[][src]Trait qip::builders::UnitaryBuilder

pub trait UnitaryBuilder {
    fn with_condition(&mut self, r: Register) -> ConditionalContextBuilder;
fn push_name_scope(&mut self, name: &str);
fn pop_name_scope(&mut self) -> Option<String>;
fn get_name_list(&self) -> &[String];
fn mat(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        r: Register,
        mat: Vec<Complex<f64>>
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>;
fn sparse_mat(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        r: Register,
        mat: Vec<Vec<(u64, Complex<f64>)>>,
        natural_order: bool
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>;
fn apply_function(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        r_in: Register,
        r_out: Register,
        f: Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> (u64, f64) + Send + Sync>
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>;
fn split_absolute(
        &mut self,
        r: Register,
        selected_indices: &[u64]
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>;
fn merge_with_op(
        &mut self,
        rs: Vec<Register>,
        named_operator: Option<(String, UnitaryOp)>
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>;
fn stochastic_measure(&mut self, r: Register) -> (Register, u64);
fn sidechannel_helper(
        &mut self,
        rs: Vec<Register>,
        handles: &[MeasurementHandle],
        f: Box<dyn Fn(&mut dyn UnitaryBuilder, Register, &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<Register>, CircuitError>>
    ) -> Vec<Register>; fn get_full_name(&self, name: &str) -> String { ... }
fn real_mat(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        r: Register,
        mat: &[f64]
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError> { ... }
fn sparse_mat_from_fn(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        r: Register,
        f: Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> Vec<(u64, Complex<f64>)>>,
        natural_order: bool
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError> { ... }
fn real_sparse_mat(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        r: Register,
        mat: &[Vec<(u64, f64)>],
        natural_order: bool
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError> { ... }
fn not(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register { ... }
fn x(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register { ... }
fn y(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register { ... }
fn z(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register { ... }
fn hadamard(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register { ... }
fn phase(&mut self, r: Register, theta: f64) -> Register { ... }
fn swap(
        &mut self,
        ra: Register,
        rb: Register
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError> { ... }
fn cx(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register) { ... }
fn cy(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register) { ... }
fn cz(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register) { ... }
fn cnot(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register) { ... }
fn cswap(
        &mut self,
        cr: Register,
        ra: Register,
        rb: Register
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register, Register), CircuitError> { ... }
fn cmat(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        cr: Register,
        r: Register,
        mat: Vec<Complex<f64>>
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError> { ... }
fn crealmat(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        cr: Register,
        r: Register,
        mat: &[f64]
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError> { ... }
fn merge(&mut self, rs: Vec<Register>) -> Result<Register, CircuitError> { ... }
fn split(
        &mut self,
        r: Register,
        indices: &[u64]
    ) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError> { ... }
fn split_absolute_many(
        &mut self,
        r: Register,
        index_groups: &[Vec<u64>]
    ) -> Result<(Vec<Register>, Option<Register>), CircuitError> { ... }
fn split_all(&mut self, r: Register) -> Vec<Register> { ... }
fn make_mat_op(
        r: &Register,
        data: Vec<Complex<f64>>
    ) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError> { ... }
fn make_sparse_mat_op(
        r: &Register,
        data: Vec<Vec<(u64, Complex<f64>)>>,
        natural_order: bool
    ) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError> { ... }
fn make_swap_op(
        ra: &Register,
        rb: &Register
    ) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError> { ... }
fn make_function_op(
        r_in: &Register,
        r_out: &Register,
        f: Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> (u64, f64) + Send + Sync>
    ) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError> { ... }
fn merge_with_indices(
        &mut self,
        into: Register,
        qubits: Vec<Register>,
        at_indices: &[u64]
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError> { ... }
fn merge_with(
        &mut self,
        into: Register,
        qubit_and_index: Vec<(Register, u64)>
    ) -> Result<Register, CircuitError> { ... }
fn single_register_classical_sidechannel(
        &mut self,
        r: Register,
        handles: &[MeasurementHandle],
        f: Box<dyn Fn(&mut dyn UnitaryBuilder, Register, &[u64]) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>>
    ) -> Register { ... }
fn classical_sidechannel(
        &mut self,
        rs: Vec<Register>,
        handles: &[MeasurementHandle],
        f: Box<dyn Fn(&mut dyn UnitaryBuilder, Vec<Register>, &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<Register>, CircuitError>>
    ) -> Vec<Register> { ... } }

