[][src]Struct openidconnect::registration::ClientRegistrationRequest

pub struct ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: AdditionalClientMetadata,
    AR: AdditionalClientRegistrationResponse,
    AT: ApplicationType,
    CA: ClientAuthMethod,
    ET: RegisterErrorResponseType,
    G: GrantType,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JK: JweKeyManagementAlgorithm,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    JU: JsonWebKeyUse,
    K: JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>,
    RT: ResponseType,
    S: SubjectIdentifierType
{ /* fields omitted */ }

Dynamic client registration request.


impl<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: AdditionalClientMetadata,
    AR: AdditionalClientRegistrationResponse,
    AT: ApplicationType,
    CA: ClientAuthMethod,
    ET: RegisterErrorResponseType,
    G: GrantType,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JK: JweKeyManagementAlgorithm,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    JU: JsonWebKeyUse,
    K: JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>,
    RT: ResponseType,
    S: SubjectIdentifierType

pub fn new(redirect_uris: Vec<RedirectUrl>, additional_metadata: AC) -> Self[src]

Instantiates a new dynamic client registration request.

pub fn register<HC, RE>(
    registration_endpoint: &RegistrationUrl,
    http_client: HC
) -> Result<ClientRegistrationResponse<AC, AR, AT, CA, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S>, ClientRegistrationError<ET, RE>> where
    HC: FnOnce(HttpRequest) -> Result<HttpResponse, RE>,
    RE: Fail

Submits this request to the specified registration endpoint using the specified synchronous HTTP client.

pub fn register_future<F, HC, RE>(
    registration_endpoint: &RegistrationUrl,
    http_client: HC
) -> impl Future<Item = ClientRegistrationResponse<AC, AR, AT, CA, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S>, Error = ClientRegistrationError<ET, RE>> where
    F: Future<Item = HttpResponse, Error = RE>,
    HC: FnOnce(HttpRequest) -> F,
    RE: Fail

Submits this request to the specified registration endpoint using the specified asynchronous HTTP client.

pub async fn register_async<'_, '_, F, HC, RE>(
    &'_ self,
    registration_endpoint: &'_ RegistrationUrl,
    http_client: HC
) -> Result<ClientRegistrationResponse<AC, AR, AT, CA, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S>, ClientRegistrationError<ET, RE>> where
    F: Future<Output = Result<HttpResponse, RE>>,
    HC: FnOnce(HttpRequest) -> F,
    RE: Fail

Submits this request to the specified registration endpoint using the specified asynchronous HTTP client.

pub fn client_metadata(
) -> &ClientMetadata<AC, AT, CA, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S>

Returns the client metadata associated with this registration request.

pub fn initial_access_token(&self) -> Option<&AccessToken>[src]

Returns the initial access token associated with this registration request.

pub fn set_initial_access_token(self, access_token: Option<AccessToken>) -> Self[src]

Sets the initial access token for this request.

pub fn redirect_uris(&self) -> &Vec<RedirectUrl>[src]

Returns the redirect_uris client metadata value.

pub fn set_redirect_uris(self, redirect_uris: Vec<RedirectUrl>) -> Self[src]

Sets the redirect_uris client metadata value.

pub fn response_types(&self) -> Option<&Vec<ResponseTypes<RT>>>[src]

Returns the response_types client metadata value.

pub fn set_response_types(
    response_types: Option<Vec<ResponseTypes<RT>>>
) -> Self

Sets the response_types client metadata value.

pub fn grant_types(&self) -> Option<&Vec<G>>[src]

Returns the grant_types client metadata value.

pub fn set_grant_types(self, grant_types: Option<Vec<G>>) -> Self[src]

Sets the grant_types client metadata value.

pub fn application_type(&self) -> Option<&AT>[src]

Returns the application_type client metadata value.

pub fn set_application_type(self, application_type: Option<AT>) -> Self[src]

Sets the application_type client metadata value.

pub fn contacts(&self) -> Option<&Vec<ClientContactEmail>>[src]

Returns the contacts client metadata value.

pub fn set_contacts(self, contacts: Option<Vec<ClientContactEmail>>) -> Self[src]

Sets the contacts client metadata value.

pub fn client_name(&self) -> Option<&LocalizedClaim<ClientName>>[src]

Returns the client_name client metadata value.

pub fn set_client_name(
    client_name: Option<LocalizedClaim<ClientName>>
) -> Self

Sets the client_name client metadata value.

pub fn logo_uri(&self) -> Option<&LocalizedClaim<LogoUrl>>[src]

Returns the logo_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_logo_uri(self, logo_uri: Option<LocalizedClaim<LogoUrl>>) -> Self[src]

Sets the logo_uri client metadata value.

pub fn client_uri(&self) -> Option<&LocalizedClaim<ClientUrl>>[src]

Returns the client_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_client_uri(
    client_uri: Option<LocalizedClaim<ClientUrl>>
) -> Self

