macro_rules! pigeon {
    ($( $pipe:ty => $name:ident ),* | $($cust_pipe:ty >>  $func:ident => $cust_name:ident),* | $($spec_pipe:ty >> $setup:ident => $spec_name:ident),* ) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to create a pigeon, the manager, and various draw functions. the pigoen struct as input.

A default Pigeon is generated from this in the library, but this marco allows you to extend pigeon with your own pipelines.


Pipelines must implement parrot::Plumber and crate::pipeline::Render


The primary use for this is to create an instance of pigeon which contains all the pipelines you specified. The macro also creates a Container to contain the Breakdown generated by the shapes for the pipelines Finally, it creates the relevent funcitons to append a graphic to the dbg!(container)

you assign each pipeline a “name”, which are what the field names for the pipelines in Pigeon and the sets of Breakdown in Container are called. You can also use parrot custom pipeline feature

There are sometimes occurances where you want to handle the preparation and rendering yourself. You can specify a custom prepare function that returns your pipeline and pigeon will call render.


In genral:

pigeon!(PipelineType => name, AnotherPipeline => another_name | CustomPipeline : func_for_pipeline => name, AnotherCustom : func => another_custom_name | SpecialPipeline : setupfn() : prepare)

With just customs:

pigeon!(| CustomPipeline : func_for_pipeline => name, AnotherCustom : func => another_custom_name |)

With just normal

pigeon!(PipelineType => name, AnotherPipeline => another_name | |)

With just specialised

pigeon!(| | SpecPipelineType : setupfn() : preparefn() => name,)


pigeon!(QuadPipe => quad, TrianglePipe => triangle);

This creates a Pigeon and Container with the QuadPipe and TrianglePipe pipelines, with the field names quad and triangle. It also creates the fn draw_quad and draw_triangle to append graphics that breakdown for QuadPipe and TrianglePipe