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Parsec Rust Interface

The Parsec Rust Interface provides methods to communicate easily with the Parsec service using the wire protocol and the operation contracts.

For the Parsec service

This library is used by the Parsec service to:

  • read from a stream a Request sent to the service with the read_from_stream method
  • use the body_to_operation method of the Convert trait on a converter to parse the request body into a NativeOperation
use parsec_interface::operations::{Convert, NativeOperation};
use parsec_interface::requests::Request;
use parsec_interface::operations_protobuf::ProtobufConverter;

let converter = ProtobufConverter {};
// stream is a Read object
let request = Request::read_from_stream(&mut stream, 2048).unwrap();
let operation: NativeOperation = converter
                                 .body_to_operation(request.body, request.header.opcode)

The service can now execute the operation to yield a NativeResult and:

  • use the result_to_body method to serialize the NativeResult
  • create a Response containing the result as its body and write it back to the stream with the write_to_stream method.
use parsec_interface::operations::{Convert, NativeResult, psa_generate_key::Result};
use parsec_interface::requests::{ProviderId, Opcode, BodyType, Response, ResponseStatus};
use parsec_interface::requests::response::ResponseHeader;
use parsec_interface::operations_protobuf::ProtobufConverter;

let converter = ProtobufConverter {};
let result = NativeResult::PsaGenerateKey(Result {});
let result_body = converter.result_to_body(result).unwrap();
let response = Response {
    header: ResponseHeader {
        provider: ProviderId::MbedCrypto,
        session: 0,
        content_type: BodyType::Protobuf,
        opcode: Opcode::PsaGenerateKey,
        status: ResponseStatus::Success,
    body: result_body,
// stream is a Write object
response.write_to_stream(&mut stream).unwrap();

For the Parsec Rust clients

This library is used by the Parsec Rust clients to:

  • use the operation_to_body method to serialize the NativeOperation to be sent as body of a Request
  • write it to the stream with the write_to_stream method.
use parsec_interface::operations::{Convert, NativeOperation};
use parsec_interface::requests::{Request, ProviderId, BodyType, AuthType, Opcode};
use parsec_interface::requests::request::{RequestHeader, RequestAuth};
use parsec_interface::operations_protobuf::ProtobufConverter;
use parsec_interface::operations::ping::Operation;

let converter = ProtobufConverter {};
let operation = NativeOperation::Ping(Operation {});
let request = Request {
    header: RequestHeader {
        provider: ProviderId::Core,
        session: 0,
        content_type: BodyType::Protobuf,
        accept_type: BodyType::Protobuf,
        auth_type: AuthType::Direct,
        opcode: Opcode::Ping,
    body: converter.operation_to_body(operation).unwrap(),
    auth: RequestAuth::new(Vec::from("root")),
// stream is a Write object
request.write_to_stream(&mut stream).unwrap();

After the operation has been executed by the Parsec service:

  • read from a stream the Response from the service with the read_from_stream method
  • use the body_to_result method to parse the result body into a NativeResult
use parsec_interface::operations::{Convert, NativeResult};
use parsec_interface::requests::Response;
use parsec_interface::operations_protobuf::ProtobufConverter;

let converter = ProtobufConverter {};
// stream is a Read object
let response = Response::read_from_stream(&mut stream, 2048).unwrap();
let result: NativeResult = converter
                           .body_to_result(response.body, response.header.opcode)

See the Parsec Test client as an example of a Rust client.

