Struct reql::commands::Command [] [src]

#[must_use = "command results are moved from one command to another so you must either catch a command\'s result using a let binding or chain the command all the way through"]
pub struct Command { /* fields omitted */ }

The type returned by every error


impl Command

Creates a new command

This is typically called r.


let r = Command::new();

Sets a logger

Trait Implementations

impl DbList for Command

impl Changes for Command

impl DbCreate for Command

impl DbDrop for Command

impl TableCreate for Command

impl TableDrop for Command

impl TableList for Command

impl IndexCreate for Command

impl IndexDrop for Command

impl IndexList for Command

impl IndexRename for Command

impl IndexStatus for Command

impl IndexWait for Command

impl Insert for Command

impl Update for Command

impl Replace for Command

impl Delete for Command

impl Sync for Command

impl Db for Command

impl Table for Command

impl Get for Command

impl GetAll for Command

impl Between for Command

impl Filter for Command

impl InnerJoin for Command

impl OuterJoin for Command

impl EqJoin for Command

impl Zip for Command

impl Map for Command

impl WithFields for Command

impl ConcatMap for Command

impl OrderBy for Command

impl Skip for Command

impl Limit for Command

impl Slice for Command

impl Nth for Command

impl OffsetsOf for Command

impl IsEmpty for Command

impl Union for Command

impl Sample for Command

impl Group for Command

impl Ungroup for Command

impl Reduce for Command

impl Fold for Command

impl Count for Command

impl Sum for Command

impl Avg for Command

impl Min for Command

impl Max for Command

impl Distinct for Command

impl Contains for Command

impl Pluck for Command

impl Without for Command

impl Merge for Command

impl Append for Command

impl Prepend for Command

impl Difference for Command

impl SetInsert for Command

impl SetUnion for Command

impl SetIntersection for Command

impl SetDifference for Command

impl GetField for Command

impl HasFields for Command

impl InsertAt for Command

impl SpliceAt for Command

impl DeleteAt for Command

impl ChangeAt for Command

impl Keys for Command

impl Values for Command

impl Literal for Command

impl Expr for Command

impl Match for Command

impl Split for Command

impl Upcase for Command

impl Downcase for Command

impl Add for Command

impl Sub for Command

impl Mul for Command

impl Div for Command

impl Mod for Command

impl And for Command

impl Or for Command

impl Eq for Command

impl Ne for Command

impl Gt for Command

impl Ge for Command

impl Lt for Command

impl Le for Command

impl Not for Command

impl Random for Command

impl Round for Command

impl Ceil for Command

impl Floor for Command

impl Now for Command

impl Time for Command

impl EpochTime for Command

impl Iso8601 for Command

impl InTimezone for Command

impl Timezone for Command

impl During for Command

impl Date for Command

impl TimeOfDay for Command

impl Year for Command

impl Month for Command

impl Day for Command

impl DayOfWeek for Command

impl DayOfYear for Command

impl Hours for Command

impl Minutes for Command

impl Seconds for Command

impl ToIso8601 for Command

impl ToEpochTime for Command

impl Wait for Command

impl Binary for Command

impl Do for Command

impl Branch for Command

impl ForEach for Command

impl Range for Command

impl Error for Command

impl Default for Command

impl Status for Command

impl Js for Command

impl CoerceTo for Command

impl TypeOf for Command

impl Info for Command

impl Json for Command

impl ToJson for Command

impl Http for Command

impl Uuid for Command

impl Circle for Command

impl Distance for Command

impl Fill for Command

impl Geojson for Command

impl ToGeojson for Command

impl GetIntersecting for Command

impl GetNearest for Command

impl Includes for Command

impl Intersects for Command

impl Line for Command

impl Point for Command

impl Polygon for Command

impl PolygonSub for Command

impl Grant for Command

impl Rebalance for Command

impl Reconfigure for Command

impl WithArgs for Command

impl ToArg for Command

impl Debug for Command

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl Clone for Command

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more