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§Bindings to the AuthenticationServices
See Apple’s docs and the general docs on framework crates for more information.
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Controller ASAccountAuthenticationModificationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Extension Context ASAccountAuthenticationModificationExtensionContext
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Replace Password With Sign InWith Apple Request ASAccountAuthenticationModificationReplacePasswordWithSignInWithAppleRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Request ASAccountAuthenticationModificationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Upgrade Password ToStrong Password Request ASAccountAuthenticationModificationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification View Controller ASAccountAuthenticationModificationViewController
- ASAuthorization
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Button ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Button Style ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Button Type ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Credential ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Provider ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Provider Credential State ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider
- Authorization state of an Apple ID credential.
- ASAuthorization
AppleID Request ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Controller ASAuthorizationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Controller Request Options ASAuthorizationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Error ASAuthorizationError
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
OpenID Request ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Password Provider ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Password Request ASAuthorizationPasswordRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Assertion ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertion
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Assertion Request ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Descriptor ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Provider ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Registration ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Registration Request ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Platform Public KeyCredential Registration Request Style ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Authentication Method ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionRegistrationHandler
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Authorization Request ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Authorization Result ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationResult
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Federation Type ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Kerberos Mapping ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension KeyType ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginManager
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Login Configuration ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Login Manager ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginManager
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension PlatformSSO Protocol Version ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionRegistrationHandler
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Registration Result ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionRegistrationHandler
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Request Options ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionRegistrationHandler
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Supported Grant Types ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionRegistrationHandler
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension User Login Configuration ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionUserLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension User Secure Enclave KeyBiometric Policy ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Attachment ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Large Blob Assertion Input ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialLargeBlobAssertionInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Large Blob Assertion Operation ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialLargeBlobAssertionInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Large Blob Assertion Output ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialLargeBlobAssertionOutput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Large Blob Registration Input ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialLargeBlobRegistrationInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Large Blob Registration Output ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialLargeBlobRegistrationOutput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Large Blob Support Requirement ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialLargeBlobRegistrationInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredentialPRF Assertion Input ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialPRFAssertionInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredentialPRF Assertion Input Values ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialPRFAssertionInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredentialPRF Assertion Output ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialPRFAssertionOutput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredentialPRF Registration Input ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialPRFRegistrationInput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredentialPRF Registration Output ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialPRFRegistrationOutput
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Parameters ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialParameters
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Request ASAuthorizationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Assertion ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialAssertion
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Assertion Request ASAuthorizationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Descriptor ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- An object to describe a credential on a security key.
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Provider ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Registration ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialRegistration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Registration Request ASAuthorizationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Single Sign OnCredential ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Single Sign OnProvider ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Single Sign OnRequest ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Platform Public KeyCredential ASAuthorizationWebBrowserPlatformPublicKeyCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Public KeyCredential Manager ASAuthorizationWebBrowserPublicKeyCredentialManager
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Public KeyCredential Manager Authorization State ASAuthorizationWebBrowserPublicKeyCredentialManager
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Identity Store ASCredentialIdentityStore
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Identity Store Error Code ASCredentialIdentityStore
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Identity Store State ASCredentialIdentityStoreState
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Identity Types ASCredentialIdentityStore
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Provider Extension Context ASCredentialProviderExtensionContext
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Provider View Controller ASCredentialProviderViewController
- ASCredential
Request Type ASCredentialRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Service Identifier ASCredentialServiceIdentifier
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Service Identifier Type ASCredentialServiceIdentifier
- The type of value represented by the service identifier.
- ASExtension
Error Code ASExtensionErrors
- Apple’s documentation
- ASOne
Time Code Credential ASOneTimeCodeCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASOne
Time Code Credential Identity ASOneTimeCodeCredentialIdentity
- An ASOneTimeCodeCredentialIdentity is used to describe an identity that can use a service upon successful one time code based authentication. Use this class to save entries into ASCredentialIdentityStore.
- ASOne
Time Code Credential Request ASOneTimeCodeCredentialRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASPasskey
Assertion Credential ASPasskeyAssertionCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASPasskey
Assertion Credential Extension Input ASPasskeyAssertionCredentialExtensionInput
- This class encapsulates input for various WebAuthn extensions during passkey assertion.
- ASPasskey
Assertion Credential Extension Output ASPasskeyAssertionCredentialExtensionOutput
- This class encapsulates output for various WebAuthn extensions used during passkey assertion.
- ASPasskey
Credential Identity ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity
- An ASPasswordCredentialIdentity is used to describe an identity that can use a service upon successful passkey based authentication. Use this class to save entries into ASCredentialIdentityStore.
- ASPasskey
Credential Request ASPasskeyCredentialRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASPasskey
Credential Request Parameters ASPasskeyCredentialRequestParameters
- A class that holds various parameters related to a passkey credential request. This class is provided by the system to the credential provider extension when there is an active passkey request as part of -[ASCredentialProviderViewController prepareCredentialListForServiceIdentifiers:requestParameters:] and should be used to construct a passkey credential response using the item selected by the user from the extension’s UI.
