Trait preserves::value::reader::Reader

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pub trait Reader<'de, N: NestedValue> {
    type Mark;

Show 26 methods // Required methods fn next(&mut self, read_annotations: bool) -> Result<Option<N>>; fn mark(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Mark>; fn restore(&mut self, mark: &Self::Mark) -> Result<()>; fn next_token( &mut self, read_embedded_annotations: bool, ) -> Result<Token<N>>; fn next_annotations_and_token(&mut self) -> Result<(Vec<N>, Token<N>)>; // Provided methods fn skip_value(&mut self) -> Result<()> { ... } fn demand_next(&mut self, read_annotations: bool) -> Result<N> { ... } fn next_boolean(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<bool> { ... } fn next_double(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Double> { ... } fn next_signedinteger(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<SignedInteger> { ... } fn next_i8(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i8> { ... } fn next_u8(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u8> { ... } fn next_i16(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i16> { ... } fn next_u16(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u16> { ... } fn next_i32(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i32> { ... } fn next_u32(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u32> { ... } fn next_i64(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i64> { ... } fn next_u64(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u64> { ... } fn next_i128(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i128> { ... } fn next_u128(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u128> { ... } fn next_f64(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<f64> { ... } fn next_char(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<char> { ... } fn next_str(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Cow<'de, str>> { ... } fn next_bytestring(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Cow<'de, [u8]>> { ... } fn next_symbol(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Cow<'de, str>> { ... } fn configured( self, read_annotations: bool, ) -> ConfiguredReader<'de, N, Self> where Self: Sized { ... }
Expand description

Generic parser for Preserves.

Required Associated Types§


type Mark

Allows structured backtracking to an earlier stage in a parse. Useful for layering parser combinators atop a Reader.

Required Methods§


fn next(&mut self, read_annotations: bool) -> Result<Option<N>>

Retrieve the next parseable value or an indication of end-of-input.

Yields Ok(Some(...)) if a complete value is available, Ok(None) if the end of stream has been reached, or Err(...) for parse or IO errors, including incomplete/partial input. See also Reader::demand_next.


fn mark(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Mark>

Retrieve a marker for the current position in the input.


fn restore(&mut self, mark: &Self::Mark) -> Result<()>

Seek the input to a previously-saved position.


fn next_token(&mut self, read_embedded_annotations: bool) -> Result<Token<N>>

Get the next SAX-style event, discarding annotations.

The read_embedded_annotations controls whether annotations are also skipped on embedded values or not.


fn next_annotations_and_token(&mut self) -> Result<(Vec<N>, Token<N>)>

Get the next SAX-style event, plus a vector containing any annotations that preceded it.

Provided Methods§


fn skip_value(&mut self) -> Result<()>

Skips the next available complete value. Yields an error if no such value exists.


fn demand_next(&mut self, read_annotations: bool) -> Result<N>

Retrieve the next parseable value, treating end-of-input as an error.

Yields Ok(...) if a complete value is available or Err(...) for parse or IO errors, including incomplete/partial input or end of stream. See also Reader::next.


fn next_boolean(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<bool>

Yields the next value, if it is a Boolean, or an error otherwise.


fn next_double(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Double>

Yields the next value, if it is a Double, or an error otherwise.


fn next_signedinteger(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<SignedInteger>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger, or an error otherwise.


fn next_i8(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i8>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in i8, or an error otherwise.


fn next_u8(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u8>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in u8, or an error otherwise.


fn next_i16(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i16>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in i16, or an error otherwise.


fn next_u16(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u16>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in u16, or an error otherwise.


fn next_i32(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i32>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in i32, or an error otherwise.


fn next_u32(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u32>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in u32, or an error otherwise.


fn next_i64(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i64>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in i64, or an error otherwise.


fn next_u64(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u64>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in u64, or an error otherwise.


fn next_i128(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<i128>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in i128, or an error otherwise.


fn next_u128(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<u128>

Yields the next value, if it is a SignedInteger that fits in u128, or an error otherwise.


fn next_f64(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<f64>

Yields the next value as an f64, if it is a Double, or an error otherwise.


fn next_char(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<char>

Yields the next value as a char, if it is parseable by Value::to_char, or an error otherwise.


fn next_str(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Cow<'de, str>>

Yields the next value, if it is a String, or an error otherwise.


fn next_bytestring(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Cow<'de, [u8]>>

Yields the next value, if it is a ByteString, or an error otherwise.


fn next_symbol(&mut self) -> ReaderResult<Cow<'de, str>>

Yields the next value, if it is a Symbol, or an error otherwise.


fn configured(self, read_annotations: bool) -> ConfiguredReader<'de, N, Self>
where Self: Sized,

Constructs a ConfiguredReader set with the given value for read_annotations.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'r, 'de, N: NestedValue, R: Reader<'de, N>> Reader<'de, N> for &'r mut R


type Mark = <R as Reader<'de, N>>::Mark


fn next(&mut self, read_annotations: bool) -> Result<Option<N>>


fn mark(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Mark>


fn restore(&mut self, mark: &Self::Mark) -> Result<()>


fn next_token(&mut self, read_embedded_annotations: bool) -> Result<Token<N>>


fn next_annotations_and_token(&mut self) -> Result<(Vec<N>, Token<N>)>



impl<'de, 'src, N: NestedValue, Dec: DomainDecode<N::Embedded>, S: BinarySource<'de>> Reader<'de, N> for PackedReader<'de, 'src, N, Dec, S>


type Mark = <S as BinarySource<'de>>::Mark


impl<'de, 'src, N: NestedValue, Dec: DomainParse<N::Embedded>, S: BinarySource<'de>> Reader<'de, N> for TextReader<'de, 'src, N, Dec, S>


type Mark = <S as BinarySource<'de>>::Mark