A builder which support unitary operations

Required methods

fn with_condition(&mut self, r: Register) -> ConditionalContextBuilder

Build a builder which uses r as a condition.

fn push_name_scope(&mut self, name: &str)

Add a name scope.

fn pop_name_scope(&mut self) -> Option<String>

Remove and return a name scope.

fn get_name_list(&self) -> &[String]

Get list of names in above scopes.

fn mat(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    r: Register,
    mat: Vec<Complex<f64>>
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Build a generic matrix op, apply to r, if r is multiple indices and mat is 2x2, apply to each index, otherwise returns an error if the matrix is not the correct size for the number of indices in r (mat.len() == 2^(2n)).

fn sparse_mat(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    r: Register,
    mat: Vec<Vec<(u64, Complex<f64>)>>,
    natural_order: bool
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Build a sparse matrix op, apply to r, if r is multiple indices and mat is 2x2, apply to each index, otherwise returns an error if the matrix is not the correct size for the number of indices in r (mat.len() == 2^n).

fn apply_function(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    r_in: Register,
    r_out: Register,
    f: Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> (u64, f64) + Send + Sync>
) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>

Make an operation from the boxed function f. This maps c|r_in>|r_out> to c*e^itheta|r_in>|r_out ^ indx> where indx and theta are the outputs from the function f(x) = (indx, theta)

fn split_absolute(
    &mut self,
    r: Register,
    selected_indices: &[u64]
) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>

Split the Register r into two Registers, one with selected_indices and one with the remaining.

fn merge_with_op(
    &mut self,
    rs: Vec<Register>,
    named_operator: Option<(String, UnitaryOp)>
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Merge Registers using a generic state processing function.

fn stochastic_measure(&mut self, r: Register) -> (Register, u64)

Measure all Register states and probabilities, does not edit state (thus Unitary). Returns Register and handle.

fn sidechannel_helper(
    &mut self,
    rs: Vec<Register>,
    handles: &[MeasurementHandle],
    f: Box<dyn Fn(&mut dyn UnitaryBuilder, Register, &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<Register>, CircuitError>>
) -> Vec<Register>

A helper function for the classical_sidechannel. Takes a set of Registers to pass to the subcircuit, a set of handles whose measured values will also be passed, and a function which matches to description of SideChannelHelperFn. Returns a set of Registers whose indices match those of the input Registers. This shouldn't be called in circuits, and is a helper to classical_sidechannel and single_register_classical_sidechannel.

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Provided methods

fn get_full_name(&self, name: &str) -> String

Get the full name with scope

fn real_mat(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    r: Register,
    mat: &[f64]
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Build a matrix op from real numbers, apply to r, if r is multiple indices and mat is 2x2, apply to each index, otherwise returns an error if the matrix is not the correct size for the number of indices in r (mat.len() == 2^(2n)).

fn sparse_mat_from_fn(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    r: Register,
    f: Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> Vec<(u64, Complex<f64>)>>,
    natural_order: bool
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Build a sparse matrix op from f, apply to r, if r is multiple indices and mat is 2x2, apply to each index, otherwise returns an error if the matrix is not the correct size for the number of indices in r (mat.len() == 2^n).

fn real_sparse_mat(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    r: Register,
    mat: &[Vec<(u64, f64)>],
    natural_order: bool
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Build a sparse matrix op from real numbers, apply to r, if r is multiple indices and mat is 2x2, apply to each index, otherwise returns an error if the matrix is not the correct size for the number of indices in r (mat.len() == 2^n).

