Trait physx::articulation_base::ArticulationBase[][src]

pub trait ArticulationBase: Class<PxArticulationBase> + Base {
    type ArticulationLink: ArticulationLink;
Show 20 methods fn set_solver_iteration_counts(
        &mut self,
        min_position_iters: u32,
        min_velocity_iters: u32
    ) { ... }
fn get_solver_iteration_counts(&self) -> (u32, u32) { ... }
fn is_sleeping(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn set_sleep_threshold(&mut self, threshold: f32) { ... }
fn get_sleep_threshold(&self) -> f32 { ... }
fn set_stabilization_threshold(&mut self, threshold: f32) { ... }
fn get_stabilization_threshold(&self) -> f32 { ... }
fn set_wake_counter(&mut self, threshold: f32) { ... }
fn get_wake_counter(&self) -> f32 { ... }
fn wake_up(&mut self) { ... }
fn put_to_sleep(&mut self) { ... }
fn get_nb_links(&self) -> usize { ... }
fn root_link(&self) -> Option<&Self::ArticulationLink> { ... }
fn root_link_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self::ArticulationLink> { ... }
fn get_links(&self) -> Vec<&Self::ArticulationLink> { ... }
fn get_links_mut(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Self::ArticulationLink> { ... }
fn get_world_bounds(&self, inflation: f32) -> PxBounds3 { ... }
fn create_link(
        &mut self,
        parent: Option<&mut Self::ArticulationLink>,
        pose: &PxTransform,
        user_data: <Self::ArticulationLink as UserData>::UserData
    ) -> Option<&mut Self::ArticulationLink> { ... }
fn create_articulation_joint<J: ArticulationJointBase>(
        &mut self,
        parent: &mut Self::ArticulationLink,
        parent_frame: &PxTransform,
        child: &mut Self::ArticulationLink,
        child_frame: &PxTransform
    ) -> Option<&mut J> { ... }
unsafe fn release_articulation_joint(
        &mut self,
        joint: &mut impl ArticulationJointBase
    ) { ... }

Associated Types

Provided methods

Sets the number of iterations the solver should perform. If the articulation is behaving erratically, increasing the iteration counts may improve stability.

Get the number of (position, velocity) iterations the solver will perform.

Check if the articulation is sleeping

Set the inactivity threshold for sleeping this articulation

Read back the inactivity threshold

Set the stabilization threshold for this articulation

Get the stabilization threshold for this articulation

Set the counter for how many steps more the articulation will be awake if below the energy threshold. When this is non-zero, the articulation may sleep but is not required to do so depending on other factors.

Get the counter for how many steps more the agent will be awake if below the energy threshold.

Wake up the articulation

Put the articulation to sleep immediately

Get the total number of links on this articulation

Get a reference the root link of this articulation if it has one

Get a mutable reference to the root link of this articulation if it has one

Get a vec of all the links

Get a mutable vec of all the links

Get the world bounds of this articulation

Add a link to this articulation

Create a joint between two articulation Links

Release an articulation joint, freeing it.


attempting to use the joint after this call is invalid.