- ASPasskey
Registration Credential ASPasskeyRegistrationCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASPasskey
Registration Credential Extension Input ASPasskeyRegistrationCredentialExtensionInput
- This class encapsulates input for various WebAuthn extensions during passkey registration.
- ASPasskey
Registration Credential Extension Output ASPasskeyRegistrationCredentialExtensionOutput
- This class encapsulates output for various WebAuthn extensions used during passkey registration.
- ASPassword
Credential ASPasswordCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASPassword
Credential Identity ASPasswordCredentialIdentity
- An ASPasswordCredentialIdentity is used to describe an identity that can use a service upon successful password based authentication. Use this class to save entries into ASCredentialIdentityStore.
- ASPassword
Credential Request ASPasswordCredentialRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASPublic
KeyCredential Client Data ASPublicKeyCredentialClientData
- This object represents the client data for a public key credential request, as defined in the WebAuthentication standard.
- ASPublic
KeyCredential Client Data Cross Origin Value ASPublicKeyCredentialClientData
- Apple’s documentation
- ASSettings
Helper ASSettingsHelper
- A helper class to provide static utility methods for quick access to settings related to credential providers.
- ASUser
AgeRange ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASUser
Detection Status ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASWeb
Authentication Session ASWebAuthenticationSession
- An ASWebAuthenticationSession object can be used to authenticate a user with a web service, even if the web service is run by a third party. ASWebAuthenticationSession puts the user in control of whether they want to use their existing logged-in session from Safari. The app provides a URL that points to the authentication webpage. The page will be loaded in a secure view controller. From the webpage, the user can authenticate herself and grant access to the app. On completion, the service will send a callback URL with an authentication token, and this URL will be passed to the app by ASWebAuthenticationSessionCompletionHandler.
- ASWeb
Authentication Session Callback ASWebAuthenticationSessionCallback
- An object used to evaluate navigation events in an authentication session. When the session navigates to a matching URL, it will pass the URL to the session completion handler.
- ASWeb
Authentication Session Error Code ASWebAuthenticationSession
- Error code of the NSError object passed in by ASWebAuthenticationSessionCompletionHandler.
- ASWeb
Authentication Session Request ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASWeb
Authentication Session WebBrowser Session Manager ASWebAuthenticationSessionWebBrowserSessionManager
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AppleID ⚠Provider Credential Revoked Notification ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Custom ⚠Method Other ASAuthorizationCustomMethod
- An authorization method that uses some other sign-in mechanism.
- ASAuthorization
Custom ⚠Method Restore Purchase ASAuthorizationCustomMethod
- An authorization method that restores an in-app purchase to sign in.
- ASAuthorization
Custom ⚠Method Video Subscriber Account ASAuthorizationCustomMethod
- An authorization method that uses the VideoSubscriberAccount framework to sign in.
- ASAuthorization
Error ⚠Domain ASAuthorizationError
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Operation ⚠Implicit ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Operation ⚠Login ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Operation ⚠Logout ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Operation ⚠Refresh ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Authorization Operation Configuration Removed ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest
- Operation which is invoked when the extension configuration is removed from the system.
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Authorization Operation Direct Request ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest
- Operation which is invoked when a request is sent direct to the extension instead of loaded in an ASWebAuthenticationSession.
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Encryption AlgorithmECDHE_ A256GCM ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- A encryption algorithm that uses NIST P-256 elliptic curve key agreement, ConcatKDF key derivation with a 256-bit digest, and the Advanced Encryption Standard cipher in Galois/Counter Mode with a key length of 256 bits.
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Encryption AlgorithmHPKE_ Curve25519_ SHA256_ Chacha Poly ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- A cipher suite for HPKE that uses X25519 elliptic curve key agreement, SHA-2 key derivation with a 256-bit digest, and the ChaCha20 stream cipher with the Poly1305 message authentication code.
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Encryption AlgorithmHPKE_ P256_ SHA256_ AES_ GCM_ 256 ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- A cipher suite for HPKE that uses NIST P-256 elliptic curve key agreement, SHA-2 key derivation with a 256-bit digest, and the Advanced Encryption Standard cipher in Galois/Counter Mode with a key length of 256 bits.
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Encryption AlgorithmHPKE_ P384_ SHA384_ AES_ GCM_ 256 ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- A cipher suite that you use for HPKE using NIST P-384 elliptic curve key agreement, SHA-2 key derivation with a 384-bit digest, and the Advanced Encryption Standard cipher in Galois/Counter Mode with a key length of 256 bits.
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Signing AlgorithmE S256 ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Signing AlgorithmE S384 ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider ⚠Extension Signing Algorithm Ed25519 ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Attestation Kind Direct ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should perform attestation itself.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Attestation Kind Enterprise ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should perform an attestation which may include information that uniquely identifies that authenticator. Authenticators should only allow enterprise attestation if they have been previously enrolled in enterprise management, and should restrict it to managed Relying Parties.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Attestation Kind Indirect ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator may use an external service to perform attestation.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Attestation Kind None ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should not perform attestation.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Resident KeyPreference Discouraged ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should not store the private key, if possible.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Resident KeyPreference Preferred ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should store the private key, if possible.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential Resident KeyPreference Required ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator must store the private key, and that key creation should fail if the authenticator is not currently capable of storing the key.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential User Verification Preference Discouraged ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should prefer not verifying the user, if possible. This may be used to streamline an authentication process where the user has already been verified.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential User Verification Preference Preferred ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator should try to verify the user if possible, but authentication should proceed even if user verification is not currently available.
