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Modules for managing all user activities and state


Module for consuming a user’s one-time-use password
Module for creating a user’s one-time-use password
Module for creating a user
Module for deleting a user
Module for getting a user
Module for checking the environment variable: USER_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ENABLED to detect if user email verification is enabled
Module for checking the environment variable: USER_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED to detect if user email verification is required for a user’s login
Module for searching for a user’s s3 data
Module for searching for users in the postgres db
Module for updating a user’s fields in the postgres db
Module for updating a single user’s s3 data record in the local postgres db (note: this does not re-upload the s3 data again, it just updates the local db record)
Module for uploading a POST-ed file to s3 and store the tracking data in the postgres db
Module for upsert-ing a user’s email verification record in the postgres db
Module for verifying a user’s email address in the postgres db