[][src]Struct qt_charts::QBarCategoryAxis

pub struct QBarCategoryAxis { /* fields omitted */ }

C++ class: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis.


impl QBarCategoryAxis[src]

pub fn categories_changed(&self) -> Signal<()>[src]

This signal is emitted when the categories of the axis change.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::categoriesChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the categories of the axis change.

Note: Notifier signal for property categories.

pub fn min_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QString,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the min value of the axis changes.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::minChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the min value of the axis changes.

Note: Notifier signal for property min.

pub fn max_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QString,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the max value of the axis changes.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::maxChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the max value of the axis changes.

Note: Notifier signal for property max.

pub fn range_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QString, *const QString)>[src]

This signal is emitted when min or max value of the axis changes.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::rangeChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when min or max value of the axis changes.

pub fn count_changed(&self) -> Signal<()>[src]

This signal is emitted when the number of categories of an axis changes.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::countChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the number of categories of an axis changes.

Note: Notifier signal for property count.

pub unsafe fn append_q_string_list(
    &mut self,
    categories: impl CastInto<Ref<QStringList>>

Appends categories to an axis. The maximum value on the axis will be changed to match the last category in categories. If no categories were previously defined, the minimum value on the axis will also be changed to match the first category in categories.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::append(const QStringList& categories).

C++ documentation:

Appends categories to an axis. The maximum value on the axis will be changed to match the last category in categories. If no categories were previously defined, the minimum value on the axis will also be changed to match the first category in categories.

A category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. Duplicated categories will not be appended.

pub unsafe fn append_q_string(&mut self, category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>)[src]

Appends category to an axis. The maximum value on the axis will be changed to match the last category. If no categories were previously defined, the minimum value on the axis will also be changed to match category.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::append(const QString& category).

C++ documentation:

Appends category to an axis. The maximum value on the axis will be changed to match the last category. If no categories were previously defined, the minimum value on the axis will also be changed to match category.

A category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. Duplicated categories will not be appended.

pub unsafe fn at(&self, index: c_int) -> CppBox<QString>[src]

Returns the category at index. The index must be valid.

Calls C++ function: QString QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::at(int index) const.

C++ documentation:

Returns the category at index. The index must be valid.

pub unsafe fn categories(&mut self) -> CppBox<QStringList>[src]

This property holds the categories of an axis.

Calls C++ function: QStringList QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::categories().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the categories of an axis.

Access functions:

QStringList categories()
void setCategories(const QStringList &categories)

Notifier signal:

pub unsafe fn clear(&mut self)[src]

Removes all categories. Sets the maximum and minimum values of the axis range to QString::null.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::clear().

C++ documentation:

Removes all categories. Sets the maximum and minimum values of the axis range to QString::null.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

pub unsafe fn count(&self) -> c_int[src]

This property holds the number of categories of an axis.

Calls C++ function: int QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::count() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the number of categories of an axis.

Access functions:

int count() const

Notifier signal:

void countChanged()

pub unsafe fn insert(
    &mut self,
    index: c_int,
    category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>

Inserts category to the axis at index. category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. If category is prepended or appended to other categories, the minimum and maximum values on the axis are updated accordingly.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::insert(int index, const QString& category).

C++ documentation:

Inserts category to the axis at index. category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. If category is prepended or appended to other categories, the minimum and maximum values on the axis are updated accordingly.

pub unsafe fn max(&self) -> CppBox<QString>[src]

This property holds the maximum value on the axis.

Calls C++ function: QString QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::max() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the maximum value on the axis.

Access functions:

QString max() const
void setMax(const QString &max)

Notifier signal:

void maxChanged(const QString &max)

pub unsafe fn meta_object(&self) -> Ptr<QMetaObject>[src]

Calls C++ function: virtual const QMetaObject* QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::metaObject() const.

pub unsafe fn min(&self) -> CppBox<QString>[src]

This property holds the minimum value on the axis.

Calls C++ function: QString QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::min() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the minimum value on the axis.

