information about configuring a webhook for your app, see “Creating a GitHub App.”

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_webhook_config_for_app

pub fn get_webhook_config_for_app(
) -> Result<WebhookConfig, AppsGetWebhookConfigForAppError>

Get a webhook configuration for an app

Returns the webhook configuration for a GitHub App. For more information about configuring a webhook for your app, see “Creating a GitHub App.”

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for get_webhook_config_for_app

pub async fn list_accounts_for_plan_async(
    plan_id: i32,
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListAccountsForPlanParams<'api>>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplacePurchase>, AppsListAccountsForPlanError>

List accounts for a plan

Returns user and organization accounts associated with the specified plan, including free plans. For per-seat pricing, you see the list of accounts that have purchased the plan, including the number of seats purchased. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_accounts_for_plan

pub fn list_accounts_for_plan(
    plan_id: i32,
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListAccountsForPlanParams<'api>>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplacePurchase>, AppsListAccountsForPlanError>

List accounts for a plan

Returns user and organization accounts associated with the specified plan, including free plans. For per-seat pricing, you see the list of accounts that have purchased the plan, including the number of seats purchased. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_accounts_for_plan

pub async fn list_accounts_for_plan_stubbed_async(
    plan_id: i32,
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListAccountsForPlanStubbedParams<'api>>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplacePurchase>, AppsListAccountsForPlanStubbedError>

List accounts for a plan (stubbed)

Returns repository and organization accounts associated with the specified plan, including free plans. For per-seat pricing, you see the list of accounts that have purchased the plan, including the number of seats purchased. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_accounts_for_plan_stubbed

pub fn list_accounts_for_plan_stubbed(
    plan_id: i32,
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListAccountsForPlanStubbedParams<'api>>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplacePurchase>, AppsListAccountsForPlanStubbedError>

List accounts for a plan (stubbed)

Returns repository and organization accounts associated with the specified plan, including free plans. For per-seat pricing, you see the list of accounts that have purchased the plan, including the number of seats purchased. When someone submits a plan change that won’t be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_accounts_for_plan_stubbed

pub async fn list_installation_repos_for_authenticated_user_async(
    installation_id: i32,
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListInstallationReposForAuthenticatedUserParams>>
) -> Result<GetAppsListInstallationReposForAuthenticatedUserResponse200, AppsListInstallationReposForAuthenticatedUserError>

List repositories accessible to the user access token

List repositories that the authenticated user has explicit permission (:read, :write, or :admin) to access for an installation.

The authenticated user has explicit permission to access repositories they own, repositories where they are a collaborator, and repositories that they can access through an organization membership.

You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint.

The access the user has to each repository is included in the hash under the permissions key.

GitHub API docs for list_installation_repos_for_authenticated_user

The list_installation_repos_for_authenticated_user_async endpoint is enabled with the mercy cargo feature.

pub fn list_installation_repos_for_authenticated_user(
    installation_id: i32,
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListInstallationReposForAuthenticatedUserParams>>
) -> Result<GetAppsListInstallationReposForAuthenticatedUserResponse200, AppsListInstallationReposForAuthenticatedUserError>

List repositories accessible to the user access token

List repositories that the authenticated user has explicit permission (:read, :write, or :admin) to access for an installation.

The authenticated user has explicit permission to access repositories they own, repositories where they are a collaborator, and repositories that they can access through an organization membership.

You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint.

The access the user has to each repository is included in the hash under the permissions key.

GitHub API docs for list_installation_repos_for_authenticated_user

The list_installation_repos_for_authenticated_user endpoint is enabled with the mercy cargo feature.

pub async fn list_installations_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListInstallationsParams<'api>>>
) -> Result<Vec<Installation>, AppsListInstallationsError>

List installations for the authenticated app

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

The permissions the installation has are included under the permissions key.

GitHub API docs for list_installations

pub fn list_installations(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListInstallationsParams<'api>>>
) -> Result<Vec<Installation>, AppsListInstallationsError>

List installations for the authenticated app

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

The permissions the installation has are included under the permissions key.

GitHub API docs for list_installations

pub async fn list_installations_for_authenticated_user_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListInstallationsForAuthenticatedUserParams>>
) -> Result<GetAppsListInstallationsForAuthenticatedUserResponse200, AppsListInstallationsForAuthenticatedUserError>

List app installations accessible to the user access token

Lists installations of your GitHub App that the authenticated user has explicit permission (:read, :write, or :admin) to access.

You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint.

The authenticated user has explicit permission to access repositories they own, repositories where they are a collaborator, and repositories that they can access through an organization membership.

You can find the permissions for the installation under the permissions key.

GitHub API docs for list_installations_for_authenticated_user

pub fn list_installations_for_authenticated_user(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListInstallationsForAuthenticatedUserParams>>
) -> Result<GetAppsListInstallationsForAuthenticatedUserResponse200, AppsListInstallationsForAuthenticatedUserError>

List app installations accessible to the user access token

Lists installations of your GitHub App that the authenticated user has explicit permission (:read, :write, or :admin) to access.

You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint.

The authenticated user has explicit permission to access repositories they own, repositories where they are a collaborator, and repositories that they can access through an organization membership.

