Struct orx_concurrent_vec::ConcurrentVec

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pub struct ConcurrentVec<T, P = SplitVec<Option<T>, Doubling>>
where P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>,
{ /* private fields */ }
Expand description

An efficient, convenient and lightweight grow-only read & write concurrent data structure allowing high performance concurrent collection.

  • convenient: ConcurrentVec can safely be shared among threads simply as a shared reference. It is a PinnedConcurrentCol with a special concurrent state implementation. Underlying PinnedVec and concurrent bag can be converted back and forth to each other.
  • efficient: ConcurrentVec is a lock free structure making use of a few atomic primitives, this leads to high performance concurrent growth. You may see the details in benchmarks and further performance notes.

Note that ConcurrentVec is a read & write collection with the cost to store values wrapped with an optional and initializing memory on allocation. See ConcurrentBag for a write only and a more performant variant. Having almost identical api, switching between ConcurrentVec and ConcurrentBag is straightforward.


Safety guarantees to push to the concurrent vec with a shared reference makes it easy to share the concurrent vec among threads. std::sync::Arc can be used; however, it is not required as demonstrated below.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;
use orx_concurrent_bag::*;
use std::time::Duration;

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct Metric {
    sum: i32,
    count: i32,
impl Metric {
    fn aggregate(self, value: &i32) -> Self {
        Self {
            sum: self.sum + value,
            count: self.count + 1,

// record measurements in random intervals (read & write -> ConcurrentVec)
let measurements = ConcurrentVec::new();
let rf_measurements = &measurements; // just take a reference and share among threads

// collect metrics every 50 milliseconds (only write -> ConcurrentBag)
let metrics = ConcurrentBag::new();
let rf_metrics = &metrics; // just take a reference and share among threads

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    // thread to store measurements
    s.spawn(move || {
        for i in 0..100 {
            std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(i % 5));

            // concurrently collect measurements simply by calling `push`
            rf_measurements.push(i as i32);

    // thread to collect metrics every 50 milliseconds
    s.spawn(move || {
        for _ in 0..10 {
            // concurrently read from measurements vec
            let metric = rf_measurements
                .fold(Metric::default(), |x, value| x.aggregate(value));

            // push results to metrics bag
            // we may also use `ConcurrentVec` but we prefer `ConcurrentBag`
            // since we don't concurrently read metrics


    // thread to print out the values to the stdout every 100 milliseconds
    s.spawn(move || {
        let mut idx = 0;
        loop {
            let current_len = rf_measurements.len_exact();
            let begin = idx;

            for i in begin..current_len {
                // concurrently read from measurements vec
                if let Some(value) = rf_measurements.get(i) {
                    println!("[{}] = {:?}", i, value);
                    idx += 1;
                } else {
                    idx = i;

            if current_len == 100 {


assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 100);
assert_eq!(metrics.len(), 10);


ConcurrentVec can be constructed by wrapping any pinned vector; i.e., ConcurrentVec<T> implements From<P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>>. Likewise, a concurrent vector can be unwrapped without any cost to the underlying pinned vector with into_inner method.

Further, there exist with_ methods to directly construct the concurrent bag with common pinned vector implementations.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;

// default pinned vector -> SplitVec<T, Doubling>
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char> = ConcurrentVec::new();
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char> = Default::default();
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char> = ConcurrentVec::with_doubling_growth();
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char, SplitVec<Option<char>, Doubling>> = ConcurrentVec::with_doubling_growth();

let bag: ConcurrentVec<char> = SplitVec::new().into();
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char, SplitVec<Option<char>, Doubling>> = SplitVec::new().into();

// SplitVec with [Linear]( growth
// each fragment will have capacity 2^10 = 1024
// and the split vector can grow up to 32 fragments
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char, SplitVec<Option<char>, Linear>> = ConcurrentVec::with_linear_growth(10, 32);
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char, SplitVec<Option<char>, Linear>> = SplitVec::with_linear_growth_and_fragments_capacity(10, 32).into();

// [FixedVec]( with fixed capacity.
// Fixed vector cannot grow; hence, pushing the 1025-th element to this bag will cause a panic!
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char, FixedVec<Option<char>>> = ConcurrentVec::with_fixed_capacity(1024);
let bag: ConcurrentVec<char, FixedVec<Option<char>>> = FixedVec::new(1024).into();

Of course, the pinned vector to be wrapped does not need to be empty.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;

let split_vec: SplitVec<Option<i32>> = (0..1024).map(Some).collect();
let bag: ConcurrentVec<_> = split_vec.into();

§Concurrent State and Properties

The concurrent state is modeled simply by an atomic length. Combination of this state and PinnedConcurrentCol leads to the following properties:

  • Writing to the collection does not block. Multiple writes can happen concurrently.
  • Each position is written only and exactly once.
  • Only one growth can happen at a given time.
  • Underlying pinned vector can be extracted any time.
  • Safe reading is only possible after converting the bag into the underlying PinnedVec. No read & write race condition exists.



impl<T> ConcurrentVec<T, SplitVec<Option<T>, Doubling>>


pub fn new() -> Self

Creates a new concurrent bag by creating and wrapping up a new SplitVec<Option<T>, Doubling> as the underlying storage.


pub fn with_doubling_growth() -> Self

Creates a new concurrent bag by creating and wrapping up a new SplitVec<Option<T>, Doubling> as the underlying storage.


impl<T> ConcurrentVec<T, SplitVec<Option<T>, Recursive>>


pub fn with_recursive_growth() -> Self

Creates a new concurrent bag by creating and wrapping up a new SplitVec<Option<T>, Recursive> as the underlying storage.


impl<T> ConcurrentVec<T, SplitVec<Option<T>, Linear>>


pub fn with_linear_growth( constant_fragment_capacity_exponent: usize, fragments_capacity: usize ) -> Self

Creates a new concurrent bag by creating and wrapping up a new SplitVec<Option<T>, Linear> as the underlying storage.