Access functions:

QString min() const
void setMin(const QString &min)

Notifier signal:

void minChanged(const QString &min)

pub unsafe fn new_1a(
    parent: impl CastInto<MutPtr<QObject>>
) -> CppBox<QBarCategoryAxis>

Calls C++ function: [constructor] void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::QBarCategoryAxis(QObject* parent = …).

pub unsafe fn new_0a() -> CppBox<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: [constructor] void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::QBarCategoryAxis().

pub unsafe fn qt_metacall(
    &mut self,
    arg1: Call,
    arg2: c_int,
    arg3: impl CastInto<MutPtr<*mut c_void>>
) -> c_int

Calls C++ function: virtual int QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call arg1, int arg2, void** arg3).

pub unsafe fn qt_metacast(
    &mut self,
    arg1: impl CastInto<Ptr<c_char>>
) -> MutPtr<c_void>

Calls C++ function: virtual void* QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::qt_metacast(const char* arg1).

pub unsafe fn remove(&mut self, category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>)[src]

Removes category from the axis. Removing a category that currently sets the maximum or minimum value on the axis will affect the axis range.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::remove(const QString& category).

C++ documentation:

Removes category from the axis. Removing a category that currently sets the maximum or minimum value on the axis will affect the axis range.

pub unsafe fn replace(
    &mut self,
    old_category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>,
    new_category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>

Replaces oldCategory with newCategory. If oldCategory does not exist on the axis, nothing is done. newCategory has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. If the minimum or maximum category is replaced, the minimum and maximum values on the axis are updated accordingly.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::replace(const QString& oldCategory, const QString& newCategory).

C++ documentation:

Replaces oldCategory with newCategory. If oldCategory does not exist on the axis, nothing is done. newCategory has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. If the minimum or maximum category is replaced, the minimum and maximum values on the axis are updated accordingly.

pub unsafe fn set_categories(
    &mut self,
    categories: impl CastInto<Ref<QStringList>>

Sets categories and discards the old ones. The axis range is adjusted to match the first and last category in categories.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::setCategories(const QStringList& categories).

C++ documentation:

Sets categories and discards the old ones. The axis range is adjusted to match the first and last category in categories.

A category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated.

Note: Setter function for property categories.

See also categories().

pub unsafe fn set_max(&mut self, max_category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>)[src]

Sets the maximum category to max.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::setMax(const QString& maxCategory).

C++ documentation:

Sets the maximum category to max.

Note: Setter function for property max.

See also max().

pub unsafe fn set_min(&mut self, min_category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>)[src]

Sets the minimum category to min.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::setMin(const QString& minCategory).

C++ documentation:

Sets the minimum category to min.

Note: Setter function for property min.

See also min().

pub unsafe fn set_range(
    &mut self,
    min_category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>,
    max_category: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>

Sets the axis range from minCategory to maxCategory.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::setRange(const QString& minCategory, const QString& maxCategory).

C++ documentation:

Sets the axis range from minCategory to maxCategory.

pub unsafe fn static_meta_object() -> Ref<QMetaObject>[src]

Returns a reference to the staticMetaObject field.

pub unsafe fn tr(
    s: impl CastInto<Ptr<c_char>>,
    c: impl CastInto<Ptr<c_char>>,
    n: c_int
) -> CppBox<QString>

Calls C++ function: static QString QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::tr(const char* s, const char* c, int n).

pub unsafe fn tr_utf8(
    s: impl CastInto<Ptr<c_char>>,
    c: impl CastInto<Ptr<c_char>>,
    n: c_int
) -> CppBox<QString>

Calls C++ function: static QString QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::trUtf8(const char* s, const char* c, int n).

pub unsafe fn type_(&self) -> AxisType[src]

Reimplements: QAbstractAxis::type() const.

Calls C++ function: virtual QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::AxisType QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::type() const.

C++ documentation:

Reimplements: QAbstractAxis::type() const.

Returns the type of the axis.

Methods from Deref<Target = QAbstractAxis>

pub fn visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::visibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property visible.

pub fn line_pen_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QPen,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the line of the axis changes to pen.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::linePenChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the line of the axis changes to pen.

Note: Notifier signal for property linePen.

pub fn line_visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis line changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::lineVisibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis line changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property lineVisible.

pub fn labels_visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the labels of the axis changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsVisibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the labels of the axis changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property labelsVisible.

pub fn labels_brush_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QBrush,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis labels changes to brush.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsBrushChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis labels changes to brush.

