Crate quantity

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Representation of quantites, i.e. of unit valued scalars and arrays.

As opposed to other implementations, this crate does not attempt to achieve compile time checks on units. It is written with flexibility in mind and is able to represent arbitrarily complex units. Additional to simple scalar quantities, it also provides utilities for vector valued quantities, based on the ndarray crate, where all entries share the same unit.

For details on the available methods, see the documentation of the Quantity struct and for a list of all units and constants available check out the si module.


Calculate pressure of an ideal gas.

let temperature = 25.0 * CELSIUS;
let volume = 1.5 * METER.powi(3);
let moles = 75.0 * MOL;
let pressure = moles * RGAS * temperature / volume;
println!("{:.5}", pressure);            // 123.94785 kPa

Calculate the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth.

let mass_earth = 5.9724e24 * KILOGRAM;
let mass_moon = 7.346e22 * KILOGRAM;
let distance = 383.398 * KILO * METER;
let force = G * mass_earth * mass_moon / distance.powi(2);
println!("{:.5e}", force);              // 1.99208e26 N

Calculate the pressure distribution in the atmosphere using the barometric formula.

let z = SIArray1::linspace(1.0 * METER, 70.0 * KILO * METER, 10)?;
let g = 9.81 * METER / SECOND.powi(2);
let m = 28.949 * GRAM / MOL;
let t = 10.0 * CELSIUS;
let p0 = BAR;
let pressure = p0 * (-&z * m * g).to_reduced(RGAS * t)?.mapv(f64::exp);
for i in 0..10 {
    println!("z = {:8.5}   p = {:9.5}", z.get(i), pressure.get(i));
// z =  1.00000  m   p =  99.98794 kPa
// z =  7.77867 km   p =  39.12796 kPa
// z = 15.55633 km   p =  15.31182 kPa
// z = 23.33400 km   p =   5.99192 kPa
// z = 31.11167 km   p =   2.34480 kPa
// z = 38.88933 km   p = 917.58301  Pa
// z = 46.66700 km   p = 359.07479  Pa
// z = 54.44467 km   p = 140.51557  Pa
// z = 62.22233 km   p =  54.98750  Pa
// z = 70.00000 km   p =  21.51808  Pa


  • Implementation of SI units.



  • Error type used to indicate unit conversion failures.


  • A generalized unit.

Type Aliases§