Trait oracle::FromSql [] [src]

pub trait FromSql {
    fn from_sql(val: &SqlValue) -> Result<Self>
        Self: Sized
; }

Conversion from Oracle values to rust values.

Values in Oracle are converted to Rust type as possible as it can. The following table indicates supported conversion.

Oracle Type Rust Type
character data types String
" i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, f64, f32 by using String.parse()
" Vec<u8> (The Oracle value must be in hexadecimal.)
" Timestamp by String.parse()
" IntervalDS by String.parse()
" IntervalYM by String.parse()
numeric data types i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, f64, f32
" String
raw Vec<u8>
" String (The Oracle value is converted to characters in hexadecimal.)
timestamp data types Timestamp
" String
interval day to month IntervalDS
" String
interval year to month IntervalYM
" String
Oracle object except Oracle collection Object
" String
Oracle collection Collection
" String
boolean (PL/SQL only) bool

When chrono feature is enabled, the followings are added.

Oracle Type Rust Type
timestamp data types chrono::DateTime
" chrono::Date
" chrono::naive::NaiveDateTime
" chrono::naive::NaiveDate
interval day to second chrono::Duration

This conversion is used also to get values from output parameters.

Required Methods

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl FromSql for i8

impl FromSql for i16

impl FromSql for i32

impl FromSql for i64

impl FromSql for isize

impl FromSql for u8

impl FromSql for u16

impl FromSql for u32

impl FromSql for u64

impl FromSql for usize

impl FromSql for f64

impl FromSql for f32

impl FromSql for bool

impl FromSql for String

impl FromSql for Vec<u8>

impl<T: FromSql> FromSql for Option<T>