You can find the permissions for the installation under the permissions key.

GitHub API docs for list_installations_for_authenticated_user

pub async fn list_plans_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListPlansParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplaceListingPlan>, AppsListPlansError>

List plans

Lists all plans that are part of your GitHub Marketplace listing.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_plans

pub fn list_plans(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListPlansParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplaceListingPlan>, AppsListPlansError>

List plans

Lists all plans that are part of your GitHub Marketplace listing.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_plans

pub async fn list_plans_stubbed_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListPlansStubbedParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplaceListingPlan>, AppsListPlansStubbedError>

List plans (stubbed)

Lists all plans that are part of your GitHub Marketplace listing.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_plans_stubbed

pub fn list_plans_stubbed(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListPlansStubbedParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<MarketplaceListingPlan>, AppsListPlansStubbedError>

List plans (stubbed)

Lists all plans that are part of your GitHub Marketplace listing.

GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint. OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_plans_stubbed

pub async fn list_repos_accessible_to_installation_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListReposAccessibleToInstallationParams>>
) -> Result<GetAppsListReposAccessibleToInstallationResponse200, AppsListReposAccessibleToInstallationError>

List repositories accessible to the app installation

List repositories that an app installation can access.

You must use an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_repos_accessible_to_installation

The list_repos_accessible_to_installation_async endpoint is enabled with the mercy cargo feature.

pub fn list_repos_accessible_to_installation(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListReposAccessibleToInstallationParams>>
) -> Result<GetAppsListReposAccessibleToInstallationResponse200, AppsListReposAccessibleToInstallationError>

List repositories accessible to the app installation

List repositories that an app installation can access.

You must use an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for list_repos_accessible_to_installation

The list_repos_accessible_to_installation endpoint is enabled with the mercy cargo feature.

pub async fn list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<UserMarketplacePurchase>, AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserError>

List subscriptions for the authenticated user

Lists the active subscriptions for the authenticated user. You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint. . OAuth Apps must authenticate using an OAuth token.

GitHub API docs for list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user

pub fn list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<UserMarketplacePurchase>, AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserError>

List subscriptions for the authenticated user

Lists the active subscriptions for the authenticated user. You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint. . OAuth Apps must authenticate using an OAuth token.

GitHub API docs for list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user

pub async fn list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user_stubbed_async(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserStubbedParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<UserMarketplacePurchase>, AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserStubbedError>

List subscriptions for the authenticated user (stubbed)

Lists the active subscriptions for the authenticated user. You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint. . OAuth Apps must authenticate using an OAuth token.

GitHub API docs for list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user_stubbed

pub fn list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user_stubbed(
    query_params: Option<impl Into<AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserStubbedParams>>
) -> Result<Vec<UserMarketplacePurchase>, AppsListSubscriptionsForAuthenticatedUserStubbedError>

List subscriptions for the authenticated user (stubbed)

Lists the active subscriptions for the authenticated user. You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to access this endpoint. . OAuth Apps must authenticate using an OAuth token.

GitHub API docs for list_subscriptions_for_authenticated_user_stubbed

pub async fn remove_repo_from_installation_async(
    installation_id: i32,
    repository_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsRemoveRepoFromInstallationError>

Remove a repository from an app installation

Remove a single repository from an installation. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.

You must use a personal access token (which you can create via the command line or Basic Authentication) to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for remove_repo_from_installation

pub fn remove_repo_from_installation(
    installation_id: i32,
    repository_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsRemoveRepoFromInstallationError>

Remove a repository from an app installation

Remove a single repository from an installation. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.

You must use a personal access token (which you can create via the command line or Basic Authentication) to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for remove_repo_from_installation

pub async fn reset_authorization_async(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsResetAuthorizationError>

Reset an authorization

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth applications can use this API method to reset a valid OAuth token without end-user involvement. Applications must save the “token” property in the response because changes take effect immediately. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for reset_authorization

pub fn reset_authorization(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsResetAuthorizationError>

Reset an authorization

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth applications can use this API method to reset a valid OAuth token without end-user involvement. Applications must save the “token” property in the response because changes take effect immediately. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for reset_authorization

pub async fn reset_token_async(
    client_id: &str,
    body: PatchAppsResetToken
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsResetTokenError>

Reset a token

OAuth applications can use this API method to reset a valid OAuth token without end-user involvement. Applications must save the “token” property in the response because changes take effect immediately. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for reset_token

pub fn reset_token(
    client_id: &str,
    body: PatchAppsResetToken
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsResetTokenError>

Reset a token

OAuth applications can use this API method to reset a valid OAuth token without end-user involvement. Applications must save the “token” property in the response because changes take effect immediately. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for reset_token

pub async fn revoke_authorization_for_application_async(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<(), AppsRevokeAuthorizationForApplicationError>

Revoke an authorization for an application

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth application owners can revoke a single token for an OAuth application. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password.

GitHub API docs for revoke_authorization_for_application

pub fn revoke_authorization_for_application(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<(), AppsRevokeAuthorizationForApplicationError>

Revoke an authorization for an application

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth application owners can revoke a single token for an OAuth application. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password.