  • Each fragment of the split vector will have a capacity of 2 ^ constant_fragment_capacity_exponent.
  • Further, fragments collection of the split vector will have a capacity of fragments_capacity on initialization.

This leads to a orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity of fragments_capacity * 2 ^ constant_fragment_capacity_exponent.

Whenever this capacity is not sufficient, fragments capacity can be increased by using the orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::reserve_maximum_capacity method.


impl<T> ConcurrentVec<T, FixedVec<Option<T>>>


pub fn with_fixed_capacity(fixed_capacity: usize) -> Self

Creates a new concurrent bag by creating and wrapping up a new FixedVec<Option<T>> as the underlying storage.


Note that a FixedVec cannot grow; i.e., it has a hard upper bound on the number of elements it can hold, which is the fixed_capacity.

Pushing to the vector beyond this capacity leads to “out-of-capacity” error.

This maximum capacity can be accessed by orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::capacity or orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity methods.


impl<T, P> ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>,


pub fn into_inner(self) -> P

Consumes the concurrent bag and returns the underlying pinned vector.

Any PinnedVec implementation can be converted to a ConcurrentBag using the From trait. Similarly, underlying pinned vector can be obtained by calling the consuming into_inner method.

use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

assert_eq!(vec!['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], unsafe { bag.iter() }.copied().collect::<Vec<_>>());

let mut split = bag.into_inner();
assert_eq!(vec!['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], split.iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>());

*split.get_mut(0).expect("exists") = 'x';

assert_eq!(vec!['x', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], split.iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>());

let mut bag: ConcurrentBag<_> = split.into();
assert_eq!(vec!['x', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], unsafe { bag.iter() }.copied().collect::<Vec<_>>());


let split = bag.into_inner();

pub fn len_exact(&self) -> usize

O(n) Returns the number of elements which are completely pushed to the vector, excluding elements which received their reserved locations and currently being pushed.

Note that con_vec.len_exact() is basically equivalent to con_vec.iter().count().

In order to get number of elements for which the push method is called, including elements that are currently being pushed, you may use convec.len() with O(1) time complexity.

use orx_concurrent_vec::ConcurrentVec;

let con_vec = ConcurrentVec::new();

assert_eq!(2, con_vec.len_exact());
assert_eq!(2, con_vec.iter().count());

pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T>

Returns an iterator to elements of the vector.

Iteration of elements is in the order the push method is called.

Note that the iterator skips elements which are currently being written; safely yields only the elements which are completely written.

use orx_concurrent_vec::ConcurrentVec;

let convec = ConcurrentVec::new();

let mut iter = convec.iter();
assert_eq!(, Some(&'a'));
assert_eq!(, Some(&'b'));
assert_eq!(, None);

pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T>

Returns the element at the index-th position of the concurrent vector.

Returns None if:

  • the index is out of bounds,
  • or the element is currently being written to the index-th position; however, writing process is not completed yet.
use orx_concurrent_vec::ConcurrentVec;

let con_vec = ConcurrentVec::new();

assert_eq!(con_vec.get(0), Some(&'a'));
assert_eq!(con_vec.get(1), Some(&'b'));
assert_eq!(con_vec.get(2), None);

pub fn push(&self, value: T) -> usize

Concurrent, thread-safe method to push the given value to the back of the concurrent vector, and returns the position or index of the pushed value.

It preserves the order of elements with respect to the order the push method is called.


Panics if the concurrent vector is already at its maximum capacity; i.e., if self.len() == self.maximum_capacity().

Note that this is an important safety assertion in the concurrent context; however, not a practical limitation. Please see the orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity for details.


We can directly take a shared reference of the vector and share it among threads.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let con_vec = ConcurrentVec::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let vec_ref = &con_vec;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in 0..num_items_per_thread {
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `push`
                vec_ref.push(i * 1000 + j);

let mut results: Vec<_> = con_vec.into_inner().iter().flatten().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(results, expected);
§Performance Notes - False Sharing

ConcurrentVec::push implementation is lock-free and focuses on efficiency. However, we need to be aware of the potential false sharing risk. False sharing might lead to significant performance degradation. However, it is possible to avoid in many cases.


Performance degradation due to false sharing might be observed when both of the following conditions hold:

  • small data: data to be pushed is small, the more elements fitting in a cache line the bigger the risk,
  • little work: multiple threads/cores are pushing to the concurrent bag with high frequency; i.e.,
    • very little or negligible work / time is required in between push calls.

The example above fits this situation. Each thread only performs one multiplication and addition in between pushing elements, and the elements to be pushed are very small, just one usize.

  • ConcurrentVec assigns unique positions to each value to be pushed. There is no true sharing among threads in the position level.
  • However, cache lines contain more than one position.
  • One thread updating a particular position invalidates the entire cache line on an other thread.
  • Threads end up frequently reloading cache lines instead of doing the actual work of writing elements to the bag.
  • This might lead to a significant performance degradation.

Following two methods could be approached to deal with this problem.