Note: Notifier signal for property labelsBrush.

pub fn labels_font_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QFont,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the font of the axis labels changes to font.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsFontChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the font of the axis labels changes to font.

Note: Notifier signal for property labelsFont.

pub fn labels_angle_changed(&self) -> Signal<(c_int,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the angle of the axis labels changes to angle.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsAngleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the angle of the axis labels changes to angle.

Note: Notifier signal for property labelsAngle.

pub fn grid_line_pen_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QPen,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the grid line changes to pen.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::gridLinePenChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the grid line changes to pen.

Note: Notifier signal for property gridLinePen.

pub fn grid_visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the grid lines of the axis changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::gridVisibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the grid lines of the axis changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property gridVisible.

pub fn minor_grid_visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the minor grid lines of the axis changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::minorGridVisibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the minor grid lines of the axis changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property minorGridVisible.

pub fn minor_grid_line_pen_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QPen,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to pen.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::minorGridLinePenChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to pen.

Note: Notifier signal for property minorGridLinePen.

pub fn grid_line_color_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QColor,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the grid line changes to color.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::gridLineColorChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the grid line changes to color.

Note: Notifier signal for property gridLineColor.

pub fn minor_grid_line_color_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QColor,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to color.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::minorGridLineColorChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to color.

Note: Notifier signal for property minorGridLineColor.

pub fn color_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QColor,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the color of the axis changes to color.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::colorChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the color of the axis changes to color.

Note: Notifier signal for property color.

pub fn labels_color_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QColor,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the color of the axis labels changes to color.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsColorChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the color of the axis labels changes to color.

Note: Notifier signal for property labelsColor.

pub fn title_text_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QString,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the text of the axis title changes to text.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleTextChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the text of the axis title changes to text.

Note: Notifier signal for property titleText.

pub fn title_brush_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QBrush,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis title changes to brush.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleBrushChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis title changes to brush.

Note: Notifier signal for property titleBrush.

pub fn title_visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the title text of the axis changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleVisibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the title text of the axis changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property titleVisible.

pub fn title_font_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QFont,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the font of the axis title changes to font.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleFontChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the font of the axis title changes to font.

Note: Notifier signal for property titleFont.

pub fn shades_visible_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis shades changes to visible.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesVisibleChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis shades changes to visible.

Note: Notifier signal for property shadesVisible.

pub fn shades_color_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QColor,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the color of the axis shades changes to color.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesColorChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the color of the axis shades changes to color.

Note: Notifier signal for property shadesColor.

pub fn shades_border_color_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QColor,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the border color of the axis shades changes to color.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesBorderColorChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the border color of the axis shades changes to color.

Note: Notifier signal for property shadesBorderColor.

pub fn shades_pen_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QPen,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the axis shades changes to pen.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesPenChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the axis shades changes to pen.

Note: Notifier signal for property shadesPen.

pub fn shades_brush_changed(&self) -> Signal<(*const QBrush,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis shades changes to brush.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesBrushChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis shades changes to brush.

Note: Notifier signal for property shadesBrush.

pub fn reverse_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::reverseChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

By default, the value is false.

The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.

Access functions:

bool isReverse() const
void setReverse(bool reverse = true)

Notifier signal:

void reverseChanged(bool reverse)

pub fn labels_editable_changed(&self) -> Signal<(bool,)>[src]

This signal is emitted when the labels editability changes.

Returns a built-in Qt signal QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsEditableChanged that can be passed to qt_core::Signal::connect.

C++ documentation:

This signal is emitted when the labels editability changes.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.13.

pub unsafe fn alignment(&self) -> QFlags<AlignmentFlag>[src]

This property holds the alignment of the axis.

Calls C++ function: QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::alignment() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the alignment of the axis.

Can be Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight, Qt::AlignBottom, or Qt::AlignTop.

Access functions:

Qt::Alignment alignment() const

pub unsafe fn grid_line_color(&mut self) -> CppBox<QColor>[src]

This property holds the color of the grid line.

Calls C++ function: QColor QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::gridLineColor().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the grid line.

