[][src]Trait pix::Alpha

pub trait Alpha: Copy + Default {
type Chan: Channel;
    fn value(&self) -> Self::Chan;

Channel for defining the opacity of pixels.

It is the inverse of translucency.

Associated Types

type Chan: Channel

Channel type

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Required methods

fn value(&self) -> Self::Chan

Get the alpha channel value.

Channel::MIN is fully transparent, and Channel::MAX is fully opaque.

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impl<C: Channel> Alpha for Opaque<C>[src]

type Chan = C

fn value(&self) -> C[src]

Get the alpha channel value.

Always returns Channel::MAX (fully opaque).

impl<C: Channel> Alpha for Translucent<C>[src]

type Chan = C

fn value(&self) -> C[src]

Get the alpha channel value.

Channel::MIN is fully transparent, and Channel::MAX is fully opaque.

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