Struct pico_sdk::sys::ps2000::PS2000Loader[][src]

pub struct PS2000Loader {
Show fields pub ps2000_apply_fix: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, u16), Error>, pub ps2000_open_unit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_get_unit_info: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i8, i16, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_flash_led: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_close_unit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_set_channel: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_get_timebase: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i32, *mut i32, *mut i16, i16, *mut i32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_set_trigger: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_set_trigger2: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16, f32, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_run_block: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, i16, i16, *mut i32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_run_streaming: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i32, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_run_streaming_ns: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, u32, u32, u32, i16, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_ready: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_stop: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_get_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, i32) -> i32, Error>, pub ps2000_get_times_and_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i32, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, i16, i32) -> i32, Error>, pub ps2000_last_button_press: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_set_ets: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16) -> i32, Error>, pub ps2000_set_led: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_open_unit_async: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_open_unit_progress: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut i16, *mut i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_get_streaming_last_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, Option<extern "C" fn(*mut *mut i16, i16, u32, i16, i16, u32)>) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_overview_buffer_status: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_get_streaming_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut f64, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut u32, *mut i16, u32, u32) -> u32, Error>, pub ps2000_get_streaming_values_no_aggregation: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut f64, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut u32, *mut i16, u32) -> u32, Error>, pub ps2000_set_light: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_set_sig_gen_arbitrary: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, *mut u8, i32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000_set_sig_gen_built_in: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, u32, u32, f32, f32, f32, f32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelProperties: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut tPS2000TriggerChannelProperties, i16, i32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelConditions: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut tPS2000TriggerConditions, i16) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelDirections: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000SetPulseWidthQualifier: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut tPS2000PwqConditions, i16, u32, u32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000SetAdvTriggerDelay: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, u32, f32) -> i16, Error>, pub ps2000PingUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>, // some fields omitted


ps2000_apply_fix: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, u16), Error>ps2000_open_unit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i16, Error>ps2000_get_unit_info: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i8, i16, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_flash_led: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_close_unit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_set_channel: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_get_timebase: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i32, *mut i32, *mut i16, i16, *mut i32) -> i16, Error>ps2000_set_trigger: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_set_trigger2: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16, f32, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_run_block: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, i16, i16, *mut i32) -> i16, Error>ps2000_run_streaming: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i32, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_run_streaming_ns: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, u32, u32, u32, i16, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>ps2000_ready: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_stop: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_get_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, i32) -> i32, Error>ps2000_get_times_and_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i32, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, i16, i32) -> i32, Error>ps2000_last_button_press: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_set_ets: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16, i16, i16) -> i32, Error>ps2000_set_led: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_open_unit_async: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i16, Error>ps2000_open_unit_progress: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut i16, *mut i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_get_streaming_last_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, Option<extern "C" fn(*mut *mut i16, i16, u32, i16, i16, u32)>) -> i16, Error>ps2000_overview_buffer_status: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_get_streaming_values: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut f64, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut u32, *mut i16, u32, u32) -> u32, Error>ps2000_get_streaming_values_no_aggregation: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut f64, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut i16, *mut u32, *mut i16, u32) -> u32, Error>ps2000_set_light: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000_set_sig_gen_arbitrary: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, *mut u8, i32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>ps2000_set_sig_gen_built_in: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, u32, u32, f32, f32, f32, f32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelProperties: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut tPS2000TriggerChannelProperties, i16, i32) -> i16, Error>ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelConditions: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut tPS2000TriggerConditions, i16) -> i16, Error>ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelDirections: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>ps2000SetPulseWidthQualifier: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, *mut tPS2000PwqConditions, i16, u32, u32, u32, u32) -> i16, Error>ps2000SetAdvTriggerDelay: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, u32, f32) -> i16, Error>ps2000PingUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16) -> i16, Error>


impl PS2000Loader[src]

pub unsafe fn new<P>(path: P) -> Result<PS2000Loader, Error> where
    P: AsRef<OsStr>, 

