Expand description

This is an Oracle database driver for Rust based on ODPI-C.

Change Log

See ChangeLog.md.

Build-time Requirements

Run-time Requirements

Supported Rust Versions

The oracle crate supports at least 6 rust minor versions including the stable release at the time when the crate was released. The MSRV (minimum supported rust version) may be changed when a patch version is incremented though it will not be changed frequently. The current MSRV is 1.54.0.


Put this in your Cargo.toml:

oracle = "0.5"

When you need to fetch or bind chrono data types, enable chrono feature:

oracle = { version = "0.5", features = ["chrono"] }


Executes select statements and get rows:

// Connect to a database.
let conn = Connection::connect("scott", "tiger", "//localhost/XE")?;

let sql = "select ename, sal, comm from emp where deptno = :1";

// Select a table with a bind variable.
let rows = conn.query(sql, &[&30])?;
for row_result in rows {
    let row = row_result?;
    // get a column value by position (0-based)
    let ename: String = row.get(0)?;
    // get a column by name (case-insensitive)
    let sal: i32 = row.get("sal")?;
    // Use `Option<...>` to get a nullable column.
    // Otherwise, `Err(Error::NullValue)` is returned
    // for null values.
    let comm: Option<i32> = row.get(2)?;

    println!(" {:14}| {:>10}    | {:>10}    |",
             comm.map_or("".to_string(), |v| v.to_string()));

// Another way to fetch rows.
// The rows iterator returns Result<(String, i32, Option<i32>)>.
let rows = conn.query_as::<(String, i32, Option<i32>)>(sql, &[&10])?;
for row_result in rows {
    let (ename, sal, comm) = row_result?;
    println!(" {:14}| {:>10}    | {:>10}    |",
             comm.map_or("".to_string(), |v| v.to_string()));

Executes select statements and get the first rows:

use oracle::Connection;

// Connect to a database.
let conn = Connection::connect("scott", "tiger", "//localhost/XE")?;

let sql = "select ename, sal, comm from emp where empno = :1";

// Print the first row.
let row = conn.query_row(sql, &[&7369])?;
let ename: String = row.get("empno")?;
let sal: i32 = row.get("sal")?;
let comm: Option<i32> = row.get("comm")?;
println!(" {:14}| {:>10}    | {:>10}    |",
         comm.map_or("".to_string(), |v| v.to_string()));
// When no rows are found, conn.query_row() returns `Err(Error::NoDataFound)`.

// Get the first row as a tupple
let row = conn.query_row_as::<(String, i32, Option<i32>)>(sql, &[&7566])?;
println!(" {:14}| {:>10}    | {:>10}    |",
         row.2.map_or("".to_string(), |v| v.to_string()));

Executes non-select statements:

use oracle::Connection;

// Connect to a database.
let conn = Connection::connect("scott", "tiger", "//localhost/XE")?;

conn.execute("create table person (id number(38), name varchar2(40))", &[])?;

// Execute a statement with positional parameters.
conn.execute("insert into person values (:1, :2)",
             &[&1, // first parameter
               &"John" // second parameter

// Execute a statement with named parameters.
conn.execute_named("insert into person values (:id, :name)",
                   &[("id", &2), // 'id' parameter
                     ("name", &"Smith"), // 'name' parameter

// Commit the transaction.

// Delete rows
conn.execute("delete from person", &[])?;

// Rollback the transaction.

Prints column information:

use oracle::Connection;

// Connect to a database.
let conn = Connection::connect("scott", "tiger", "//localhost/XE")?;

let sql = "select ename, sal, comm from emp where 1 = 2";
let rows = conn.query(sql, &[])?;

// Print column names
for info in rows.column_info() {
    print!(" {:14}|", info.name());

// Print column types
for info in rows.column_info() {
    print!(" {:14}|", info.oracle_type().to_string());

Prepared statement:

use oracle::Connection;

let conn = Connection::connect("scott", "tiger", "//localhost/XE")?;

// Create a prepared statement
let mut stmt = conn.statement("insert into person values (:1, :2)").build()?;
// Insert one row
stmt.execute(&[&1, &"John"])?;
// Insert another row
stmt.execute(&[&2, &"Smith"])?;

This is more efficient than two conn.execute(). An SQL statement is executed in the DBMS as follows:

  • step 1. Parse the SQL statement and create an execution plan.
  • step 2. Execute the plan with bind parameters.

When a prepared statement is used, step 1 is called only once.

NLS_LANG parameter

NLS_LANG consists of three components: language, territory and charset. However the charset component is ignored and UTF-8(AL32UTF8) is used as charset because rust characters are UTF-8.

The territory component specifies numeric format, date format and so on. However it affects only conversion in Oracle. See the following example:

use oracle::Connection;

// The territory is France.
std::env::set_var("NLS_LANG", "french_france.AL32UTF8");
let conn = Connection::connect("scott", "tiger", "")?;

// 10.1 is converted to a string in Oracle and fetched as a string.
let result = conn.query_row_as::<String>("select to_char(10.1) from dual", &[])?;
assert_eq!(result, "10,1"); // The decimal mark depends on the territory.

// 10.1 is fetched as a number and converted to a string in rust-oracle
let result = conn.query_row_as::<String>("select 10.1 from dual", &[])?;
assert_eq!(result, "10.1"); // The decimal mark is always period(.).

Note that NLS_LANG must be set before first rust-oracle function execution if required.



Rust-oracle and ODPI-C bundled in rust-oracle are under the terms of:

  1. the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 or at your option, any later version; and/or
  2. the Apache License v 2.0.


Oracle Advanced Queuing (available when aq_unstable feature is enabled.)

Type definitions for connection

Type definitions for I/O in characters

Rust-oracle is based on ODPI-C using Oracle Call Interface (OCI) internally. OCI treats resources as handles, which have various attributes documented here.

Type definitions for connection pooling

SQL data types


Statement batch, which inserts, updates or deletes more than one row at once

A builder to create a Batch with various configuration

Column information in a select statement

Connection to an Oracle database

Builder data type to create Connection.

Oracle database error or ODPI-C error

An error when parsing a string into an Oracle type fails. This appears only in boxed data associated with Error::ParseError.

Result set

Row in a result set of a select statement

A type containing an Oracle value


A builder to create a Statement with various configuration

Oracle version information


Connection status

Enum listing possible errors from rust-oracle.

Database shutdown mode

Database startup mode

Statement type returned by Statement::statement_type.


A trait implemented by types that can index into bind values of a batch

A trait implemented by types that can index into bind values of a statement.

A trait implemented by types that can index into columns of a row.

A trait to get a row as specified type

Type Definitions

Derive Macros

A derive macro to implement the RowValue trait