[][src]Trait rfc_4226::Secret

pub trait Secret: AsRef<[u8]> { }

Shared secret.

As per RFC 4226, "each HOTP generator has a different and unique secret."

This trait enables abstraction over different types of secret. All secrets must be coerced to a byte string for hashing, so secrets must implement AsRef<[u8]>. This trait is implemented for [u8; n] for 16 ≤ n ≤ 32, drawing inspiration from libcore. It is also implemented for &str and String. Thus, any of these types may be used as secrets with no additional configuration.


As per RFC 4226, the secret MUST be at least 128 bits (with a recommended length of 160 bits). If the secret is not at least this long, the functions in this crate will return errors.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Secret for String[src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ str[src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 16][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 17][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 18][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 19][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 20][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 21][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 22][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 23][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 24][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 25][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 26][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 27][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 28][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 29][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 30][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 31][src]

impl<'_> Secret for &'_ [u8; 32][src]

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