Crate pipebuf

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license:MIT/Apache-2.0  github:uazu/pipebuf  Coverage:99%

Efficient byte-stream pipe buffer

PipeBuf is a buffer intended to be accessed by both the producer of data and the consumer of data. It acts as both the output buffer of the producer and the input buffer of the consumer. Neither should own it. It will be owned by the glue code managing the two components. A reference to the buffer (either PBufWr or PBufRd) should be passed to one or the other component in turn to give each an opportunity to produce or consume data. This reduces copying because neither the producer nor the consumer needs to keep their own input/output buffers.

From the producer side, it’s possible to reserve space, then write data directly into the buffer using a system call or from the output of some other code. Either normal EOF (closed) or abnormal EOF (aborted) may be indicated if the stream should be terminated. In addition, there is a “push” state, which indicates that data should be flushed immediately if the consumer supports that.

From the consumer side, it’s possible to view all of the available data as a slice, and to consume all or just a part of it. For example, the consumer may need to wait for the end of a line or the end of a record before consuming the next chunk of data from the pipe. The unread data should be left in the pipe buffer until it can be consumed.

This has similar characteristics to one half of a TCP stream (except for the network transmission), i.e. it is a stream of bytes that will likely arrive in chunks not aligned with any protocol boundaries, and with its EOF occurring independently from any other byte-stream. Also, like TCP, there is a distinction between “closed” and “aborted” to terminate the stream.

Copying is minimised. Firstly because the buffer is shared between the producer and consumer, so there is no copying when data is moved between producer and consumer. And secondly, because it is only required to copy data within the buffer when there is some unconsumed data and there isn’t enough capacity available in the buffer to write in the next chunk of data. So typically this will be small, e.g. a partial line (for a line-based protocols) or a partial record (for record-based protocols) or a partial block (if the data is being consumed in blocks or chunks).

Note that this crate is generic on the contained “byte” data type, which defaults to u8 and so doesn’t normally need to be specified. So read T as u8 in this documentation. See notes below about using this crate with a different contained data type.

If it is not clear how to apply this crate to a particular situation, please open a Discussion item.

§Bidirectional streams

PipeBufPair puts two pipe-buffers together to make a bidirectional pipe, similar in characteristics to a TCP stream. Each direction is fully independent. Consumer and producer references PBufRdWr can be obtained for either end of the stream to pass to the component which handles that end of the stream.

§Separation of concerns

Typically there are components (protocol implementations or data-processing modules) that could work over any byte-stream medium (TCP, UNIX sockets, pipes or whatever). They don’t need to know exactly what medium they are using. They just want to be able to process the data and do their job.

On the other hand, there are many environments that might want to make use of these components. They might be running in a blocking or a non-blocking environment, maybe with futures or async/await or actors, or even embedded, or bare-metal in a kernel. They could be running from TCP or serial buffers or who knows what medium exactly. There could be different approaches to backpressure or different priorities for different data within a processing network. All of this is independent to the protocol handling or data processing.

Using pipe-buffers as the interface would allow these two sides to each concentrate on what they do best. In addition, sharing input/output buffers through a PipeBuf means that less copying is required, especially compared to the situation when using the Read trait.

§Writing interoperable components using PipeBuf

Your component code (e.g. a protocol or data-processing implementation) should provide a struct which the glue code will create and own. This struct should have one or more methods which accept whatever combination of PBufRd, PBufWr and/or PBufRdWr references are required for their operation. For example there may be a “process” call that attempts to process as much data as possible given what is available in the input buffers, generating output and altering the structure’s internal state. Other methods may be required if output may be generated in response to events other than input, depending on the application.

If possible, a “process” method should return an “activity” status. This should be true if the call was able to consume or produce any data at all (including changing the input or output state in any way, including EOF), or false if it was not able to make any progress. So the return type could be bool, or maybe Result<bool, ...> if it also needs to return an error, or some variation on that. Expect that your “process” call may be called repeatedly until it returns an activity status of false, so it must return false eventually.

To avoid the inefficiency of repeatedly re-parsing incomplete data, you can use tripwires (see PBufTrip) to see whether there has been any change on an input buffer before re-parsing. In addition, PBufRd::consume_push may be used to detect a “push” request and perform an immediate flush in cases where data will normally be held back until there is enough to fill a block.

