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Initializing the API

use pinata_sdk::PinataApi;
let api = PinataApi::new("api_key", "secret_api_key").unwrap();
// test that you can connect to the API:
let result = api.test_authentication().await;
if let Ok(_) = result {
  // credentials are correct and other api calls can be made


1. Pinning a file

Send a file to pinata for direct pinning to IPFS.

use pinata_sdk::{ApiError, PinataApi, PinByFile};
let api = PinataApi::new("api_key", "secret_api_key").unwrap();
let result = api.pin_file(PinByFile::new("file_or_dir_path")).await;
if let Ok(pinned_object) = result {
  let hash = pinned_object.ipfs_hash;

If a directory path is used to construct PinByFile, then pin_file() will upload all the contents of the file to be pinned on pinata.

2. Pinning a JSON object

You can send a JSON serializable to pinata for direct pinning to IPFS.

use pinata_sdk::{ApiError, PinataApi, PinByJson};
use std::collections::HashMap;
let api = PinataApi::new("api_key", "secret_api_key").unwrap();
// HashMap derives serde::Serialize
let mut json_data = HashMap::new();
json_data.insert("name", "user");
let result = api.pin_json(PinByJson::new(json_data)).await;
if let Ok(pinned_object) = result {
  let hash = pinned_object.ipfs_hash;

3. Unpinning

You can unpin using the PinataApi::unpin() function by passing in the CID hash of the already pinned content.


Pin metadata struct to update metadata of pinned items.

Represents a PinPolicy linked to a particular ipfs pinned hash

Request object to pin a file

Request object to pin hash of an already existing IPFS hash to pinata.

Represents response of a pinByHash request.

Request object to pin json

Pin Job Record

Represents a list of pin job records for a set of filters.

Filter parameters for fetching PinJobs

Result of request to get pinList

Options to filter your pin list based on a number of different options

A pinned item gotten from get PinList request

RegionPolicy active on the PinListItem

Pin metadata returns from PinList query

Pin metadata stored along with files pinned.

Used to add additional options when pinning by hash

Pinata Pin Policy Regions

API struct. Exposes functions to interact with the Pinata API

Represents a PinnedObject

Region and desired replication for that region

Results of a call to get total users pinned data


All possible error returned from this SDK defined as variants of this enum.

Status of Jobs

Possible MetadaValues

Error type for PinJobsFilterBuilder

Error type for PinListFilterBuilder

Status used with PinListFilterBuilder to filter on pin list results.

All the currently supported regions on Pinata

Sort Direction

Type Definitions

alias type for HashMap<String, MetadataValue>