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Contains code to manage pigeon Contains the managing code for pigeon as well as the draw functions. It comes with a basic version of Pigeon able to draw the basic primatives but its recommended that you create your own using the pigeon! macro.


I highly recommend looking at the examples to get a good idea of how pigeon operates and how to use it.


To draw in pigeon, call the [draw] function. It takes in a reference to a function that you’ll create that takes a [Container] as an input. In your function you can use the other functions generated by the pigeon! macro for each pipeline that add any shapes that can be broken down into that pipelines vertices and add them to the [Container]. Everything in the [Container] gets drawn to the screen.


Specialised draw functions allowing you direct access to the wgpu::RenderPass


Used as an intermediate, it contains the breakdowns for various pipelines

The manager for pigeon. Contains the important things like the pipelines and the Painter



Used to draw you shapes in pigeon. Takes in your draw function which will fill a Container with whatever you want drawn this pass.