Struct rocket::Request [] [src]

pub struct Request<'r> { /* fields omitted */ }

The type of an incoming web request.

This should be used sparingly in Rocket applications. In particular, it should likely only be used when writing FromRequest implementations. It contains all of the information for a given web request except for the body data. This includes the HTTP method, URI, cookies, headers, and more.


impl<'r> Request<'r>


Create a new Request with the given method and uri. The uri parameter can be of any type that implements Into<URI> including &str and String; it must be a valid absolute URI.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");


Retrieve the method from self.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
assert_eq!(request.method(), Method::Get);


Set the method of self.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
assert_eq!(request.method(), Method::Get);

assert_eq!(request.method(), Method::Post);


Borrow the URI from self, which must be an absolute URI.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
assert_eq!(request.uri().as_str(), "/uri");


Set the URI in self. The uri parameter can be of any type that implements Into<URI> including &str and String; it must be a valid absolute URI.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");

assert_eq!(request.uri().as_str(), "/hello/Sergio?type=greeting");


Returns the address of the remote connection that initiated this request if the address is known. If the address is not known, None is returned.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");


Returns a HeaderMap of all of the headers in self.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::Method;

let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
let header_map = request.headers();


Add the header to self's headers.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};

let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");

assert_eq!(request.headers().len(), 1);


Replaces the value of the header with with header.value. If no such header existed, header is added.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};

let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");

assert_eq!(request.content_type(), Some(ContentType::HTML));

assert_eq!(request.content_type(), Some(ContentType::JSON));


Returns a borrow to the cookies in self.

Note that Cookies implements internal mutability, so this method allows you to get and set cookies in self.


Add a new cookie to a request's cookies:

use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::{Cookie, Method};

let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
request.cookies().add(Cookie::new("key", "val"));
request.cookies().add(Cookie::new("ans", format!("life: {}", 38 + 4)));


Returns Some of the Content-Type header of self. If the header is not present, returns None.


use rocket::Request;
use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};

let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
assert_eq!(request.content_type(), None);

assert_eq!(request.content_type(), Some(ContentType::JSON));


Retrieves and parses into T the 0-indexed nth dynamic parameter from the request. Returns Error::NoKey if n is greater than the number of params. Returns Error::BadParse if the parameter type T can't be parsed from the parameter.

This method exists only to be used by manual routing. To retrieve parameters from a request, use Rocket's code generation facilities.


Retrieve parameter 0, which is expected to be an &str, in a manual route:

use rocket::{Request, Data};
use rocket::handler::Outcome;

fn name<'a>(req: &'a Request, _: Data) -> Outcome<'a> {


Retrieves and parses into T all of the path segments in the request URI beginning at the 0-indexed nth dynamic parameter. T must implement FromSegments, which is used to parse the segments.

This method exists only to be used by manual routing. To retrieve segments from a request, use Rocket's code generation facilities.


If there are less than n segments, returns an Err of NoKey. If parsing the segments failed, returns an Err of BadParse.


If the request URI is "/hello/there/i/am/here", and the matched route path for this request is "/hello/<name>/i/<segs..>", then request.get_segments::<T>(1) will attempt to parse the segments "am/here" as type T.

Trait Implementations

impl<'r> Display for Request<'r>


Pretty prints a Request. This is primarily used by Rocket's logging infrastructure.