Sets the client_uri client metadata value.

pub fn policy_uri(&self) -> Option<&LocalizedClaim<PolicyUrl>>[src]

Returns the policy_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_policy_uri(
    policy_uri: Option<LocalizedClaim<PolicyUrl>>
) -> Self

Sets the policy_uri client metadata value.

pub fn tos_uri(&self) -> Option<&LocalizedClaim<ToSUrl>>[src]

Returns the tos_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_tos_uri(self, tos_uri: Option<LocalizedClaim<ToSUrl>>) -> Self[src]

Sets the tos_uri client metadata value.

pub fn jwks_uri(&self) -> Option<&JsonWebKeySetUrl>[src]

Returns the jwks_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_jwks_uri(self, jwks_uri: Option<JsonWebKeySetUrl>) -> Self[src]

Sets the jwks_uri client metadata value.

pub fn jwks(&self) -> Option<&JsonWebKeySet<JS, JT, JU, K>>[src]

Returns the jwks client metadata value.

pub fn set_jwks(self, jwks: Option<JsonWebKeySet<JS, JT, JU, K>>) -> Self[src]

Sets the jwks client metadata value.

pub fn sector_identifier_uri(&self) -> Option<&SectorIdentifierUrl>[src]

Returns the sector_identifier_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_sector_identifier_uri(
    sector_identifier_uri: Option<SectorIdentifierUrl>
) -> Self

Sets the sector_identifier_uri client metadata value.

pub fn subject_type(&self) -> Option<&S>[src]

Returns the subject_type client metadata value.

pub fn set_subject_type(self, subject_type: Option<S>) -> Self[src]

Sets the subject_type client metadata value.

pub fn id_token_signed_response_alg(&self) -> Option<&JS>[src]

Returns the id_token_signed_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_id_token_signed_response_alg(
    id_token_signed_response_alg: Option<JS>
) -> Self

Sets the id_token_signed_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn id_token_encrypted_response_alg(&self) -> Option<&JK>[src]

Returns the id_token_encrypted_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_id_token_encrypted_response_alg(
    id_token_encrypted_response_alg: Option<JK>
) -> Self

Sets the id_token_encrypted_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn id_token_encrypted_response_enc(&self) -> Option<&JE>[src]

Returns the id_token_encrypted_response_enc client metadata value.

pub fn set_id_token_encrypted_response_enc(
    id_token_encrypted_response_enc: Option<JE>
) -> Self

Sets the id_token_encrypted_response_enc client metadata value.

pub fn userinfo_signed_response_alg(&self) -> Option<&JS>[src]

Returns the userinfo_signed_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_userinfo_signed_response_alg(
    userinfo_signed_response_alg: Option<JS>
) -> Self

Sets the userinfo_signed_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn userinfo_encrypted_response_alg(&self) -> Option<&JK>[src]

Returns the userinfo_encrypted_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_userinfo_encrypted_response_alg(
    userinfo_encrypted_response_alg: Option<JK>
) -> Self

Sets the userinfo_encrypted_response_alg client metadata value.

pub fn userinfo_encrypted_response_enc(&self) -> Option<&JE>[src]

Returns the userinfo_encrypted_response_enc client metadata value.

pub fn set_userinfo_encrypted_response_enc(
    userinfo_encrypted_response_enc: Option<JE>
) -> Self

Sets the userinfo_encrypted_response_enc client metadata value.

pub fn request_object_signing_alg(&self) -> Option<&JS>[src]

Returns the request_object_signing_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_request_object_signing_alg(
    request_object_signing_alg: Option<JS>
) -> Self

Sets the request_object_signing_alg client metadata value.

pub fn request_object_encryption_alg(&self) -> Option<&JK>[src]

Returns the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_request_object_encryption_alg(
    request_object_encryption_alg: Option<JK>
) -> Self

Sets the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata value.

pub fn request_object_encryption_enc(&self) -> Option<&JE>[src]

Returns the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata value.

pub fn set_request_object_encryption_enc(
    request_object_encryption_enc: Option<JE>
) -> Self

Sets the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata value.

pub fn token_endpoint_auth_method(&self) -> Option<&CA>[src]

Returns the token_endpoint_auth_method client metadata value.

pub fn set_token_endpoint_auth_method(
    token_endpoint_auth_method: Option<CA>
) -> Self

Sets the token_endpoint_auth_method client metadata value.

pub fn token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg(&self) -> Option<&JS>[src]

Returns the token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg client metadata value.

pub fn set_token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg(
    token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: Option<JS>
) -> Self

Sets the token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg client metadata value.

pub fn default_max_age(&self) -> Option<&Duration>[src]

Returns the default_max_age client metadata value.

pub fn set_default_max_age(self, default_max_age: Option<Duration>) -> Self[src]

Sets the default_max_age client metadata value.

pub fn require_auth_time(&self) -> Option<bool>[src]

