Expand description

Inter-IC Sound


Register block Unspecified

Enable I2S module.

The RXD.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers. When the I2S module is started and RX is enabled, this event will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words that are received on the SDIN pin.

I2S transfer stopped.

The TDX.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers. When the I2S module is started and TX is enabled, this event will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words that are sent on the SDOUT pin.

Enable or disable interrupt

Disable interrupt

Enable interrupt

Register block Unspecified

Register block Unspecified

Register block Unspecified

Starts continuous I2S transfer. Also starts MCK generator when this is enabled.

Stops I2S transfer. Also stops MCK generator. Triggering this task will cause the {event:STOPPED} event to be generated.

Register block Unspecified


Register block

Register block

Register block

Register block

Register block

Register block

Type Definitions

ENABLE register accessor: an alias for Reg<ENABLE_SPEC>

EVENTS_RXPTRUPD register accessor: an alias for Reg<EVENTS_RXPTRUPD_SPEC>

EVENTS_STOPPED register accessor: an alias for Reg<EVENTS_STOPPED_SPEC>

EVENTS_TXPTRUPD register accessor: an alias for Reg<EVENTS_TXPTRUPD_SPEC>

INTEN register accessor: an alias for Reg<INTEN_SPEC>

INTENCLR register accessor: an alias for Reg<INTENCLR_SPEC>

INTENSET register accessor: an alias for Reg<INTENSET_SPEC>

TASKS_START register accessor: an alias for Reg<TASKS_START_SPEC>

TASKS_STOP register accessor: an alias for Reg<TASKS_STOP_SPEC>