Access functions:

QColor gridLineColor()
void setGridLineColor(const QColor &color)

Notifier signal:

void gridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)

pub unsafe fn grid_line_pen(&self) -> CppBox<QPen>[src]

This property holds the pen used to draw the grid line.

Calls C++ function: QPen QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::gridLinePen() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the pen used to draw the grid line.

Access functions:

QPen gridLinePen() const
void setGridLinePen(const QPen &pen)

Notifier signal:

void gridLinePenChanged(const QPen &pen)

pub unsafe fn hide(&mut self)[src]

Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines invisible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::hide().

C++ documentation:

Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines invisible.

pub unsafe fn is_grid_line_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::isGridLineVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.

Access functions:

bool isGridLineVisible() const
void setGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn is_line_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis line.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::isLineVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis line.

Access functions:

bool isLineVisible() const
void setLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn is_minor_grid_line_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::isMinorGridLineVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

bool isMinorGridLineVisible() const
void setMinorGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn is_reverse(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::isReverse() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

By default, the value is false.

The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.

Access functions:

bool isReverse() const
void setReverse(bool reverse = true)

Notifier signal:

void reverseChanged(bool reverse)

pub unsafe fn is_title_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::isTitleVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isTitleVisible() const
void setTitleVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn is_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::isVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis.

Access functions:

bool isVisible() const
void setVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void visibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn labels_angle(&self) -> c_int[src]

This property holds the angle of the axis labels in degrees.

Calls C++ function: int QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsAngle() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the angle of the axis labels in degrees.

Access functions:

int labelsAngle() const
void setLabelsAngle(int angle)

Notifier signal:

void labelsAngleChanged(int angle)

pub unsafe fn labels_brush(&self) -> CppBox<QBrush>[src]

This property holds the brush used to draw the labels.

Calls C++ function: QBrush QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsBrush() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the brush used to draw the labels.

Only the color of the brush is relevant.

Access functions:

QBrush labelsBrush() const
void setLabelsBrush(const QBrush &brush)

Notifier signal:

void labelsBrushChanged(const QBrush &brush)

pub unsafe fn labels_color(&self) -> CppBox<QColor>[src]

This property holds the color of the axis labels.

Calls C++ function: QColor QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsColor() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the axis labels.

Access functions:

QColor labelsColor() const
void setLabelsColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void labelsColorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn labels_editable(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if axis labels are editable.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsEditable() const.

C++ documentation:

Returns true if axis labels are editable.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.13.

See also setLabelsEditable().

This item is available if cpp_lib_version="5.13.0".

pub unsafe fn labels_font(&self) -> CppBox<QFont>[src]

This property holds the font of the axis labels.

Calls C++ function: QFont QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsFont() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the font of the axis labels.

Access functions:

QFont labelsFont() const
void setLabelsFont(const QFont &font)

Notifier signal:

void labelsFontChanged(const QFont &font)

pub unsafe fn labels_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds whether axis labels are visible.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::labelsVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether axis labels are visible.

Access functions:

bool labelsVisible() const
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn line_pen(&self) -> CppBox<QPen>[src]

This property holds the pen used to draw the line.

Calls C++ function: QPen QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::linePen() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the pen used to draw the line.

Access functions:

QPen linePen() const
void setLinePen(const QPen &pen)

Notifier signal:

void linePenChanged(const QPen &pen)

pub unsafe fn line_pen_color(&self) -> CppBox<QColor>[src]

This property holds the color of the axis and tick marks.

Calls C++ function: QColor QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::linePenColor() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the axis and tick marks.

Access functions:

QColor linePenColor() const
void setLinePenColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void colorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn meta_object(&self) -> Ptr<QMetaObject>[src]

Calls C++ function: virtual const QMetaObject* QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::metaObject() const.

pub unsafe fn minor_grid_line_color(&mut self) -> CppBox<QColor>[src]

This property holds the color of the minor grid line.

Calls C++ function: QColor QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::minorGridLineColor().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the minor grid line.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

QColor minorGridLineColor()
void setMinorGridLineColor(const QColor &color)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)

pub unsafe fn minor_grid_line_pen(&self) -> CppBox<QPen>[src]

This property holds the pen used to draw the minor grid line.

Calls C++ function: QPen QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::minorGridLinePen() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the pen used to draw the minor grid line.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

QPen minorGridLinePen() const
void setMinorGridLinePen(const QPen &pen)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridLinePenChanged(const QPen &pen)

pub unsafe fn orientation(&self) -> Orientation[src]

This property holds the orientation of the axis.

Calls C++ function: Qt::Orientation QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::orientation() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the orientation of the axis.

Fixed to either Qt::Horizontal or Qt::Vertical when the axis is added to a chart.

Access functions:

Qt::Orientation orientation() const

pub unsafe fn qt_metacall(
    &mut self,
    arg1: Call,
    arg2: c_int,
    arg3: impl CastInto<MutPtr<*mut c_void>>
) -> c_int

Calls C++ function: virtual int QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call arg1, int arg2, void** arg3).

pub unsafe fn qt_metacast(
    &mut self,
    arg1: impl CastInto<Ptr<c_char>>
) -> MutPtr<c_void>

Calls C++ function: virtual void* QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::qt_metacast(const char* arg1).

pub unsafe fn set_grid_line_color(&mut self, color: impl CastInto<Ref<QColor>>)[src]

This property holds the color of the grid line.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setGridLineColor(const QColor& color).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the grid line.

Access functions:

QColor gridLineColor()
void setGridLineColor(const QColor &color)

Notifier signal:

void gridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)

pub unsafe fn set_grid_line_pen(&mut self, pen: impl CastInto<Ref<QPen>>)[src]

Sets the pen used to draw the grid lines to pen.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setGridLinePen(const QPen& pen).

C++ documentation:

Sets the pen used to draw the grid lines to pen.

Note: Setter function for property gridLinePen.

See also gridLinePen().

pub unsafe fn set_grid_line_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setGridLineVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.

Access functions:

bool isGridLineVisible() const
void setGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_grid_line_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setGridLineVisible().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines.

Access functions:

bool isGridLineVisible() const
void setGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_labels_angle(&mut self, angle: c_int)[src]

This property holds the angle of the axis labels in degrees.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsAngle(int angle).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the angle of the axis labels in degrees.

Access functions:

int labelsAngle() const
void setLabelsAngle(int angle)

Notifier signal:

void labelsAngleChanged(int angle)

pub unsafe fn set_labels_brush(&mut self, brush: impl CastInto<Ref<QBrush>>)[src]

Sets the brush used to draw labels to brush.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsBrush(const QBrush& brush).

C++ documentation:

Sets the brush used to draw labels to brush.

Note: Setter function for property labelsBrush.

See also labelsBrush().

pub unsafe fn set_labels_color(&mut self, color: impl CastInto<Ref<QColor>>)[src]

This property holds the color of the axis labels.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsColor(QColor color).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the axis labels.

Access functions:

QColor labelsColor() const
void setLabelsColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void labelsColorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn set_labels_editable_1a(&mut self, editable: bool)[src]

Sets axis labels editability to editable.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsEditable(bool editable = …).

C++ documentation:

Sets axis labels editability to editable.

When the labels are editable the user will be able to change the range of the axis conveniently by editing any of the labels. This feature is only supported for the QValueAxis and the QDateTimeAxis.

By default, labels are not editable.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.13.

See also labelsEditable().

This item is available if cpp_lib_version="5.13.0".

pub unsafe fn set_labels_editable_0a(&mut self)[src]

Sets axis labels editability to editable.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsEditable().

C++ documentation:

Sets axis labels editability to editable.

When the labels are editable the user will be able to change the range of the axis conveniently by editing any of the labels. This feature is only supported for the QValueAxis and the QDateTimeAxis.

By default, labels are not editable.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.13.

See also labelsEditable().

This item is available if cpp_lib_version="5.13.0".

pub unsafe fn set_labels_font(&mut self, font: impl CastInto<Ref<QFont>>)[src]

Sets the font used to draw labels to font.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsFont(const QFont& font).

C++ documentation:

Sets the font used to draw labels to font.

Note: Setter function for property labelsFont.

See also labelsFont().

pub unsafe fn set_labels_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

This property holds whether axis labels are visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether axis labels are visible.