§Solution-I: extend rather than push

One very simple, effective and memory efficient solution to this problem is to use ConcurrentVec::extend rather than push in small data & little work situations.

Assume that we will have 4 threads and each will push 1_024 elements. Instead of making 1_024 push calls from each thread, we can make one extend call from each. This would give the best performance. Further, it has zero buffer or memory cost:

  • it is important to note that the batch of 1_024 elements are not stored temporarily in another buffer,
  • there is no additional allocation,
  • extend does nothing more than reserving the position range for the thread by incrementing the atomic counter accordingly.

However, we do not need to have such a perfect information about the number of elements to be pushed. Performance gains after reaching the cache line size are much lesser.

For instance, consider the challenging super small element size case, where we are collecting i32s. We can already achieve a very high performance by simply extending the bag by batches of 16 elements.

As the element size gets larger, required batch size to achieve a high performance gets smaller and smaller.

Required change in the code from push to extend is not significant. The example above could be revised as follows to avoid the performance degrading of false sharing.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentVec::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;
let batch_size = 16;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in (0..num_items_per_thread).step_by(batch_size) {
                let iter = (j..(j + batch_size)).map(|j| i * 1000 + j);
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `extend`

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().flatten().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Solution-II: Padding

Another approach to deal with false sharing is to add padding (unused bytes) between elements. There exist wrappers which automatically adds cache padding, such as crossbeam’s CachePadded. However, this solution leads to increased memory requirement.


pub fn extend<IntoIter, Iter>(&self, values: IntoIter) -> usize
where IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = T, IntoIter = Iter>, Iter: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,

Concurrent, thread-safe method to push all values that the given iterator will yield to the back of the vector. The method returns the position or index of the first pushed value (returns the length of the concurrent vector if the iterator is empty).

All values in the iterator will be added to the vector consecutively:

  • the first yielded value will be written to the position which is equal to the current length of the vector, say begin_idx, which is the returned value,
  • the second yielded value will be written to the begin_idx + 1-th position,
  • and the last value will be written to the begin_idx + values.count() - 1-th position of the vector.

Important notes:

  • This method does not allocate to buffer.
  • All it does is to increment the atomic counter by the length of the iterator (push would increment by 1) and reserve the range of positions for this operation.
  • If there is not sufficient space, the vector grows first; iterating over and writing elements to the vector happens afterwards.
  • Therefore, other threads do not wait for the extend method to complete, they can concurrently write.
  • This is a simple and effective approach to deal with the false sharing problem which could be observed in small data & little work situations.

For this reason, the method requires an ExactSizeIterator. There exists the variant ConcurrentBag::extend_n_items method which accepts any iterator together with the correct length to be passed by the caller. It is unsafe as the caller must guarantee that the iterator yields at least the number of elements explicitly passed in as an argument.


Panics if not all of the values fit in the concurrent vector’s maximum capacity.

Note that this is an important safety assertion in the concurrent context; however, not a practical limitation. Please see the orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity for details.


We can directly take a shared reference of the vector and share it among threads.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentVec::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;
let batch_size = 16;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in (0..num_items_per_thread).step_by(batch_size) {
                let iter = (j..(j + batch_size)).map(|j| i * 1000 + j);
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `extend`

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().flatten().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Performance Notes - False Sharing

ConcurrentVec::push method is implementation is simple, lock-free and efficient. However, we need to be aware of the potential false sharing risk. False sharing might lead to significant performance degradation; fortunately, it is possible to avoid in many cases.


Performance degradation due to false sharing might be observed when both of the following conditions hold:

  • small data: data to be pushed is small, the more elements fitting in a cache line the bigger the risk,
  • little work: multiple threads/cores are pushing to the concurrent bag with high frequency; i.e.,
    • very little or negligible work / time is required in between push calls.

The example above fits this situation. Each thread only performs one multiplication and addition for computing elements, and the elements to be pushed are very small, just one usize.

  • ConcurrentVec assigns unique positions to each value to be pushed. There is no true sharing among threads in the position level.
  • However, cache lines contain more than one position.
  • One thread updating a particular position invalidates the entire cache line on an other thread.
  • Threads end up frequently reloading cache lines instead of doing the actual work of writing elements to the bag.
  • This might lead to a significant performance degradation.

Following two methods could be approached to deal with this problem.

§Solution-I: extend rather than push

One very simple, effective and memory efficient solution to the false sharing problem is to use ConcurrentVec::extend rather than push in small data & little work situations.

Assume that we will have 4 threads and each will push 1_024 elements. Instead of making 1_024 push calls from each thread, we can make one extend call from each. This would give the best performance. Further, it has zero buffer or memory cost:

  • it is important to note that the batch of 1_024 elements are not stored temporarily in another buffer,
  • there is no additional allocation,
  • extend does nothing more than reserving the position range for the thread by incrementing the atomic counter accordingly.

However, we do not need to have such a perfect information about the number of elements to be pushed. Performance gains after reaching the cache line size are much lesser.

For instance, consider the challenging super small element size case, where we are collecting i32s. We can already achieve a very high performance by simply extending the bag by batches of 16 elements.

As the element size gets larger, required batch size to achieve a high performance gets smaller and smaller.

The example code above already demonstrates the solution to a potentially problematic case in the ConcurrentVec::push example.

