Expand description

Rust Rest API Stack with User Management, Kafka Message Publishing, S3 uploads/downloads, and Prometheus for Monitoring

A secure-by-default Rest API using hyper, tokio, bb8, kafka-threadpool, postgres, and prometheus for monitoring.


  1. User management and authentication stored in postgres
  2. Async s3 uploading and downloading (to/from local files or to/from memory)
  3. Decoupled, async kafka threadpool that uses environment variables to connect to a kafka cluster with client mtls for authentication and encryption in transit
  4. Async publishing for all successful user events to a kafka topic (topic default: user.events) and partition key (key default: user-{user.id})
  5. Async kafka messaging for one-off messages using custom kafka topic(s), partition key(s) and custom header(s).


Please see the restapi/examples/server.rs for developing your own rest api.



  • User password reset and user email change support using one-time-use tokens that are stored in postgres.
  • Users can upload and manage files stored on AWS S3 (assuming valid credentials are loaded outside this rust project).
  • User passwords are hashed using argon2.



  • The rest api server utilizes postgres with a bb8 client threadpool.
  • The postgres database requires each client connection include the postgres tls certificate authority file for encrypting data in-transit.
  • Includes pg4admin for database management in a browser (deployed with docker compose).

TLS Encryption

  • Includes a tls asset generator tool (./tls/create-tls-assets.sh) for building self-signed tls assets including your own private Certificate Authority (CA).
Rest API ServerListening for encrypted client connections on tcp port 3000
PostgresListening for encrypted client connections on tcp port 5432 (tls Certificate Authority required)
pgAdminListening for encrypted HTTP client connections on tcp port 5433

Getting Started

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/jay-johnson/restapi
cd restapi

Generate TLS Assets and a Private Certificate Authority (CA) using CFSSL

Generate new tls assets under the ./tls directory with these commands:

cd tls
cd ..

Please refer to the Generating TLS Assets with CFSSL for more information.

Generate JWT Private and Public Signing Keys

Generate new signing JWT keys under the ./jwt directory with these commands:

cd jwt
cd ..

Please refer to the How to build JWT private and public keys for the jsonwebtokens crate doc for more information.

Deploy Postgres and pgAdmin using Podman

Please refer to the Build and Deploy a Secured Postgres backend doc for more information.

Build API Server

cargo build --example server

Run API Server

export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 && export RUST_LOG=info,kafka_threadpool=info && ./target/debug/examples/server

Environment Variables

Rest API

Environment VariableDefault

User Email Verification

Environment VariableDefault

User One-Time-Use Token Expiration for Password Recovery

Environment VariableDefault

Postgres Database

Environment VariableDefault

Kafka Cluster

Please refer to the kafka_threadpool docs for more information.

Environment VariablePurpose / Value
KAFKA_PUBLISH_EVENTSif set to true or 1 publish all user events to kafka
KAFKA_ENABLEDtoggle the kafka_threadpool on with: true or 1 anything else disables the threadpool
KAFKA_LOG_LABELtracking label that shows up in all crate logs
KAFKA_BROKERScomma-delimited list of brokers (host1:port,host2:port,host3:port)
KAFKA_TOPICScomma-delimited list of supported topics
KAFKA_PUBLISH_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECnumber of seconds to sleep before each publish retry
KAFKA_PUBLISH_IDLE_INTERVAL_SECnumber of seconds to sleep if there are no message to process
KAFKA_NUM_THREADSnumber of threads for the threadpool
KAFKA_TLS_CLIENT_KEYoptional - path to the kafka mTLS key (./tls/kafka-cluster-0/client-key.pem)
KAFKA_TLS_CLIENT_CERToptional - path to the kafka mTLS certificate (./tls/kafka-cluster-0/client.pem)
KAFKA_TLS_CLIENT_CAoptional - path to the kafka mTLS certificate authority (CA) (./tls/ca/ca.pem)
KAFKA_METADATA_COUNT_MSG_OFFSETSoptional - set to anything but true to bypass counting the offsets
Sample kafka.env file
export KAFKA_LOG_LABEL="ktp"
export KAFKA_BROKERS="host1:port,host2:port,host3:port"
export KAFKA_TOPICS="testing"
export KAFKA_TLS_CLIENT_CA="./tls/ca/ca.pem"
export KAFKA_TLS_CLIENT_CERT="./tls/kafka-cluster-0/client.pem"
export KAFKA_TLS_CLIENT_KEY="./tls/kafka-cluster-0/client-key.pem"


Environment VariableDefault


Environment VariableDefault


Environment VariableDefault


Environment VariableDefault

Docker Builds

Build Base Image

This will build an initial base image using podman. Note: this base image will not work on a different cpu chipset because the openssl libraries are compiled within the image for this base image.


