Trait oracle::ToSqlNull [] [src]

pub trait ToSqlNull {
    fn oratype_for_null() -> Result<OracleType>;

A trait specifying Oracle type to bind a null value.

This trait is used only when binding a None value of Option<T>. The type of the null value is determined by the rust type.

Rust Type Oracle Type
str, String nvarchar2(0)
i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64, f32, f64 number
Vec<u8> raw(0)
bool boolean (PL/SQL only)
Timestamp timestamp(9) with time zone
IntervalDS interval day(9) to second(9)
IntervalYM interval year(9) to month

When chrono feature is enabled, the followings are added.

Rust Type Oracle Type
chrono::Date timestamp(0) with time zone
chrono::DateTime timestamp(9) with time zone
chrono::naive::NaiveDate timestamp(0)
chrono::naive::NaiveDateTime timestamp(9)
chrono::Duration interval day(9) to second(9)

Required Methods

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl ToSqlNull for i8

impl ToSqlNull for i16

impl ToSqlNull for i32

impl ToSqlNull for i64

impl ToSqlNull for isize

impl ToSqlNull for u8

impl ToSqlNull for u16

impl ToSqlNull for u32

impl ToSqlNull for u64

impl ToSqlNull for usize

impl ToSqlNull for f64

impl ToSqlNull for f32

impl ToSqlNull for bool

impl ToSqlNull for String

impl ToSqlNull for Vec<u8>

impl<'a> ToSqlNull for &'a str