§Solution-II: Padding

Another common approach to deal with false sharing is to add padding (unused bytes) between elements. There exist wrappers which automatically adds cache padding, such as crossbeam’s CachePadded. However, this solution leads to increased memory requirement.


pub unsafe fn extend_n_items<IntoIter>( &self, values: IntoIter, num_items: usize ) -> usize
where IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = T>,

Concurrent, thread-safe method to push num_items elements yielded by the values iterator to the back of the vector. The method returns the position or index of the first pushed value (returns the length of the concurrent vector if the iterator is empty).

All values in the iterator will be added to the vector consecutively:

  • the first yielded value will be written to the position which is equal to the current length of the vector, say begin_idx, which is the returned value,
  • the second yielded value will be written to the begin_idx + 1-th position,
  • and the last value will be written to the begin_idx + num_items - 1-th position of the vector.

Important notes:

  • This method does not allocate at all to buffer elements to be pushed.
  • All it does is to increment the atomic counter by the length of the iterator (push would increment by 1) and reserve the range of positions for this operation.
  • Iterating over and writing elements to the vector happens afterwards.
  • This is a simple, effective and memory efficient solution to the false sharing problem which could be observed in small data & little work situations.

For this reason, the method requires the additional num_items argument. There exists the variant ConcurrentVec::extend method which accepts only an ExactSizeIterator, hence it is safe.


Panics if num_items elements do not fit in the concurrent vector’s maximum capacity.

Note that this is an important safety assertion in the concurrent context; however, not a practical limitation. Please see the orx_pinned_concurrent_col::PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity for details.


As explained above, extend method calls first increment the atomic counter by num_items. This thread is responsible for filling these reserved num_items positions.

  • with safe extend method, this is guaranteed and safe since the iterator is an ExactSizeIterator;
  • however, extend_n_items accepts any iterator and num_items is provided explicitly by the caller.

Ideally, the values iterator must yield exactly num_items elements and the caller is responsible for this condition to hold.

If the values iterator is capable of yielding more than num_items elements, the extend call will extend the vector with the first num_items yielded elements and ignore the rest of the iterator. This is most likely a bug; however, not an undefined behavior.

On the other hand, if the values iterator is short of num_items elements, this will lead to uninitialized memory positions in underlying storage of the vector which is UB. Therefore, this method is unsafe.


We can directly take a shared reference of the vector and share it among threads.

use orx_concurrent_vec::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentVec::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;
let batch_size = 16;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in (0..num_items_per_thread).step_by(batch_size) {
                let iter = (j..(j + batch_size)).map(|j| i * 1000 + j);
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `extend_n_items`
                unsafe { bag_ref.extend_n_items(iter, batch_size) };

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().flatten().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Performance Notes - False Sharing

ConcurrentVec::push method is implementation is simple, lock-free and efficient. However, we need to be aware of the potential false sharing risk. False sharing might lead to significant performance degradation; fortunately, it is possible to avoid in many cases.


Performance degradation due to false sharing might be observed when both of the following conditions hold:

  • small data: data to be pushed is small, the more elements fitting in a cache line the bigger the risk,
  • little work: multiple threads/cores are pushing to the concurrent bag with high frequency; i.e.,
    • very little or negligible work / time is required in between push calls.

The example above fits this situation. Each thread only performs one multiplication and addition for computing elements, and the elements to be pushed are very small, just one usize.

  • ConcurrentVec assigns unique positions to each value to be pushed. There is no true sharing among threads in the position level.
  • However, cache lines contain more than one position.
  • One thread updating a particular position invalidates the entire cache line on an other thread.
  • Threads end up frequently reloading cache lines instead of doing the actual work of writing elements to the bag.
  • This might lead to a significant performance degradation.

Following two methods could be approached to deal with this problem.

§Solution-I: extend rather than push

One very simple, effective and memory efficient solution to the false sharing problem is to use ConcurrentVec::extend rather than push in small data & little work situations.

Assume that we will have 4 threads and each will push 1_024 elements. Instead of making 1_024 push calls from each thread, we can make one extend call from each. This would give the best performance. Further, it has zero buffer or memory cost:

  • it is important to note that the batch of 1_024 elements are not stored temporarily in another buffer,
  • there is no additional allocation,
  • extend does nothing more than reserving the position range for the thread by incrementing the atomic counter accordingly.

However, we do not need to have such a perfect information about the number of elements to be pushed. Performance gains after reaching the cache line size are much lesser.

For instance, consider the challenging super small element size case, where we are collecting i32s. We can already achieve a very high performance by simply extending the bag by batches of 16 elements.

As the element size gets larger, required batch size to achieve a high performance gets smaller and smaller.

The example code above already demonstrates the solution to a potentially problematic case in the ConcurrentVec::push example.

§Solution-II: Padding

Another common approach to deal with false sharing is to add padding (unused bytes) between elements. There exist wrappers which automatically adds cache padding, such as crossbeam’s CachePadded. However, this solution leads to increased memory requirement.

Methods from Deref<Target = ConcurrentBag<Option<T>, P>>§


pub fn len(&self) -> usize

O(1) Returns the number of elements which are pushed to the bag, including the elements which received their reserved locations and are currently being pushed.

use orx_concurrent_bag::ConcurrentBag;

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

assert_eq!(2, bag.len());

pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool

Returns whether or not the bag is empty.

use orx_concurrent_bag::ConcurrentBag;

let mut bag = ConcurrentBag::new();





pub unsafe fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T>

Returns a reference to the element at the index-th position of the bag. It returns None when index is out of bounds.


