Crate nuit

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A declarative, cross-platform UI framework that uses native controls.

The API takes inspiration from contemporary reactive frameworks like SwiftUI, Xilem and React. A central design goal is to avoid using too much macro magic and instead heavily leverage associated types, traits and generics.

A simple hello world program in Nuit takes only a single line:

use nuit::Text;
nuit::run_app(Text::new("Hello world!"));



  • A geometric angle.
  • A pair of a getter and a setter, encapsulating a reference to some value.
  • A widget that performs an action when pressed/tapped.
  • A C/FFI-compatible wrapper around Root<T>.
  • A capsule shape.
  • A circular shape.
  • An RGBA color.
  • A configuration encapsulating an app with its preferred backend.
  • A convenience for building a Config.
  • A context used during rendering that tracks the path to the current view and holds a reference to internal storage.
  • The difference between two values.
  • An event emitted during a drag gesture.
  • A gesture recognizing a drag.
  • An elliptic shape.
  • A shape that fills its content using a given style.
  • A group of views that is dynamically computed from a given collection.
  • A view recognizing a gesture.
  • A view that lays out its children horizontally.
  • A view that handles events using a provided closure.
  • A borrowed path of ids.
  • An owned path of ids.
  • A value with an id.
  • A conditional view that can take on one of at most two branches, depending on a boolean condition.
  • Insets along each edge of a rectangle.
  • A view that arranges its children in a stylized list.
  • A view that applies a modifier.
  • A view that lays out its children on top of each other.
  • A view that lets the user choose a value.
  • A rectangular shape.
  • The central state of a Nuit application.
  • A rectangular shape with rounded corners.
  • A circular sector shape.
  • A wrapper around a value managed by nuit.
  • A key that uniquely identifies a value in a storage.
  • A facility that manages view state internally.
  • A shape that strokes its outline using a given style.
  • A gesture recognizing a tap.
  • A text label.
  • A user-modifiable text field.
  • A point in normalized 2D space ([0, 1] x [0, 1])
  • A view that lays out its children vertically.
  • A 2D vector (or position).
  • A view that lays out its children on top of each other.




  • A trait for approximate equality.
  • Binds a storage to the view’s state.
  • A type that can be diffed in terms of id paths.
  • A composable gesture.
  • An identifiable value.
  • An extension trait for conveniently creating Identified values.
  • A composable shape component.
  • An extension trait with various convenience methods for shapes.
  • The primary view trait. Represents a lightweight UI component.
  • An extension trait with various convenience methods for views.
  • A type that has a zero value.


Derive Macros§