Build Derived Image

By reusing the base image, this derived image only needs to recompile the server. With minimal code changes, this is a much faster build than the base image build.



Start Kafka

If you do not have a running Kafka cluster, you can deploy your own with:


Helm Chart

Deploy TLS Assets into Kubernetes

This command will deploy all jwt keys, tls assets and credentials into the dev namespace:

./deploy-kubernetes-assets.sh -e dev
Deploy the Rust Rest API into Kubernetes

Please refer to the Deploying the Rust Rest API helm chart into kubernetes guide for deploying the example helm chart into a kubernetes cluster.

By default this uses the jayjohnson/rust-restapi container image

helm upgrade --install -n dev dev-api ./charts/rust-restapi -f ./charts/rust-restapi/values.yaml



This section assumes you have a working prometheus instance already running inside kubernetes. Below is the Prometheus scrape_config to monitor the rest api deployment replica(s) within kubernetes. Note this config also assumes the api chart is running in the dev namespace:

- job_name: rust-restapi
  scrape_interval: 10s
  scrape_timeout: 5s
  metrics_path: /metrics
  scheme: https
    insecure_skip_verify: true
  - targets:
    - dev-api.dev.svc.cluster.local:3000

Supported APIs

Here are the supported json contracts for each Request and Response based off the url. Each client request is handled by the handle_requests and returned as a response back to the client (serialization using serde_json)

User APIs

Create User

Create a single users record for the new user

Update User

Update supported users fields (including change user email and password)

Get User

Get a single user by users.id - by default, a user can only get their own account details

Delete User

Delete a single users record (note: this does not delete the db record, just sets the users.state to inactive 1)

Search Users in the db

Search for matching users records in the db

Create One-Time-Use Password Reset Token (OTP)

Create a one-time-use password reset token that allows a user to change their users.password value by presenting the token

Consume a One-Time-Use Password Reset Token (OTP)

Consume a one-time-use password and change the user’s users.password value to the new argon2-hashed password

Verify a User’s email

Consume a one-time-use verification token and change the user’s users.verified value verified (1)

User S3 APIs

Upload a file asynchronously to AWS S3 and store a tracking record in the db

Upload a local file on disk to AWS S3 asynchronously and store a tracking record in the users_data table. The documentation refers to this as a user data or user data file record.

Update an existing user data file record for a file stored in AWS S3

Update the users_data tracking record for a file that exists in AWS S3

Search for existing user data files from the db

Search for matching records in the users_data db based off the request’s values

User Authentication APIs

User Login

Log the user in and get a json web token (jwt) back for authentication on subsequent client requests

Interation Test Guide

This project focused on integration tests for v1 instead of only rust tests (specifically everything has been tested with curl):

Please refer to the latest Integration Tests Using curl Guide

Build and run the example server

cargo build --example server && export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 && export RUST_LOG=info && ./target/debug/examples/server

Integration Tests Using curl Guide

Set up bash curl tests

export API_TLS_DIR="./certs/tls/api"
export TLS_ARGS="--cacert ${API_TLS_DIR}/api-ca.pem \
    --cert ${API_TLS_DIR}/api.crt \
    --key ${API_TLS_DIR}/api.key"

User APIs

Login (user does not exist yet)

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPOST \
    -d '{"email":"user@email.com","password":"12345"}' | jq

Create user

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPOST \
    -d '{"email":"user@email.com","password":"12345"}' | jq

Login and save the token as an env variable

export TOKEN=$(curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPOST \
    -d '{"email":"user@email.com","password":"12345"}' | jq -r '.token')

Get user

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XGET \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" | jq

Update user

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -XPUT \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"email":"somenewemail@gmail.com","password":"321123","state":0}'

Change user password

Change to a new password
curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -XPUT \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"password":"12345a"}' | jq
Change password back to the original
curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -XPUT \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"password":"12345"}' | jq