- ASAuthorization
Public ⚠KeyCredential User Verification Preference Required ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- Indicates that the authenticator must attempt to verify the user. If the authenticator is not currently capable of verifying the user, authentication will fail.
- ASAuthorization
Scope ⚠Email ASAuthorization
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Scope ⚠Full Name ASAuthorization
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security ⚠KeyPublic KeyCredential Descriptor Transport Bluetooth ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- Indicates using Bluetooth, including BLE, to communicate with an authenticator.
- ASAuthorization
Security ⚠KeyPublic KeyCredential Descriptor TransportNFC ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- Indiciates using NFC to communicate with an authenticator.
- ASAuthorization
Security ⚠KeyPublic KeyCredential Descriptor TransportUSB ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- Indicates using USB or Lightning to communicate with an authenticator.
Algorithm IdentifierE S256 ASCOSEConstants
- The COSE algorithm identifier representing ECDSA with SHA-256.
Elliptic Curve Identifier P256 ASCOSEConstants
- The COSE curve identifier representing the P-256 elliptic curve.
- ASCredential
Identity ⚠Store Error Domain ASCredentialIdentityStore
- Apple’s documentation
- ASExtension
Error ⚠Domain ASExtensionErrors
- Apple’s documentation
- ASExtension
Localized ⚠Failure Reason Error Key ASExtensionErrors
- A key that specifies an error string to be shown to the user when an extension request fails.
- ASWeb
Authentication ⚠Session Error Domain ASWebAuthenticationSession
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Controller Delegate ASAccountAuthenticationModificationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAccount
Authentication Modification Controller Presentation Context Providing ASAccountAuthenticationModificationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Controller Delegate ASAuthorizationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Controller Presentation Context Providing ASAuthorizationController
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Credential ASAuthorizationCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider ASAuthorizationProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Authorization Request Handler ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Registration Handler ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionRegistrationHandler
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Assertion ASAuthorizationCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Assertion Request ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Descriptor ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Registration ASAuthorizationCredential
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Registration Request ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Externally Authenticatable Request ASAuthorizationWebBrowserExternallyAuthenticatableRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Platform Public KeyCredential Assertion Request ASAuthorizationWebBrowserPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Platform Public KeyCredential Provider ASAuthorizationWebBrowserPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Platform Public KeyCredential Registration Request ASAuthorizationWebBrowserPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Assertion Request ASAuthorizationWebBrowserSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialAssertionRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Provider ASAuthorizationWebBrowserSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialProvider
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
WebBrowser Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Registration Request ASAuthorizationWebBrowserSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASCredential
Identity ASCredentialIdentity
- An ASCredentialIdentity is used to describe an identity that can use a service upon successful authentication. Use this class to save entries into ASCredentialIdentityStore.
- ASCredential
Request ASCredentialRequest
- ASCredentialRequest is used by Credential Provider Extensions to identify a credential to use for an authorization request. For passkey requests it also carries the assertion challenge to be used by the extension to create the assertion response.
- ASPublic
KeyCredential ASAuthorizationCredential
- The base protocol for all PublicKeyCredential credential types.
- ASWeb
Authentication Presentation Context Providing ASWebAuthenticationSession
- Provides context to target where in an application’s UI the authorization view should be shown.
- ASWeb
Authentication Session Request Delegate ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASWeb
Authentication Session WebBrowser Session Handling ASWebAuthenticationSessionWebBrowserSessionHandling
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
AllSupported ⚠Public KeyCredential Descriptor Transports ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- Returns a list of all transports the device currently supports for communicating with an authenticator.
Type Aliases§
- ASAuthorization
Custom Method ASAuthorizationCustomMethod
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
OpenID Operation ASAuthorizationOpenIDRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Authorization Operation ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Encryption Algorithm ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Provider Extension Signing Algorithm ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Attestation Kind ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- A string indicating the type of attestation the authenticator should attempt to perform.
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential Resident KeyPreference ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- A string used to indicate a preference for whether the authenticator should itself store the private key for a credential.
- ASAuthorization
Public KeyCredential User Verification Preference ASAuthorizationPublicKeyCredentialConstants
- A string indicating a preference for whether the authenticator should attempt to verify the user, such as through a PIN or biometrics.
- ASAuthorization
Scope ASAuthorization
- Apple’s documentation
- ASAuthorization
Security KeyPublic KeyCredential Descriptor Transport ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialDescriptor
- A string indicating a transport for communicating with an authenticator.
Algorithm Identifier ASCOSEConstants
- Apple’s documentation
Elliptic Curve Identifier ASCOSEConstants
- Apple’s documentation
- ASImage
- ASPresentation
Anchor - ASView
Controller - ASWeb
Authentication Session Completion Handler ASWebAuthenticationSession
- Apple’s documentation