pub trait Stream {
    type Item;

    fn poll_recv(
        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>
    ) -> PollRecv<Self::Item>; fn recv(&mut self) -> RecvFuture<'_, Self>Notable traits for RecvFuture<'s, S>impl<'s, S> Future for RecvFuture<'s, S> where
    S: Stream + Unpin + ?Sized
type Output = Option<S::Item>;

        Self: Unpin
, { ... } fn try_recv(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Item, TryRecvError>
        Self: Unpin
, { ... } fn blocking_recv(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
        Self: Unpin
, { ... } fn map<Map, Into>(self, map: Map) -> MapStream<Self, Map, Into>
        Map: Fn(Self::Item) -> Into,
        Self: Sized
, { ... } fn filter<Filter>(self, filter: Filter) -> FilterStream<Self, Filter>
        Self: Sized + Unpin,
        Filter: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool + Unpin
, { ... } fn merge<Other>(self, other: Other) -> MergeStream<Self, Other>
        Other: Stream<Item = Self::Item>,
        Self: Sized
, { ... } fn chain<Other>(self, other: Other) -> ChainStream<Self, Other>
        Other: Stream<Item = Self::Item>,
        Self: Sized
, { ... } fn find<Condition>(
        condition: Condition
    ) -> FindStream<Self, Condition>
        Self: Sized + Unpin,
        Condition: Fn(&Self::Item) -> bool + Unpin
, { ... } fn log(self, level: Level) -> StreamLog<Self>
        Self: Sized,
        Self::Item: Debug
, { ... } }
Expand description

An asynchronous stream, which produces a series of messages until closed.

Streams implement poll_recv, a poll-based method very similar to std::future::Future.

Streams can be used in async code with stream.recv().await, or with stream.try_recv().

use postage::mpsc::channel;
use postage::sink::Sink;
use postage::stream::Stream;

async fn main() {
    let (mut tx, mut rx) = channel(16);

    while let Some(_v) = rx.recv().await {
        println!("Value received!");
        if let Ok(_v) = rx.try_recv() {
            println!("Extra value received!");

Streams also support combinators, such as map, filter, find, and log.

use postage::mpsc::channel;
use postage::sink::Sink;
use postage::stream::{Stream, TryRecvError};

async fn main() {
    let (mut tx, rx) = channel(16);


    let mut rx = rx
        .map(|i| i * 2)
        .filter(|i| *i >= 4)
        .find(|i| *i == 6);

    // The `logging` feature enables a combinator that logs values using the Debug trait.
    #[cfg(feature = "logging")]
    let mut rx = rx

    assert_eq!(Ok(6), rx.try_recv());
    assert_eq!(Err(TryRecvError::Closed), rx.try_recv());

Required Associated Types

Required Methods

Attempts to retrieve an item from the stream, without blocking.


  • PollRecv::Ready(value) if a message is ready
  • PollRecv::Pending if the stream is open, but no message is currently available.
  • PollRecv::Closed if the stream is closed, and no messages are expected.

Provided Methods

Retrieves a message from the stream.


  • Some(value) if the stream is open
  • None if the stream is closed, and no further messages are expected.

Attempts to retrive a message from the stream, without blocking.


  • Ok(value) if a message is ready.
  • TryRecvError::Pending if the stream is open, but no messages are available.
  • TryRecvError::Closed if the stream has been closed, and no items are expected.

Retrieves a message from the stream, blocking the current thread until one is available.


  • Some(value) if the stream is open
  • None if the stream is closed, and no further messages are expected.

Transforms the stream with a map function.

Filters messages returned by the stream, ignoring messages where filter returns false.

Merges two streams, returning values from both at once, until both are closed.

Chains two streams, returning values from self until it is closed, and then returning values from other.

Finds a message matching a condition. When the condition is matched, a single value will be returned. Then the stream will be closed.

Logs messages that are produced by the stream using the Debug trait, at the provided log level.

Requires the logging feature

Implementations on Foreign Types