For example a compressor would require one PBufRd for input and one PBufWr for output. It may choose to react to the “push” indication by flushing its output and creating a sync-point. Its interface may look like:

fn process(&mut self, inp: PBufRd, out: PBufWr) -> bool {...}

However a TLS implementation would require one PBufRdWr for the encrypted side and one PBufRdWr for the plain-text side, since both sides must be bidirectional and input on the encrypted side may cause output in both directions. It may also want to indicate failure. So its interface may look like:

fn process(&mut self, encrypted: PBufRdWr, plain: PBufRdWr)
    -> Result<bool, TlsError> {...}

If the “process” call also needs to input/output other types than just bytes, then there are a few options:

  • Take a &mut VecDeque of whatever type needs to be input/output, and process as much as possible in one go

  • Input or output the type one at a time, either inputting through a method argument or outputting through a method return value

  • Accept one or more closures to handle parsed items. This would allow referencing data still in the PipeBuf, avoiding some copying

  • Maybe even handle in two stages, as a “parse” operation (which may return references into the PipeBuf’s data) and then a “consume” operation to consume that previously-parsed object from the PipeBuf.

So there are many ways that you could approach your API design, and PipeBuf doesn’t limit you much in this regard.

§Writing the glue code to host PipeBuf-based components

Firstly you’ll need to create all the PipeBuf instances and then all of the component structures which will connect them together (for example, compressor, TLS implementation, etc) or that will act as sources or sinks of data (for example, file writer, file reader, TCP forwarder, etc). This forms a network which the glue code will connect together by making “process” or other method calls on the components to move data into and out of the buffers.

A simple way of running the network to exhaustion would be to just keep calling all the “process”/etc calls on all of the structures until all of them indicate “no activity” (i.e. where a pass through all of them returns false from each), which indicates that no more progress can be made at this point. If you want greater control, then you might choose to use some knowledge of where data is flowing (e.g. by using tripwires, see PBufTrip) and to try to call the specific “process” calls required to advance that.

If any component call does not provide an activity status, then you’ll have to synthesize an activity status for it. You’ll need to check all of the input and output buffers used by the call for changes, for example by using tripwires (see PBufTrip) and comparing the trip values before/after the call.

Then you have to consider how you are going to regulate introducing data into your network. Here are some examples:

  • If you have a single source and you are running in a blocking environment, then you can block on your source, and run the “process” calls on the rest of your network whenever you get new data

  • If you have multiple sources or you are running non-blocking, then you will typically get a notification or event call when there is new data available (for example a mio Ready indication). At this point you can read new data, and run whatever “process” calls are necessary on the rest of your network as a result.

  • If you are integrating with futures or async/await, then whenever you are polled, you’ll need to poll upstream sources to obtain more data to process in your network until you have some new data to return or have established that no progress can be made right now.

Typically you’ll want to read input byte-data into your network with a limited maximum chunk size, and after each chunk of data, run the rest of the network to exhaustion to avoid having excess data build up within your network’s PipeBuf instances.

Output from the network may also be limited if any of the sinks implement backpressure. For example TCP won’t let you write more data if the kernel can’t forward anything else right now. If you’re running in a blocking environment, then your TCP output code will block and so no more input data will be processed until TCP clears. This may be exactly what you want. In a non-blocking environment, you may receive an indication when TCP is able to accept more data. In that case you have a choice of whether to continue to accept input and let the output data build up in the last PipeBuf before the TCP output, or else detect that buildup and pause the entire network until the backpressure goes away, which has the effect of propagating the backpressure.

Finally you need to decide when the network has finished in order to stop running it. Typically this means checking PipeBuf::is_done on the externally-visible outputs.


The model here is that backpressure is handled by the glue code, and that in general the components can act as if there is sufficient space in their output buffers, even in the case of fixed-size buffers. It is assumed that everything has been sized appropriately ahead of time. So the glue code needs to check that the outputs are able to accept data before accepting input data and running it through the chain or network of components.

However in the case of components that don’t output a predictable amount of data given a certain number of input bytes (for example decompression), that component may need to be given fixed-size output buffer to limit its output, and it needs to check how much free space it has available. Calls like PBufWr::free_space and PBufWr::try_space support that case. The glue code may need to run the downstream chain repeatedly until the decompressor has caught up.

§Safety and efficiency

This crate is compiled with #[forbid(unsafe_code)] so it is sound in a Rust sense, and it has 99% test coverage. The use of PBufRd and PBufWr references means that the consumer can only do consumer operations, and the producer can only do producer operations. These reference types cost no more than a &mut PipeBuf, so this protection is for free. In addition most operations on the PipeBuf generate very little code and can be inlined by the compiler.

However, this is a low-level buffer. It is optimised for speed rather than to exclude all possible foot-guns. Here are some ways you can shoot yourself in the foot:

  • By making any assumptions about the existing contents of the mutable slice returned by PBufWr::space. For efficiency this is not zeroed, so will contain some jumble of bytes previously written to the buffer, but which bytes exactly are not defined. In particular, calling PBufWr::space twice might not return the same slice both times in the case that the buffer needed to be compacted, so any data previously written but not committed would be lost.