pub unsafe fn ps2000_apply_fix(&self, a: u32, b: u16)[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_open_unit(&self) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_unit_info(
    handle: i16,
    string: *mut i8,
    string_length: i16,
    line: i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_flash_led(&self, handle: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_close_unit(&self, handle: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_channel(
    handle: i16,
    channel: i16,
    enabled: i16,
    dc: i16,
    range: i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_timebase(
    handle: i16,
    timebase: i16,
    no_of_samples: i32,
    time_interval: *mut i32,
    time_units: *mut i16,
    oversample: i16,
    max_samples: *mut i32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_trigger(
    handle: i16,
    source: i16,
    threshold: i16,
    direction: i16,
    delay: i16,
    auto_trigger_ms: i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_trigger2(
    handle: i16,
    source: i16,
    threshold: i16,
    direction: i16,
    delay: f32,
    auto_trigger_ms: i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_run_block(
    handle: i16,
    no_of_values: i32,
    timebase: i16,
    oversample: i16,
    time_indisposed_ms: *mut i32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_run_streaming(
    handle: i16,
    sample_interval_ms: i16,
    max_samples: i32,
    windowed: i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_run_streaming_ns(
    handle: i16,
    sample_interval: u32,
    time_units: u32,
    max_samples: u32,
    auto_stop: i16,
    noOfSamplesPerAggregate: u32,
    overview_buffer_size: u32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_ready(&self, handle: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_stop(&self, handle: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_values(
    handle: i16,
    buffer_a: *mut i16,
    buffer_b: *mut i16,
    buffer_c: *mut i16,
    buffer_d: *mut i16,
    overflow: *mut i16,
    no_of_values: i32
) -> i32

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_times_and_values(
    handle: i16,
    times: *mut i32,
    buffer_a: *mut i16,
    buffer_b: *mut i16,
    buffer_c: *mut i16,
    buffer_d: *mut i16,
    overflow: *mut i16,
    time_units: i16,
    no_of_values: i32
) -> i32

pub unsafe fn ps2000_last_button_press(&self, handle: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_ets(
    handle: i16,
    mode: i16,
    ets_cycles: i16,
    ets_interleave: i16
) -> i32

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_led(&self, handle: i16, state: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_open_unit_async(&self) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_open_unit_progress(
    handle: *mut i16,
    progress_percent: *mut i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_streaming_last_values(
    handle: i16,
    arg1: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut *mut i16, i16, u32, i16, i16, u32)>
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_overview_buffer_status(
    handle: i16,
    previous_buffer_overrun: *mut i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_streaming_values(
    handle: i16,
    start_time: *mut f64,
    pbuffer_a_max: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_a_min: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_b_max: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_b_min: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_c_max: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_c_min: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_d_max: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_d_min: *mut i16,
    overflow: *mut i16,
    triggerAt: *mut u32,
    triggered: *mut i16,
    no_of_values: u32,
    noOfSamplesPerAggregate: u32
) -> u32

pub unsafe fn ps2000_get_streaming_values_no_aggregation(
    handle: i16,
    start_time: *mut f64,
    pbuffer_a: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_b: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_c: *mut i16,
    pbuffer_d: *mut i16,
    overflow: *mut i16,
    triggerAt: *mut u32,
    trigger: *mut i16,
    no_of_values: u32
) -> u32

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_light(&self, handle: i16, state: i16) -> i16[src]

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_sig_gen_arbitrary(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    startDeltaPhase: u32,
    stopDeltaPhase: u32,
    deltaPhaseIncrement: u32,
    dwellCount: u32,
    arbitraryWaveform: *mut u8,
    arbitraryWaveformSize: i32,
    sweepType: u32,
    sweeps: u32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000_set_sig_gen_built_in(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    waveType: u32,
    startFrequency: f32,
    stopFrequency: f32,
    increment: f32,
    dwellTime: f32,
    sweepType: u32,
    sweeps: u32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelProperties(
    handle: i16,
    channelProperties: *mut tPS2000TriggerChannelProperties,
    nChannelProperties: i16,
    autoTriggerMilliseconds: i32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelConditions(
    handle: i16,
    conditions: *mut tPS2000TriggerConditions,
    nConditions: i16
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000SetAdvTriggerChannelDirections(
    handle: i16,
    channelA: u32,
    channelB: u32,
    channelC: u32,
    channelD: u32,
    ext: u32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000SetPulseWidthQualifier(
    handle: i16,
    conditions: *mut tPS2000PwqConditions,
    nConditions: i16,
    direction: u32,
    lower: u32,
    upper: u32,
    type_: u32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000SetAdvTriggerDelay(
    handle: i16,
    delay: u32,
    preTriggerDelay: f32
) -> i16

pub unsafe fn ps2000PingUnit(&self, handle: i16) -> i16[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId[src]

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow(&self) -> &T[src]

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T[src]

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

pub fn from(t: T) -> T[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>[src]

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>[src]

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

pub fn into(self) -> U[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> Pointable for T

pub const ALIGN: usize

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

pub unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

pub unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

pub unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

pub unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.