ConcurrentBag guarantees that each position is written only and exactly once. And further, no thread reads this position (see ConcurrentVec for a safe read & write variant). Therefore, there exists no race condition.

The race condition could be observed in the following unsafe usage. Say we have a bag of chars and we allocate memory to store incoming characters, say 4 positions. If the following events happen in the exact order in time, we might have undefined behavior (UB):

  • bag.push('a') is called from thread#1.
  • bag atomically increases the len to 1.
  • thread#2 calls bag.get(0) which is now in bounds.
  • thread#2 receives uninitialized value (UB).
  • thread#1 completes writing 'a' to the 0-th position (one moment too late).
use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

bag.extend(['b', 'c', 'd']);

unsafe {
    assert_eq!(bag.get(0), Some(&'a'));
    assert_eq!(bag.get(1), Some(&'b'));
    assert_eq!(bag.get(2), Some(&'c'));
    assert_eq!(bag.get(3), Some(&'d'));
    assert_eq!(bag.get(4), None);

The following could be considered as a practical use case.

use orx_concurrent_bag::*;
use std::time::Duration;

// record measurements in (assume) random intervals
let measurements = ConcurrentBag::<i32>::new();
let rf_measurements = &measurements;

// collect average of measurements every 50 milliseconds
let averages = ConcurrentBag::new();
let rf_averages = &averages;

std::thread::scope(|s| {

    // write to measurements
    s.spawn(move || {
        for i in 0..100 {
            std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(i % 5));
            rf_measurements.push(i as i32);

    // read from measurements & write to averages
    s.spawn(move || {
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let count = rf_measurements.len();
            if count == 0 {
            } else {
                let mut sum = 0;
                for i in 0..rf_measurements.len() {
                    sum += unsafe { rf_measurements.get(i) }.copied().unwrap_or(0);
                let average = sum as f32 / count as f32;

assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 100);
assert_eq!(averages.len(), 10);

pub unsafe fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T>

Returns an iterator to elements of the bag.

Iteration of elements is in the order the push method is called.


This method is unsafe due to the possibility of the following scenario:

  • a thread reserves a position in the bag,
  • this increases the length of the bag by one, which includes this new element to the iteration,
  • however, before writing the value of the element completes, iterator reaches this element and reads uninitialized value.

Note that ConcurrentBag is meant to be write-only, or even, grow-only. See ConcurrentVec for a read-and-write variant which

  • guarantees that reading and writing never happen concurrently, and hence,
  • allows safe iteration or access to already written elements of the concurrent vector,
  • with a minor additional cost of values being wrapped by an Option.
use orx_concurrent_bag::ConcurrentBag;

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

let mut iter = unsafe { bag.iter() };
assert_eq!(, Some(&'a'));
assert_eq!(, Some(&'b'));
assert_eq!(, None);

pub fn push(&self, value: T) -> usize

Concurrent, thread-safe method to push the given value to the back of the bag, and returns the position or index of the pushed value.

It preserves the order of elements with respect to the order the push method is called.


Panics if the concurrent bag is already at its maximum capacity; i.e., if self.len() == self.maximum_capacity().

Note that this is an important safety assertion in the concurrent context; however, not a practical limitation. Please see the PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity for details.


We can directly take a shared reference of the bag, share it among threads and collect results concurrently.

use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in 0..num_items_per_thread {
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `push`
                bag_ref.push(i * 1000 + j);

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Performance Notes - False Sharing

ConcurrentBag::push implementation is lock-free and focuses on efficiency. However, we need to be aware of the potential false sharing risk. False sharing might lead to significant performance degradation. However, it is possible to avoid in many cases.


Performance degradation due to false sharing might be observed when both of the following conditions hold:

  • small data: data to be pushed is small, the more elements fitting in a cache line the bigger the risk,
  • little work: multiple threads/cores are pushing to the concurrent bag with high frequency; i.e.,
    • very little or negligible work / time is required in between push calls.

The example above fits this situation. Each thread only performs one multiplication and addition in between pushing elements, and the elements to be pushed are very small, just one usize.

  • ConcurrentBag assigns unique positions to each value to be pushed. There is no true sharing among threads in the position level.
  • However, cache lines contain more than one position.
  • One thread updating a particular position invalidates the entire cache line on an other thread.
  • Threads end up frequently reloading cache lines instead of doing the actual work of writing elements to the bag.
  • This might lead to a significant performance degradation.

Following two methods could be approached to deal with this problem.

§Solution-I: extend rather than push

One very simple, effective and memory efficient solution to this problem is to use ConcurrentBag::extend rather than push in small data & little work situations.

Assume that we will have 4 threads and each will push 1_024 elements. Instead of making 1_024 push calls from each thread, we can make one extend call from each. This would give the best performance. Further, it has zero buffer or memory cost:

  • it is important to note that the batch of 1_024 elements are not stored temporarily in another buffer,
  • there is no additional allocation,
  • extend does nothing more than reserving the position range for the thread by incrementing the atomic counter accordingly.

However, we do not need to have such a perfect information about the number of elements to be pushed. Performance gains after reaching the cache line size are much lesser.

For instance, consider the challenging super small element size case, where we are collecting i32s. We can already achieve a very high performance by simply extending the bag by batches of 16 elements.

As the element size gets larger, required batch size to achieve a high performance gets smaller and smaller.