Returns the require_auth_time client metadata value.

pub fn set_require_auth_time(self, require_auth_time: Option<bool>) -> Self[src]

Sets the require_auth_time client metadata value.

pub fn default_acr_values(&self) -> Option<&Vec<AuthenticationContextClass>>[src]

Returns the default_acr_values client metadata value.

pub fn set_default_acr_values(
    default_acr_values: Option<Vec<AuthenticationContextClass>>
) -> Self

Sets the default_acr_values client metadata value.

pub fn initiate_login_uri(&self) -> Option<&InitiateLoginUrl>[src]

Returns the initiate_login_uri client metadata value.

pub fn set_initiate_login_uri(
    initiate_login_uri: Option<InitiateLoginUrl>
) -> Self

Sets the initiate_login_uri client metadata value.

pub fn request_uris(&self) -> Option<&Vec<RequestUrl>>[src]

Returns the request_uris client metadata value.

pub fn set_request_uris(self, request_uris: Option<Vec<RequestUrl>>) -> Self[src]

Sets the request_uris client metadata value.

pub fn additional_metadata(&self) -> &AC[src]

Returns additional client metadata fields.

pub fn additional_metadata_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AC[src]

Returns mutable additional client metadata fields.

Trait Implementations

impl<AC: Clone, AR: Clone, AT: Clone, CA: Clone, ET: Clone, G: Clone, JE: Clone, JK: Clone, JS: Clone, JT: Clone, JU: Clone, K: Clone, RT: Clone, S: Clone> Clone for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: AdditionalClientMetadata,
    AR: AdditionalClientRegistrationResponse,
    AT: ApplicationType,
    CA: ClientAuthMethod,
    ET: RegisterErrorResponseType,
    G: GrantType,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JK: JweKeyManagementAlgorithm,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    JU: JsonWebKeyUse,
    K: JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>,
    RT: ResponseType,
    S: SubjectIdentifierType

impl<AC: Debug, AR: Debug, AT: Debug, CA: Debug, ET: Debug, G: Debug, JE: Debug, JK: Debug, JS: Debug, JT: Debug, JU: Debug, K: Debug, RT: Debug, S: Debug> Debug for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: AdditionalClientMetadata,
    AR: AdditionalClientRegistrationResponse,
    AT: ApplicationType,
    CA: ClientAuthMethod,
    ET: RegisterErrorResponseType,
    G: GrantType,
    JE: JweContentEncryptionAlgorithm<JT>,
    JK: JweKeyManagementAlgorithm,
    JS: JwsSigningAlgorithm<JT>,
    JT: JsonWebKeyType,
    JU: JsonWebKeyUse,
    K: JsonWebKey<JS, JT, JU>,
    RT: ResponseType,
    S: SubjectIdentifierType

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> RefUnwindSafe for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: RefUnwindSafe,
    AR: RefUnwindSafe,
    AT: RefUnwindSafe,
    CA: RefUnwindSafe,
    ET: RefUnwindSafe,
    G: RefUnwindSafe,
    JE: RefUnwindSafe,
    JK: RefUnwindSafe,
    JS: RefUnwindSafe,
    JT: RefUnwindSafe,
    JU: RefUnwindSafe,
    K: RefUnwindSafe,
    RT: RefUnwindSafe,
    S: RefUnwindSafe

impl<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> Send for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: Send,
    AR: Send,
    AT: Send,
    CA: Send,
    G: Send,
    JE: Send,
    JK: Send,
    JS: Send,
    JT: Send,
    JU: Send,
    K: Send,
    RT: Send,
    S: Send

impl<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> Sync for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: Sync,
    AR: Sync,
    AT: Sync,
    CA: Sync,
    G: Sync,
    JE: Sync,
    JK: Sync,
    JS: Sync,
    JT: Sync,
    JU: Sync,
    K: Sync,
    RT: Sync,
    S: Sync

impl<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> Unpin for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: Unpin,
    AR: Unpin,
    AT: Unpin,
    CA: Unpin,
    ET: Unpin,
    G: Unpin,
    JE: Unpin,
    JK: Unpin,
    JS: Unpin,
    JT: Unpin,
    JU: Unpin,
    K: Unpin,
    RT: Unpin,
    S: Unpin

impl<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> UnwindSafe for ClientRegistrationRequest<AC, AR, AT, CA, ET, G, JE, JK, JS, JT, JU, K, RT, S> where
    AC: UnwindSafe,
    AR: UnwindSafe,
    AT: UnwindSafe,
    CA: UnwindSafe,
    ET: UnwindSafe,
    G: UnwindSafe,
    JE: UnwindSafe,
    JK: UnwindSafe,
    JS: UnwindSafe,
    JT: UnwindSafe,
    JU: UnwindSafe,
    K: UnwindSafe,
    RT: UnwindSafe,
    S: UnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Err = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Err