  • By doing something else to the buffer between calling PBufWr::space and PBufWr::commit. If that something else causes the buffer to be compacted then the data you wish to commit may not be there any more. The scoped call PBufWr::write_with avoids this problem, but this may not be flexible enough for some uses of the pipe-buffer.

  • By writing more data to a closed pipe, or by closing a pipe twice. This will cause a panic.

  • By passing different pipe-buffers to the same component on different method calls. That is guaranteed to confuse things. But it is hard to do by mistake as the pipe-buffer argument will typically be hardcoded in the glue code.

§Read and Write traits

Read and Write traits are implemented on PipeBuf by default (unless the “std” feature is disabled). In addition there are PBufRd::output_to and PBufWr::input_from to send/receive data from external Write and Read implementations. These traits may make it easier to interface to code that you don’t control.

For your own code, typically Read is much less useful than examining the buffer directly, because it doesn’t let you see what’s there before reading it in, which means probably you’re going to have to buffer it again somewhere else until you have enough data, which is a duplication of buffering.

§no_std support

For a no_std environment, if alloc is supported then you can use pipebuf normally. In your Cargo.toml add pipebuf = { version = "...", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] }. If you wish to use fixed-capacity buffers (to keep allocations from growing) this is supported using PipeBuf::with_fixed_capacity .

If no heap is available, a PipeBuf may be backed by a fixed capacity static buffer, i.e. anything you can get a &'static mut [u8] reference to, typically memory from a static mut. In your Cargo.toml add pipebuf = { version = "...", default-features = false, features = ["static"] }. Then use PipeBuf::new_static .

If you wish to reuse PipeBuf instances (e.g. in a buffer pool), use PipeBuf::reset_and_zero or PipeBuf::reset to prepare the buffer before re-use.

If a fixed capacity buffer’s capacity is exceeded then the code will panic rather than make any attempt to reallocate the buffer. So you need to set the capacity to a safe value considering the maximum amount of unconsumed data that might need to be stored by the consumer plus the maximum size of data that might need to be written as a unit by the producer, e.g. considering the maximum record size or the maximum permitted line length or the maximum chunk or block size.

§no_std support in components

If the component supports no_std use, it should build using #![no_std] and bring in pipebuf into its Cargo.toml using pipebuf = { version = "...", default-features = false }. Building this way will make it compatible with both static and alloc features, according to the crate user’s requirements. The component crate should not select alloc or static features unless it really needs them, as that would limit the options for the crate user.

§Using this as a dependency … or not

This crate currently depends on no other crates, and aims to remain minimal. This crate is not expected to grow. It will not be expanded to contain interfaces to other types – those will go into other pipebuf_* crates. So it is a safe choice to use as a dependency.

However if you prefer not to depend on PipeBuf yet remain compatible with PipeBuf and many other low-level scenarios, this may be possible if you have a “process” call that accepts byte slices, &[u8] for inputs and &mut [u8] for outputs, and that returns how many bytes have been consumed or that are ready to be committed in each. The only downside here is that the “process” call has no control over how much space it is given to write in. So there could be cases where it wants to process input but can’t because there isn’t enough space to output the resulting data. So this requires a little more planning and thinking through. Either document the minimum free space required, or provide a method for the caller to find out how much output space is required. Of course you could buffer the output internally, but then that loses all the benefits of shared input/output buffers.

Ideally this would be in std so that it would be an obvious choice to standardize around, like Vec and HashMap.

§Structure of the storage

The internal Vec has the following segments:

  • Data already consumed and waiting to be discarded

  • Data waiting to be consumed, as viewed by PBufRd::data

  • Area free for adding more data, as returned by PBufWr::space

When there is not enough space in the third section for a PBufWr::space call, the first section is discarded and the unconsumed data moved down. If there is still not enough space then the buffer is extended.

Unlike a circular buffer (e.g. VecDeque), both data segments are contiguous slices, which is important for efficient parsing and filling. Also, trying to do the same thing with a VecDeque would be inefficient because when doing I/O you’d have to reserve space by writing zeros and then afterwards rewind to the actual length read, since I/O calls require a mutable slice to write to.

§Using this crate with a type other than u8

This crate is optimised for handling byte-streams. However it’s possible that small types other than u8 may be of use, so it accepts an optional generic argument for the contained type. For example u16 may be useful if the data being passed is UTF-16, or char for Unicode codepoints. In general this crate is useful where parsing code needs to see all the available data and may consume a variable quantity of it depending on what it sees. If you only need to consume one item at a time then VecDeque from std is preferable because it is a ring buffer so doesn’t need to copy data down from time to time to compress the buffer.




  • End-of-file and “push” state of the buffer