Required change in the code from push to extend is not significant. The example above could be revised as follows to avoid the performance degrading of false sharing.

use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;
let batch_size = 16;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in (0..num_items_per_thread).step_by(batch_size) {
                let iter = (j..(j + batch_size)).map(|j| i * 1000 + j);
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `extend`

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Solution-II: Padding

Another approach to deal with false sharing is to add padding (unused bytes) between elements. There exist wrappers which automatically adds cache padding, such as crossbeam’s CachePadded. In other words, instead of using a ConcurrentBag<T>, we can use ConcurrentBag<CachePadded<T>>. However, this solution leads to increased memory requirement.


pub fn extend<IntoIter, Iter>(&self, values: IntoIter) -> usize
where IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = T, IntoIter = Iter>, Iter: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,

Concurrent, thread-safe method to push all values that the given iterator will yield to the back of the bag. The method returns the position or index of the first pushed value (returns the length of the concurrent bag if the iterator is empty).

All values in the iterator will be added to the bag consecutively:

  • the first yielded value will be written to the position which is equal to the current length of the bag, say begin_idx, which is the returned value,
  • the second yielded value will be written to the begin_idx + 1-th position,
  • and the last value will be written to the begin_idx + values.count() - 1-th position of the bag.

Important notes:

  • This method does not allocate to buffer.
  • All it does is to increment the atomic counter by the length of the iterator (push would increment by 1) and reserve the range of positions for this operation.
  • If there is not sufficient space, the vector grows first; iterating over and writing elements to the bag happens afterwards.
  • Therefore, other threads do not wait for the extend method to complete, they can concurrently write.
  • This is a simple and effective approach to deal with the false sharing problem which could be observed in small data & little work situations.

For this reason, the method requires an ExactSizeIterator. There exists the variant ConcurrentBag::extend_n_items method which accepts any iterator together with the correct length to be passed by the caller. It is unsafe as the caller must guarantee that the iterator yields at least the number of elements explicitly passed in as an argument.


Panics if not all of the values fit in the concurrent bag’s maximum capacity.

Note that this is an important safety assertion in the concurrent context; however, not a practical limitation. Please see the PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity for details.


We can directly take a shared reference of the bag and share it among threads.

use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;
let batch_size = 16;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in (0..num_items_per_thread).step_by(batch_size) {
                let iter = (j..(j + batch_size)).map(|j| i * 1000 + j);
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `extend`

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Performance Notes - False Sharing

ConcurrentBag::push method is implementation is simple, lock-free and efficient. However, we need to be aware of the potential false sharing risk. False sharing might lead to significant performance degradation; fortunately, it is possible to avoid in many cases.


Performance degradation due to false sharing might be observed when both of the following conditions hold:

  • small data: data to be pushed is small, the more elements fitting in a cache line the bigger the risk,
  • little work: multiple threads/cores are pushing to the concurrent bag with high frequency; i.e.,
    • very little or negligible work / time is required in between push calls.

The example above fits this situation. Each thread only performs one multiplication and addition for computing elements, and the elements to be pushed are very small, just one usize.

  • ConcurrentBag assigns unique positions to each value to be pushed. There is no true sharing among threads in the position level.
  • However, cache lines contain more than one position.
  • One thread updating a particular position invalidates the entire cache line on an other thread.
  • Threads end up frequently reloading cache lines instead of doing the actual work of writing elements to the bag.
  • This might lead to a significant performance degradation.

Following two methods could be approached to deal with this problem.

§Solution-I: extend rather than push

One very simple, effective and memory efficient solution to the false sharing problem is to use ConcurrentBag::extend rather than push in small data & little work situations.

Assume that we will have 4 threads and each will push 1_024 elements. Instead of making 1_024 push calls from each thread, we can make one extend call from each. This would give the best performance. Further, it has zero buffer or memory cost:

  • it is important to note that the batch of 1_024 elements are not stored temporarily in another buffer,
  • there is no additional allocation,
  • extend does nothing more than reserving the position range for the thread by incrementing the atomic counter accordingly.

However, we do not need to have such a perfect information about the number of elements to be pushed. Performance gains after reaching the cache line size are much lesser.

For instance, consider the challenging super small element size case, where we are collecting i32s. We can already achieve a very high performance by simply extending the bag by batches of 16 elements.

As the element size gets larger, required batch size to achieve a high performance gets smaller and smaller.

The example code above already demonstrates the solution to a potentially problematic case in the ConcurrentBag::push example.

§Solution-II: Padding

Another common approach to deal with false sharing is to add padding (unused bytes) between elements. There exist wrappers which automatically adds cache padding, such as crossbeam’s CachePadded. In other words, instead of using a ConcurrentBag<T>, we can use ConcurrentBag<CachePadded<T>>. However, this solution leads to increased memory requirement.


pub unsafe fn extend_n_items<IntoIter>( &self, values: IntoIter, num_items: usize ) -> usize
where IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = T>,

Concurrent, thread-safe method to push num_items elements yielded by the values iterator to the back of the bag. The method returns the position or index of the first pushed value (returns the length of the concurrent bag if the iterator is empty).

All values in the iterator will be added to the bag consecutively:

  • the first yielded value will be written to the position which is equal to the current length of the bag, say begin_idx, which is the returned value,
  • the second yielded value will be written to the begin_idx + 1-th position,
  • and the last value will be written to the begin_idx + num_items - 1-th position of the bag.

Important notes:

  • This method does not allocate at all to buffer elements to be pushed.
  • All it does is to increment the atomic counter by the length of the iterator (push would increment by 1) and reserve the range of positions for this operation.
  • Iterating over and writing elements to the bag happens afterwards.
  • This is a simple, effective and memory efficient solution to the false sharing problem which could be observed in small data & little work situations.

