[][src]Module radvisor::collection::collect::read



Used to store the results of an initial examination of the layout of a .stat cgroup file, determining how each line maps to the target entries. Used for .stat files where the contents vary depending on the system/configuration, such as memory.stat in the memory subsystem


Represents metadata about a single stat file line that corresponds to an entry in the log output.



Tries to read the given file handle, and directly write the contents as a field to the record


Tries to read an IO file and creates aggregate stats for read, write, sync, and async. The original files are in the form of:


Tries to read a simple IO file and aggregates to make a total. The original files are in the form of:


Parses every entry in a stats file, where each entry is a alphabetic key followed by a number, and then a newline. Attempts to parse offsets.len() entries from the file, using the precomputed offsets array to skip reading the alphabetic key.


Reads and parses a stat file, using a pre-examined layout to quickly read the desired entries from the file.