Create a one-time-use-password (otp) allowing a user to reset their users.password from the users.email

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -XPOST \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"email":"user@email.com"}' | jq

Consume user one-time-use-password token to reset the users.password (otp)

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -XPOST \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"email":"user@email.com"}' | jq

Change user email

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -XPUT \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"email":"unique@gmail.com"}' | jq

Verify user email

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" | jq

Search user (token must be for the POST-ed user id)

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPOST \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -d '{"email":"user","user_id":1}' | jq

Delete user

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XDELETE \
    -d '{"email":"user@email.com","user_id":1}' \
    -H "Content-type: application/json" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" | jq

JWT (json web tokens)

Configurable JWT Environment Variables

Header key for the token:
export TOKEN_HEADER="Bearer"
Token Org (embedded in the jwt)
export TOKEN_ORG="Org Name";
Token Lifetime Duration
JWT Signing Keys
export TOKEN_ALGO_KEY_DIR="./jwt"
export TOKEN_ALGO_PRIVATE_KEY="${TOKEN_ALGO_KEY_DIR}/private-key-pkcs8.pem"
export TOKEN_ALGO_PUBLIC_KEY="${TOKEN_ALGO_KEY_DIR}/public-key.pem"
Generate your own jwt keys with these commands

These commands were tested on ubuntu 21.10 using bash:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out "${TOKEN_ALGO_PRIVATE_KEY_ORG}"
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in private-key.pem -out "${TOKEN_ALGO_PRIVATE_KEY}"
openssl ec -in "${TOKEN_ALGO_PRIVATE_KEY_ORG}" -pubout -out "${TOKEN_ALGO_PUBLIC_KEY}"


Setting up AWS credentials



S3 Upload a user data file (no file type restrictions + s3 archival)

export UPLOAD_FILE="./README.md"
export DATA_TYPE="file"
export S3_DATA_PREFIX="user/data/file"
curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    -XPOST \
    --data-binary "@${UPLOAD_FILE}" \
    "" \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -H 'user_id: 1' \
    -H 'comments: this is a test comment' \
    -H 'encoding: na' \
    -H 'Content-type: text/txt' \
    -H 'filename: README.md' \
    -H "data_type: ${DATA_TYPE}" | jq

Search user data (token must be for the POST-ed user id)

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPOST \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -d '{"user_id":1}' | jq

Update a single user data record (token must be for the PUT user id)

curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPUT \
    -H "Bearer: ${TOKEN}" \
    -d '{"user_id":1,"data_id":1,"comments":"updated comment using curl"}' | jq

Login and save the token as an env variable

export TOKEN=$(curl -s ${TLS_ARGS} \
    "" \
    -XPOST \
    -d '{"email":"user@email.com","password":"12345"}' | jq -r '.token')

Postgres DB

View DB Tables

Connect to postgres using tls
psql --set=sslmode=require -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d mydb
Get public tables in the mydb
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public';

Podman Image Push

cur_tag=$(cat Cargo.toml | grep version | head -1 | sed -e 's/"//g' | awk '{print $NF}')
podman push IMAGE_ID "docker://docker.io/jayjohnson/rust-restapi:${cur_tag}"
podman push IMAGE_ID "docker://docker.io/jayjohnson/rust-restapi:latest"
podman push "docker.io/jayjohnson/rust-restapi:${cur_tag}"
podman push "docker.io/jayjohnson/rust-restapi:latest"

Helm Chart

Please refer to the Deploying the Rust Rest API helm chart into kubernetes guide for deploying the example helm chart into a kubernetes cluster.

Build Docs

cargo doc --example server


Core configuration and internal Rest API server modules
The handle_request() function serves all client HTTP requests from within a single hyper worker thread. Note: when enabled, the prometheus metrics are available at the endpoint: https://API_ENDPOINT/metrics using an HTTP GET method.
APIs for downloading and uploading to the configured S3 endpoint
API for managing user JSON web tokens (JWTs)
Kafka helper methods wrapping the kafka_threadpool APIs
Module for monitoring metrics (currently only supports Prometheus)
Wrapper for starting up the bb8 postgres threadpool
Modules for supported HTTP API requests
Modules for loading the Rest API and Postgres TLS assets
Utility modules for HTTP requests and debugging