Struct pdf::TextObject [] [src]

pub struct TextObject<'a> {
    // some fields omitted

A text object is where text is put on the canvas.

A TextObject should never be created directly by the user. Instead, the text method on a Canvas object should be called. It will create a TextObject and call a callback, before terminating the text object properly.


let serif = canvas.get_font(BuiltinFont::Times_Roman);
// t will be a TextObject
try!(canvas.text(|t| {
    try!(t.set_font(&serif, 14.0));
    try!(t.pos(10.0, 300.0));
    try!("Some lines of text in what might look like a"));
    try!(t.show_line("paragraph of three lines. Lorem ipsum dolor"));
    try!(t.show_line("sit amet. Blahonga."));


impl<'a> TextObject<'a>

See Canvas::text. User code is not supposed to call this constructor.

Set the font and font-size to be used by the following text operations.

Set leading, the vertical distance from a line of text to the next. This is important for the show_line method.

Set the rise above the baseline for coming text. Calling set_rise again with a zero argument will get back to the old baseline.

Set the amount of extra space between characters, in 1/1000 text unit.

Set the amount of extra space between words, in 1/1000 text unit.

Set color for stroking operations.

Set color for non-stroking operations.

Set gray level for stroking operations

Set gray level for non-stroking operations

Move text position.

The first time pos is called in a TextObject, (x, y) refers to the same point as for Canvas::move_to, after that, the point is relative to the earlier pos.

Show a text.

TODO This method should have a better name, and take any combination of strings as integers as arguments.

Show a text as a line. See also set_leading.

Push the graphics state on a stack.

Pop a graphics state from the gsave stack and restore it.