fn not(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register

Apply NOT to r, if r is multiple indices, apply to each

fn x(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register

Apply X to r, if r is multiple indices, apply to each

fn y(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register

Apply Y to r, if r is multiple indices, apply to each

fn z(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register

Apply Z to r, if r is multiple indices, apply to each

fn hadamard(&mut self, r: Register) -> Register

Apply H to r, if r is multiple indices, apply to each

fn phase(&mut self, r: Register, theta: f64) -> Register

Transforms |psi> to e^{i*theta}|psi>

fn swap(
    &mut self,
    ra: Register,
    rb: Register
) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>

Apply SWAP to ra and rb

fn cx(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register)

A controlled x, using cr as control and r as input.

fn cy(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register)

A controlled y, using cr as control and r as input.

fn cz(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register)

A controlled z, using cr as control and r as input.

fn cnot(&mut self, cr: Register, r: Register) -> (Register, Register)

A controlled not, using cr as control and r as input.

fn cswap(
    &mut self,
    cr: Register,
    ra: Register,
    rb: Register
) -> Result<(Register, Register, Register), CircuitError>

Swap ra and rb controlled by cr.

fn cmat(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    cr: Register,
    r: Register,
    mat: Vec<Complex<f64>>
) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>

Apply a unitary matrix to the register. If mat is 2x2 then can broadcast to all qubits.

fn crealmat(
    &mut self,
    name: &str,
    cr: Register,
    r: Register,
    mat: &[f64]
) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>

Apply a orthonormal matrix to the register. If mat is 2x2 then can broadcast to all qubits.

fn merge(&mut self, rs: Vec<Register>) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Merge the Registers in rs into a single Register.

fn split(
    &mut self,
    r: Register,
    indices: &[u64]
) -> Result<(Register, Register), CircuitError>

Split the Register r into two Registers, one with relative indices and one with the remaining.

fn split_absolute_many(
    &mut self,
    r: Register,
    index_groups: &[Vec<u64>]
) -> Result<(Vec<Register>, Option<Register>), CircuitError>

Split the Register into many Registers, each with the given set of indices.

fn split_all(&mut self, r: Register) -> Vec<Register>

Split r into a single Register for each index.

fn make_mat_op(
    r: &Register,
    data: Vec<Complex<f64>>
) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError>

Build a generic matrix op.

fn make_sparse_mat_op(
    r: &Register,
    data: Vec<Vec<(u64, Complex<f64>)>>,
    natural_order: bool
) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError>

Build a sparse matrix op

fn make_swap_op(
    ra: &Register,
    rb: &Register
) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError>

Build a swap op. ra and rb must have the same number of indices.

fn make_function_op(
    r_in: &Register,
    r_out: &Register,
    f: Box<dyn Fn(u64) -> (u64, f64) + Send + Sync>
) -> Result<UnitaryOp, CircuitError>

Make a function op. f must be boxed so that this function doesn't need to be parameterized.

fn merge_with_indices(
    &mut self,
    into: Register,
    qubits: Vec<Register>,
    at_indices: &[u64]
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Merge a set of qubits into a given qubit at a set of indices

fn merge_with(
    &mut self,
    into: Register,
    qubit_and_index: Vec<(Register, u64)>
) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>

Merge a set of qubits into a given qubit at a set of indices

fn single_register_classical_sidechannel(
    &mut self,
    r: Register,
    handles: &[MeasurementHandle],
    f: Box<dyn Fn(&mut dyn UnitaryBuilder, Register, &[u64]) -> Result<Register, CircuitError>>
) -> Register

Create a circuit portion which depends on the classical results of measuring some Registers.

fn classical_sidechannel(
    &mut self,
    rs: Vec<Register>,
    handles: &[MeasurementHandle],
    f: Box<dyn Fn(&mut dyn UnitaryBuilder, Vec<Register>, &[u64]) -> Result<Vec<Register>, CircuitError>>
) -> Vec<Register>

Create a circuit portion which depends on the classical results of measuring some Registers.

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impl UnitaryBuilder for OpBuilder[src]

impl<'a> UnitaryBuilder for ConditionalContextBuilder<'a>[src]

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