pub trait EncodeAppend {
    type Item: Encode;

    fn append_or_new<EncodeLikeItem, I>(
        self_encoded: Vec<u8>,
        iter: I
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>
        I: IntoIterator<Item = EncodeLikeItem>,
        EncodeLikeItem: EncodeLike<Self::Item>,
        I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator
; }
Expand description

Trait that allows to append items to an encoded representation without decoding all previous added items.

Required Associated Types

The item that will be appended.

Required Methods

Append all items in iter to the given self_encoded representation or if self_encoded value is empty, iter is encoded to the Self representation.


// Some encoded data
let data = Vec::new();

let item = 8u32;
let encoded = <Vec<u32> as EncodeAppend>::append_or_new(data, std::iter::once(&item)).expect("Adds new element");

// Add multiple element
<Vec<u32> as EncodeAppend>::append_or_new(encoded, &[700u32, 800u32, 10u32]).expect("Adds new elements");

Implementations on Foreign Types
