Crate phper_sys

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Low level PHP binding for Rust.

The php-config is needed. You can set environment PHP_CONFIG to specify the path.




pub use self::_zend_known_string_id as zend_known_string_id;
pub use self::_zend_prop_purpose as zend_prop_purpose;
pub use self::_zend_expected_type as zend_expected_type;
pub use self::_php_output_handler_status_t as php_output_handler_status_t;
pub use self::_php_output_handler_hook_t as php_output_handler_hook_t;





Checks whether the string “str” with length “length” is numeric. The value of allow_errors determines whether it’s required to be entirely numeric, or just its prefix. Leading whitespace is allowed.
Set arguments in the zend_fcall_info struct taking care of refcount. If argc is 0 the arguments which are set will be cleared, else pass a variable amount of zval** arguments.
Set arguments in the zend_fcall_info struct taking care of refcount. If argc is 0 the arguments which are set will be cleared, else pass a variable amount of zval** arguments.
Set or clear the arguments in the zend_call_info struct taking care of refcount. If args is NULL and arguments are set then those are cleared.
Clear arguments connected with zend_fcall_info *fci If free_mem is not zero then the params array gets free’d as well
Free arguments connected with zend_fcall_info *fci andset back saved ones.
Save current arguments from zend_fcall_info *fci params array will be set to NULL
Set arguments in the zend_fcall_info struct taking care of refcount. If argc is 0 the arguments which are set will be cleared, else pass a variable amount of zval** arguments.
Call a function using information created by zend_fcall_info_init()/args(). If args is given then those replace the argument info in fci is temporarily.
Build zend_call_info/cache from a zval*

Type Definitions