GitHub API docs for revoke_authorization_for_application

pub async fn revoke_grant_for_application_async(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<(), AppsRevokeGrantForApplicationError>

Revoke a grant for an application

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth application owners can revoke a grant for their OAuth application and a specific user. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. You must also provide a valid token as :access_token and the grant for the token’s owner will be deleted.

Deleting an OAuth application’s grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for the user. Once deleted, the application will have no access to the user’s account and will no longer be listed on the Applications settings page under “Authorized OAuth Apps” on GitHub.

GitHub API docs for revoke_grant_for_application

pub fn revoke_grant_for_application(
    client_id: &str,
    access_token: &str
) -> Result<(), AppsRevokeGrantForApplicationError>

Revoke a grant for an application

Deprecation Notice: GitHub will discontinue OAuth endpoints that contain access_token in the path parameter. We have introduced new endpoints that allow you to securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by moving access_token to the request body. For more information, see the blog post.

OAuth application owners can revoke a grant for their OAuth application and a specific user. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. You must also provide a valid token as :access_token and the grant for the token’s owner will be deleted.

Deleting an OAuth application’s grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for the user. Once deleted, the application will have no access to the user’s account and will no longer be listed on the Applications settings page under “Authorized OAuth Apps” on GitHub.

GitHub API docs for revoke_grant_for_application

pub async fn revoke_installation_access_token_async(
) -> Result<(), AppsRevokeInstallationAccessTokenError>

Revoke an installation access token

Revokes the installation token you’re using to authenticate as an installation and access this endpoint.

Once an installation token is revoked, the token is invalidated and cannot be used. Other endpoints that require the revoked installation token must have a new installation token to work. You can create a new token using the “Create an installation access token for an app” endpoint.

You must use an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for revoke_installation_access_token

pub fn revoke_installation_access_token(
) -> Result<(), AppsRevokeInstallationAccessTokenError>

Revoke an installation access token

Revokes the installation token you’re using to authenticate as an installation and access this endpoint.

Once an installation token is revoked, the token is invalidated and cannot be used. Other endpoints that require the revoked installation token must have a new installation token to work. You can create a new token using the “Create an installation access token for an app” endpoint.

You must use an installation access token to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for revoke_installation_access_token

pub async fn scope_token_async(
    client_id: &str,
    body: PostAppsScopeToken
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsScopeTokenError>

Create a scoped access token

Use a non-scoped user-to-server OAuth access token to create a repository scoped and/or permission scoped user-to-server OAuth access token. You can specify which repositories the token can access and which permissions are granted to the token. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for scope_token

pub fn scope_token(
    client_id: &str,
    body: PostAppsScopeToken
) -> Result<Authorization, AppsScopeTokenError>

Create a scoped access token

Use a non-scoped user-to-server OAuth access token to create a repository scoped and/or permission scoped user-to-server OAuth access token. You can specify which repositories the token can access and which permissions are granted to the token. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application’s client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.

GitHub API docs for scope_token

pub async fn suspend_installation_async(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsSuspendInstallationError>

Suspend an app installation

Suspends a GitHub App on a user, organization, or business account, which blocks the app from accessing the account’s resources. When a GitHub App is suspended, the app’s access to the GitHub API or webhook events is blocked for that account.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for suspend_installation

pub fn suspend_installation(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsSuspendInstallationError>

Suspend an app installation

Suspends a GitHub App on a user, organization, or business account, which blocks the app from accessing the account’s resources. When a GitHub App is suspended, the app’s access to the GitHub API or webhook events is blocked for that account.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for suspend_installation

pub async fn unsuspend_installation_async(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsUnsuspendInstallationError>

Unsuspend an app installation

Removes a GitHub App installation suspension.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for unsuspend_installation

pub fn unsuspend_installation(
    installation_id: i32
) -> Result<(), AppsUnsuspendInstallationError>

Unsuspend an app installation

Removes a GitHub App installation suspension.

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for unsuspend_installation

pub async fn update_webhook_config_for_app_async(
    body: PatchAppsUpdateWebhookConfigForApp
) -> Result<WebhookConfig, AppsUpdateWebhookConfigForAppError>

Update a webhook configuration for an app

Updates the webhook configuration for a GitHub App. For more information about configuring a webhook for your app, see “Creating a GitHub App.”

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for update_webhook_config_for_app

pub fn update_webhook_config_for_app(
    body: PatchAppsUpdateWebhookConfigForApp
) -> Result<WebhookConfig, AppsUpdateWebhookConfigForAppError>

Update a webhook configuration for an app

Updates the webhook configuration for a GitHub App. For more information about configuring a webhook for your app, see “Creating a GitHub App.”

You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.

GitHub API docs for update_webhook_config_for_app

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'api> RefUnwindSafe for Apps<'api>

impl<'api> Send for Apps<'api>

impl<'api> Sync for Apps<'api>

impl<'api> Unpin for Apps<'api>

impl<'api> UnwindSafe for Apps<'api>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId[src]

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow(&self) -> &T[src]

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T[src]

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

pub fn from(t: T) -> T[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

pub fn into(self) -> U[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.