pub type ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder<T> = ArrowReaderBuilder<SyncReader<T>>;
Expand description

A synchronous builder used to construct ParquetRecordBatchReader for a file

For an async API see crate::arrow::async_reader::ParquetRecordBatchStreamBuilder

See ArrowReaderBuilder for additional member functions

Aliased Type§

struct ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder<T> { /* private fields */ }



impl<T: ChunkReader + 'static> ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder<T>


pub fn try_new(reader: T) -> Result<Self>

Create a new ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder

let mut builder = ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder::try_new(file).unwrap();

// Inspect metadata
assert_eq!(builder.metadata().num_row_groups(), 1);

// Construct reader
let mut reader: ParquetRecordBatchReader = builder.with_row_groups(vec![0]).build().unwrap();

// Read data
let _batch =;

pub fn try_new_with_options( reader: T, options: ArrowReaderOptions, ) -> Result<Self>


pub fn new_with_metadata(input: T, metadata: ArrowReaderMetadata) -> Self

Create a ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder from the provided ArrowReaderMetadata

This interface allows:

  1. Loading metadata once and using it to create multiple builders with potentially different settings or run on different threads

  2. Using a cached copy of the metadata rather than re-reading it from the file each time a reader is constructed.

See the docs on ArrowReaderMetadata for more details

let metadata = ArrowReaderMetadata::load(&file, Default::default()).unwrap();
let mut a = ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder::new_with_metadata(file.clone(), metadata.clone()).build().unwrap();
let mut b = ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder::new_with_metadata(file, metadata).build().unwrap();

// Should be able to read from both in parallel

pub fn build(self) -> Result<ParquetRecordBatchReader>

Build a ParquetRecordBatchReader

Note: this will eagerly evaluate any RowFilter before returning