Access functions:

bool labelsVisible() const
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_labels_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

This property holds whether axis labels are visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLabelsVisible().

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether axis labels are visible.

Access functions:

bool labelsVisible() const
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_line_pen(&mut self, pen: impl CastInto<Ref<QPen>>)[src]

Sets the pen used to draw the axis line and tick marks to pen.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLinePen(const QPen& pen).

C++ documentation:

Sets the pen used to draw the axis line and tick marks to pen.

Note: Setter function for property linePen.

See also linePen().

pub unsafe fn set_line_pen_color(&mut self, color: impl CastInto<Ref<QColor>>)[src]

This property holds the color of the axis and tick marks.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLinePenColor(QColor color).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the axis and tick marks.

Access functions:

QColor linePenColor() const
void setLinePenColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void colorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn set_line_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLineVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are visible.

Note: Setter function for property lineVisible.

See also isLineVisible().

pub unsafe fn set_line_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setLineVisible().

C++ documentation:

Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are visible.

Note: Setter function for property lineVisible.

See also isLineVisible().

pub unsafe fn set_max(&mut self, max: impl CastInto<Ref<QVariant>>)[src]

Sets the maximum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the max parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setMax(const QVariant& max).

C++ documentation:

Sets the maximum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the max parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

pub unsafe fn set_min(&mut self, min: impl CastInto<Ref<QVariant>>)[src]

Sets the minimum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setMin(const QVariant& min).

C++ documentation:

Sets the minimum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

pub unsafe fn set_minor_grid_line_color(
    &mut self,
    color: impl CastInto<Ref<QColor>>

This property holds the color of the minor grid line.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLineColor(const QColor& color).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the color of the minor grid line.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

QColor minorGridLineColor()
void setMinorGridLineColor(const QColor &color)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)

pub unsafe fn set_minor_grid_line_pen(&mut self, pen: impl CastInto<Ref<QPen>>)[src]

This property holds the pen used to draw the minor grid line.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLinePen(const QPen& pen).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the pen used to draw the minor grid line.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

QPen minorGridLinePen() const
void setMinorGridLinePen(const QPen &pen)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridLinePenChanged(const QPen &pen)

pub unsafe fn set_minor_grid_line_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLineVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

bool isMinorGridLineVisible() const
void setMinorGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_minor_grid_line_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLineVisible().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the minor grid lines.

Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.

Access functions:

bool isMinorGridLineVisible() const
void setMinorGridLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_range(
    &mut self,
    min: impl CastInto<Ref<QVariant>>,
    max: impl CastInto<Ref<QVariant>>

Sets the range shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min and max parameters are converted to appropriate types of values. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setRange(const QVariant& min, const QVariant& max).

C++ documentation:

Sets the range shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min and max parameters are converted to appropriate types of values. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

pub unsafe fn set_reverse_1a(&mut self, reverse: bool)[src]

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setReverse(bool reverse = …).

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

By default, the value is false.

The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.

Access functions:

bool isReverse() const
void setReverse(bool reverse = true)

Notifier signal:

void reverseChanged(bool reverse)

pub unsafe fn set_reverse_0a(&mut self)[src]

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setReverse().

C++ documentation:

This property holds whether a reverse axis is used.

By default, the value is false.

The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.

Access functions:

bool isReverse() const
void setReverse(bool reverse = true)

Notifier signal:

void reverseChanged(bool reverse)

pub unsafe fn set_shades_border_color(
    &mut self,
    color: impl CastInto<Ref<QColor>>

This property holds the border (pen) color of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setShadesBorderColor(QColor color).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the border (pen) color of the axis shades.

Access functions:

QColor shadesBorderColor() const
void setShadesBorderColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void shadesBorderColorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn set_shades_brush(&mut self, brush: impl CastInto<Ref<QBrush>>)[src]

Sets the brush used to draw shades to brush.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setShadesBrush(const QBrush& brush).

C++ documentation:

Sets the brush used to draw shades to brush.

Note: Setter function for property shadesBrush.

See also shadesBrush().

pub unsafe fn set_shades_color(&mut self, color: impl CastInto<Ref<QColor>>)[src]

This property holds the fill (brush) color of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setShadesColor(QColor color).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the fill (brush) color of the axis shades.

