Module pixel_widgets::widget[][src]

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User interface widgets Widgets are defined using the Widget trait. You can choose to implement widgets yourself, or you can use the built in widgets defined in this module.

Since the whole Component every time it is mutated, most widgets need to keep track of some kind of state across rebuilds. This is managed automatically by the component, identified by the key method. When implementing custom widgets, you need to make sure that the returned u64 key is as unique as possible. You also need to make sure that the custom widgets do not remember absolute layouts. Widgets like Scroll can change the layout without needing a rebuild of the ui.


A clickable button

Layout child widgets vertically

Drag and drop zones

Pick an item from a dropdown box

Dummy widget that has a custom widget name

A widget that wraps around a content widget

Just an image

Editable text input

Stack child widgets on top of each other, while only the topmost receives events.

A context menu with nestable items

A panel with a fixed size and location within it’s parent

Prelude widgets

A bar that fills up according to a value.

Layout child widgets horizontally

View a small section of larger widget, with scrollbars.

A slider for easily picking some number

Empty widget

Widget that renders a paragraph of text.

A clickable button that toggles some bool.

A window with a title and a content widget that can be moved by dragging the title.


Context for posting messages and requesting redraws of the ui.


A user interface widget.

Type Definitions

Storage for style states