For this reason, the method requires the additional num_items argument. There exists the variant ConcurrentBag::extend method which accepts only an ExactSizeIterator, hence it is safe.


Panics if num_items elements do not fit in the concurrent bag’s maximum capacity.

Note that this is an important safety assertion in the concurrent context; however, not a practical limitation. Please see the PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity for details.


As explained above, extend method calls first increment the atomic counter by num_items. This thread is responsible for filling these reserved num_items positions.

  • with safe extend method, this is guaranteed and safe since the iterator is an ExactSizeIterator;
  • however, extend_n_items accepts any iterator and num_items is provided explicitly by the caller.

Ideally, the values iterator must yield exactly num_items elements and the caller is responsible for this condition to hold.

If the values iterator is capable of yielding more than num_items elements, the extend call will extend the bag with the first num_items yielded elements and ignore the rest of the iterator. This is most likely a bug; however, not an undefined behavior.

On the other hand, if the values iterator is short of num_items elements, this will lead to uninitialized memory positions in underlying storage of the bag which is UB. Therefore, this method is unsafe.


We can directly take a shared reference of the bag and share it among threads.

use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

let (num_threads, num_items_per_thread) = (4, 1_024);

let bag = ConcurrentBag::new();

// just take a reference and share among threads
let bag_ref = &bag;
let batch_size = 16;

std::thread::scope(|s| {
    for i in 0..num_threads {
        s.spawn(move || {
            for j in (0..num_items_per_thread).step_by(batch_size) {
                let iter = (j..(j + batch_size)).map(|j| i * 1000 + j);
                // concurrently collect results simply by calling `extend_n_items`
                unsafe { bag_ref.extend_n_items(iter, batch_size) };

let mut vec_from_bag: Vec<_> = bag.into_inner().iter().copied().collect();
let mut expected: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads).flat_map(|i| (0..num_items_per_thread).map(move |j| i * 1000 + j)).collect();
assert_eq!(vec_from_bag, expected);
§Performance Notes - False Sharing

ConcurrentBag::push method is implementation is simple, lock-free and efficient. However, we need to be aware of the potential false sharing risk. False sharing might lead to significant performance degradation; fortunately, it is possible to avoid in many cases.


Performance degradation due to false sharing might be observed when both of the following conditions hold:

  • small data: data to be pushed is small, the more elements fitting in a cache line the bigger the risk,
  • little work: multiple threads/cores are pushing to the concurrent bag with high frequency; i.e.,
    • very little or negligible work / time is required in between push calls.

The example above fits this situation. Each thread only performs one multiplication and addition for computing elements, and the elements to be pushed are very small, just one usize.

  • ConcurrentBag assigns unique positions to each value to be pushed. There is no true sharing among threads in the position level.
  • However, cache lines contain more than one position.
  • One thread updating a particular position invalidates the entire cache line on an other thread.
  • Threads end up frequently reloading cache lines instead of doing the actual work of writing elements to the bag.
  • This might lead to a significant performance degradation.

Following two methods could be approached to deal with this problem.

§Solution-I: extend rather than push

One very simple, effective and memory efficient solution to the false sharing problem is to use ConcurrentBag::extend rather than push in small data & little work situations.

Assume that we will have 4 threads and each will push 1_024 elements. Instead of making 1_024 push calls from each thread, we can make one extend call from each. This would give the best performance. Further, it has zero buffer or memory cost:

  • it is important to note that the batch of 1_024 elements are not stored temporarily in another buffer,
  • there is no additional allocation,
  • extend does nothing more than reserving the position range for the thread by incrementing the atomic counter accordingly.

However, we do not need to have such a perfect information about the number of elements to be pushed. Performance gains after reaching the cache line size are much lesser.

For instance, consider the challenging super small element size case, where we are collecting i32s. We can already achieve a very high performance by simply extending the bag by batches of 16 elements.

As the element size gets larger, required batch size to achieve a high performance gets smaller and smaller.

The example code above already demonstrates the solution to a potentially problematic case in the ConcurrentBag::push example.

§Solution-II: Padding

Another common approach to deal with false sharing is to add padding (unused bytes) between elements. There exist wrappers which automatically adds cache padding, such as crossbeam’s CachePadded. In other words, instead of using a ConcurrentBag<T>, we can use ConcurrentBag<CachePadded<T>>. However, this solution leads to increased memory requirement.

Methods from Deref<Target = PinnedConcurrentCol<T, P, ConcurrentBagState>>§


pub fn state(&self) -> &S

Returns a reference to the current concurrent state of the collection.


pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize

Returns the current allocated capacity of the collection.


pub fn maximum_capacity(&self) -> usize

Returns maximum possible capacity that the collection can reach without calling PinnedConcurrentCol::reserve_maximum_capacity.

Importantly note that maximum capacity does not correspond to the allocated memory.


pub fn zeroes_memory_on_allocation(&self) -> bool

Returns whether or not the collection zeroes out memory on allocation. Note that this is determined by ConcurrentState::zero_memory method of the underlying state.


pub unsafe fn iter(&self, len: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T>

Returns an iterator to the elements of the underlying pinned vector starting from the first element and taking len elements.


This method is unsafe due to two reasons.

  • Firstly, PinnedConcurrentCol does not guarantee that all positions are initialized. It is possible to create the collection, skip the first position and directly write to the second position. In this case, the iter call would read an uninitialized value at the first position.