Access functions:

QColor shadesColor() const
void setShadesColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void shadesColorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn set_shades_pen(&mut self, pen: impl CastInto<Ref<QPen>>)[src]

Sets the pen used to draw shades to pen.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setShadesPen(const QPen& pen).

C++ documentation:

Sets the pen used to draw shades to pen.

Note: Setter function for property shadesPen.

See also shadesPen().

pub unsafe fn set_shades_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setShadesVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.

Access functions:

bool shadesVisible() const
void setShadesVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void shadesVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_shades_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setShadesVisible().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.

Access functions:

bool shadesVisible() const
void setShadesVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void shadesVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_title_brush(&mut self, brush: impl CastInto<Ref<QBrush>>)[src]

Sets the brush used to draw titles to brush.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setTitleBrush(const QBrush& brush).

C++ documentation:

Sets the brush used to draw titles to brush.

Note: Setter function for property titleBrush.

See also titleBrush().

pub unsafe fn set_title_font(&mut self, font: impl CastInto<Ref<QFont>>)[src]

Sets the font used to draw titles to font.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setTitleFont(const QFont& font).

C++ documentation:

Sets the font used to draw titles to font.

Note: Setter function for property titleFont.

See also titleFont().

pub unsafe fn set_title_text(&mut self, title: impl CastInto<Ref<QString>>)[src]

This property holds the title of the axis.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setTitleText(const QString& title).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the title of the axis.

Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.

Access functions:

QString titleText() const
void setTitleText(const QString &title)

Notifier signal:

void titleTextChanged(const QString &text)

pub unsafe fn set_title_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setTitleVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isTitleVisible() const
void setTitleVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_title_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setTitleVisible().

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isTitleVisible() const
void setTitleVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn set_visible_1a(&mut self, visible: bool)[src]

Sets the visibility of the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines to visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setVisible(bool visible = …).

C++ documentation:

Sets the visibility of the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines to visible.

Note: Setter function for property visible.

See also isVisible().

pub unsafe fn set_visible_0a(&mut self)[src]

Sets the visibility of the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines to visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::setVisible().

C++ documentation:

Sets the visibility of the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines to visible.

Note: Setter function for property visible.

See also isVisible().

pub unsafe fn shades_border_color(&self) -> CppBox<QColor>[src]

This property holds the border (pen) color of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: QColor QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesBorderColor() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the border (pen) color of the axis shades.

Access functions:

QColor shadesBorderColor() const
void setShadesBorderColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void shadesBorderColorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn shades_brush(&self) -> CppBox<QBrush>[src]

This property holds the brush used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).

Calls C++ function: QBrush QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesBrush() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the brush used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).

Access functions:

QBrush shadesBrush() const
void setShadesBrush(const QBrush &brush)

Notifier signal:

void shadesBrushChanged(const QBrush &brush)

pub unsafe fn shades_color(&self) -> CppBox<QColor>[src]

This property holds the fill (brush) color of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: QColor QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesColor() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the fill (brush) color of the axis shades.

Access functions:

QColor shadesColor() const
void setShadesColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void shadesColorChanged(QColor color)

pub unsafe fn shades_pen(&self) -> CppBox<QPen>[src]

This property holds the pen used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).

Calls C++ function: QPen QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesPen() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the pen used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).

Access functions:

QPen shadesPen() const
void setShadesPen(const QPen &pen)

Notifier signal:

void shadesPenChanged(const QPen &pen)

pub unsafe fn shades_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.

Calls C++ function: bool QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::shadesVisible() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the visibility of the axis shades.

Access functions:

bool shadesVisible() const
void setShadesVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void shadesVisibleChanged(bool visible)

pub unsafe fn show(&mut self)[src]

Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines visible.

Calls C++ function: void QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::show().

C++ documentation:

Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines visible.

pub unsafe fn title_brush(&self) -> CppBox<QBrush>[src]

This property holds the brush used to draw the title text.

Calls C++ function: QBrush QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleBrush() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the brush used to draw the title text.

Only the color of the brush is relevant.

