Struct piston_window::Texture []

pub struct Texture<R> where
    R: Resources, 
{ pub surface: Texture<R, R8_G8_B8_A8>, pub sampler: Sampler<R>, pub view: ShaderResourceView<R, [f32; 4]>, }

Represents a texture.


Pixel storage for texture.

Sampler for texture.

View used by shader.


impl<R> Texture<R> where
    R: Resources, 

Returns empty texture.

Creates a texture from path.

Creates a texture from image.

Creates texture from memory alpha.

Updates the texture with an image.

Trait Implementations

impl<R> Clone for Texture<R> where
    R: Clone + Resources, 

impl<R> ImageSize for Texture<R> where
    R: Resources, 

impl<R> PartialEq<Texture<R>> for Texture<R> where
    R: PartialEq<R> + Resources, 

impl<R> Debug for Texture<R> where
    R: Debug + Resources, 

impl<F, R> CreateTexture<F> for Texture<R> where
    F: Factory<R>,
    R: Resources, 

impl<R, C> UpdateTexture<Encoder<R, C>> for Texture<R> where
    C: Buffer<R>,
    R: Resources,