  • Secondly, PinnedConcurrentCol focuses on lock-free writing. Therefore, while the iterator is reading an element, another thread might be writing to this position.

§Example Safe Usage

This method can be wrapped by a safe method provided that the following safety requirement can be guaranteed:

  • All values in range 0..pinned_vec_len of the concurrent collection are written.

An example can be seen in ConcurrentVec.

  • Concurrent vec zeroes memory on allocation.
  • Furthermore, it uses a pinned vector of Option<T> to represent a collection of Ts. It has a valid zero value, Option::None.
  • The iter wrapper simply skips Nones which correspond to uninitialized values.

pub unsafe fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T>

Returns the element written at the index-th position.


This method is unsafe due to two reasons.

  • Firstly, PinnedConcurrentCol does not guarantee that all positions are initialized. It is possible to create the collection, skip the first position and directly write to the second position. In this case, the get call would read an uninitialized value at the first position.

  • Secondly, PinnedConcurrentCol focuses on lock-free writing. Therefore, while the get method is reading an element, another thread might be writing to this position.

§Example Safe Usage

This method can be wrapped by a safe method provided that the following safety requirement can be guaranteed:

  • The value at position index is written.

An example can be seen in ConcurrentVec.

  • Concurrent vec zeroes memory on allocation.
  • Furthermore, it uses a pinned vector of Option<T> to represent a collection of Ts. It has a valid zero value, Option::None.
  • The get method wrapper simply the value, which will be None for uninitialized values.

pub fn reserve_maximum_capacity( &mut self, maximum_capacity: usize ) -> Result<usize, String>

Note that PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity returns the maximum possible number of elements that the underlying pinned vector can grow to without reserving maximum capacity.

In other words, the pinned vector can automatically grow up to the PinnedConcurrentCol::maximum_capacity with write and write_n_items methods, using only a shared reference.

When required, this maximum capacity can be attempted to increase by this method with a mutable reference.

Importantly note that maximum capacity does not correspond to the allocated memory.

Among the common pinned vector implementations:

  • SplitVec<_, Doubling>: supports this method; however, it does not require for any practical size.
  • SplitVec<_, Linear>: is guaranteed to succeed and increase its maximum capacity to the required value.
  • FixedVec<_>: is the most strict pinned vector which cannot grow even in a single-threaded setting. Currently, it will always return an error to this call.

pub unsafe fn write(&self, idx: usize, value: T)

Writes the value to the idx-th position.


This method makes sure that the value is written to a position owned by the underlying pinned vector. Furthermore, it makes sure that the growth of the vector happens thread-safely whenever necessary.

On the other hand, it is unsafe due to the possibility of a race condition. Multiple threads can try to write to the same idx at the same time. The wrapper is responsible for preventing this.

This method can safely be used provided that the caller provides the following guarantee:

  • multiple write or write_n_items calls which writes to the same idx must not happen concurrently.

pub unsafe fn write_n_items<IntoIter>( &self, begin_idx: usize, num_items: usize, values: IntoIter )
where IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = T>,

Writes the num_items values to sequential positions starting from the begin_idx-th position.

  • If the values iterator has more than num_items elements, the excess values will be ignored.
  • The method will not complain; however, values iterator yielding less than num_items elements might lead to safety issues (see below).

This method makes sure that the values are written to positions owned by the underlying pinned vector. Furthermore, it makes sure that the growth of the vector happens thread-safely whenever necessary.

On the other hand, it is unsafe due to the possibility of a race condition. Multiple threads can try to write to the same position at the same time. The wrapper is responsible for preventing this.

This method can safely be used provided that the caller provides the following guarantees:

  • multiple write or write_n_items calls which writes to the same idx must not happen concurrently.
  • values iterator yielding less than num_items elements might lead to gaps in the bag, which would lead to gaps in the vector if not handled properly.

pub fn clear(&mut self)

Clears the collection.

Trait Implementations§


impl<T: Debug, P> Debug for ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: PinnedVec<Option<T>> + Debug,


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<T> Default for ConcurrentVec<T, SplitVec<Option<T>, Doubling>>


fn default() -> Self

Creates a new concurrent bag by creating and wrapping up a new SplitVec<Option<T>, Doubling> as the underlying storage.


impl<T, P> Deref for ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>,


type Target = ConcurrentBag<Option<T>, P>

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target

Dereferences the value.

impl<T, P> DerefMut for ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>,


fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target

Mutably dereferences the value.

impl<T, P> From<P> for ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>,


fn from(pinned_vec: P) -> Self

ConcurrentVec<Option<T>> uses any PinnedVec<T> implementation as the underlying storage.

Therefore, without a cost

  • ConcurrentVec<T> can be constructed from any PinnedVec<T>, and
  • the underlying PinnedVec<T> can be obtained by ConcurrentVec::into_inner(self) method.

impl<T: Send, P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>> Send for ConcurrentVec<T, P>


impl<T: Sync, P: PinnedVec<Option<T>>> Sync for ConcurrentVec<T, P>

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<T, P = SplitVec<Option<T>>> !Freeze for ConcurrentVec<T, P>


impl<T, P = SplitVec<Option<T>>> !RefUnwindSafe for ConcurrentVec<T, P>


impl<T, P> Unpin for ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: Unpin, T: Unpin,


impl<T, P> UnwindSafe for ConcurrentVec<T, P>
where P: UnwindSafe, T: UnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.