Access functions:

QBrush titleBrush() const
void setTitleBrush(const QBrush &brush)

Notifier signal:

void titleBrushChanged(const QBrush &brush)

pub unsafe fn title_font(&self) -> CppBox<QFont>[src]

This property holds the font of the title of the axis.

Calls C++ function: QFont QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleFont() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the font of the title of the axis.

Access functions:

QFont titleFont() const
void setTitleFont(const QFont &font)

Notifier signal:

void titleFontChanged(const QFont &font)

pub unsafe fn title_text(&self) -> CppBox<QString>[src]

This property holds the title of the axis.

Calls C++ function: QString QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::titleText() const.

C++ documentation:

This property holds the title of the axis.

Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.

Access functions:

QString titleText() const
void setTitleText(const QString &title)

Notifier signal:

void titleTextChanged(const QString &text)

pub unsafe fn type_(&self) -> AxisType[src]

Returns the type of the axis.

Calls C++ function: pure virtual QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::AxisType QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::type() const.

C++ documentation:

Returns the type of the axis.

Trait Implementations

impl CppDeletable for QBarCategoryAxis[src]

unsafe fn delete(&mut self)[src]

Destroys the axis object.

Calls C++ function: virtual [destructor] void QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis::~QBarCategoryAxis().

C++ documentation:

Destroys the axis object.

impl Deref for QBarCategoryAxis[src]

type Target = QAbstractAxis

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &QAbstractAxis[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QAbstractAxis*>(QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* ptr).

impl DerefMut for QBarCategoryAxis[src]

fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut QAbstractAxis[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QAbstractAxis*>(QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* ptr).

impl DynamicCast<QBarCategoryAxis> for QAbstractAxis[src]

unsafe fn dynamic_cast(ptr: Ptr<QAbstractAxis>) -> Ptr<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* dynamic_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* ptr).

unsafe fn dynamic_cast_mut(
    ptr: MutPtr<QAbstractAxis>
) -> MutPtr<QBarCategoryAxis>

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* dynamic_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* ptr).

impl DynamicCast<QBarCategoryAxis> for QObject[src]

unsafe fn dynamic_cast(ptr: Ptr<QObject>) -> Ptr<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* dynamic_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QObject* ptr).

unsafe fn dynamic_cast_mut(ptr: MutPtr<QObject>) -> MutPtr<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* dynamic_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QObject* ptr).

impl StaticDowncast<QBarCategoryAxis> for QAbstractAxis[src]

unsafe fn static_downcast(ptr: Ptr<QAbstractAxis>) -> Ptr<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* ptr).

unsafe fn static_downcast_mut(
    ptr: MutPtr<QAbstractAxis>
) -> MutPtr<QBarCategoryAxis>

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* ptr).

impl StaticDowncast<QBarCategoryAxis> for QObject[src]

unsafe fn static_downcast(ptr: Ptr<QObject>) -> Ptr<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QObject* ptr).

unsafe fn static_downcast_mut(ptr: MutPtr<QObject>) -> MutPtr<QBarCategoryAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis*>(QObject* ptr).

impl StaticUpcast<QAbstractAxis> for QBarCategoryAxis[src]

unsafe fn static_upcast(ptr: Ptr<QBarCategoryAxis>) -> Ptr<QAbstractAxis>[src]

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QAbstractAxis*>(QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* ptr).

unsafe fn static_upcast_mut(
    ptr: MutPtr<QBarCategoryAxis>
) -> MutPtr<QAbstractAxis>

Calls C++ function: QtCharts::QAbstractAxis* static_cast<QtCharts::QAbstractAxis*>(QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* ptr).

impl StaticUpcast<QObject> for QBarCategoryAxis[src]

unsafe fn static_upcast(ptr: Ptr<QBarCategoryAxis>) -> Ptr<QObject>[src]

Calls C++ function: QObject* static_cast<QObject*>(QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* ptr).

unsafe fn static_upcast_mut(ptr: MutPtr<QBarCategoryAxis>) -> MutPtr<QObject>[src]

Calls C++ function: QObject* static_cast<QObject*>(QtCharts::QBarCategoryAxis* ptr).

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> CastInto<U> for T where
    U: CastFrom<T>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> StaticUpcast<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.