nuit 0.0.4

Declarative, cross-platform UI library for Rust that uses native controls



A declarative, cross-platform UI library for Rust that uses native controls.

Nuit's API takes inspiration from SwiftUI, Xilem, React and a number of other frameworks, while itself using SwiftUI under the hood on macOS.

[!NOTE] Nuit currently requires a nightly Rust toolchain as it uses a number of cutting edge/unstable compiler features, including

With rustup this can be configured conveniently on a per-directory basis rustup override set nightly or, as in this repository, automatically with a rust-toolchain.toml.


use nuit::{Text, VStack, View, Bind, Button, State};

struct CounterView {
    count: State<i32>,

impl CounterView {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self { count: State::new(0) }

impl View for CounterView {
    type Body = impl View;

    fn body(&self) -> Self::Body {
        let count = self.count.clone();
            Text::new(format!("Count: {}", count.get())),
            Button::new(Text::new("Increment"), move || {
                count.set(count.get() + 1);

fn main() {

Running this example, e.g. with cargo run --example counter, launches: